Browse result page of SalivaDB

This is the result page of the browse module of SalivaDB. This page gives the information about the query submitted by the user as per the browse category. Further details of the entries can be seen by clicking on the SAL_ID. Further the user can sort the entries on the basis of various fields by clicking on the respective headers. The user can also download the results in various formats.

Tabular representation:

SAL_IDBiomarker NameBiomarker TypeAnalysis MethodCollection SiteDisease/Condition CategoryDisease/ConditionDisease/Condition SubtypeFold ChangeRegulationExosomal OriginOrganismPMIDYOPExternal LinksBiomarker Category
SAL_11081Interleukin-6NAStandard analysisSalivaMetabolic DisorderObesityNANANANAHomo sapiens306054862019P05231Protein
SAL_11082LeptinNAStandard analysisSalivaMetabolic DisorderObesityNANANANAHomo sapiens306054862019P41159Protein
SAL_11279Alpha-amylaseNA2DE, MS, ELISASalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes MellitusNA>1.5UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens311740962019B7ZMD7Protein
SAL_11280Cystatin SANA2DE, MS, ELISASalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes MellitusNA8.32UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens311740962019P09228Protein
SAL_11281Immunoglobulin kappa light chain VLJ regionNA2DE, MS, ELISASalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes MellitusNA>1.5UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens311740962019P0DOX7Protein
SAL_11282LactoferrinNA2DE, MS, ELISASalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes MellitusNA>1.5UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens311740962019P02788Protein
SAL_11283Lysozyme precursorNA2DE, MS, ELISASalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes MellitusNA>1.5UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens311740962019P61626Protein
SAL_11287Glycated hemoglobin ANASpectrophotometrySalivaMetabolic DisorderType II diabetesNANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens312351252019P69905Protein
SAL_11988CalprotectinDiagnosticELISAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderObesityNANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens325984032020P05109Protein
SAL_11989Interleukin-8DiagnosticELISAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderObesityNANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens325984032020P10145Protein
SAL_11990Metalloproteinase-2DiagnosticELISAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderObesityNANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens325984032020P08253Protein
SAL_11991Metalloproteinase-9DiagnosticELISAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderObesityNANANANAHomo sapiens325984032020P14780Protein
SAL_11992Soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 1DiagnosticELISAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderObesityNANANANAHomo sapiens325984032020Q99930Protein
SAL_11993Toll like receptor 2DiagnosticELISAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderObesityNANANANAHomo sapiens325984032020O60603Protein
SAL_11994Tumor necrosis factor-alphaDiagnosticELISAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderObesityNANANANAHomo sapiens325984032020P01375Protein
SAL_12529C-reactive proteinDiagnosticELISAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderType 2 diabetes mellitusNANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens336764862021P02741Protein
SAL_12530Interleukin-6DiagnosticELISAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderType 2 diabetes mellitusNANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens336764862021P05231Protein
SAL_12531Tumour necrosis factor alphaDiagnosticELISAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderType 2 diabetes mellitusNANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens336764862021P01375Protein
SAL_12570Albumin (Fragment)NAProtein-dye bindingWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens95585431998F6KPG5Protein
SAL_12571Pro-epidermal growth factor (EGF) [Cleaved into: Epidermal growth factor (Urogastrone)]NAQuantikine Human EGF ImmunoassayWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA1.20933977UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens109893222000P01133Protein
SAL_12572Pro-epidermal growth factor (EGF) [Cleaved into: Epidermal growth factor (Urogastrone)]NAQuantikine Human EGF ImmunoassayWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens109893222000P01133Protein
SAL_12573Serum albuminNAcolorimetric methodsWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA1.19047619UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens110051532000P02768Protein
SAL_12574Alpha-amylase 1 (EC (1,4-alpha-D-glucan glucanohydrolase 1) (Salivary alpha-amylase)NAEPS methodWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA1.1420765UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens110051532000P04745Protein
SAL_13049Beta-hexosaminidase subunit alpha (EC (Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase subunit alpha) (Hexosaminidase subunit A) (N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase subunit alpha)NAChatteriee et al. Method (1975)Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens167007362006P06865Protein
SAL_13050Beta-hexosaminidase subunit alpha (EC (Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase subunit alpha) (Hexosaminidase subunit A) (N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase subunit alpha)NAChatteriee et al. Method (1975)Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens167007362006P06865Protein
SAL_13051Beta-hexosaminidase subunit beta (EC (Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase subunit beta) (Hexosaminidase subunit B) (Cervical cancer proto-oncogene 7 protein) (HCC-7) (N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase sNAChatteriee et al. Method (1975)Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens167007362006P07686Protein
SAL_13052Beta-hexosaminidase subunit beta (EC (Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase subunit beta) (Hexosaminidase subunit B) (Cervical cancer proto-oncogene 7 protein) (HCC-7) (N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase sNAChatteriee et al. Method (1975)Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens167007362006P07686Protein
SAL_13053Beta-galactosidase (EC (Acid beta-galactosidase) (Lactase) (Elastin receptor 1)NAChatteriee et al. Method (1975)Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens167007362006P16278Protein
SAL_13054Beta-galactosidase (EC (Acid beta-galactosidase) (Lactase) (Elastin receptor 1)NAChatteriee et al. Method (1975)Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens167007362006P16278Protein
SAL_13084Alpha-amylase 1 (EC (1,4-alpha-D-glucan glucanohydrolase 1) (Salivary alpha-amylase)NASubjects were asked not to eat, smoke or drink (except water) for an overnight fast prior to collection of saliva samples. Their diets were similar with respect to protein content and uptake of fat and carbohydrates. Socioeconomical status was similar for both groups (survey data).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA1.25UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens172444792007P04745Protein
SAL_13085Alpha-amylase 1 (EC (1,4-alpha-D-glucan glucanohydrolase 1) (Salivary alpha-amylase)NASubjects were asked not to eat, smoke or drink (except water) for an overnight fast prior to collection of saliva samples. Their diets were similar with respect to protein content and uptake of fat and carbohydrates. Socioeconomical status was similar for both groups (survey data).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA1.2388664UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens172444792007P04745Protein
SAL_13086Appetite-regulating hormone (Growth hormone secretagogue) (Growth hormone-releasing peptide) (Motilin-related peptide) (Protein M46) [Cleaved into: Ghrelin-27; Ghrelin-28 (Ghrelin); Obestatin]NAGhrelin was measured in unstimulated total saliva using the same human-ghrelin-RIA kit, which is designed to test any biological fluid with sufficient levels of the peptide to be determined.Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-2.0952381DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens172444792007Q9UBU3Protein
SAL_14216Ig alpha-1 chain C regionNAdirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assayWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens189762602009P01876Protein
SAL_14217IgG VH protein (Fragment)NAdirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assayWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens189762602009Q9Y298Protein
SAL_14218Rheumatoid factor G9 light chain (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009A0N5G3Protein
SAL_14219Rheumatoid factor D5 light chain (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009A0N5G5Protein
SAL_14220Rheumatoid factor RF-ET7 (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009A2J1M4Protein
SAL_14221Rheumatoid factor RF-ET9 (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009A2J1N6Protein
SAL_14222Inter-alpha (Globulin) inhibitor H2 (Inter-alpha (Globulin) inhibitor H2, isoform CRA_b) (cDNA FLJ75038, highly similar to Homo sapiens inter-alpha (globulin) inhibitor H2 (ITIH2), mRNA)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA3.2UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009A2RTY6Protein
SAL_14223Alpha-2-macroglobulin-like protein 1 (C3 and PZP-like alpha-2-macroglobulin domain-containing protein 9)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009A8K2U0Protein
SAL_14224Chloride intracellular channel protein 1 (Chloride channel ABP) (Nuclear chloride ion channel 27) (NCC27) (Regulatory nuclear chloride ion channel protein) (hRNCC)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O00299Protein
SAL_14225Sulfhydryl oxidase 1 (hQSOX) (EC (Quiescin Q6)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O00391Protein
SAL_14226Beta-mannosidase (EC (Lysosomal beta A mannosidase) (Mannanase) (Mannase)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O00462Protein
SAL_14227Syntenin-1 (Melanoma differentiation-associated protein 9) (MDA-9) (Pro-TGF-alpha cytoplasmic domain-interacting protein 18) (TACIP18) (Scaffold protein Pbp1) (Syndecan-binding protein 1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O00560Protein
SAL_14228Ribonuclease T2 (EC 3.1.27.-) (Ribonuclease 6)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O00584Protein
SAL_14229Ficolin-1 (Collagen/fibrinogen domain-containing protein 1) (Ficolin-A) (Ficolin-alpha) (M-ficolin)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O00602Protein
SAL_14230Pyridoxal kinase (EC (Pyridoxine kinase)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O00764Protein
SAL_14231Na(+)/H(+) exchange regulatory cofactor NHE-RF1 (NHERF-1) (Ezrin-radixin-moesin-binding phosphoprotein 50) (EBP50) (Regulatory cofactor of Na(+)/H(+) exchanger) (Sodium-hydrogen exchanger regulatory fNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O14745Protein
SAL_14232Tripeptidyl-peptidase 1 (TPP-1) (EC (Cell growth-inhibiting gene 1 protein) (Lysosomal pepstatin-insensitive protease) (LPIC) (Tripeptidyl aminopeptidase) (Tripeptidyl-peptidase I) (TPP-I)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O14773Protein
SAL_14233Proteasome subunit alpha type-7 (EC (Proteasome subunit RC6-1) (Proteasome subunit XAPC7)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O14818Protein
SAL_14234Actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 1B (Arp2/3 complex 41 kDa subunit) (p41-ARC)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O15143Protein
SAL_14235Actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 2 (Arp2/3 complex 34 kDa subunit) (p34-ARC)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O15144Protein
SAL_14236Actin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 5 (Arp2/3 complex 16 kDa subunit) (p16-ARC)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA6.1UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009O15511Protein
SAL_14237Kallikrein-10 (EC 3.4.21.-) (Normal epithelial cell-specific 1) (Protease serine-like 1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-5DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009O43240Protein
SAL_14238Kunitz-type protease inhibitor 1 (Hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor type 1) (HAI-1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O43278Protein
SAL_14239Prominin-1 (Antigen AC133) (Prominin-like protein 1) (CD antigen CD133)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O43490Protein
SAL_14240CD5 antigen-like (Apoptosis inhibitor expressed by macrophages) (hAIM) (CT-2) (IgM-associated peptide) (SP-alpha)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O43866Protein
SAL_14241Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member B10 (EC 1.1.1.-) (ARL-1) (Aldose reductase-like) (Aldose reductase-related protein) (ARP) (hARP) (Small intestine reductase) (SI reductase)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-3.3DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009O60218Protein
SAL_14242Transmembrane protease serine 11D (EC 3.4.21.-) (Airway trypsin-like protease) [Cleaved into: Transmembrane protease serine 11D non-catalytic chain; Transmembrane protease serine 11D catalytic chain]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-2.1DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009O60235Protein
SAL_14243Putative nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDK) (NDP kinase) (EC saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O60361Protein
SAL_14244Periplakin (190 kDa paraneoplastic pemphigus antigen) (195 kDa cornified envelope precursor protein)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O60437Protein
SAL_14245Perilipin-3 (47 kDa mannose 6-phosphate receptor-binding protein) (47 kDa MPR-binding protein) (Cargo selection protein TIP47) (Mannose-6-phosphate receptor-binding protein 1) (Placental protein 17) (NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O60664Protein
SAL_14246WD repeat-containing protein 1 (Actin-interacting protein 1) (AIP1) (NORI-1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O75083Protein
SAL_14247Core histone macro-H2A.1 (Histone macroH2A1) (mH2A1) (Histone H2A.y) (H2A/y) (Medulloblastoma antigen MU-MB-50.205)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O75367Protein
SAL_14248SH3 domain-binding glutamic acid-rich-like proteinNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O75368Protein
SAL_14249Filamin-B (FLN-B) (ABP-278) (ABP-280 homolog) (Actin-binding-like protein) (Beta-filamin) (Filamin homolog 1) (Fh1) (Filamin-3) (Thyroid autoantigen) (Truncated actin-binding protein) (Truncated ABP)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O75369Protein
SAL_14250Citrate synthase, mitochondrial (EC (Citrate (Si)-synthase)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O75390Protein
SAL_14251Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 26A (Vesicle protein sorting 26A) (hVPS26)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O75436Protein
SAL_14252Mammaglobin-B (Lacryglobin) (Lipophilin-C) (Mammaglobin-2) (Secretoglobin family 2A member 1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O75556Protein
SAL_14253Peptidoglycan recognition protein 1 (Peptidoglycan recognition protein short) (PGRP-S)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O75594Protein
SAL_14254Attractin (DPPT-L) (Mahogany homolog)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O75882Protein
SAL_14255Ly6/PLAUR domain-containing protein 3 (GPI-anchored metastasis-associated protein C4.4A homolog) (Matrigel-induced gene C4 protein) (MIG-C4)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-2.3DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009O95274Protein
SAL_142566-phosphogluconolactonase (6PGL) (EC saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O95336Protein
SAL_14257Apolipoprotein M (Apo-M) (ApoM) (Protein G3a)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O95445Protein
SAL_14258GDH/6PGL endoplasmic bifunctional protein [Includes: Glucose 1-dehydrogenase (EC (Hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase); 6-phosphogluconolactonase (6PGL) (EC]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O95479Protein
SAL_14259Vascular non-inflammatory molecule 2 (Vanin-2) (EC (Glycosylphosphatidyl inositol-anchored protein GPI-80) (Protein FOAP-4)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O95498Protein
SAL_14260N(G),N(G)-dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 2 (DDAH-2) (Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 2) (EC (DDAHII) (Dimethylargininase-2) (Protein G6a) (S-phase protein)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009O95865Protein
SAL_14261L-lactate dehydrogenase A chain (LDH-A) (EC (Cell proliferation-inducing gene 19 protein) (LDH muscle subunit) (LDH-M) (Renal carcinoma antigen NY-REN-59)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P00338Protein
SAL_14262Glutamate dehydrogenase 1, mitochondrial (GDH 1) (EC saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P00367Protein
SAL_14263Glutathione reductase, mitochondrial (GR) (GRase) (EC saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P00390Protein
SAL_14264Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] (EC (Superoxide dismutase 1) (hSod1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P00441Protein
SAL_14265Purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) (EC (Inosine phosphorylase) (Inosine-guanosine phosphorylase)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-2.1DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P00491Protein
SAL_14266Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT) (HGPRTase) (EC saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P00492Protein
SAL_14267Aspartate aminotransferase, mitochondrial (mAspAT) (EC (EC (Fatty acid-binding protein) (FABP-1) (Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase 2) (Kynurenine aminotransferase 4) (Kynurenine aNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P00505Protein
SAL_14268Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 (EC (Cell migration-inducing gene 10 protein) (Primer recognition protein 2) (PRP 2)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-3.2DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P00558Protein
SAL_14269Prothrombin (EC (Coagulation factor II) [Cleaved into: Activation peptide fragment 1; Activation peptide fragment 2; Thrombin light chain; Thrombin heavy chain]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P00734Protein
SAL_14270Complement C1r subcomponent (EC (Complement component 1 subcomponent r) [Cleaved into: Complement C1r subcomponent heavy chain; Complement C1r subcomponent light chain]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P00736Protein
SAL_14271Plasminogen (EC [Cleaved into: Plasmin heavy chain A; Activation peptide; Angiostatin; Plasmin heavy chain A, short form; Plasmin light chain B]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P00747Protein
SAL_14272Complement factor B (EC (C3/C5 convertase) (Glycine-rich beta glycoprotein) (GBG) (PBF2) (Properdin factor B) [Cleaved into: Complement factor B Ba fragment; Complement factor B Bb fragmentNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P00751Protein
SAL_14273Carbonic anhydrase 1 (EC (Carbonate dehydratase I) (Carbonic anhydrase B) (CAB) (Carbonic anhydrase I) (CA-I)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-4.4DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P00915Protein
SAL_14274Carbonic anhydrase 2 (EC (Carbonate dehydratase II) (Carbonic anhydrase C) (CAC) (Carbonic anhydrase II) (CA-II)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-5.5DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P00918Protein
SAL_14275Antithrombin-III (ATIII) (Serpin C1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P01008Protein
SAL_14276Alpha-1-antitrypsin (Alpha-1 protease inhibitor) (Alpha-1-antiproteinase) (Serpin A1) [Cleaved into: Short peptide from AAT (SPAAT)]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA3.2UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P01009Protein
SAL_14277Angiotensinogen (Serpin A8) [Cleaved into: Angiotensin-1 (Angiotensin 1-10) (Angiotensin I) (Ang I); Angiotensin-2 (Angiotensin 1-8) (Angiotensin II) (Ang II); Angiotensin-3 (Angiotensin 2-8) (AngioteNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P01019Protein
SAL_14278Alpha-2-macroglobulin (Alpha-2-M) (C3 and PZP-like alpha-2-macroglobulin domain-containing protein 5)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA2.2UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P01023Protein
SAL_14279Complement C5 (C3 and PZP-like alpha-2-macroglobulin domain-containing protein 4) [Cleaved into: Complement C5 beta chain; Complement C5 alpha chain; C5a anaphylatoxin; Complement C5 alpha chain]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P01031Protein
SAL_14280Cystatin-C (Cystatin-3) (Gamma-trace) (Neuroendocrine basic polypeptide) (Post-gamma-globulin)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA2.2UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P01034Protein
SAL_14281Cystatin-A (Cystatin-AS) (Stefin-A) [Cleaved into: Cystatin-A, N-terminally processed]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-2.4DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P01040Protein
SAL_14282Kininogen-1 (Alpha-2-thiol proteinase inhibitor) (Fitzgerald factor) (High molecular weight kininogen) (HMWK) (Williams-Fitzgerald-Flaujeac factor) [Cleaved into: Kininogen-1 heavy chain; T-kinin (IleNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P01042Protein
SAL_14283Collagen alpha-1(I) chain (Alpha-1 type I collagen)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P02452Protein
SAL_14284Spectrin alpha chain, erythrocytic 1 (Erythroid alpha-spectrin)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P02549Protein
SAL_14285Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo-AI) (ApoA-I) (Apolipoprotein A1) [Cleaved into: Proapolipoprotein A-I (ProapoA-I); Truncated apolipoprotein A-I (Apolipoprotein A-I(1-242))]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P02647Protein
SAL_14286Apolipoprotein A-II (Apo-AII) (ApoA-II) (Apolipoprotein A2) [Cleaved into: Proapolipoprotein A-II (ProapoA-II); Truncated apolipoprotein A-II (Apolipoprotein A-II(1-76))]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P02652Protein
SAL_14287Fibrinogen alpha chain [Cleaved into: Fibrinopeptide A; Fibrinogen alpha chain]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P02671Protein
SAL_14288Complement component C9 [Cleaved into: Complement component C9a; Complement component C9b]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P02748Protein
SAL_14289Beta-2-glycoprotein 1 (APC inhibitor) (Activated protein C-binding protein) (Anticardiolipin cofactor) (Apolipoprotein H) (Apo-H) (Beta-2-glycoprotein I) (B2GPI) (Beta(2)GPI)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P02749Protein
SAL_14290Leucine-rich alpha-2-glycoprotein (LRG)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P02750Protein
SAL_14291Fibronectin (FN) (Cold-insoluble globulin) (CIG) [Cleaved into: Anastellin; Ugl-Y1; Ugl-Y2; Ugl-Y3]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P02751Protein
SAL_14292Protein AMBP [Cleaved into: Alpha-1-microglobulin (Protein HC) (Alpha-1 microglycoprotein) (Complex-forming glycoprotein heterogeneous in charge); Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor light chain (ITI-LC) (BNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P02760Protein
SAL_14293Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein 1 (AGP 1) (Orosomucoid-1) (OMD 1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P02763Protein
SAL_14294Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein (Alpha-2-Z-globulin) (Ba-alpha-2-glycoprotein) (Fetuin-A) [Cleaved into: Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein chain A; Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein chain B]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P02765Protein
SAL_14295Transthyretin (ATTR) (Prealbumin) (TBPA)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA2.4UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P02766Protein
SAL_14296Transthyretin (ATTR) (Prealbumin) (TBPA)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P02766Protein
SAL_14297Vitamin D-binding protein (DBP) (VDB) (Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor) (Gc-MAF) (GcMAF) (Gc-globulin) (Group-specific component) (Gc) (Vitamin D-binding protein-macrophage activating NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P02774Protein
SAL_14298StatherinNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P02808Protein
SAL_14299Salivary acidic proline-rich phosphoprotein 1/2 (Db-s) (PRP-1/PRP-2) (Parotid acidic protein) (Pa) (Parotid double-band protein) (Parotid isoelectric focusing variant protein) (PIF-S) (Parotid prolineNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P02810Protein
SAL_14300Basic salivary proline-rich protein 2 (Salivary proline-rich protein) (Con1 glycoprotein) [Cleaved into: Basic proline-rich peptide IB-1; Basic proline-rich peptide P-E (IB-9); Basic proline-rich peptNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P02812Protein
SAL_14301Plasma kallikrein (EC (Fletcher factor) (Kininogenin) (Plasma prekallikrein) (PKK) [Cleaved into: Plasma kallikrein heavy chain; Plasma kallikrein light chain]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P03952Protein
SAL_14302Antileukoproteinase (ALP) (BLPI) (HUSI-1) (Mucus proteinase inhibitor) (MPI) (Protease inhibitor WAP4) (Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor) (Seminal proteinase inhibitor) (WAP four-disulfide core NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P03973Protein
SAL_14303Vitronectin (VN) (S-protein) (Serum-spreading factor) (V75) [Cleaved into: Vitronectin V65 subunit; Vitronectin V10 subunit; Somatomedin-B]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P04004Protein
SAL_14304Catalase (EC saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P04040Protein
SAL_14305Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase A (EC (Lung cancer antigen NY-LU-1) (Muscle-type aldolase)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P04075Protein
SAL_14306Annexin A1 (Annexin I) (Annexin-1) (Calpactin II) (Calpactin-2) (Chromobindin-9) (Lipocortin I) (Phospholipase A2 inhibitory protein) (p35)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-3.6DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P04083Protein
SAL_14307Apolipoprotein B-100 (Apo B-100) [Cleaved into: Apolipoprotein B-48 (Apo B-48)]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-4.1DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P04114Protein
SAL_14308Superoxide dismutase [Mn], mitochondrial (EC saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P04179Protein
SAL_14309Histidine-rich glycoprotein (Histidine-proline-rich glycoprotein) (HPRG)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P04196Protein
SAL_14310Alpha-1B-glycoprotein (Alpha-1-B glycoprotein)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P04217Protein
SAL_14311Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) (EC (Peptidyl-cysteine S-nitrosylase GAPDH) (EC 2.6.99.-)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P04406Protein
SAL_14312Heat shock protein beta-1 (HspB1) (28 kDa heat shock protein) (Estrogen-regulated 24 kDa protein) (Heat shock 27 kDa protein) (HSP 27) (Stress-responsive protein 27) (SRP27)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P04792Protein
SAL_14313Cytochrome b-245 heavy chain (EC 1.-.-.-) (CGD91-phox) (Cytochrome b(558) subunit beta) (Cytochrome b558 subunit beta) (Heme-binding membrane glycoprotein gp91phox) (NADPH oxidase 2) (Neutrophil cytocNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P04839Protein
SAL_14314Histone H2A type 1-B/E (Histone H2A.2) (Histone H2A/a) (Histone H2A/m)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P04908Protein
SAL_14315Arginase-1 (EC (Liver-type arginase) (Type I arginase)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P05089Protein
SAL_14316Apolipoprotein D (Apo-D) (ApoD)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P05090Protein
SAL_14317Integrin beta-2 (Cell surface adhesion glycoproteins LFA-1/CR3/p150,95 subunit beta) (Complement receptor C3 subunit beta) (CD antigen CD18)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P05107Protein
SAL_14318Complement factor I (EC (C3B/C4B inactivator) [Cleaved into: Complement factor I heavy chain; Complement factor I light chain]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P05156Protein
SAL_14319Non-histone chromosomal protein HMG-17 (High mobility group nucleosome-binding domain-containing protein 2)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P05204Protein
SAL_1432060S acidic ribosomal protein P2 (Renal carcinoma antigen NY-REN-44)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P05387Protein
SAL_14321ATP synthase subunit beta, mitochondrial (EC saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P06576Protein
SAL_14322Complement C2 (EC (C3/C5 convertase) [Cleaved into: Complement C2b fragment; Complement C2a fragment]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P06681Protein
SAL_14323Protein S100-A9 (Calgranulin-B) (Calprotectin L1H subunit) (Leukocyte L1 complex heavy chain) (Migration inhibitory factor-related protein 14) (MRP-14) (p14) (S100 calcium-binding protein A9)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P06702Protein
SAL_14324Alpha-enolase (EC (2-phospho-D-glycerate hydro-lyase) (C-myc promoter-binding protein) (Enolase 1) (MBP-1) (MPB-1) (Non-neural enolase) (NNE) (Phosphopyruvate hydratase) (Plasminogen-bindingNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P06733Protein
SAL_14325Glycogen phosphorylase, liver form (EC saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA3.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P06737Protein
SAL_14326Tropomyosin alpha-3 chain (Gamma-tropomyosin) (Tropomyosin-3) (Tropomyosin-5) (hTM5)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P06753Protein
SAL_14327Kallikrein-1 (EC (Kidney/pancreas/salivary gland kallikrein) (Tissue kallikrein)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P06870Protein
SAL_14328Acyl-CoA-binding protein (ACBP) (Diazepam-binding inhibitor) (DBI) (Endozepine) (EP)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P07108Protein
SAL_14329L-lactate dehydrogenase B chain (LDH-B) (EC (LDH heart subunit) (LDH-H) (Renal carcinoma antigen NY-REN-46)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P07195Protein
SAL_14330Protein disulfide-isomerase (PDI) (EC (Cellular thyroid hormone-binding protein) (Prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit beta) (p55)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P07237Protein
SAL_14331Cathepsin D (EC [Cleaved into: Cathepsin D light chain; Cathepsin D heavy chain]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P07339Protein
SAL_14332Annexin A2 (Annexin II) (Annexin-2) (Calpactin I heavy chain) (Calpactin-1 heavy chain) (Chromobindin-8) (Lipocortin II) (Placental anticoagulant protein IV) (PAP-IV) (Protein I) (p36)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-4.3DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P07355Protein
SAL_14333Complement component C8 alpha chain (Complement component 8 subunit alpha)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P07357Protein
SAL_14334Complement component C8 beta chain (Complement component 8 subunit beta)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P07358Protein
SAL_14335Complement component C8 gamma chainNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P07360Protein
SAL_14336Calpain-1 catalytic subunit (EC (Calcium-activated neutral proteinase 1) (CANP 1) (Calpain mu-type) (Calpain-1 large subunit) (Cell proliferation-inducing gene 30 protein) (Micromolar-calpaNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P07384Protein
SAL_14337InvolucrinNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P07476Protein
SAL_14338Beta-hexosaminidase subunit beta (EC (Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase subunit beta) (Hexosaminidase subunit B) (Cervical cancer proto-oncogene 7 protein) (HCC-7) (N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase sNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P07686Protein
SAL_14339Cathepsin L1 (EC (Cathepsin L) (Major excreted protein) (MEP) [Cleaved into: Cathepsin L1 heavy chain; Cathepsin L1 light chain]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P07711Protein
SAL_14340Cathepsin B (EC (APP secretase) (APPS) (Cathepsin B1) [Cleaved into: Cathepsin B light chain; Cathepsin B heavy chain]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P07858Protein
SAL_14341Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha (Heat shock 86 kDa) (HSP 86) (HSP86) (Lipopolysaccharide-associated protein 2) (LAP-2) (LPS-associated protein 2) (Renal carcinoma antigen NY-REN-38)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P07900Protein
SAL_14342Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins C1/C2 (hnRNP C1/C2)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P07910Protein
SAL_14343Pulmonary surfactant-associated protein B (SP-B) (18 kDa pulmonary-surfactant protein) (6 kDa protein) (Pulmonary surfactant-associated proteolipid SPL(Phe))NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P07988Protein
SAL_14344Ribonuclease pancreatic (EC (HP-RNase) (RIB-1) (RNase UpI-1) (Ribonuclease 1) (RNase 1) (Ribonuclease A) (RNase A)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA3.8UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P07998Protein
SAL_14345Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta (HSP 90) (Heat shock 84 kDa) (HSP 84) (HSP84)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P08238Protein
SAL_14346Neutrophil elastase (EC (Bone marrow serine protease) (Elastase-2) (Human leukocyte elastase) (HLE) (Medullasin) (PMN elastase)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P08246Protein
SAL_14347Cathepsin G (CG) (EC saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P08311Protein
SAL_14348Apolipoprotein(a) (Apo(a)) (Lp(a)) (EC 3.4.21.-)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P08519Protein
SAL_14349Monocyte differentiation antigen CD14 (Myeloid cell-specific leucine-rich glycoprotein) (CD antigen CD14) [Cleaved into: Monocyte differentiation antigen CD14, urinary form; Monocyte differentiation aNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P08571Protein
SAL_14350Melanotransferrin (Melanoma-associated antigen p97) (CD antigen CD228)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P08582Protein
SAL_14351Complement factor H (H factor 1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P08603Protein
SAL_14352VimentinNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P08670Protein
SAL_14353Glutathione S-transferase P (EC (GST class-pi) (GSTP1-1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P09211Protein
SAL_14354Dihydropteridine reductase (EC (HDHPR) (Quinoid dihydropteridine reductase) (Short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 33C member 1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P09417Protein
SAL_14355Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1 (FBPase 1) (EC (D-fructose-1,6-bisphosphate 1-phosphohydrolase 1) (Liver FBPase)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P09467Protein
SAL_14356Pro-cathepsin H [Cleaved into: Cathepsin H mini chain; Cathepsin H (EC; Cathepsin H heavy chain; Cathepsin H light chain]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P09668Protein
SAL_14357Tumor-associated calcium signal transducer 2 (Cell surface glycoprotein Trop-2) (Membrane component chromosome 1 surface marker 1) (Pancreatic carcinoma marker protein GA733-1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P09758Protein
SAL_14358Complement C1s subcomponent (EC (C1 esterase) (Complement component 1 subcomponent s) [Cleaved into: Complement C1s subcomponent heavy chain; Complement C1s subcomponent light chain]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P09871Protein
SAL_14359Furin (EC (Dibasic-processing enzyme) (Paired basic amino acid residue-cleaving enzyme) (PACE)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P09958Protein
SAL_14360Leukotriene A-4 hydrolase (LTA-4 hydrolase) (EC (Leukotriene A(4) hydrolase)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P09960Protein
SAL_14361Complement C4-A (Acidic complement C4) (C3 and PZP-like alpha-2-macroglobulin domain-containing protein 2) [Cleaved into: Complement C4 beta chain; Complement C4-A alpha chain; C4a anaphylatoxin; C4b-NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P0C0L4Protein
SAL_14362Non-secretory ribonuclease (EC (Eosinophil-derived neurotoxin) (RNase UpI-2) (Ribonuclease 2) (RNase 2) (Ribonuclease US)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P10153Protein
SAL_14363Complement component C7NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P10643Protein
SAL_14364Clusterin (Age-related-associated gene 4 protein) (Apolipoprotein J) (Apo-J) (Complement cytolysis inhibitor) (CLI) (Complement-associated protein SP-40,40) (Ku70-binding protein 1) (NA1/NA2) (TestostNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P10909Protein
SAL_1436578 kDa glucose-regulated protein (GRP-78) (Endoplasmic reticulum lumenal Ca(2+)-binding protein grp78) (Heat shock 70 kDa protein 5) (Immunoglobulin heavy chain-binding protein) (BiP)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P11021Protein
SAL_14366Integrin alpha-M (CD11 antigen-like family member B) (CR-3 alpha chain) (Cell surface glycoprotein MAC-1 subunit alpha) (Leukocyte adhesion receptor MO1) (Neutrophil adherence receptor) (CD antigen CDNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P11215Protein
SAL_14367Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase (G6PD) (EC saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P11413Protein
SAL_14368Uteroglobin (Clara cell phospholipid-binding protein) (CCPBP) (Clara cells 10 kDa secretory protein) (CC10) (Secretoglobin family 1A member 1) (Urinary protein 1) (UP-1) (UP1) (Urine protein 1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA10.4UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P11684Protein
SAL_14369Collagen alpha-1(VI) chainNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P12109Protein
SAL_14370Annexin A3 (35-alpha calcimedin) (Annexin III) (Annexin-3) (Inositol 1,2-cyclic phosphate 2-phosphohydrolase) (Lipocortin III) (Placental anticoagulant protein III) (PAP-III)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-2.7DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P12429Protein
SAL_14371Eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) (EC 3.1.27.-) (Ribonuclease 3) (RNase 3)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P12724Protein
SAL_14372Alpha-actinin-1 (Alpha-actinin cytoskeletal isoform) (F-actin cross-linking protein) (Non-muscle alpha-actinin-1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P12814Protein
SAL_14373X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 6 (EC 3.6.4.-) (EC 4.2.99.-) (5-deoxyribose-5-phosphate lyase Ku70) (5-dRP lyase Ku70) (70 kDa subunit of Ku antigen) (ATP-dependent DNA helicase 2 subunit 1) NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P12956Protein
SAL_14374Ribonuclease inhibitor (Placental ribonuclease inhibitor) (Placental RNase inhibitor) (Ribonuclease/angiogenin inhibitor 1) (RAI)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P13489Protein
SAL_14375Elongation factor 2 (EF-2)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P13639Protein
SAL_14376Complement component C6NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA4.8UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P13671Protein
SAL_14377Translationally-controlled tumor protein (TCTP) (Fortilin) (Histamine-releasing factor) (HRF) (p23)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P13693Protein
SAL_14378Plastin-3 (T-plastin)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P13797Protein
SAL_14379CD59 glycoprotein (1F5 antigen) (20 kDa homologous restriction factor) (HRF-20) (HRF20) (MAC-inhibitory protein) (MAC-IP) (MEM43 antigen) (Membrane attack complex inhibition factor) (MACIF) (Membrane NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P13987Protein
SAL_14380Glucosidase 2 subunit beta (80K-H protein) (Glucosidase II subunit beta) (Protein kinase C substrate 60.1 kDa protein heavy chain) (PKCSH)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P14314Protein
SAL_14381Alcohol dehydrogenase [NADP(+)] (EC (Aldehyde reductase) (Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member A1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P14550Protein
SAL_14382Neutrophil cytosol factor 1 (NCF-1) (47 kDa autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein) (47 kDa neutrophil oxidase factor) (NCF-47K) (Neutrophil NADPH oxidase factor 1) (Nox organizer 2) (Nox-orgNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P14598Protein
SAL_14383Pyruvate kinase PKM (EC (Cytosolic thyroid hormone-binding protein) (CTHBP) (Opa-interacting protein 3) (OIP-3) (Pyruvate kinase 2/3) (Pyruvate kinase muscle isozyme) (Thyroid hormone-bindinNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA3.5UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P14618Protein
SAL_14384Endoplasmin (94 kDa glucose-regulated protein) (GRP-94) (Heat shock protein 90 kDa beta member 1) (Tumor rejection antigen 1) (gp96 homolog)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P14625Protein
SAL_14385Ezrin (Cytovillin) (Villin-2) (p81)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P15311Protein
SAL_14386Folate receptor alpha (FR-alpha) (Adult folate-binding protein) (FBP) (Folate receptor 1) (Folate receptor, adult) (KB cells FBP) (Ovarian tumor-associated antigen MOv18)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P15328Protein
SAL_14387N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfatase (EC (Glucosamine-6-sulfatase) (G6S)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P15586Protein
SAL_14388Desmoplakin (DP) (250/210 kDa paraneoplastic pemphigus antigen)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-5.9DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P15924Protein
SAL_14389Metalloproteinase inhibitor 2 (CSC-21K) (Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 2) (TIMP-2)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P16035Protein
SAL_14390Carboxypeptidase E (CPE) (EC (Carboxypeptidase H) (CPH) (Enkephalin convertase) (Prohormone-processing carboxypeptidase)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P16870Protein
SAL_14391Fumarylacetoacetase (FAA) (EC (Beta-diketonase) (Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P16930Protein
SAL_14392Aspartate aminotransferase, cytoplasmic (cAspAT) (EC (EC (Cysteine aminotransferase, cytoplasmic) (Cysteine transaminase, cytoplasmic) (cCAT) (Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase 1) NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P17174Protein
SAL_14393Ganglioside GM2 activator (Cerebroside sulfate activator protein) (GM2-AP) (Sphingolipid activator protein 3) (SAP-3) [Cleaved into: Ganglioside GM2 activator isoform short]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P17900Protein
SAL_14394Vinculin (Metavinculin) (MV)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P18206Protein
SAL_14395Peptidyl-glycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM) [Includes: Peptidylglycine alpha-hydroxylating monooxygenase (PHM) (EC; Peptidyl-alpha-hydroxyglycine alpha-amidating lyase (EC saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P19021Protein
SAL_14396Myosin regulatory light chain 12A (Epididymis secretory protein Li 24) (HEL-S-24) (MLC-2B) (Myosin RLC) (Myosin regulatory light chain 2, nonsarcomeric) (Myosin regulatory light chain MRLC3)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P19105Protein
SAL_14397Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H1 (ITI heavy chain H1) (ITI-HC1) (Inter-alpha-inhibitor heavy chain 1) (Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor complex component III) (Serum-derived hyaluronan-associNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA2.8UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P19827Protein
SAL_14398Elafin (Elastase-specific inhibitor) (ESI) (Peptidase inhibitor 3) (PI-3) (Protease inhibitor WAP3) (Skin-derived antileukoproteinase) (SKALP) (WAP four-disulfide core domain protein 14)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P19957Protein
SAL_14399Transcobalamin-1 (TC-1) (Haptocorrin) (HC) (Protein R) (Transcobalamin I) (TC I) (TCI)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P20061Protein
SAL_14400Azurocidin (Cationic antimicrobial protein CAP37) (Heparin-binding protein) (HBP) (hHBP)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P20160Protein
SAL_14401Proteasome subunit beta type-1 (EC (Macropain subunit C5) (Multicatalytic endopeptidase complex subunit C5) (Proteasome component C5) (Proteasome gamma chain)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P20618Protein
SAL_14402Lamin-B1NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P20700Protein
SAL_14403N(4)-(beta-N-acetylglucosaminyl)-L-asparaginase (EC (Aspartylglucosaminidase) (Glycosylasparaginase) (N4-(N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminyl)-L-asparagine amidase) [Cleaved into: GlycosylasparaginasNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P20933Protein
SAL_14404Poly(U)-specific endoribonuclease (EC 3.1.-.-) (Placental protein 11) (PP11) (Protein endoU) (Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P21128Protein
SAL_14405Protein-L-isoaspartate(D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase (PIMT) (EC (L-isoaspartyl protein carboxyl methyltransferase) (Protein L-isoaspartyl/D-aspartyl methyltransferase) (Protein-beta-asparNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P22061Protein
SAL_14406Ubiquitin-like modifier-activating enzyme 1 (EC (Protein A1S9) (Ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P22314Protein
SAL_14407Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins A2/B1 (hnRNP A2/B1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P22626Protein
SAL_14408Protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase K (EC (Epidermal TGase) (Transglutaminase K) (TG(K)) (TGK) (TGase K) (Transglutaminase-1) (TGase-1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P22735Protein
SAL_14409Neutrophil collagenase (EC (Matrix metalloproteinase-8) (MMP-8) (PMNL collagenase) (PMNL-CL)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA2.4UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P22894Protein
SAL_14410Liver carboxylesterase 1 (Acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase) (ACAT) (Brain carboxylesterase hBr1) (Carboxylesterase 1) (CE-1) (hCE-1) (EC (Cocaine carboxylesterase) (Egasyn) (HMSE) NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P23141Protein
SAL_14411Fibulin-1 (FIBL-1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P23142Protein
SAL_14412Carbonic anhydrase 6 (EC (Carbonate dehydratase VI) (Carbonic anhydrase VI) (CA-VI) (Salivary carbonic anhydrase) (Secreted carbonic anhydrase)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA3.8UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P23280Protein
SAL_14413Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase B (PPIase B) (EC (CYP-S1) (Cyclophilin B) (Rotamase B) (S-cyclophilin) (SCYLP)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P23284Protein
SAL_14414Adenosylhomocysteinase (AdoHcyase) (EC (S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P23526Protein
SAL_14415Cofilin-1 (18 kDa phosphoprotein) (p18) (Cofilin, non-muscle isoform)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA2.1UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P23528Protein
SAL_14416Myeloblastin (EC (AGP7) (C-ANCA antigen) (Leukocyte proteinase 3) (PR-3) (PR3) (Neutrophil proteinase 4) (NP-4) (P29) (Wegener autoantigen)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P24158Protein
SAL_14417Cathepsin S (EC saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P25774Protein
SAL_14418Proteasome subunit alpha type-1 (EC (30 kDa prosomal protein) (PROS-30) (Macropain subunit C2) (Multicatalytic endopeptidase complex subunit C2) (Proteasome component C2) (Proteasome nu chaiNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P25786Protein
SAL_14419Proteasome subunit alpha type-2 (EC (Macropain subunit C3) (Multicatalytic endopeptidase complex subunit C3) (Proteasome component C3)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P25787Protein
SAL_14420Proteasome subunit alpha type-3 (EC (Macropain subunit C8) (Multicatalytic endopeptidase complex subunit C8) (Proteasome component C8)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P25788Protein
SAL_14421Proteasome subunit alpha type-4 (EC (Macropain subunit C9) (Multicatalytic endopeptidase complex subunit C9) (Proteasome component C9) (Proteasome subunit L)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P25789Protein
SAL_14422Pentraxin-related protein PTX3 (Pentaxin-related protein PTX3) (Tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein 5) (TNF alpha-induced protein 5) (Tumor necrosis factor-inducible gene 14 protein) (TSG-14)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P26022Protein
SAL_14423Moesin (Membrane-organizing extension spike protein)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA2UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P26038Protein
SAL_14424Protein S100-A4 (Calvasculin) (Metastasin) (Placental calcium-binding protein) (Protein Mts1) (S100 calcium-binding protein A4)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P26447Protein
SAL_14425Elongation factor 1-gamma (EF-1-gamma) (eEF-1B gamma)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P26641Protein
SAL_14426Serum paraoxonase/arylesterase 1 (PON 1) (EC (EC (EC (Aromatic esterase 1) (A-esterase 1) (K-45) (Serum aryldialkylphosphatase 1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P27169Protein
SAL_14427Calmodulin-like protein 3 (CaM-like protein) (CLP) (Calmodulin-related protein NB-1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P27482Protein
SAL_14428Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (EC (ADABP) (Adenosine deaminase complexing protein 2) (ADCP-2) (Dipeptidyl peptidase IV) (DPP IV) (T-cell activation antigen CD26) (TP103) (CD antigen CD26) [Cleaved NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P27487Protein
SAL_14429DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) lyase (EC 3.1.-.-) (EC (APEX nuclease) (APEN) (Apurinic-apyrimidinic endonuclease 1) (AP endonuclease 1) (APE-1) (REF-1) (Redox factor-1) [Cleaved into: NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P27695Protein
SAL_14430Calnexin (IP90) (Major histocompatibility complex class I antigen-binding protein p88) (p90)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-7.7DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P27824Protein
SAL_14431Properdin (Complement factor P)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P27918Protein
SAL_14432Proteasome subunit beta type-8 (EC (Low molecular mass protein 7) (Macropain subunit C13) (Multicatalytic endopeptidase complex subunit C13) (Proteasome component C13) (Proteasome subunit beNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P28062Protein
SAL_14433Proteasome subunit alpha type-5 (EC (Macropain zeta chain) (Multicatalytic endopeptidase complex zeta chain) (Proteasome zeta chain)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P28066Protein
SAL_14434Cystatin-D (Cystatin-5)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P28325Protein
SAL_14435Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 (MAP kinase 1) (MAPK 1) (EC (ERT1) (Extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2) (ERK-2) (MAP kinase isoform p42) (p42-MAPK) (Mitogen-activated protein kinaseNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P28482Protein
SAL_14436GrancalcinNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-7.1DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P28676Protein
SAL_14437Granulins (Proepithelin) (PEPI) [Cleaved into: Acrogranin (Glycoprotein of 88 Kda) (GP88) (Glycoprotein 88) (Progranulin); Paragranulin; Granulin-1 (Granulin G); Granulin-2 (Granulin F); Granulin-3 (GNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P28799Protein
SAL_14438Protein S100-A2 (CAN19) (Protein S-100L) (S100 calcium-binding protein A2)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P29034Protein
SAL_14439Cellular retinoic acid-binding protein 2 (Cellular retinoic acid-binding protein II) (CRABP-II)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P29373Protein
SAL_14440Serpin B3 (Protein T4-A) (Squamous cell carcinoma antigen 1) (SCCA-1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P29508Protein
SAL_14441Endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 29 (ERp29) (Endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 28) (ERp28) (Endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 31) (ERp31)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P30040Protein
SAL_14442Flavin reductase (NADPH) (FR) (EC (Biliverdin reductase B) (BVR-B) (EC (Biliverdin-IX beta-reductase) (Green heme-binding protein) (GHBP) (NADPH-dependent diaphorase) (NADPH-flavinNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-6.1DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P30043Protein
SAL_14443Peroxiredoxin-5, mitochondrial (EC (Alu corepressor 1) (Antioxidant enzyme B166) (AOEB166) (Liver tissue 2D-page spot 71B) (PLP) (Peroxiredoxin V) (Prx-V) (Peroxisomal antioxidant enzyme) (NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P30044Protein
SAL_14444D-dopachrome decarboxylase (EC (D-dopachrome tautomerase) (Phenylpyruvate tautomerase II)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P30046Protein
SAL_14445Thioredoxin-dependent peroxide reductase, mitochondrial (EC (Antioxidant protein 1) (AOP-1) (HBC189) (Peroxiredoxin III) (Prx-III) (Peroxiredoxin-3) (Protein MER5 homolog)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P30048Protein
SAL_14446Phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein 1 (PEBP-1) (HCNPpp) (Neuropolypeptide h3) (Prostatic-binding protein) (Raf kinase inhibitor protein) (RKIP) [Cleaved into: Hippocampal cholinergic neurostimulaNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P30086Protein
SAL_14447Protein disulfide-isomerase A3 (EC (58 kDa glucose-regulated protein) (58 kDa microsomal protein) (p58) (Disulfide isomerase ER-60) (Endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 57) (ER protein 57)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P30101Protein
SAL_14448Leukocyte elastase inhibitor (LEI) (Monocyte/neutrophil elastase inhibitor) (EI) (M/NEI) (Peptidase inhibitor 2) (PI-2) (Serpin B1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA2UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P30740Protein
SAL_14449Aldehyde dehydrogenase, dimeric NADP-preferring (EC (ALDHIII) (Aldehyde dehydrogenase 3) (Aldehyde dehydrogenase family 3 member A1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-2.2DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P30838Protein
SAL_14450Coronin-1A (Coronin-like protein A) (Clipin-A) (Coronin-like protein p57) (Tryptophan aspartate-containing coat protein) (TACO)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P31146Protein
SAL_14451Protein S100-A7 (Psoriasin) (S100 calcium-binding protein A7)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-2.9DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P31151Protein
SAL_14452Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H (hnRNP H) [Cleaved into: Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H, N-terminally processed]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P31943Protein
SAL_1445314-3-3 protein beta/alpha (Protein 1054) (Protein kinase C inhibitor protein 1) (KCIP-1) [Cleaved into: 14-3-3 protein beta/alpha, N-terminally processed]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P31946Protein
SAL_1445414-3-3 protein sigma (Epithelial cell marker protein 1) (Stratifin)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P31947Protein
SAL_14455Protein S100-A11 (Calgizzarin) (Metastatic lymph node gene 70 protein) (MLN 70) (Protein S100-C) (S100 calcium-binding protein A11) [Cleaved into: Protein S100-A11, N-terminally processed]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P31949Protein
SAL_14456Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 8 (CD67 antigen) (Carcinoembryonic antigen CGM6) (Non-specific cross-reacting antigen NCA-95) (CD antigen CD66b)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P31997Protein
SAL_14457Cytidine deaminase (EC (Cytidine aminohydrolase)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P32320Protein
SAL_14458Desmoglein-3 (130 kDa pemphigus vulgaris antigen) (PVA) (Cadherin family member 6)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P32926Protein
SAL_14459Heat shock 70 kDa protein 4 (HSP70RY) (Heat shock 70-related protein APG-2)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P34932Protein
SAL_14460Small proline-rich protein 2A (SPR-2A) (2-1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P35326Protein
SAL_14461Glutaredoxin-1 (Thioltransferase-1) (TTase-1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P35754Protein
SAL_14462Chitinase-3-like protein 1 (39 kDa synovial protein) (Cartilage glycoprotein 39) (CGP-39) (GP-39) (hCGP-39) (YKL-40)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA2.7UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P36222Protein
SAL_14463Phosphoglucomutase-1 (PGM 1) (EC (Glucose phosphomutase 1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P36871Protein
SAL_14464Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) (Cell proliferation-inducing gene 35 protein) (EPC-1) (Serpin F1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P36955Protein
SAL_14465Transgelin-2 (Epididymis tissue protein Li 7e) (SM22-alpha homolog)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P37802Protein
SAL_14466Transaldolase (EC saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P37837Protein
SAL_14467Acidic leucine-rich nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member A (Acidic nuclear phosphoprotein pp32) (pp32) (Leucine-rich acidic nuclear protein) (LANP) (Mapmodulin) (Potent heat-stable protein phosphatNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA3.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P39687Protein
SAL_14468Macrophage-capping protein (Actin regulatory protein CAP-G)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P40121Protein
SAL_14469Malate dehydrogenase, cytoplasmic (EC (Cytosolic malate dehydrogenase) (Diiodophenylpyruvate reductase) (EC saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P40925Protein
SAL_14470Malate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial (EC saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P40926Protein
SAL_14471Myeloid cell nuclear differentiation antigenNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P41218Protein
SAL_14472Lysosomal Pro-X carboxypeptidase (EC (Angiotensinase C) (Lysosomal carboxypeptidase C) (Proline carboxypeptidase) (Prolylcarboxypeptidase) (PRCP)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P42785Protein
SAL_14473Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase IB subunit alpha (Lissencephaly-1 protein) (LIS-1) (PAF acetylhydrolase 45 kDa subunit) (PAF-AH 45 kDa subunit) (PAF-AH alpha) (PAFAH alpha)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P43034Protein
SAL_14474Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAmPRTase) (Nampt) (EC (Pre-B-cell colony-enhancing factor 1) (Pre-B cell-enhancing factor) (Visfatin)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P43490Protein
SAL_14475Afamin (Alpha-albumin) (Alpha-Alb)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P43652Protein
SAL_14476Glucosamine-6-phosphate isomerase 1 (EC (Glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase 1) (GNPDA 1) (GlcN6P deaminase 1) (Oscillin)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P46926Protein
SAL_14477Ras GTPase-activating-like protein IQGAP1 (p195)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P46940Protein
SAL_14478Glycogenin-1 (GN-1) (GN1) (EC saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P46976Protein
SAL_14479F-actin-capping protein subunit alpha-2 (CapZ alpha-2)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P47755Protein
SAL_14480Glutathione synthetase (GSH synthetase) (GSH-S) (EC (Glutathione synthase)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P48637Protein
SAL_14481Proteasome subunit beta type-3 (EC (Proteasome chain 13) (Proteasome component C10-II) (Proteasome theta chain)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P49720Protein
SAL_14482Proteasome subunit beta type-2 (EC (Macropain subunit C7-I) (Multicatalytic endopeptidase complex subunit C7-I) (Proteasome component C7-I)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P49721Protein
SAL_14483Cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide (18 kDa cationic antimicrobial protein) (CAP-18) (hCAP-18) [Cleaved into: Antibacterial peptide FALL-39 (FALL-39 peptide antibiotic); Antibacterial peptide LL-37]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P49913Protein
SAL_14484Rab GDP dissociation inhibitor beta (Rab GDI beta) (Guanosine diphosphate dissociation inhibitor 2) (GDI-2)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P50395Protein
SAL_14485Vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P50552Protein
SAL_14486Ras-related protein Rab-7aNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P51149Protein
SAL_14487Lumican (Keratan sulfate proteoglycan lumican) (KSPG lumican)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P51884Protein
SAL_144886-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, decarboxylating (EC saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P52209Protein
SAL_14489Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor 1 (Rho GDI 1) (Rho-GDI alpha)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P52565Protein
SAL_14490Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor 2 (Rho GDI 2) (Ly-GDI) (Rho-GDI beta)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P52566Protein
SAL_14491F-actin-capping protein subunit alpha-1 (CapZ alpha-1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P52907Protein
SAL_14492Dipeptidyl peptidase 1 (EC (Cathepsin C) (Cathepsin J) (Dipeptidyl peptidase I) (DPP-I) (DPPI) (Dipeptidyl transferase) [Cleaved into: Dipeptidyl peptidase 1 exclusion domain chain (DipeptidNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P53634Protein
SAL_14493Cysteine-rich secretory protein 3 (CRISP-3) (Specific granule protein of 28 kDa) (SGP28)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P54108Protein
SAL_14494Alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase (EC (N-acetyl-alpha-glucosaminidase) (NAG) [Cleaved into: Alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase 82 kDa form; Alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase 77 kDa form]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P54802Protein
SAL_14495Adenylate kinase 2, mitochondrial (AK 2) (EC (ATP-AMP transphosphorylase 2) (ATP:AMP phosphotransferase) (Adenylate monophosphate kinase) [Cleaved into: Adenylate kinase 2, mitochondrial, N-tNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P54819Protein
SAL_14496Phospholipid transfer protein (Lipid transfer protein II)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P55058Protein
SAL_14497Transitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPase (TER ATPase) (EC (15S Mg(2+)-ATPase p97 subunit) (Valosin-containing protein) (VCP)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P55072Protein
SAL_14498Puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase (PSA) (EC (Cytosol alanyl aminopeptidase) (AAP-S)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P55786Protein
SAL_14499Protein FAM3B (Cytokine-like protein 2-21) (Pancreatic-derived factor) (PANDER)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P58499Protein
SAL_14500Neutrophil defensin 3 (Defensin, alpha 3) (HNP-3) (HP-3) (HP3) [Cleaved into: HP 3-56; Neutrophil defensin 2 (HNP-2) (HP-2) (HP2)]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P59666Protein
SAL_14501Myosin light polypeptide 6 (17 kDa myosin light chain) (LC17) (Myosin light chain 3) (MLC-3) (Myosin light chain alkali 3) (Myosin light chain A3) (Smooth muscle and nonmuscle myosin light chain alkalNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P60660Protein
SAL_14502Proteasome subunit alpha type-6 (EC (27 kDa prosomal protein) (PROS-27) (p27K) (Macropain iota chain) (Multicatalytic endopeptidase complex iota chain) (Proteasome iota chain)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P60900Protein
SAL_14503Cell division control protein 42 homolog (G25K GTP-binding protein)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA4.8UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P60953Protein
SAL_14504Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 N (EC (Bendless-like ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme) (E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme N) (Ubc13) (UbcH13) (Ubiquitin carrier protein N) (Ubiquitin-protein ligasNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P61088Protein
SAL_14505Actin-related protein 3 (Actin-like protein 3)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P61158Protein
SAL_14506Actin-related protein 2 (Actin-like protein 2)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA3.4UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P61160Protein
SAL_14507Transforming protein RhoA (Rho cDNA clone 12) (h12)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P61586Protein
SAL_14508Beta-2-microglobulin [Cleaved into: Beta-2-microglobulin form pI 5.3]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P61769Protein
SAL_14509Epididymal secretory protein E1 (Human epididymis-specific protein 1) (He1) (Niemann-Pick disease type C2 protein)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P61916Protein
SAL_14510Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K (hnRNP K) (Transformation up-regulated nuclear protein) (TUNP)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P61978Protein
SAL_1451114-3-3 protein gamma (Protein kinase C inhibitor protein 1) (KCIP-1) [Cleaved into: 14-3-3 protein gamma, N-terminally processed]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P61981Protein
SAL_1451214-3-3 protein epsilon (14-3-3E)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-2.3DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P62258Protein
SAL_14513Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Sm D2 (Sm-D2) (snRNP core protein D2)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P62316Protein
SAL_14514Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A (PPIase A) (EC (Cyclophilin A) (Cyclosporin A-binding protein) (Rotamase A) [Cleaved into: Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A, N-terminally processed]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P62937Protein
SAL_1451514-3-3 protein zeta/delta (Protein kinase C inhibitor protein 1) (KCIP-1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P63104Protein
SAL_14516Tropomyosin alpha-4 chain (TM30p1) (Tropomyosin-4)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-3.8DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P67936Protein
SAL_14517Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 L3 (EC (E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme L3) (L-UBC) (UbcH7) (Ubiquitin carrier protein L3) (Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2-F1) (Ubiquitin-protein ligase L3)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P68036Protein
SAL_14518Actin, alpha skeletal muscle (Alpha-actin-1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P68133Protein
SAL_14519Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type substrate 1 (SHP substrate 1) (SHPS-1) (Brain Ig-like molecule with tyrosine-based activation motifs) (Bit) (CD172 antigen-like family member A) (InhibitNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P78324Protein
SAL_14520Glutathione S-transferase omega-1 (GSTO-1) (EC (Glutathione S-transferase omega 1-1) (GSTO 1-1) (Glutathione-dependent dehydroascorbate reductase) (EC (Monomethylarsonic acid reductNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P78417Protein
SAL_14521Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) (25 kDa alpha-2-microglobulin-related subunit of MMP-9) (Lipocalin-2) (Oncogene 24p3) (Siderocalin LCN2) (p25)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P80188Protein
SAL_14522Nucleobindin-2 (DNA-binding protein NEFA) (Gastric cancer antigen Zg4) (Prepronesfatin) [Cleaved into: Nesfatin-1]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA2.1UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009P80303Protein
SAL_14523Protein S100-A12 (CGRP) (Calcium-binding protein in amniotic fluid 1) (CAAF1) (Calgranulin-C) (CAGC) (Extracellular newly identified RAGE-binding protein) (EN-RAGE) (Migration inhibitory factor-relateNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P80511Protein
SAL_14524Brain acid soluble protein 1 (22 kDa neuronal tissue-enriched acidic protein) (Neuronal axonal membrane protein NAP-22)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P80723Protein
SAL_14525Mucin-5AC (MUC-5AC) (Gastric mucin) (Lewis B blood group antigen) (LeB) (Major airway glycoprotein) (Mucin-5 subtype AC, tracheobronchial) (Tracheobronchial mucin) (TBM)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009P98088Protein
SAL_14526Clathrin heavy chain 1 (Clathrin heavy chain on chromosome 17) (CLH-17)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q00610Protein
SAL_14527Spectrin beta chain, non-erythrocytic 1 (Beta-II spectrin) (Fodrin beta chain) (Spectrin, non-erythroid beta chain 1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q01082Protein
SAL_14528Di-N-acetylchitobiase (EC 3.2.1.-)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q01459Protein
SAL_14529Fatty acid-binding protein, epidermal (Epidermal-type fatty acid-binding protein) (E-FABP) (Fatty acid-binding protein 5) (Psoriasis-associated fatty acid-binding protein homolog) (PA-FABP)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-2.6DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009Q01469Protein
SAL_14530Adenylyl cyclase-associated protein 1 (CAP 1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q01518Protein
SAL_14531Desmoglein-1 (Cadherin family member 4) (Desmosomal glycoprotein 1) (DG1) (DGI) (Pemphigus foliaceus antigen)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q02413Protein
SAL_14532Desmocollin-2 (Cadherin family member 2) (Desmocollin-3) (Desmosomal glycoprotein II) (Desmosomal glycoprotein III)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q02487Protein
SAL_14533Lamin-B2NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q03252Protein
SAL_1453414-3-3 protein eta (Protein AS1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-3DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009Q04917Protein
SAL_14535Proteasome activator complex subunit 1 (11S regulator complex subunit alpha) (REG-alpha) (Activator of multicatalytic protease subunit 1) (Interferon gamma up-regulated I-5111 protein) (IGUP I-5111) (NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q06323Protein
SAL_14536Peroxiredoxin-1 (EC (Natural killer cell-enhancing factor A) (NKEF-A) (Proliferation-associated gene protein) (PAG) (Thioredoxin peroxidase 2) (Thioredoxin-dependent peroxide reductase 2)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-2.6DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009Q06830Protein
SAL_14537Trefoil factor 3 (Intestinal trefoil factor) (hITF) (Polypeptide P1.B) (hP1.B)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q07654Protein
SAL_14538Protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase E (EC (Transglutaminase E) (TG(E)) (TGE) (TGase E) (Transglutaminase-3) (TGase-3) [Cleaved into: Protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase E 50 NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q08188Protein
SAL_14539Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2B catalytic subunit alpha isoform (EC (CAM-PRP catalytic subunit) (Calmodulin-dependent calcineurin A subunit alpha isoform)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q08209Protein
SAL_14540Galectin-3-binding protein (Basement membrane autoantigen p105) (Lectin galactoside-binding soluble 3-binding protein) (Mac-2-binding protein) (MAC2BP) (Mac-2 BP) (Tumor-associated antigen 90K)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q08380Protein
SAL_14541Neuroblast differentiation-associated protein AHNAK (Desmoyokin)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA3.1UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009Q09666Protein
SAL_14542Peptidylprolyl isomerase (EC saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q0VDC6Protein
SAL_14543AP-1 complex subunit beta-1 (Adaptor protein complex AP-1 subunit beta-1) (Adaptor-related protein complex 1 subunit beta-1) (Beta-1-adaptin) (Beta-adaptin 1) (Clathrin assembly protein complex 1 betaNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q10567Protein
SAL_14544ADP-ribosyl cyclase/cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase 2 (EC (ADP-ribosyl cyclase 2) (Bone marrow stromal antigen 1) (BST-1) (Cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase 2) (cADPr hydrolase 2) (CD antigen CD157)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q10588Protein
SAL_14545EGF-containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 1 (Extracellular protein S1-5) (Fibrillin-like protein) (Fibulin-3) (FIBL-3)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q12805Protein
SAL_14546Interleukin enhancer-binding factor 3 (Double-stranded RNA-binding protein 76) (DRBP76) (M-phase phosphoprotein 4) (MPP4) (Nuclear factor associated with dsRNA) (NFAR) (Nuclear factor of activated T-cNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q12906Protein
SAL_14547Vesicular integral-membrane protein VIP36 (Glycoprotein GP36b) (Lectin mannose-binding 2) (Vesicular integral-membrane protein 36) (VIP36)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q12907Protein
SAL_14548S-methyl-5-thioadenosine phosphorylase (EC (5-methylthioadenosine phosphorylase) (MTA phosphorylase) (MTAP) (MTAPase)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q13126Protein
SAL_14549Chromobox protein homolog 3 (HECH) (Heterochromatin protein 1 homolog gamma) (HP1 gamma) (Modifier 2 protein)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q13185Protein
SAL_14550Chitotriosidase-1 (EC (Chitinase-1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-2.2DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009Q13231Protein
SAL_14551Spectrin alpha chain, non-erythrocytic 1 (Alpha-II spectrin) (Fodrin alpha chain) (Spectrin, non-erythroid alpha subunit)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q13813Protein
SAL_14552Coactosin-like proteinNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q14019Protein
SAL_14553Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D0 (hnRNP D0) (AU-rich element RNA-binding protein 1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q14103Protein
SAL_14554Lymphocyte antigen 6D (Ly-6D) (E48 antigen)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q14210Protein
SAL_14555WAP four-disulfide core domain protein 2 (Epididymal secretory protein E4) (Major epididymis-specific protein E4) (Putative protease inhibitor WAP5)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q14508Protein
SAL_14556SPARC-like protein 1 (High endothelial venule protein) (Hevin) (MAST 9)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q14515Protein
SAL_14557Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4 (ITI heavy chain H4) (ITI-HC4) (Inter-alpha-inhibitor heavy chain 4) (Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor family heavy chain-related protein) (IHRP) (Plasma kallNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA2.6UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009Q14624Protein
SAL_14558Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4 (ITI heavy chain H4) (ITI-HC4) (Inter-alpha-inhibitor heavy chain 4) (Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor family heavy chain-related protein) (IHRP) (Plasma kallNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q14624Protein
SAL_14559Prostaglandin reductase 1 (PRG-1) (EC 1.3.1.-) (15-oxoprostaglandin 13-reductase) (EC (NADP-dependent leukotriene B4 12-hydroxydehydrogenase) (EC saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q14914Protein
SAL_14560Calcium-activated chloride channel regulator 4 (EC 3.4.-.-) (Calcium-activated chloride channel family member 4) (hCLCA4) (Calcium-activated chloride channel protein 2) (CaCC-2) (hCaCC-2) (Chloride chNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q14CN2Protein
SAL_14561Early endosome antigen 1 (Endosome-associated protein p162) (Zinc finger FYVE domain-containing protein 2)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q15075Protein
SAL_14562Neutrophil cytosol factor 4 (NCF-4) (Neutrophil NADPH oxidase factor 4) (SH3 and PX domain-containing protein 4) (p40-phox) (p40phox)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q15080Protein
SAL_14563Protein disulfide-isomerase A6 (EC (Endoplasmic reticulum protein 5) (ER protein 5) (ERp5) (Protein disulfide isomerase P5) (Thioredoxin domain-containing protein 7)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q15084Protein
SAL_14564Plectin (PCN) (PLTN) (Hemidesmosomal protein 1) (HD1) (Plectin-1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q15149Protein
SAL_14565RET tyrosine kinase/cAMP protein kinase A subunit RINAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q15300Protein
SAL_14566Translin (EC 3.1.-.-) (Component 3 of promoter of RISC) (C3PO)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q15631Protein
SAL_14567Chitinase-3-like protein 2 (Chondrocyte protein 39) (YKL-39)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q15782Protein
SAL_14568Extracellular matrix protein 1 (Secretory component p85)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q16610Protein
SAL_14569Prostasin (EC 3.4.21.-) (Channel-activating protease 1) (CAP1) (Serine protease 8) [Cleaved into: Prostasin light chain; Prostasin heavy chain]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q16651Protein
SAL_14570Thioredoxin reductase 1, cytoplasmic (TR) (EC (Gene associated with retinoic and interferon-induced mortality 12 protein) (GRIM-12) (Gene associated with retinoic and IFN-induced mortality 12NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q16881Protein
SAL_14571CD177NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q1T7A3Protein
SAL_14572Serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade B (Ovalbumin), member 10NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA2.1UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009Q4VAX6Protein
SAL_14573Histone cluster 1, H1eNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA2.1UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009Q4VB24Protein
SAL_14574Dopamine receptor interacting protein 4NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q4W4Y1Protein
SAL_14575Transketolase (EC (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q53EM5Protein
SAL_14576UV excision repair protein RAD23 homolog B variant (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q53F10Protein
SAL_14577Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H3 isoform a variant (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q53F48Protein
SAL_14578Phosphoglycerate mutase (EC (EC (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q53G35Protein
SAL_14579Calreticulin variant (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q53G71Protein
SAL_14580N-acylsphingosine amidohydrolase (Acid ceramidase) 1 preproprotein isoform a variant (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q53H01Protein
SAL_14581Carboxylic ester hydrolase (EC 3.1.1.-) (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q53H57Protein
SAL_14582Full-length cDNA clone CS0DF032YM23 of Fetal brain of Homo sapiens (human) (Full-length cDNA clone CS0DM007YH13 of Fetal liver of Homo sapiens (human)) (HCG2044782, isoform CRA_a) (Ribonuclease A B1) NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q53XB4Protein
SAL_14583Spectrin, beta, erythrocytic (Includes spherocytosis, clinical type I) variant (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q59FP5Protein
SAL_14584Calpastatin isoform a variant (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q59HE3Protein
SAL_14585V4-2 protein (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q5NV82Protein
SAL_14586V2-19 protein (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q5NV91Protein
SAL_14587Allograft inflammatory factor 1 (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q5STX8Protein
SAL_14588Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A activator (EC (Phosphotyrosyl phosphatase activator) (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q5T949Protein
SAL_14589Prelamin-A/CNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-3.3DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009Q5TCI8Protein
SAL_14590Ribosyldihydronicotinamide dehydrogenase [quinone]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q5TD07Protein
SAL_14591High-mobility group box 2NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q5U071Protein
SAL_14592SET (SET translocation (Myeloid leukemia-associated), isoform CRA_a) (cDNA FLJ51749, highly similar to Protein SET)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q5VXV3Protein
SAL_14593Retinol binding protein 4, plasma, isoform CRA_b (Retinol-binding protein 4)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA2.2UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009Q5VY30Protein
SAL_14594TBCA protein (Tubulin folding cofactor A) (Tubulin-specific chaperone a) (cDNA, FLJ92496, Homo sapiens tubulin-specific chaperone a (TBCA), mRNA)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q6FGD7Protein
SAL_14595Galectin (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q6FGL0Protein
SAL_14596TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 1, isoform CRA_a (TIMP1 protein) (cDNA, FLJ92204, Homo sapiens tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 (erythroidpotentiating activity, collagenase inhibitor) (TIMP1), NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q6FGX5Protein
SAL_14597Histone H2A type 2-A (Histone H2A.2) (Histone H2A/o)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q6FI13Protein
SAL_14598GRB2 protein (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q6ICN0Protein
SAL_14599Phospholipase B-like 1 (EC 3.1.1.-) (LAMA-like protein 1) (Lamina ancestor homolog 1) (Phospholipase B domain-containing protein 1) [Cleaved into: Phospholipase B-like 1 chain A; Phospholipase B-like NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q6P4A8Protein
SAL_14600Protein LEG1 homologNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q6P5S2Protein
SAL_14601SuprabasinNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q6UWP8Protein
SAL_14602Olfactomedin-4 (OLM4) (Antiapoptotic protein GW112) (G-CSF-stimulated clone 1 protein) (hGC-1) (hOLfD)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q6UX06Protein
SAL_14603Nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase (NAPRTase) (EC (FHA-HIT-interacting protein) (Nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase domain-containing protein 1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q6XQN6Protein
SAL_14604CD109 antigen (150 kDa TGF-beta-1-binding protein) (C3 and PZP-like alpha-2-macroglobulin domain-containing protein 7) (Platelet-specific Gov antigen) (p180) (r150) (CD antigen CD109)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q6YHK3Protein
SAL_14605cDNA FLJ41552 fis, clone COLON2004478, highly similar to Protein Tro alpha1 H,myelomaNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q6ZW64Protein
SAL_14606Protein unc-13 homolog D (Munc13-4)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q70J99Protein
SAL_14607Basic proline-rich peptide IB-8a (Fragments)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA5.4UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009Q7M4Q5Protein
SAL_14608Rearranged VKA17 V gene segment (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q7Z3Y5Protein
SAL_14609Proteasome subunit beta type (EC saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-6.1DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009Q86U62Protein
SAL_14610Fermitin family homolog 3 (Kindlin-3) (MIG2-like protein) (Unc-112-related protein 2)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q86UX7Protein
SAL_14611HSPA9 protein (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q8N1C8Protein
SAL_14612cDNA FLJ33834 fis, clone CTONG2004264, moderately similar to NEUROBLAST DIFFERENTIATION ASSOCIATED PROTEIN AHNAKNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q8N274Protein
SAL_14613Golgi membrane protein 1 (Golgi membrane protein GP73) (Golgi phosphoprotein 2)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q8NBJ4Protein
SAL_14614BPI fold-containing family B member 1 (Long palate, lung and nasal epithelium carcinoma-associated protein 1) (Von Ebner minor salivary gland protein) (VEMSGP)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q8TDL5Protein
SAL_14615Intelectin-1 (ITLN-1) (Endothelial lectin HL-1) (Galactofuranose-binding lectin) (Intestinal lactoferrin receptor) (Omentin)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q8WWA0Protein
SAL_14616Mucin-16 (MUC-16) (Ovarian cancer-related tumor marker CA125) (CA-125) (Ovarian carcinoma antigen CA125)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q8WXI7Protein
SAL_14617Envoplakin (210 kDa cornified envelope precursor protein) (210 kDa paraneoplastic pemphigus antigen) (p210)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q92817Protein
SAL_14618Gamma-glutamyl hydrolase (EC (Conjugase) (GH) (Gamma-Glu-X carboxypeptidase)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q92820Protein
SAL_14619Golgi apparatus protein 1 (CFR-1) (Cysteine-rich fibroblast growth factor receptor) (E-selectin ligand 1) (ESL-1) (Golgi sialoglycoprotein MG-160)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q92896Protein
SAL_14620Myeloid-derived growth factor (MYDGF) (Interleukin-25) (IL-25) (Stromal cell-derived growth factor SF20)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q969H8Protein
SAL_14621Protein FAM3DNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q96BQ1Protein
SAL_14622Zymogen granule protein 16 homolog BNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q96DA0Protein
SAL_14623BPI fold-containing family A member 2 (Parotid secretory protein) (PSP) (Short palate, lung and nasal epithelium carcinoma-associated protein 2)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q96DR5Protein
SAL_14624Phosphoglucomutase-2 (PGM 2) (EC (Glucose phosphomutase 2) (Phosphodeoxyribomutase) (Phosphopentomutase) (EC saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q96G03Protein
SAL_14625ERO1-like protein alpha (ERO1-L) (ERO1-L-alpha) (EC 1.8.4.-) (Endoplasmic oxidoreductin-1-like protein) (Endoplasmic reticulum oxidoreductase alpha) (Oxidoreductin-1-L-alpha)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q96HE7Protein
SAL_14626N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase (EC (Peptidoglycan recognition protein 2) (Peptidoglycan recognition protein long) (PGRP-L)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q96PD5Protein
SAL_14627Small proline-rich protein 2F (SPR-2F)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-2.9DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009Q96RM1Protein
SAL_14628Protein deglycase DJ-1 (DJ-1) (EC 3.1.2.-) (EC 3.5.1.-) (Oncogene DJ1) (Parkinson disease protein 7)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q99497Protein
SAL_14629Synaptic vesicle membrane protein VAT-1 homolog (EC 1.-.-.-)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q99536Protein
SAL_14630Histone H2B type 1-N (Histone H2B.d) (H2B/d)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q99877Protein
SAL_14631Thioredoxin domain-containing protein 17 (14 kDa thioredoxin-related protein) (TRP14) (Protein 42-9-9) (Thioredoxin-like protein 5)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9BRA2Protein
SAL_14632Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase CPPED1 (EC (Calcineurin-like phosphoesterase domain-containing protein 1) (Complete S-transactivated protein 1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9BRF8Protein
SAL_14633Endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 44 (ER protein 44) (ERp44) (Thioredoxin domain-containing protein 4)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9BS26Protein
SAL_14634EEF1D protein (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9BW34Protein
SAL_14635SH3 domain-binding glutamic acid-rich-like protein 3 (SH3 domain-binding protein 1) (SH3BP-1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9H299Protein
SAL_14636Resistin (Adipose tissue-specific secretory factor) (ADSF) (C/EBP-epsilon-regulated myeloid-specific secreted cysteine-rich protein) (Cysteine-rich secreted protein A12-alpha-like 2) (Cysteine-rich seNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9HD89Protein
SAL_14637BPI fold-containing family A member 1 (Lung-specific protein X) (Nasopharyngeal carcinoma-related protein) (Palate lung and nasal epithelium clone protein) (Secretory protein in upper respiratory tracNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA5.5UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9NP55Protein
SAL_14638Serine protease inhibitor Kazal-type 5 (Lympho-epithelial Kazal-type-related inhibitor) (LEKTI) [Cleaved into: Hemofiltrate peptide HF6478; Hemofiltrate peptide HF7665]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9NQ38Protein
SAL_14639Protein FAM49B (L1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9NUQ9Protein
SAL_14640Tropomodulin-3 (Ubiquitous tropomodulin) (U-Tmod)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9NYL9Protein
SAL_14641Endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 (EC 3.4.11.-) (ARTS-1) (Adipocyte-derived leucine aminopeptidase) (A-LAP) (Aminopeptidase PILS) (Puromycin-insensitive leucyl-specific aminopeptidase) (PILS-AP) NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9NZ08Protein
SAL_14642Calmodulin-like protein 5 (Calmodulin-like skin protein)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-2.2DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9NZT1Protein
SAL_14643Small proline-rich protein 3 (22 kDa pancornulin) (Cornifin beta) (Esophagin)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9UBC9Protein
SAL_14644Cornulin (53 kDa putative calcium-binding protein) (53 kDa squamous epithelial-induced stress protein) (58 kDa heat shock protein) (Squamous epithelial heat shock protein 53) (Tumor-related protein)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9UBG3Protein
SAL_14645Cathepsin Z (EC (Cathepsin P) (Cathepsin X)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-2.9DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9UBR2Protein
SAL_14646Kallikrein-11 (hK11) (EC 3.4.21.-) (Hippostasin) (Serine protease 20) (Trypsin-like protease) [Cleaved into: Kallikrein-11 inactive chain 1; Kallikrein-11 inactive chain 2]NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9UBX7Protein
SAL_14647Deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 protein (Glycoprotein 340) (Gp-340) (Hensin) (Salivary agglutinin) (SAG) (Surfactant pulmonary-associated D-binding protein)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9UGM3Protein
SAL_14648Dipeptidyl peptidase 2 (EC (Dipeptidyl aminopeptidase II) (Dipeptidyl peptidase 7) (Dipeptidyl peptidase II) (DPP II) (Quiescent cell proline dipeptidase)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9UHL4Protein
SAL_14649Mitochondrial peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase (EC (Peptide-methionine (S)-S-oxide reductase) (Peptide Met(O) reductase) (Protein-methionine-S-oxide reductase) (PMSR)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9UJ68Protein
SAL_14650N-acetyl-D-glucosamine kinase (N-acetylglucosamine kinase) (EC (GlcNAc kinase)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9UJ70Protein
SAL_14651Kallikrein-13 (EC 3.4.21.-) (Kallikrein-like protein 4) (KLK-L4)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9UKR3Protein
SAL_14652Transmembrane protease serine 11E (EC 3.4.21.-) (Serine protease DESC1) (Transmembrane protease serine 11E2) [Cleaved into: Transmembrane protease serine 11E non-catalytic chain; Transmembrane proteasNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9UL52Protein
SAL_14653Myosin-reactive immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region (Fragment)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9UL88Protein
SAL_14654Apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD (hASC) (Caspase recruitment domain-containing protein 5) (PYD and CARD domain-containing protein) (Target of methylation-induced silencing 1)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9ULZ3Protein
SAL_14655NSFL1 cofactor p47 (UBX domain-containing protein 2C) (p97 cofactor p47)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9UNZ2Protein
SAL_14656CGI-150 proteinNAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9Y3E8Protein
SAL_14657Talin-1NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9Y490Protein
SAL_14658Heme-binding protein 2 (Placental protein 23) (PP23) (Protein SOUL)NAFive saliva samples each from the control and DM groups were pooled separately and subjected to two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2-DLC) and LC-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysisWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANANANAHomo sapiens191184522009Q9Y5Z4Protein
SAL_14930Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 11B (Osteoclastogenesis inhibitory factor) (Osteoprotegerin)NAELISAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens201928652010O00300Protein
SAL_14932Neutrophil collagenase (EC (Matrix metalloproteinase-8) (MMP-8) (PMNL collagenase) (PMNL-CL)NAELISAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens201928652010P22894Protein
SAL_14954Cystatin-S (Cystatin-4) (Cystatin-SA-III) (Salivary acidic protein 1)NANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P01036Protein
SAL_14955Cystatin-SN (Cystain-SA-I) (Cystatin-1) (Salivary cystatin-SA-1)NANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P01037Protein
SAL_14956StatherinNANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P02808Protein
SAL_14957Salivary acidic proline-rich phosphoprotein 1/2 (Db-s) (PRP-1/PRP-2) (Parotid acidic protein) (Pa) (Parotid double-band protein) (Parotid isoelectric focusing variant protein) (PIF-S) (Parotid prolineNANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P02810Protein
SAL_14958Submaxillary gland androgen-regulated protein 3B (Proline-rich peptide P-B) (Proline-rich protein 3) [Cleaved into: Peptide P-A; Peptide D1A]NANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P02814Protein
SAL_14959Protein S100-A8 (Calgranulin-A) (Calprotectin L1L subunit) (Cystic fibrosis antigen) (CFAG) (Leukocyte L1 complex light chain) (Migration inhibitory factor-related protein 8) (MRP-8) (p8) (S100 calciuNANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P05109Protein
SAL_14960Protein S100-A9 (Calgranulin-B) (Calprotectin L1H subunit) (Leukocyte L1 complex heavy chain) (Migration inhibitory factor-related protein 14) (MRP-14) (p14) (S100 calcium-binding protein A9)NANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P06702Protein
SAL_14961Protein S100-A6 (Calcyclin) (Growth factor-inducible protein 2A9) (MLN 4) (Prolactin receptor-associated protein) (PRA) (S100 calcium-binding protein A6)NANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P06703Protein
SAL_14962Cystatin-SA (Cystatin-2) (Cystatin-S5)NANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P09228Protein
SAL_14963Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase (G6PD) (EC SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P11413Protein
SAL_14964Eosinophil peroxidase (EPO) (EC [Cleaved into: Eosinophil peroxidase light chain; Eosinophil peroxidase heavy chain]NANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P11678Protein
SAL_14965Neurofilament heavy polypeptide (NF-H) (200 kDa neurofilament protein) (Neurofilament triplet H protein)NANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P12036Protein
SAL_14966Neutrophil defensin 4 (Defensin, alpha 4) (HNP-4) (HP-4)NANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P12838Protein
SAL_14967Fatty acid-binding protein, adipocyte (Adipocyte lipid-binding protein) (ALBP) (Adipocyte-type fatty acid-binding protein) (A-FABP) (AFABP) (Fatty acid-binding protein 4)NANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P15090Protein
SAL_14968Histatin-1 (Histidine-rich protein 1) (Post-PB protein) (PPB) [Cleaved into: His1-(31-57)-peptide (His1 31/57) (His1-(12-38)-peptide) (His1 12/38) (Histatin-2)]NANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P15515Protein
SAL_14969Histatin-3 (Basic histidine-rich protein) (Hst) (Histidine-rich protein 3) (PB) [Cleaved into: Histatin-3; His3-(20-44)-peptide (His3 20/44) (His3-(1-25)-peptide) (His3 1/25) (Histatin-3 1/25) (HistatNANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P15516Protein
SAL_14970Cytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 2, mitochondrial (Complex III subunit 2) (Core protein II) (Ubiquinol-cytochrome-c reductase complex core protein 2)NANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P22695Protein
SAL_14971Myosin-9 (Cellular myosin heavy chain, type A) (Myosin heavy chain 9) (Myosin heavy chain, non-muscle IIa) (Non-muscle myosin heavy chain A) (NMMHC-A) (Non-muscle myosin heavy chain IIa) (NMMHC II-a) NANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P35579Protein
SAL_14972Glutaredoxin-1 (Thioltransferase-1) (TTase-1)NANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P35754Protein
SAL_14973Neutrophil defensin 1 (Defensin, alpha 1) (HNP-1) (HP-1) (HP1) [Cleaved into: HP 1-56; Neutrophil defensin 2 (HNP-2) (HP-2) (HP2)]NANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P59665Protein
SAL_14974Neutrophil defensin 3 (Defensin, alpha 3) (HNP-3) (HP-3) (HP3) [Cleaved into: HP 3-56; Neutrophil defensin 2 (HNP-2) (HP-2) (HP2)]NANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P59666Protein
SAL_14975Thymosin beta-4 (T beta-4) (Fx) [Cleaved into: Hematopoietic system regulatory peptide (Seraspenide)]NANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P62328Protein
SAL_14976Thymosin beta-10NANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010P63313Protein
SAL_14977Triosephosphate isomerase (EC (Fragment)NANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010Q53HE2Protein
SAL_14978Putative uncharacterized protein DKFZp686K18196 (Fragment)NANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 1NANANANAHomo sapiens205850252010Q6N092Protein
SAL_15253Haptoglobin (Zonulin) [Cleaved into: Haptoglobin alpha chain; Haptoglobin beta chain]NAelectrospray (LC/MS/MS) mass spectrometry with automatic database analysis (Proteomics International, Perth, Australia).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-1.456DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens226060012012P00738Protein
SAL_15254Alpha-1-antitrypsin (Alpha-1 protease inhibitor) (Alpha-1-antiproteinase) (Serpin A1) [Cleaved into: Short peptide from AAT (SPAAT)]NAelectrospray (LC/MS/MS) mass spectrometry with automatic database analysis (Proteomics International, Perth, Australia).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA1.022UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens226060012012P01009Protein
SAL_15255Complement C3 (C3 and PZP-like alpha-2-macroglobulin domain-containing protein 1) [Cleaved into: Complement C3 beta chain; C3-beta-c (C3bc); Complement C3 alpha chain; C3a anaphylatoxin; Acylation stiNAelectrospray (LC/MS/MS) mass spectrometry with automatic database analysis (Proteomics International, Perth, Australia).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-1.076DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens226060012012P01024Protein
SAL_15258Polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (PIgR) (Poly-Ig receptor) (Hepatocellular carcinoma-associated protein TB6) [Cleaved into: Secretory component]NAelectrospray (LC/MS/MS) mass spectrometry with automatic database analysis (Proteomics International, Perth, Australia).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-1.344DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens226060012012P01833Protein
SAL_15259Polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (PIgR) (Poly-Ig receptor) (Hepatocellular carcinoma-associated protein TB6) [Cleaved into: Secretory component]NAelectrospray (LC/MS/MS) mass spectrometry with automatic database analysis (Proteomics International, Perth, Australia).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-1.345DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens226060012012P01833Protein
SAL_15260Ig kappa chain C regionNAelectrospray (LC/MS/MS) mass spectrometry with automatic database analysis (Proteomics International, Perth, Australia).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA1.288UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens226060012012P01834Protein
SAL_15261Transthyretin (ATTR) (Prealbumin) (TBPA)NAelectrospray (LC/MS/MS) mass spectrometry with automatic database analysis (Proteomics International, Perth, Australia).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-1DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens226060012012P02766Protein
SAL_15262Serotransferrin (Transferrin) (Beta-1 metal-binding globulin) (Siderophilin)NAelectrospray (LC/MS/MS) mass spectrometry with automatic database analysis (Proteomics International, Perth, Australia).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-1.31DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens226060012012P02787Protein
SAL_15263Protein disulfide-isomerase (PDI) (EC (Cellular thyroid hormone-binding protein) (Prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit beta) (p55)NAelectrospray (LC/MS/MS) mass spectrometry with automatic database analysis (Proteomics International, Perth, Australia).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA1.1557UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens226060012012P07237Protein
SAL_15264Glutathione S-transferase P (EC (GST class-pi) (GSTP1-1)NAelectrospray (LC/MS/MS) mass spectrometry with automatic database analysis (Proteomics International, Perth, Australia).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA1.3666UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens226060012012P09211Protein
SAL_15265Prolactin-inducible protein (Gross cystic disease fluid protein 15) (GCDFP-15) (Prolactin-induced protein) (Secretory actin-binding protein) (SABP) (gp17)NAelectrospray (LC/MS/MS) mass spectrometry with automatic database analysis (Proteomics International, Perth, Australia).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA1.38UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens226060012012P12273Protein
SAL_15266Annexin A3 (35-alpha calcimedin) (Annexin III) (Annexin-3) (Inositol 1,2-cyclic phosphate 2-phosphohydrolase) (Lipocortin III) (Placental anticoagulant protein III) (PAP-III)NAelectrospray (LC/MS/MS) mass spectrometry with automatic database analysis (Proteomics International, Perth, Australia).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA1.496UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens226060012012P12429Protein
SAL_15267Plastin-2 (L-plastin) (LC64P) (Lymphocyte cytosolic protein 1) (LCP-1)NAelectrospray (LC/MS/MS) mass spectrometry with automatic database analysis (Proteomics International, Perth, Australia).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA2.384UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens226060012012P13796Protein
SAL_15268Plastin-2 (L-plastin) (LC64P) (Lymphocyte cytosolic protein 1) (LCP-1)NAelectrospray (LC/MS/MS) mass spectrometry with automatic database analysis (Proteomics International, Perth, Australia).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA2.381UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens226060012012P13796Protein
SAL_15270Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein (IL-1RN) (IL-1ra) (IRAP) (ICIL-1RA) (IL1 inhibitor) (Anakinra)NAelectrospray (LC/MS/MS) mass spectrometry with automatic database analysis (Proteomics International, Perth, Australia).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-4.132DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens226060012012P18510Protein
SAL_15272Carbonic anhydrase 6 (EC (Carbonate dehydratase VI) (Carbonic anhydrase VI) (CA-VI) (Salivary carbonic anhydrase) (Secreted carbonic anhydrase)NAelectrospray (LC/MS/MS) mass spectrometry with automatic database analysis (Proteomics International, Perth, Australia).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-1.365DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens226060012012P23280Protein
SAL_15274Zinc-alpha-2-glycoprotein (Zn-alpha-2-GP) (Zn-alpha-2-glycoprotein)NAelectrospray (LC/MS/MS) mass spectrometry with automatic database analysis (Proteomics International, Perth, Australia).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA1.02UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens226060012012P25311Protein
SAL_15275Leukocyte elastase inhibitor (LEI) (Monocyte/neutrophil elastase inhibitor) (EI) (M/NEI) (Peptidase inhibitor 2) (PI-2) (Serpin B1)NAelectrospray (LC/MS/MS) mass spectrometry with automatic database analysis (Proteomics International, Perth, Australia).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA1.919UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens226060012012P30740Protein
SAL_15277Lipocalin-1 (Tear lipocalin) (Tlc) (Tear prealbumin) (TP) (Von Ebner gland protein) (VEG protein)NAelectrospray (LC/MS/MS) mass spectrometry with automatic database analysis (Proteomics International, Perth, Australia).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA1.2159UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens226060012012P31025Protein
SAL_15278Actin-related protein 3 (Actin-like protein 3) (Actin-related protein C)NAelectrospray (LC/MS/MS) mass spectrometry with automatic database analysis (Proteomics International, Perth, Australia).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-5.88DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens226060012012P42528Protein
SAL_15279Actin-related protein 3 (Actin-like protein 3)NAelectrospray (LC/MS/MS) mass spectrometry with automatic database analysis (Proteomics International, Perth, Australia).Whole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA-5.802DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens226060012012P61158Protein
SAL_15750Alpha-amylase 1 (EC (1,4-alpha-D-glucan glucanohydrolase 1) (Salivary alpha-amylase)NANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA1.574UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens243924262013P04745Protein
SAL_15974Alpha-2-macroglobulin (Alpha-2-M) (C3 and PZP-like alpha-2-macroglobulin domain-containing protein 5)NANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens258213372015P01023Protein
SAL_15975Complement C3 (C3 and PZP-like alpha-2-macroglobulin domain-containing protein 1) [Cleaved into: Complement C3 beta chain; C3-beta-c (C3bc); Complement C3 alpha chain; C3a anaphylatoxin; Acylation stiNANAWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NA1.4287UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens258673732015P01024Protein
SAL_15976Ragulator complex protein LAMTOR5 (Hepatitis B virus X-interacting protein) (HBV X-interacting protein) (HBX-interacting protein) (Late endosomal/lysosomal adaptor and MAPK and MTOR activator 5)NANANAMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANADownregulatedNAHomo sapiens258794012015O43504Protein
SAL_1597714-3-3 protein theta (14-3-3 protein T-cell) (14-3-3 protein tau) (Protein HS1)NANANAMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANADownregulatedNAHomo sapiens258794012015P27348Protein
SAL_15978Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 D2 (EC ((E3-independent) E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme D2) (EC (E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme D2) (Ubiquitin carrier protein D2) (Ubiquitin-conjNANANAMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANADownregulatedNAHomo sapiens258794012015P62837Protein
SAL_15979Ras-related GTP-binding protein A (Rag A) (RagA) (Adenovirus E3 14.7 kDa-interacting protein 1) (FIP-1)NANANAMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANADownregulatedNAHomo sapiens258794012015Q7L523Protein
SAL_15980Ras-related GTP-binding protein D (Rag D) (RagD)NANANAMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANADownregulatedNAHomo sapiens258794012015Q9NQL2Protein
SAL_15981Anaphase-promoting complex subunit 10 (APC10) (Cyclosome subunit 10)NANANAMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANADownregulatedNAHomo sapiens258794012015Q9UM13Protein
SAL_15982C-X-C motif chemokine 10 (10 kDa interferon gamma-induced protein) (Gamma-IP10) (IP-10) (Small-inducible cytokine B10) [Cleaved into: CXCL10(1-73)]NANANAMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens260186412015P02778Protein
SAL_15983Growth-regulated alpha protein (C-X-C motif chemokine 1) (GRO-alpha(1-73)) (Melanoma growth stimulatory activity) (MGSA) (Neutrophil-activating protein 3) (NAP-3) [Cleaved into: GRO-alpha(4-73); GRO-aNANANAMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens260186412015P09341Protein
SAL_15984C-C motif chemokine 2 (HC11) (Monocyte chemoattractant protein 1) (Monocyte chemotactic and activating factor) (MCAF) (Monocyte chemotactic protein 1) (MCP-1) (Monocyte secretory protein JE) (Small-inNANANAMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens260186412015P13500Protein
SAL_15985C-X-C motif chemokine 2 (Growth-regulated protein beta) (Gro-beta) (Macrophage inflammatory protein 2-alpha) (MIP2-alpha) [Cleaved into: GRO-beta(5-73) (GRO-beta-T) (Hematopoietic synergistic factor) NANANAMetabolic DisorderDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2NANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens260186412015P19875Protein
SAL_1611712-HETEDiagnosticGC/MS and LC/MSWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetesNA2.41IncreaseNAHomo sapiens25133529201413786989, 5353272, 1413, 5312983, 5283155, 5312984, 6442490, 5283156, 131770431Metabolite
SAL_16118ArachidonateDiagnosticGC/MS and LC/MSWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetesNA2IncreaseNAHomo sapiens251335292014444899Metabolite
SAL_16119DocosapentaenoateDiagnosticGC/MS and LC/MSWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetesNA1.63IncreaseNAHomo sapiens251335292014132282535Metabolite
SAL_16120LinoleateDiagnosticGC/MS and LC/MSWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetesNA3.22IncreaseNAHomo sapiens2513352920145280450Metabolite
SAL_16121LinolenateDiagnosticGC/MS and LC/MSWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetesNA4.52IncreaseNAHomo sapiens2513352920145280934Metabolite
SAL_16122Palmitoyl sphingomyelinDiagnosticGC/MS and LC/MSWhole SalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetesNA1.65IncreaseNAHomo sapiens2513352920149939941Metabolite
SAL_16615MalondialdehydeNASpectrophotometrySalivaMetabolic DisorderType II diabetesNANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens31235125201910964Metabolite
SAL_24772hsa-miR-203DiagnosticqPCRSalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes MellitusNA4.9UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens327565892020hsa-miR-203miRNA
SAL_24774hsa-miR-155DiagnosticqPCRSalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes MellitusNA16.5UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens327565892020hsa-miR-155miRNA
SAL_24776hsa-miR-146bDiagnosticqPCRSalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes MellitusNA15.1UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens327565892020hsa-miR-146bmiRNA
SAL_24778hsa-miR-146aDiagnosticqPCRSalivaMetabolic DisorderDiabetes MellitusNA12UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens327565892020hsa-miR-146amiRNA
SAL_24859hsa-miR-31-5pNAqRT-PCRSalivaMetabolic DisorderAdipogenesis ObesityNANADownregulatedNAHomo sapiens328469292020hsa-miR-31-5pmiRNA
SAL_24860hsa-miR-25-3pNAqRT-PCRSalivaMetabolic DisorderType 1 diabetesNANADownregulatedNAHomo sapiens328469292020hsa-miR-25-3pmiRNA
SAL_24861hsa-miR-200a-3pNAqRT-PCRSalivaMetabolic DisorderType 1 diabetesNANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens328469292020hsa-miR-200a-3pmiRNA
SAL_24868eca-miR-33aNAqPCRSalivaMetabolic DisorderLipid MetabolismNA5.97UpregulatedNAEquus caballus329726792020eca-miR-33amiRNA