Amphiphilic Pseudo Amino Acid Composition(APAAC)


This module allow users to compute amphiphilic pseudo amino acid composition (APAAC) of protein/peptide sequence(s). User may type the sequence or upload the file of sequences in single line or FASTA format. The user can also provide the PDB or UniProt IDs in the mentioned format. For more information see HELP page.

Paste peptide sequence(s) in single line format or FASTA format:
OR Submit sequence file: 
OR PDB IDs:      
OR UniProt IDs: 
  • Select portion of Sequence:
    • This section allow users to select either complete or specific portion of the seqeunce, such as

      1. Whole: Performs operation on complete sequence
      2. N-Term: This allows to cut the user specified portion from N-terminal of the sequence
      3. C-Term: This allows to cut the user specified portion from C-terminal of the sequence
      4. Split: This allows users to split the sequence into fragments and performs calculation indepedently
      5. Rest: This allows users to drop the residues from N- and C-terminal and performs calculation on the remaining fragment
Whole   N-Term      C-Term     Split     Rest  N-Term   C-Term  

Order of Gap  This allows users to decide the order of gap, such as order 1 means there would be no gap and consecutive residues will be considered to calculate the amphiphilic pseudo amino acid composition.