Advance Search Module of SalivaDB

This page is designed to facilitate the users to search SalivaDB using multiple queries joined by logical operators like AND/OR/NOT. This search module allows user to perform search on any or all fields of SalivaDB. It also allows to DISPLAY all field or user selected fields. For more information see HELP page.
Search Options

  • Explanation for Complex Search
    • CONDITIONAL SEARCH is quite helpful when user has predefined query in mind. For instance, User come up with the following questions in mind and wants to SEARCH

      1. Biomarker belong to a particular category
      2. among the above selected biomarker,select those having type as Diagnostic
      3. among the above selection type, show biomarkers reported in Periodontitis disease
      4. among the above selected biomarker, select only those which are belonging to Exosomal category

      By clicking Submit; user can get desired output.
      In a similar way, query can be extended using "+" button and reduced using "-" button.
                         Enjoy Search by query building !!
No. Field Condition Query Operator Add Remove