Acknowledgment page of SalivaDB

In this database we used different resources, we are thankful to developers of these resources. In this database, we collected experimentally validated Salivary Biomarkers including Proteins, Metabolites, Microbes, miRNAs, and genes from various studies, we are thankful to these researchers. It is not possible to thank all researchers individually, here we are listing various resources/software heavily used in this database.

ResourcesApplication of Resource in SalivaDB
BLASTIntegrated in website for performing database scanning
Smith-watermanHere used for searching similar Salivary Biomarkers
ApacheThis database is launched using Apache server
PubchemThis database has linked PubChem IDs for all the metabolites entries in SalivaDB
PubmedThe data is manually curated and retried from Pubmed.
PHPPHP has been used extensively in our web pages.
Gene DatabaseNCBI's gene database has been linked with the gene entries in SalivaDB.
Taxonomy DatabaseNCBI's Taxonomy database has been linked with the microbe entries in SalivaDB.
HMDBSalivaDB integrated the entries for salivary metabolites extracted from this database.
SalivaTecDBSalivaDB integrated the entries for salivary proteins, microbes, and miRNA extracted from this database.
MySQLWe manage data using MySQL (a relational database management system)
UniprotThe protein/peptide sequences of salivary biomarkers have been extracted using Uniprot