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The total number entries retrieved from this search are 178
Please click on Biomarker_ID to view detailed information.
Note: Potential Biomarker with * indicates these signatures are candidate biomarkers extracted from experiments on mice, rat or cell lines and they are not validated on human patients'cohort.
Biomarker IDBiomarkerBiomoleculeSubjectRegulationBiomarker's typeExperimentLevel of significanceSourcePMID
2164Apo-A4ProteinHumanDownregulated in HCC patients DiagnosticHCC v/s other liver disease (cirrhosis/ALD) p < 0.01Plasma21160983
2165APO-A1ProteinHumanUpregulated in HCC patients DiagnosticHCC v/s other liver disease (cirrhosis/ALD) p < 0.01Plasma21160983
2166APO-A1, Apo-A4ProteinHumanAPO-A4 Upregulated and APO-A1 downregulated in HCC patients DiagnosticHCC v/s other liver disease (cirrhosis/ALD) p < 0.01Plasma21160983
2167CORO1CProteinHumanUpregulated in liver cancer tissues of HCCLM9-nude mice with spontaneous pulmonary metastasis and higher coronin-1C expression had more advanced stage in patients PrognosticAgressive or advanced-stage HCC v/s less-aggressive HCC; predict metastatic stage p < 0.05Tissue and Cells 20181269
2179lamin B1ProteinHumanUpregulated in liver cancer patients Diagnostic and PrognosticNormal vs HCC; significantly associated with the increased number of tumor nodules , the size of tumors, and tumor stage p < 0.01Plasma19522540
2200AFP, (with cut off 0.9 of AFP in serum )ProteinHumanNA DiagnosticHCC v/s Non-HCC NASerum and Urine29152526
2201BMK, (with cut off 0.40 BMK in Urine)ProteinHumanNA DiagnosticHCC v/s Non-HCC NASerum and Urine29152526
2202AFP, BMK, (with cut off 1.25 of AFP in serum and 0.25 BMK in urine)ProteinHumanNA DiagnosticHCC v/s Non-HCC NASerum and Urine29152526
2203AFP, BMK, (with cut off 1.20 of AFP in serum and 0.27 BMK in urine)ProteinHumanNA DiagnosticHCC v/s Non-HCC NASerum and Urine29152526
2204AFP, BMK, (with cut off 0.90 of AFP in serum and 0.40 BMK in urine)ProteinHumanNA DiagnosticHCC v/s Non-HCC NASerum and Urine29152526
2205AFP, BMK, (with cut off 1.65 of AFP in serum and 0.40 BMK n urine)ProteinHumanNA DiagnosticHCC v/s Non-HCC NASerum and Urine29152526
2206AFP, BMK, (with cut off 0.9 of AFP in serum and 0.75 BMK in urine)ProteinHumanNA DiagnosticHCC v/s Non-HCC NASerum and Urine29152526
2208SULT1A3/4ProteinHumanUpregulated in HCC PrognosticHCC v/s Normal; associated with metastatsis of patients p < 0.01Tissue29025375
2209ITGA2ProteinHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHBV-associated HCC v/s healthy/non-tumor/cirrhosis p < 0.0001Tissue28947976
2210BMP4ProteinHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHBV-associated HCC v/s healthy/non-tumor/cirrhosis p < 0.0001Tissue28947976
2211PLCB1ProteinHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHBV-associated HCC v/s healthy/non-tumor/cirrhosis p < 0.0001Tissue28947976
2212KDM6BProteinHumanDownregulated in HCC DiagnosticHBV-associated HCC v/s healthy/non-tumor/cirrhosis p < 0.0001Tissue28947976
2213MYCProteinHumanDownregulated in HCC DiagnosticHBV-associated HCC v/s healthy/non-tumor/cirrhosis p < 0.0001Tissue28947976
2214ITGA2ProteinHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCV-associated HCC v/s healthy/non-tumor/cirrhosis p < 0.01Tissue28947976
2215BMP4ProteinHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCV-associated HCC v/s healthy/non-tumor/cirrhosis p < 0.01Tissue28947976
2216PLCB1ProteinHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCV-associated HCC v/s healthy/non-tumor/cirrhosis p < 0.01Tissue28947976
2217KDM6BProteinHumanDownregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCV-associated HCC v/s healthy/non-tumor/cirrhosis p < 0.001Tissue28947976
2218MYCProteinHumanDownregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCV-associated HCC v/s healthy/non-tumor/cirrhosis p < 0.0001Tissue28947976
2219AFP, GGT, ALT, ASTProteinMale Sprague-Dawley ratsDownregulated Potential Prognostic *HCC v/s Normal/treated with AEA; associated with progression p < 0.0001Serum28900384
2220AFP, DCPProteinHumanAFP upregulated in HCC DiagnosticNormal vs HCC, Cirrhosis p < 0.001Serum19852963
2221DCP, (> =40 mAU/mL)ProteinHumanDCP upregulated in HCC DiagnosticNormal vs HCC, Cirrhosis p < 0.001Serum19852963
2222DCP, (> =150 mAU/mL)ProteinHumanDCP upregulated in HCC DiagnosticNormal vs HCC, Cirrhosis p < 0.001Serum19852963
2223AFP, (> =20 ng/mL)ProteinHumanAFP and DCP upregulated in HCC DiagnosticNormal vs HCC, Cirrhosis p < 0.001Serum19852963
2224AFP, (> =200 ng/mL)ProteinHumanAFP and DCP upregulated in HCC DiagnosticNormal vs HCC, Cirrhosis p < 0.001Serum19852963
2225AFP, DCP, ( DCP with a cut-off value of 86 mAU/mL and AFP with a cut-off value of 21 ng/mL)ProteinHumanAFP and DCP upregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Normal p < 0.001Serum25382443
2226AFP, (cut-off value of 21 ng/mL)ProteinHumanAFP upregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Normal p < 0.001Serum25382443
2227DCP, (cut-off value of 86 mAU/mL)ProteinHumanDCP upregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Normal p < 0.001Serum25382443
2228AFPProteinHumanAFP upregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Non-HCC p < 0.001Serum29163838
2229DCPProteinHumanDCP upregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Non-HCC p < 0.001Serum29163838
2230AFP, DCP, (DCP >40 mAU/mL, AFP >20 ng/mL)ProteinHumanAFP and DCP upregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Non-HCC p < 0.001Serum29163838
2255Enoyl-CoA hydrataseProteinHumanDownregulated in HCC than non-tumor DiagnosticHCC v/s non-tumor p < 0.05Tissue15221772
2256Tropomyosin-beta-chainProteinHumanDownregulated in HCC than non-tumor DiagnosticHCC v/s non-tumor p < 0.01Tissue15221772
2257KetohexokinaseProteinHumanDownregulated in HCC than non-tumor DiagnosticHCC v/s non-tumor p < 0.01Tissue15221772
2258Liver type aldolaseProteinHumanDownregulated in HCC than non-tumor DiagnosticHCC v/s non-tumor p < 0.05Tissue15221772
2259Arginase 1ProteinHumanDownregulated in HCC than non-tumor DiagnosticHCC v/s non-tumor p < 0.01Tissue15221772
2267SPP1RNAs and ProteinHumanUpregulated in PT than PN (with 3 fold change) DiagnosticMetastatic HCC v/s Primary HCC p < 0.01Tissue12640447
2269Phosphoserine aminotransferaseProteinHumanUpregulated in recurrence HCC than non-recurrence HCC (with fold change 3.8) PrognosticEarly recurrence v/s No recurrence HCC p < 0.05Tissue17391314
2270IFP53/Tryptophanyl-Trna synthetaseProteinHumanDownregulated in recurrence HCC than non-recurrence HCC (with fold change 0.27) PrognosticEarly recurrence v/s No recurrence HCC p < 0.05Tissue17391314
2271Peroxiredoxin 3ProteinHumanUpregulated in recurrence HCC than non-recurrence HCC (with fold change 1.82) PrognosticEarly recurrence v/s No recurrence HCC p < 0.05Tissue17391314
2272GRP94 (Tumor rejection antigen 1)ProteinHumanDownregulated in recurrence HCC than non-recurrence HCC (with fold change 0.59) PrognosticEarly recurrence v/s No recurrence HCC p < 0.05Tissue17391314
2273Annexin A1 (Phospholipase A2 inhibitory protein)ProteinHumanDownregulated in recurrence HCC than non-recurrence HCC (with fold change 0.52) PrognosticEarly recurrence v/s No recurrence HCC p < 0.05Tissue17391314
2274Superoxide dismutaseProteinHumanDownregulated in recurrence HCC than non-recurrence HCC (with fold change 0.44) PrognosticEarly recurrence v/s No recurrence HCC p < 0.05Tissue17391314
2275Annexin A2ProteinHumanDownregulated in recurrence HCC than non-recurrence HCC (with fold change 0.42) PrognosticEarly recurrence v/s No recurrence HCC p < 0.05Tissue17391314
2276Annexin A4ProteinHumanUpregulated in recurrence HCC than non-recurrence HCC (with fold change 1.6) PrognosticEarly recurrence v/s No recurrence HCC p < 0.05Tissue17391314
2277L-lactate dehydrogenase B chainProteinHumanUpregulated in recurrence HCC than non-recurrence HCC (with fold change 1.61) PrognosticEarly recurrence v/s No recurrence HCC p < 0.05Tissue17391314

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