Molecular Interactions
Molecular Interactions are crucial for a function of biological system, there are wide range of interactions. Our group mainly focussed on prediction of molecules interacting residues in a protein. Broadly, these servers predict; i) glycosylation sites, ii) small molecules (e.g., ATP, GTP) interacting sites, iii)nucleotide binding sites and iv) protein-protein interaction.
Predicting Interaction between biomolecules (Raghava's Group)
- ADPint:Predicion of ADP interacting residue.
- ATPint: Identification of ATP binding sites in ATP-binding proteins.
- CRIP: Computational Resources for molecular Interaction Prediction
- DNAint: Prediction of DNA Interacting Residues.
- GlycoEP: Prediction of C-, N- and O-glycosylation site in eukaryotic proteins.
- GlycoPP: Prediction of potential N-and O-glycosites in prokaryotic proteins.
- GTPbinder: Identification of GTP binding residue in protein sequences.
- HIVint: Prediction of protein-protein interaction between HIV and Human proteins.
- LPIcom: Analysis and prediction of ligand protein interaction.
- NADbinder: Prediction of NAD interacting residues in proteins.
- NAGbinder: An approach for identifying N-acetylglucosamine interacting residues of a protein from its primary sequence
- PAAINT: A webservice for predicting residue-residue contacts in proteins.
- PPDBench: Benchmarking of docking software on protein-peptide complexes.
- Pprint: A web-server for predicting RNA-binding residues of a protein.
- PreMieR: A webserver for the prediction of Mannose Interacting residue.
- ProPrInt: A web-server predicts physical or functional interactions between protein molecules.
- RISICbinder: Prediction of guide strand of microRNAs from its sequence and secondary structure.
- RNAint: Identification of RNA interacting residues in a protein.
- RNApin: Prediction of Protein Interacting Nucleotides (PINs) in RNA sequences.
- RNApred: A webserver for the prediction of RNA binding proteins.
- RRCpred: A Webserver for predicting residue-residue contact.
- SAMbinder: Web Server for Predicting S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine Binding Residues of a Protein From Its Amino Acid Sequence
- VitaPred: A webserver for predicting the vitamin interacting residue.
External Links to web servers developed/maintained by other groups
This section provides URL/links to important websites developed and maintained by other researchers. It exclude servers by Raghava's group, which is given in above section.
- ABS-Scan: In silico alanine scanning mutagenesis for binding site residues in protein:ligand complex.
- COILCHECK: an interactive server for the analysis of interface regions in coiled coils.
- DenHunt : A Comprehensive Database of the Intricate Network of Dengue-Human Interactions.
- DRGAS: a database of functional genetic variants and their phosphorylation states in human DNA repair systems.
- ECMIS: computational approach for the identification of hotspots at protein:protein interfaces.
- EnPPIpred: Prediction of Intra-Species Protein-Protein Interactions in Enteropathogens Facilitating Systems Biology Study.
- HADDOCK: Describes the modelling and interaction of bio-molecular complexes such as protein-protein, protein-DNA
- HORI: a web server to compute Higher Order Residue Interactions in protein structures.
- Hu-Vir: Molecular principles of human virus protein-protein interactions.
- MolSurfer: A Macromolecular Interface Navigator.
- PathBLAST: "Search protein-protein interaction network of any selected organism and extracts all interaction pathways "
- PLIC: protein:ligand interaction clusters.
- PPIMpred: A web server for high-throughput screening of small molecules targeting protein-protein interaction.
- PRDBv2: A non-redundant protein-RNA docking benchmark version 2.0.
- SigMol: Repertoire of quorum sensing signaling molecules in prokaryotes.
- SPEER-SERVER: a web server for prediction of protein specificity determining sites.