Resources (A-Z)
Complete list of computational resources from Raghava's Group
- Ab-Affi: Computer program for calculating affinity of a monoclonal antibody using non-competitive ELISA.
- ABCpred: Mapping of B-cell epitope(s) in an antigen sequence, using artificial neural network.
- ABCRpred: Prediction of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria from their beta-lactamases protein
- ABMPred: Prediction of AntiBacterial Compounds against MurA Enzyme.
- ADPint: Predicion of ADP interacting residue.
- AHTpin: Designing and virtual screening of antihypertensive peptides.
- ALGpred: Prediction of allergenic proteins and mapping of IgE epitopes in antigens.
- AlgPred 2.0: An improved method for predicting allergenic proteins and mapping of IgE epitopes
- ALPHApred: A neural network based method for predicting alpha-turn in a protein.
- AntiAngiopred: A Server for Prediction of Anti-Angiogenic Peptides.
- AntiBP: Mapping of antibacterial peptides in a protein sequence.
- AntiBP2: Mapping of antibacterial peptides in a protein sequence.
- AntiCP: Prediction and design of anticancer peptides.
- AntiCP 2.0: An updated model for predicting anticancer peptides.
- AntiFP: A Prediction server for Antifungal Peptide.
- Antifp: Prediction of Antifungal Peptides
- AntigenDB: An immunoinformatics database of pathogen antigens.
- AntiMPmod: Predicts the antimicrobial property of the chemically modified peptide.
- AntiTbPdb: A database of anti-tubercular peptides.
- AntiTbPdb: knowledgebase of anti-tubercular peptides.
- AntiTbPred: Prediction of antitubercular peptides.
- ApoCanD: Database of Human Apoptotic Proteins in the context of cancer.
- APSSP: Advanced Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Server.
- APSSP2: Prediction of secondary structure of proteins from their amino acid sequence.
- Ar_NHpred: Identification of aromatic-backbone NH interaction in protein residues.
- ATPint: Identification of ATP binding sites in ATP-binding proteins.
- B3Pdb: Archive of blood-brain barrier-penetrating peptides
- B3Pred: Prediction of Blood-Brain Barrier penetrating peptides
- BCEpred: Prediction of linear B-cell epitopes, using Physico-chemical properties.
- BCIpep: Collection & compilation of B-cell epitopes from literature.
- BetaTPred: Statistical-based method for predicting Beta Turns in a protein.
- BetaTPred2: Statistical-based method for predicting Beta Turns in a protein.
- BetaTPred3: Prediction of beta turns and their types.
- BetaTurns: Prediction of beta turn types.
- BhairPred: Prediction of beta hairpins in proteins using ANN and SVM techniques.
- BIAdb: A Database for Benzylisoquinoline Alkaloids.
- BioTherapi: Bioinformatics for Therapeutic Peptides and Proteins.
- BTEVAL: Evaluation of beta-turns prediction methods.
- BTXpred: A server for predicting bacterial toxins.
- CancerCSP: Gene expression-based biomarkers for discriminating early and late stage of clear cell renal cancer.
- CancerCSP: To predict stage of ccRCC using gene expression data derived from RNAseq experiments.
- CancerDP: Prioritization of anticancer drugs against a cancer using genomic features of cancer cells.
- CancerDR: Cancer drug resistance database.
- CancerEnD: A database of cancer associated enhancers
- CanceRES: Cancer Informatics Portal.
- CancerIN: A web server for predicting anticancer activity of molecules.
- CancerLivER: A database of liver cancer gene expression resources and biomarkers.
- CancerLSP: Web-bench Liver cancer stage prediction Server.
- CancerPDF: Database of cancer-associated peptides of human bodyfluids.
- CancerPDF: Repository of cancer-associated peptidome found in human biofluids
- CancerPPD: Database of anticancer peptides and proteins.
- CancerPred: Prediction of the cancerlectins.
- CancerSPP: Web server to predict the progression of skin cancer.
- Cancertope: A Platform for Designing Genome-Based Personalized Immunotherapy or Vaccine against Cancer.
- CancerUBM: Web bench for analysis of proteomics data and prediction of cancer status of a urine samples.
- CBTOPE: Conformational B-cell Epitope prediction.
- CCDB: Database of genes involved in Cervix Cancer.
- ccPDB: Compilation and Creation of datasets from PDB.
- ccPDB 2.0: An updated version of datasets created and compiled from Protein Data Bank.
- CellPPD: Computer-aided Designing of efficient cell penetrating peptides.
- CellPPDMod: Predicting the cell-penetrating property of modified peptides.
- ChAlPred: Webserver for predicting chemical allergens
- ChemoPred: A server to predict chemokines and their receptor
- CHpredicts: Prediction of CH-O, CH-PI interactions in backbone residues of a protein
- Cmcrpred: Risk prediction in cutaneous melanoma (CM) patients using clinical features
- COPid: Composition based identification and classification of proteins.
- CoronaVIR: Developed to maintain the predicted and existing information on SARS-CoV-2.
- CPPsite: A web page for cell penetrating peptides.
- CPPsite 2.0: A database of experimentally validated cell penetrating Peptides.
- CRCRpred: Used to distinguish high risk CRC patients from low risk CRC patients given the protein concentration of one or more apoptotic proteins.
- CRDD: Computational resources for drug discovery.
- CRIP: Computational Resources for molecular Interaction Prediction
- CTLPred: A direct method for prediction of CTL epitopes.
- CyclinPred: CyclinPred is a SVM based prediction method to identify novel cyclins.
- CytoPred: It is a webserver for prediction and classification of cytokines.
- DADpred: Prediction of drugs against aspartate semialdehyde dehydrogenase of DAP pathway.
- DAMpro: Disease Associated Mutations in Proteins.
- dbEM: A Database of Epigenetic Modifiers
- DenvInD: dengue virus inhibitors database for clinical and molecular research
- desiRam: Designing of highly efficient siRNA with minimum mutation approach
- DiPCell: Designing of inhibitors against pancreatic cancer cell lines.
- DNAbinder: A webserver for predicting DNA-binding proteins.
- DNAint: Prediction of DNA Interacting Residues.
- DNAOPT: Computer program for optimizing the conditions of gel electrophoresis and SDS-PAGE.
- DNASIZE: Computer program for computing the size of DNA fragments from gel data using a graphical method.
- DPROT: SVM-based method for predicting of disordered proteins.
- DrugMint: A web server for identification of drug like molecules.
- EbolaVCR: A web-based resource for designing therapeutics against Ebola Virus.
- ECDB: Endometrial cancer gene database.
- ECGPred: Analsis of expresion data and correlation between gene expression and nucleotides composition of genes.
- EGFRindb: A database of EGF(Epidermal Growth Factor) receptors (anticaner database).
- EGFRpred: A web service for the predicting and designing of inhibitors against EGFR (anticancer drugs).
- EGPred: Prediction of gene (protein coding regions) in eukaryote genomes that includes introns/exons.
- ELISAeq: Computer program for determining the concentration of antibody/antigen from ELISA data.
- ESLpred: Subcellular localization of the eukaryotic proteins using dipeptide compostion and PSI-BLAST.
- ESLpred2: Advanced method for subcellular localization of eukaryotic proteins.
- FADpred : A webserver for the prediction of FAD interacting residues.
- FermFooDb: Database of bioactive peptides derived from fermented foods
- fisipred: Phi-Psi angle prediction using average angle prediction technique.
- FTG: Locating probable protein coding region in nucleotide sequence using FFT based algorithm.
- GammaPred: Identification of gamma-turn containing residues in a given protein sequence.
- GDoQ: Prediction of GLMU inhibitors (anti-tubeculosis inhibitors) using QSAR and docking apprach.
- GDPbio: Genome based prediction of Diseases and Personal Medicine
- GlycoEP: Prediction of C-, N- and O-glycosylation site in eukaryotic proteins.
- GlycoPP: Prediction of potential N-and O-glycosites in prokaryotic proteins.
- GMAP: Computer program for mapping potential restriction endonuclease sites in non-ambiguous DNA.
- GMPEsi: Generalized Model for Predicting Efficacy of siRNAs.
- GPCRpred: Prediction of families and superfamilies of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR).
- GPCRsclass: This webserver predicts amine type of G-protein coupled receptors
- GPSR: A resource for genomocs, proteomics and system biology
- GSTpred: SVM-based method for predicting Glutathione S-transferase protein.
- GTPbinder: Identification of GTP binding residue in protein sequences.
- HaptenDB: A database of haptens, provide comprehensive information about the hapten molecule.
- HCCpred: A webserver to predict Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
- HemolytiK: A repository of experimentally validated hemolytic and non-hemolytic peptides.
- HemoPI: Prediction and virtual screening of hemolytic peptides.
- HemoPImod: A Method for Predicting Hemolytic Potency of Chemically Modified Peptides From Its Structure.
- HerceptinR: Information about assays performend to test sensitivity/resistance of Herceptin Antibodies.
- HIVbio: HIV related bioinformatics resources.
- HIVcoPRED: Predicting coreceptor used by HIV-1 from Its V3 loop amino acid sequence.
- HIVfin: Prediction of Fusion Inhibitors against HIV (drugs against HIV)
- HIVint: Prediction of protein-protein interaction between HIV and Human proteins.
- HLA-DR4Pred: Identification of HLA-DRB1*0401(MHC class II alleles) binding peptides.
- HLP: Designing of stable antibacterial peptides.
- HMRbase: A manually curated database of hormones and their Receptors.
- HSLpred: Prediction of subcellular localization of human proteins with high accuracy
- HumCFS: A database of fragile sites in human chromosome.
- HumCFS: Database of fragile sites in human chromosomes
- icaars: Identification & Classification of Aminoacyl tRNA Synthetases.
- IFNepitope: A server for predicting and designing interferon-gamma inducing epitopes.
- IgPred: Prediction of antibody specific B-cell epitope.
- IL-10pred: For designing IL-10 inducing peptides.
- IL-6Pred: Predition of interleukin -6 inducing peptides.
- IL10pred: Prediction of Interleukin-10 inducing peptides.
- IL2Pred: Prediction of IL-2 inducing peptides in humans
- IL4IFNG: Computer program for computing of murine interleukin-4 and interferon-gamma.
- IL4pred: In silico platform for designing and disovering of Interleukin-4 inducing peptides.
- imRNA: Prediction of Immunomodulatory RNAs.
- imRNA: For designing RNA-based therapeutics and vaccine adjuvants.
- KiDoQ: Prediction of inhibition against dihydrodipicolinate synthase of M. Tuberculosis.
- LBtope: A server for predicting linear B-cell epitopes.
- LGEpred: Correlation analysis and prediction of genes expression from amino acid sequence of proteins.
- LPIcom: Analysis and prediction of ligand protein interaction.
- MARSpred: Prediction of mitochondrial aminoacyl tRNA synthetases.
- MDRIpred: Predicting inhibitor against drug tolrent M.Tuberculosis.
- MetaPred: Prediction of Cytochrome P450 Isoform responsible for metabolizing a drug molecule.
- MHCBN: A database of Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Binding, Non-binding peptides .
- MHCBN: A database od Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Binding,Non-binding peptides.
- MHCBN4: A database of MHC/TAP binding peptides and T-cell epitopes.
- MitPred: Prediction of mitochondrial proteins using SVM and hidden Markov model.
- MtbVeb: A webportal for designing vaccine against drug resistant and emerging strains of M. tuberculosis.
- NADbinder: Prediction of NAD interacting residues in proteins.
- NAGbinder: An approach for identifying N-acetylglucosamine interacting residues of a protein from its primary sequence
- NeuroPIpred: A tool to predict, design and scan insect neuropeptides.
- nHLAPred: A neural network based method for predicting MHC Class-I binders.
- NPACT: A curated database of plant derived natural compounds that exhibit anti-cancerous activity.
- NPpred: A webserver for the prediction of nuclear proteins.
- NRpred: A SVM based method for the classification of nuclear receptors .
- ntEGFR: QSAR-Based Models for designing inhibitors against Wild and Mutant EGFR (anti-cancer drug).
- NTXpred: Identification of neurotoxins their source and function from primary amino acid sequence.
- OSCADD: Open Source for Computer-Aided Drug Discovery portal is for chemoinformatics and pharmacoinformatics.
- OSDDlinux: A customize operating system for drug discovery.
- OvirusTdb: Resource To Explore The Therapeutic Potential Of Oncolytic Viruses
- OXDbase: A database of Biodegradative oxygenase.
- OXYpred: Classification and prediction of oxygen binding proteins.
- PAAINT: A webservice for predicting residue-residue contacts in proteins.
- ParaPep: Compilation of experimentally validated anti-parasitic peptides and their structures.
- Pcleavage: Identification of protesosomal cleavage sites in a protein sequence.
- PCMdb: A database of methylated genes found in pancreatic cancer cell lines and tissues.
- PEPlife: Database of experimentally validated therapeutic peptides and their half lives.
- PEPstr: Prediction of structure of peptides.
- PEPstrMOD: Structural prediction of peptides containing natural, non-natural and modified residues.
- PFMpred: Predicting mitochondrial proteins of malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum.
- PHDcleav: Prediction of human Dicer cleavage sites using sequence and secondary structure of miRNA precursors.
- PLDbench: Benchmarking of docking software on peptide-ligand complexes.
- PlifePred: An insilico method to design and predict the half life of modified and natural peptides in blood.
- PlifePred: Predicting the half-life of natural and modified peptides in blood.
- PolyApred: Prediction of polyadenylation signal (PAS) in human DNA sequence.
- PolysacDB: A comprehensive Database of microbial Polysaccharide antigens and their antibodies.
- PPDBench: Benchmarking of docking software on protein-peptide complexes.
- Pprint: A web-server for predicting RNA-binding residues of a protein.
- PreMieR: A webserver for the prediction of Mannose Interacting residue.
- ProCanBio: Database of manually curated biomarkers for Prostate Cancer
- ProCarDB: A database of bacterial carotenoids.
- PROGLYCPROT: Database of experimentally characterized eubacterial and archaeal glycoproteins.
- ProPred: A webserver to predict MHC Class-II binding regions in an antigen sequence.
- ProPred-1: Prediction of promiscuous MHC Class-I binders.
- ProPrInt: A web-server predicts physical or functional interactions between protein molecules.
- PRRDB: A database of pattern recognition receptor.
- PRRDB 2.0: Database of pattern-recognition receptors and their ligands.
- PRRpred: Prediction of pattern recognition receptors
- PSAWeb: Analysis of Protein Sequence and Multiple Alignment.
- PSEApred: Prediction of Plasmodium Secretory and Infected Erythrocyte Associated Proteins.
- PSLpred: Predict subcellular localization of prokaryotic proteins.
- QASpro: A webserver for the Quality Assesment of Protein Structure.
- RareLSD: Manually curated database of lysosomal enzymes associated with rare diseases
- RNAcon: A web-server for the prediction and classification of non-coding RNAs.
- RNAint: Identification of RNA interacting residues in a protein.
- RNApin: Prediction of Protein Interacting Nucleotides (PINs) in RNA sequences.
- RNApred: A webserver for the prediction of RNA binding proteins.
- RRCpred: A Webserver for predicting residue-residue contact.
- RSLpred: A method for the subcellular localization prediction of rice proteins.
- SAMbinder: Web Server for Predicting S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine Binding Residues of a Protein From Its Amino Acid Sequence
- SAPdb: A database of nanostructure formed by self assembly of short peptide.
- SAPdb: Database of short peptides and the corresponding nanostructures formed by self-assembly
- SARpred: A neural network based method predicts the real value of surface acessibility.
- SATPdb: A database of structurally annotated therapeutic peptides .
- Sigma70Pred: A highly accurate method for predicting sigma70 promoter in prokaryotic genome
- siRNApred: SVM based method for predicting efficacy value of siRNA.
- SKCMhrp: For predicting the risk status in cutaneous melanoma patients
- SRF: A program to find repeats through an analysis of the power spectrum of a given DNA sequence.
- SRTpred: A method for the classification of protein sequence as secretory or non-secretory protein.
- STARPDB: A webserver for annotating structure of a protein using simililarity based approach.
- STAT3In: Prediction of inhibitors against STAT3
- TAPPred: A webserver for predicting binding affinity of peptides toward the TAP transporter.
- TBBpred: A webserver for the prediction of transmembrane Beta barrel regions in a given protein sequence.
- TBpred: A webserver that predicts four subcellular localization of mycobacterial proteins.
- THPdb: A database of FDA approved therapeutic peptides and proteins.
- THPdb: Database of FDA-approved peptide and protein therapeutics.
- TmhcPred: A webserver that predict MHC Class I and II binding peptides.
- TopicalPdb: A Database of Topically Administered Peptide.
- TopicalPdb: Database of topically delivered peptides
- ToxinPred: An in silico method, which is developed to predict and design toxic/non-toxic peptides.
- ToxiPred: A server for prediction of aqueous toxicity of small chemical molecules in T. pyriformis.
- tRNAmod: The tRNAmod is a web-server for the prediction of transfer RNA (tRNA) modifications.
- TSP-PRED: A webservice for predicting Tertiary Structure of proteins.
- TumorHope: A comprehensive database of Tumor Homing Peptides.
- TumorHPD: A webserver for predicting and designing of tumor homing peptides.
- VaccineDA: A webserver for prediction of oligodeoxynucleotide vaccine adjuvant.
- VacTarBac: Proteomic based vaccine design for pathogenic bacteria.
- VaxinPAD: A webserver for designing peptide based vaccine adjuvant.
- VaxinPAD: Predict and design immunomodulatory peptides or A-cell epitopes
- VGIchan: Voltage gated ion channel prediction server.
- VICMPpred: Prediction of Virulence factors, Information molecule, Cellular process and Metabolism molecule in the Bacterial proteins.
- VitaPred: A webserver for predicting the vitamin interacting residue.
- VLCvirus: Web Resource For Designing Subunit Vacccine Candidates Against Lung Cancer Associated Viruses
- XIAPin: Designing of efficient inhibitors against apoptosis protein XIAP (inhibitor against drug resistance cancer).
- ZikaVR: An Integrated Zika Virus Resource for Genomics, Proteomics, Phylogenetic and Therapeutic Analysis
External Links to web servers developed/maintained by other groups
This section provides URL/links to important websites developed and maintained by other researchers. It exclude servers by Raghava's group, which is given in above section.
- 1-CMDb: A Curated Database of Genomic Variations of the One-Carbon Metabolism Pathway.
- 16S classifier: a tool for fast and accurate taxonomic classification of 16S rRNA hypervariable regions in metagenomic datasets.
- 3D-NuS: A Web Server for Automated Modeling and Visualization of non-canonical 3-Dimensional Nucleic Acid Structures.
- 3DSDSCAR: Molecular dynamics simulation and quantum mechanical calculations on α:D:N:acetylneuraminic acid.
- 3DSDSCAR: a three dimensional structural database for sialic acid:containing carbohydrates through molecular dynamics simulation.
- 3dswappred: prediction of 3D domain swapping from protein sequence using Random Forest approach.
- 3PFDB: 3PFDB a database of best representative PSSM profiles (BRPs) of protein families generated using a novel data mining approach.
- 3PFDB+: improved search protocol and update for the identification of representatives of protein sequence domain families.
- AADS: an automated active site identification, docking, and scoring protocol for protein targets based on physicochemical descriptors.
- ABS-Scan: In silico alanine scanning mutagenesis for binding site residues in protein:ligand complex.
- Actinobase: Database on molecular diversity, phylogeny and biocatalytic potential of salt tolerant alkaliphilic actinomycetes.
- ANGDelMut : a web-based tool for predicting and analyzing functional loss mechanisms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis:associated angiogenin mutations.
- AntiAngioPred: A Server for Prediction of Anti-Angiogenic Peptides.
- Antigen-Antibody Interaction Database (AgAbDb): a compendium of antigen:antibody interactions.
- AntiInflam: Prediction of anti-inflammatory proteins/peptides: an insilico approach.
- APA: A gene expression dataset analysis tool for identification and prioritization of differentially regulated and network rewired pathways.
- APMicroDB: A microsatellite database of Acyrthosiphon pisum.
- APPLE: Importance of functional groups in predicting the activity of small molecule inhibitors for Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL.
- APSLAP: an adaptive boosting technique for predicting subcellular localization of apoptosis protein.
- ARC: automated resource classifier for agglomerative functional classification of prokaryotic proteins using annotation texts.
- AtREA: Arabidopsis thaliana regulatory element analyzer.
- AVCpred: An integrated web server for prediction and design of antiviral compounds.
- AVP-IC50Pred: Multiple machine learning techniques-based prediction of peptide antiviral activity in terms of half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50).
- AVPdb: a database of experimentally validated antiviral peptides targeting medically important viruses.
- AVPpred: collection and prediction of highly effective antiviral peptides.
- Bhageerath: an energy based web enabled computer software suite for limiting the search space of tertiary structures of small globular proteins.
- Bhageerath-H Strgen: A homology/ab initio hybrid algorithm for sampling near:native protein conformations.
- BioDB Extractor: Customized data extraction system for commonly used bioinformatics databases.
- BIOFIN: Prediction of Biofilm Inhibiting Peptides: An In silico Approach.
- Bisgoat: Locus minimization in breed prediction using artificial neural network approach.
- bPE toolkit: Toolkit for computational protein engineering.
- BreCAN-DB: A repository cum browser of personalized DNA breakpoint profiles of cancer genomes.
- CADB3.0: Conformational Angles DataBase
- CAMP: Collection of sequences and structures of antimicrobial peptides.
- CAMP: a useful resource for research on antimicrobial peptides.
- CAPi: Computational Model for Apicoplast Inhibitors Prediction Against Plasmodium Parasite.
- CARDIO-PRED: an in silico tool for predicting cardiovascular-disorder associated proteins.
- CDKIpred: Machine learning methods for prediction of CDK:inhibitors.
- CEMID: Mining of expressed sequence tag libraries of cacao for microsatellite markers using five computational tools.
- CEP: a conformational epitope prediction server.
- ChloroMitoSSRDB 2.00: more genomes, more repeats, unifying SSRs search patterns and on-the-fly repeat detection
- CicArMiSatDB: the chickpea microsatellite database.
- Circ2Traits: a comprehensive database for circular RNA potentially associated with disease and traits.
- CKB: A Compendium of Cyanobacterial Genomes and Proteomes.
- CLAP: a web:server for automatic classification of proteins with special reference to multi:domain proteins.
- ClassAMP: a prediction tool for classification of antimicrobial peptides.
- ClosIndb: A resource for computationally derived information from clostridial genomes.
- CmMDb: a versatile database for Cucumis melo microsatellite markers and other horticulture crop research.
- CMsDB: Development of genome-wide informative simple sequence repeat markers for large-scale genotyping applications in chickpea and development of web resource.
- Coffee Genome Hub: Transcripts of pectin-degrading enzymes and isolation of complete cDNA sequence of a pectate lyase gene induced by coffee white stem borer (Xylotrechus quadripes) in the bark tissue of Coffea canephora (robusta coffee)
- COILCHECK: an interactive server for the analysis of interface regions in coiled coils.
- COILCHECK+: Structural attributes for the recognition of weak and anomalous regions in coiled:coils of myosins and other motor proteins.
- CPAD: A Repository of Manually Curated Experimental Data on Protein and Peptide Aggregation.
- CRCDA: Comprehensive resources for cancer NGS data analysis.
- CREMOFAC: a database of chromatin remodeling factors.
- CSIdesigner: An siRNA designing tool with a unique functional off:target filtering approach.
- CTDB: An Integrated Chickpea Transcriptome Database for Functional and Applied Genomics.
- CyanoPhyChe: a database for physico:chemical properties, structure and biochemical pathway information of cyanobacterial proteins.
- CyanoPhyChe: a database for physico:chemical properties, structure and biochemical pathway information of cyanobacterial proteins.
- D-MATRIX: a web tool for constructing weight matrix of conserved DNA motifs.
- D2N: Distance to the native.
- DB Dehydrogenase: an online integrated structural database on enzyme dehydrogenase.
- dbDiarrhea: the database of pathogen proteins and vaccine antigens from diarrheal pathogens.
- DBETH: a Database of Bacterial Exotoxins for Human.
- dEMBF: A Comprehensive Database of Enzymes of Microalgal Biofuel Feedstock.
- DenHunt : A Comprehensive Database of the Intricate Network of Dengue-Human Interactions.
- DIACAN: Integrated Database for Antidiabetic and Anticancer Medicinal Plants.
- DIAL: a web:based server for the automatic identification of structural domains in proteins.
- DIM-Pred: Prediction of protein disorder on amino acid substitutions.
- DIRProt: A computational approach for discriminating insecticide resistant proteins from non-resistant proteins.
- Distributed chemical computing using ChemStar: an open source java remote method invocation architecture applied to large scale molecular data from PubChem.
- DOCKSCORE: a webserver for ranking protein-protein docked poses.
- DockYard: a repository to assist modeling of protein:protein docking.
- DOR: a Database of Olfactory Receptors, Integrated Repository for Sequence and Secondary Structural Information of Olfactory Receptors in Selected Eukaryotic Genomes.
- DREMECELS: A Curated Database for Base Excision and Mismatch Repair Mechanisms Associated Human Malignancies.
- DRGAS: a database of functional genetic variants and their phosphorylation states in human DNA repair systems.
- ECMIS: computational approach for the identification of hotspots at protein:protein interfaces.
- EnPPIpred: Prediction of Intra-Species Protein-Protein Interactions in Enteropathogens Facilitating Systems Biology Study.
- EssOilDB: a database of essential oils reflecting terpene composition and variability in the plant kingdom.
- ExSer: A standalone tool to mine protein data bank (PDB) for secondary structural elements.
- FaaPred: a SVM based prediction method for fungal adhesins and adhesin:like proteins.
- FAIR: A server for internal sequence repeats.
- FBIS: A regional DNA barcode archival & analysis system for Indian fishes.
- FBIS: A regional DNA barcode archival & analysis system for Indian fishes.
- FiloBase: Essential proteins and possible therapeutic targets of Wolbachia endosymbiont and development of FiloBase--a comprehensive drug target database for Lymphatic filariasis.
- FISH KARYOME: A chromosome database of fishes and other aquatic organisms.
- FishAMP: Development of Antimicrobial Peptide Prediction Tool for Aquaculture Industries.
- FMALIGN: Improvement of alignment accuracy utilizing sequentially conserved motifs.
- FMIMS: Identifying relevant group of miRNAs in cancer using fuzzy mutual information.
- FmMDb: a versatile database of foxtail millet markers for millets and bioenergy grasses research.
- FmTFDb: a foxtail millet transcription factors database for expediting functional genomics in millets.
- Folding RaCe: A robust method for predicting changes in protein folding rates upon point mutations.
- Fragment Finder: a web based software to identify similar three:dimensional structural motif.
- GAP: towards almost 100 percent prediction for β:strand:mediated aggregating peptides with distinct morphologies.
- ge-CRISPR : An integrated pipeline for the prediction and analysis of sgRNAs genome editing efficiency for CRISPR/Cas system.
- GEDAS: Gene Expression Data Analysis Suite.
- GingerRest: Computer aided gene mining for gingerol biosynthesis.
- GraProStr: Ranking the quality of protein structure models using sidechain based network properties.
- GREAM: A Web Server to Short-List Potentially Important Genomic Repeat Elements Based on Over-/Under-Representation in Specific Chromosomal Locations, Such as the Gene Neighborhoods, within or across 17 Mammalian Species.
- Haemophilus influenzae Genome Database (HIGDB): a single point web resource for Haemophilus influenzae.
- Hansa: an automated method for discriminating disease and neutral human nsSNPs.
- HARMONY: a server for the assessment of protein structures.
- HDRNAS: An Automated Hierarchical Database of RNA Structures.
- HGEx-Erdb: Endometrial receptivity:
- HGV&TB: a comprehensive online resource on human genes and genetic variants associated with tuberculosis.
- HIPdb: a database of experimentally validated HIV inhibiting peptides.
- HLaffy: Estimating peptide affinities for Class-1 HLA molecules by learning position-specific pair potentials.
- HNOCDB: a comprehensive database of genes and miRNAs relevant to head and neck and oral cancer.
- HORI: a web server to compute Higher Order Residue Interactions in protein structures.
- HPRD: Human Protein Reference Database:2009 update.
- HprotDB: The Halophile protein database.
- HPVbase: A knowledgebase of viral integrations, methylation patterns and microRNAs aberrant expression: As potential biomarkers for Human papillomaviruses mediated carcinomas.
- HPVdetector: NGS-based approach to determine the presence of HPV and their sites of integration in human cancer genome.
- HSPIR: a manually annotated heat shock protein information resource.
- HSplice: Identification of donor splice sites using support vector machine: a computational approach based on positional, compositional and dependency features.
- Hu-Vir: Molecular principles of human virus protein-protein interactions.
- Human Disease Insight: An integrated knowledge-based platform for disease-gene-drug information.
- Human Proteome Map: A draft map of the human proteome.
- HumanViCe: host ceRNA network in virus infected cells in human.
- HyPe: Prediction of peptidoglycan hydrolases- a new class of antibacterial proteins.
- HypoxiaDB: a database of hypoxia:regulated proteins.
- iAMPpred: Predicting antimicrobial peptides with improved accuracy by incorporating the compositional, physico-chemical and structural features into Chous general PseAAC.
- iCR: a web tool to identify conserved targets of a regulatory protein across the multiple related prokaryotic species.
- IGDD: Indian genetic disease database.
- IGIPT : Integrated genomic island prediction tool.
- IGVBrowser: a genomic variation resource from diverse Indian populations.
- IMEx: Imperfect Microsatellite Extractor.
- Intercalate: A DNA intercalation methodology for an efficient prediction of ligand binding pose and energetics.
- iRDP: Engineering Proteins for Thermostability with iRDP Web Server.
- IRESPred: Web Server for Prediction of Cellular and Viral Internal Ribosome Entry Site (IRES)
- IWS: integrated web server for protein sequence and structure analysis.
- Junker: an intergenic explorer for bacterial genomes.
- JUZBOX: a web server for extracting biomedical words from the protein sequence.
- KERA: A novel sequence and context based method for promoter recognition.
- KinG: a database of protein kinases in genomes.
- Layers: A molecular surface peeling algorithm and its applications to analyze protein structures.
- Lectindb: a plant lectin database.
- LenVarDB: database of length:variant protein domains.
- lnCeDB: database of human long noncoding RNA acting as competing endogenous RNA.
- LncRBase: an enriched resource for lncRNA information.
- LRRsearch: An asynchronous server:based application for the prediction of leucine:rich repeat motifs and an integrative database of NOD:like receptors.
- LySDB : Lysozyme Structural DataBase.
- M3db: Gene Network Rewiring to Study Melanoma Stage Progression and Elements Essential for Driving Melanoma.
- MaLDoSS: Prediction of donor splice sites using random forest with a new sequence encoding approach.
- Manually curated database of rice proteins: a literature based manually curated protein centric database of rice proteins.
- matK-QR classifier: A patterns based approach for plant species identification.
- MaxMod: a hidden Markov model based novel interface to MODELLER for improved prediction of protein 3D models.
- MeTA studio: a cross platform, programmable IDE for computational chemist.
- MGEx-Tdb: A novel tissue specific meta:analysis approach for gene expression predictions, initiated with a mammalian gene expression testis database.
- MGExUdb: a mammalian uterus database for expression:based cataloguing of genes across conditions, including endometriosis and cervical cancer.
- MGExUdb: a mammalian uterus database for expression:based cataloguing of genes across conditions, including endometriosis and cervical cancer.
- MICdb3.0: a comprehensive resource of microsatellite repeats from prokaryotic genomes
- MIPModDB: a central resource for the superfamily of major intrinsic proteins.
- miRMOD: A tool for identification and analysis of 5 and 3 miRNA modifications in Next Generation Sequencing small RNA data.
- miRnalyze: An interactive database linking tool to unlock intuitive microRNA regulation of cell signaling pathways.
- MirtronPred: Identification of mirtrons in rice using MirtronPred: a tool for predicting plant mirtrons.
- MitoSatPlant: mitochondrial microsatellites database of viridiplantae.
- MMNDB: Mammalian Mitochondrial ncRNA Database.
- MMpI: A WideRange of Available Compounds of Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitors.
- modPDZpep: A web resource for structure based analysis of human PDZ-mediated interaction networks.
- MOGA-SVM: Combining Pareto:optimal clusters using supervised learning for identifying co:expressed genes.
- MP3: a software tool for the prediction of pathogenic proteins in genomic and metagenomic data.
- MPDB: Molecular Pathways Brain Database.
- MPGDB: Mycobacteriophage genome database.
- MTBPCDB: Mycobacterium tuberculosis proteome comparison database.
- MtSNPscore: a combined evidence approach for assessing cumulative impact of mitochondrial variations in disease.
- MYCbase: A database of functional sites and biochemical properties of Myc in both normal and cancer cells.
- MycobacRV: Integrative immunoinformatics for Mycobacterial diseases in R platform.
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis Structural proteome.: Structural annotation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis proteome.
- MycoProteaseDB: Useful resource for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and nontuberculous mycobacterial proteases.
- MycoRRdb: a database of computationally identified regulatory regions within intergenic sequences in mycobacterial genomes.
- MycoRRdb: a database of computationally identified regulatory regions within intergenic sequences in mycobacterial genomes.
- MycoSec: A database for Mycobacterium secretome analysis:
- Myosinome: a database of myosins from select eukaryotic genomes to facilitate analysis of sequence:structure:function relationships.
- NALDB: Nucleic acid ligand database for small molecules targeting nucleic acid.
- NAPS: Network Analysis of Protein Structures.
- NEIHPID: Knowledge Base for Helminth Parasites.
- NetSlim: High confidence curated signaling maps.
- NeuroDNet : an open source platform for constructing and analyzing neurodegenerative disease networks.
- NEXCADE: perturbation analysis for complex networks.
- NEXCADE: perturbation analysis for complex networks.
- NGS QC Toolkit: a toolkit for quality control of next generation sequencing data.
- NIP-NSc: New measures for estimating surface complementarity and packing at protein:protein interfaces.
- NNvPDB: Neural Network based Protein Secondary Structure Prediction with PDB Validation.
- nonAUG: A survey of mRNA sequences with a non:AUG start codon in RefSeq database.
- novPTMenzy: a database for enzymes involved in novel post-translational modifications.
- NPLB: Learn de novo promoter architectures from genome-wide transcription start sites.
- NrichD database: sequence databases enriched with computationally designed protein-like sequences aid in remote homology detection.
- Onco-Regulon: An integrated database and software suite for site specific targeting of transcription factors of cancer genes.
- OncomiRdbB: a comprehensive database of microRNAs and their targets in breast cancer.
- OneG: a computational tool for predicting cryptic intermediates in the unfolding kinetics of proteins under native conditions.
- OPSID: Soft computing model for optimized siRNA design by identifying off target possibilities using artificial neural network model.
- PALI: a database of Phylogeny and ALIgnment of homologous protein structures.
- Pancreatic Cancer Database: an integrative resource for pancreatic cancer.
- PASS2: an automated database of protein alignments organised as structural superfamilies.
- PASS2 version 4: an update to the database of structure:based sequence alignments of structural domain superfamilies.
- PASS2.5: Database for the structure-based sequence alignment of distantly related SCOP domain superfamilies: update to version 5 and added features.
- PathBuilder: open source software for annotating and developing pathway resources.
- PCOSKB: A KnowledgeBase on genes, diseases, ontology terms and biochemical pathways associated with PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome.
- PcSM: Capturing native/native like structures with a physicochemical metric (pcSM) in protein folding.
- PDBparam: Online Resource for Computing Structural Parameters of Proteins.
- PeptideMine: a webserver for the design of peptides for protein:peptide binding studies derived from protein:protein interactomes.
- PfalDB: an integrated drug target and chemical database for Plasmodium falciparum.
- PhosNetConstruct: Deciphering kinase:substrate relationships by analysis of domain:specific phosphorylation network.
- PHPT Registry: Primary hyperparathyroidism: insights from the Indian PHPT registry.
- PIMADb: A Database of Protein-Protein Interactions in Huge Macromolecular Assemblies.
- piRNABank: a web resource on classified and clustered Piwi:interacting RNAs.
- piRNAQuest: searching the piRNAome for silencers.
- PlantRGS: a web server for the identification of most suitable candidate reference genes for quantitative gene expression studies in plants.
- Plasma Proteome Database: a resource for proteomics research.
- PLecDom: a program for identification and analysis of plant lectin domains.
- PLIC: protein:ligand interaction clusters.
- PmiRExAt: Plant miRNA expression atlas database and web applications.
- PocketAlign: a novel algorithm for aligning binding sites in protein structures.
- PocketAnnotate: towards site:based function annotation.
- PocketDepth: a new depth based algorithm for identification of ligand binding sites in proteins.
- POEAS: Automated Plant Phenomic Analysis Using Plant Ontology.
- PPDB: A Tool for Investigation of Plants Physiology Based on Gene Ontology.
- PPDB : A tool for investigation of plants physiology based on gene ontology.
- PPIMpred: A web server for high-throughput screening of small molecules targeting protein-protein interaction.
- PPS: A computing engine to find Palindromes in all Protein sequences.
- PpTFDB: A pigeonpea transcription factor database for exploring functional genomics in legumes.
- PRDBv2: A non-redundant protein-RNA docking benchmark version 2.0.
- PrediQt-Cx: post treatment health related quality of life prediction model for cervical cancer patients.
- PreDOSS: A computational approach for prediction of donor splice sites with improved accuracy.
- PreFRP: Prediction and visualization of fluctuation residues in proteins.
- PRIGSA: protein repeat identification by graph spectral analysis.
- ProInflam: A webserver for the prediction of proinflammatory antigenicity of peptides and proteins.
- PromBase: a web resource for various genomic features and predicted promoters in prokaryotic genomes.
- PromBase: High quality annotation of promoter regions for 913 bacterial genomes.
- ProNormz: an integrated approach for human proteins and protein kinases normalization.
- ProRegIn: a regularity index for the selection of native like tertiary structures of proteins.
- ProSTRIP: A method to find similar structural repeats in three:dimensional protein structures.
- ProTSAV: A protein tertiary structure analysis and validation server.
- ProtVirDB: a database of protozoan virulent proteins.
- PsRNA: a computing engine for the comparative identification of putative small RNA locations within intergenic regions.
- PSST2.0: Protein Data Bank Sequence Search Tool.
- PUFAS: An Approach to Function Annotation for Proteins of Unknown Function (PUFs) in the Transcriptome of Indian Mulberry.
- PVSUP: Supervised learning classification models for prediction of plant virus encoded RNA silencing suppressors.
- PvTFDB: A Phaseolus vulgaris transcription factors database for expediting functional genomics in legumes.
- QlicRice: a web interface for abiotic stress responsive QTL and loci interaction channels in rice.
- QSPPRED: Prediction and analysis of quorum sensing peptides based on sequence features.
- QuadBase: Genome wide database of G4 DNA:occurrence and conservation in human, chimpanzee, mouse and rat promoters and 146 microbes.
- Ramachandran plot: Ramachandran plot on the web
- RAmiRNA: Software suite for generation of SVMbased prediction models of mature miRNAs.
- RCDB: Renal Cancer Gene Database.
- riboscan: An efficient pHMM-based web-server to detect riboswitches in genomic sequences.
- RiceSRTFDB: a database of rice transcription factors containing comprehensive expression, cis:regulatory element and mutant information to facilitate gene function analysis.
- RiPPMiner: A bioinformatics resource for deciphering chemical structures of RiPPs based on prediction of cleavage and cross-links.
- RM2TS: From Ramachandran Maps to Tertiary Structures of Proteins.
- RNABP COGEST: a resource for investigating functional RNAs.
- RStrucFam: A web server to associate structure and cognate RNA for RNA-binding proteins from sequence information.
- RV-Typer: A Web Server for Typing of Rhinoviruses Using Alignment-Free Approach.
- Sanjeevini: a freely accessible web:server for target directed lead molecule discovery.
- SBSPKS: structure based sequence analysis of polyketide synthases.
- SBSPKSv2: Structure-based sequence analysis of polyketide synthases and non-ribosomal peptide synthetases.
- SEARCHGTr: a program for analysis of glycosyltransferases involved in glycosylation of secondary metabolites.
- Seed ProNutra Care: A tool for characterization of seed storage proteins and database of bioactive peptides having potential health benefits.
- SeeHaBITaT: A server on bioinformatics applications for Tospoviruses and other species.
- SEM (Symmetry Equivalent Molecules): A web based GUI to generate and visualize the macromolecules.
- SeriPort: A comprehensive view of the web-resources related to sericulture.
- SigMol: Repertoire of quorum sensing signaling molecules in prokaryotes.
- siRNAmod: A database of experimentally validated chemically modified siRNAs.
- SMBMDb: First whole genome putative microsatellite DNA marker database of sugarbeet for bioenergy and industrial applications.
- SMEpred workbench: A web server for predicting efficacy of chemicallymodified siRNAs.
- SMS 2.0: an updated database to study the structural plasticity of short peptide fragments in non:redundant proteins.
- SPEER-SERVER: a web server for prediction of protein specificity determining sites.
- SPIDBAR: Identification of species based on DNA barcode using k-mer feature vector and Random forest classifier.
- SSEP2.0: Secondary Structural Elements of Proteins.
- SSPRED: A statistical approach for 5 splice site prediction using short sequence motifs and without encoding sequence data.
- SSPred: A prediction server based on SVM for the identification and classification of proteins involved in bacterial secretion systems.
- STIFDB2: an updated version of plant stress:responsive transcription factor database with additional stress signals, stress:responsive transcription factor binding sites and stress:responsive genes in Arabidopsis and rice.
- Streptococcus pneumoniae Genome Database (SPGDB): a database for strain specific comparative analysis of Streptococcus pneumoniae genes and proteins.
- SUPFAM: a database of sequence superfamilies of protein domains.
- SUPFAM: implications for structural genomics and function annotation in genomes.
- SVMPBPred: SVM based protein block prediction method using sequence profiles and secondary structures.
- TaxKB: A knowledge base for new taxane-related drug discovery.
- Tbvar: A comprehensive genome variation resource for Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
- TFIS: A Tool for Detection of Transcription Factor Binding Sites.
- The Zebrafish GenomeWiki: a crowdsourcing approach to connect the long tail for zebrafish gene annotation.
- THGS: a web:based database of Transmembrane Helices in Genome Sequences.
- TiD: Standalone software for mining putative drug targets from bacterial proteome.
- TIPMaP: a web server to establish transcript isoform profiles from reliable microarray probes.
- TMC-SNPdb:: An Indian germline variant database derived from whole exome sequences.
- Tomato genomic resources database: an integrated repository of useful tomato genomic information for basic and applied research.
- TPACM4: A fast empirical GAFF compatible partial atomic charge assignment scheme for modeling interactions of small molecules with biomolecular targets.
- TRABAS: a database for transcription regulation by ABA signaling.
- TRIPATH: A Biological Genetic and Genomic Database of Three Economically Important Fungal Pathogen of Wheat :
- VDAP-GUI: A user-friendly pipeline for variant discovery and annotation of raw next-generation sequencing data.
- VIRmiRNA: a comprehensive resource for experimentally validated viral miRNAs and their targets.
- VIRsiRNAdb: a curated database of experimentally validated viral siRNA/shRNA.
- VIRsiRNApred: a web server for predicting inhibition efficacy of siRNAs targeting human viruses.
- VirulentPred: a SVM based prediction method for virulent proteins in bacterial pathogens.
- VPDB: Viral Protein Structural Database.
- WebFARM: web server for finite automated restriction mapping.
- WebGeSTer DB: a transcription terminator database.
- WildSilkbase: an EST database of wild silkmoths.
- WNV Typer: a server for genotyping of West Nile viruses using an alignment:free method based on a return time distribution.
- WPC: A supervised weighted similarity measure for gene expressions using biological knowledge.
- zf-IncRNApedia: A Comprehensive Online Resource for Zebrafish Long Non-Coding RNAs.
- ZifBASE: a database of zinc finger proteins and associated resources.
- ZiFPredict: a web tool for predicting DNA binding specificity in C2H2 zinc finger proteins.