Browse By Cancer Type Result Page of OvirusTdb

The total number of records retrieved from this search are 89. Click on ID to see further detail.
IDVirus nameVirus strainVirus genome typeVirus familyVirus genome modificationVirus aloneVirus in combination with drug/radiationImmune gene insertion in viral genomeSource of cell lineOrigin of cell lineCell lineConcentration of cell lineIn-vitro toxicityAssayIn-vitro virus concentrationIn-vitro resultModel organismIn-vivo virus concentrationIn-vivo toxicityIn-vivo resultMode of deliveryPathway inducedImmunogenic effectClinical trialPMID
OV_2707AdenovirusAdCN205-IL12DNAAdenoviridaeNoneNoVirus in combination with CIKVirus expressing IL-12 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHep3B1.0E+4 cells per wellNASpectrophotometer10 MOI10% cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA23028626
OV_2708AdenovirusAdCN205-IL12DNAAdenoviridaeNoneNoVirus strain in combination with CIK (1 × 10⁷ )Virus expressing IL-12 geneShanghai cell collectionHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-7NANANANANASCID mice xenograft for Huh7 (1.0E+6 cell)2.0E+8 pfuNA Reduction in tumor volume below 100mm after 40 days and increase in median survival time 40 daysIntratumoralNANANA23028626
OV_2709AdenovirusAdCN205-IL12DNAAdenoviridaeNoneNoVirus strain in combination with CIK (1 × 10⁷ )Virus expressing IL-12 geneShanghai cell collectionHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-7NANANANANASCID mice xenograft for Huh7 (1.0E+6 cell)2.0E+8 pfuNA Reduction in tumor volume below 100mm after 40 days and increase in median survival time 40 daysIntravenousNANANA23028626
OV_2731AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell linePLC51.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI100% cell viability after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2732AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell linePLC51.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI90% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2733AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell linePLC51.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI60% cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2734AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell linePLC51.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI50% cell viability after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2735AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneNoVirus strain in combination with miR-34-aVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell linePLC51.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI90% cell viability after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2736AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneNoVirus strain in combination with miR-34-aVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell linePLC51.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI80% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2737AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneNoVirus strain in combination with miR-34-aVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell linePLC51.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI50% cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2738AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneNoVirus strain in combination with miR-34-aVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell linePLC51.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI30% cell viability after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2739AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineBEL-74041.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI100% cell viability after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2740AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineBEL-74041.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI90% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2741AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineBEL-74041.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI82% cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2742AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineBEL-74041.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI78% cell viability after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2743AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneNoVirus strain in combination with miR-34-aVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineBEL-74041.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI90% cell viability after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2744AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneNoVirus strain in combination with miR-34-aVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineBEL-74041.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI80% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2745AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneNoVirus strain in combination with miR-34-aVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineBEL-74041.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI60% cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2746AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneNoVirus strain in combination with miR-34-aVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineBEL-74041.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI40% cell viability after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2747AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-71.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI90% cell viability after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2748AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-71.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI80% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2749AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-71.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI60% cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2750AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-71.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI40% cell viability after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2751AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneNoVirus strain in combination with miR-34-aVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-71.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI90% cell viability after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2752AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneNoVirus strain in combination with miR-34-aVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-71.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI50% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2753AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneNoVirus strain in combination with miR-34-aVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-71.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI30% cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2754AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneNoVirus strain in combination with miR-34-aVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-71.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI20% cell viability after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_2755AdenovirusAdCN205DNAAdenoviridaeNoneNoVirus strain in combination with miR-34-aVirus expressing IL-24 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-7NANANANANABALB/c nude mice xenograft for Huh cell (2.0E+6 cell)7.0E+8 pfuNA Complete regression in tumor volume after 49 daysIntratumoralInduction of apoptosis, G1 arrest and sensescenceInhibition of oncogene and antiapototic geneNA23292172
OV_3057Vaccinia virusDeltaJ2R/FCU1 VACVDNAPoxviridaeDeletion of J2R gene and insertion of gene FCU1YesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG23.0E+5 cells per wellNATrypan blue assay10⁻⁴ MOI18% cell viabilityNoNoNA No responseNANANANA31011628
OV_3058Vaccinia virusDeltaJ2R/FCU1 VACVDNAPoxviridaeDeletion of J2R gene and insertion of gene FCU1YesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG23.0E+5 cells per wellNATrypan blue assay10⁻³ MOI1% cell viabilityNoNoNA No responseNANANANA31011628
OV_3059Vaccinia virusDeltaJ2R/FCU1 VACVDNAPoxviridaeDeletion of J2R gene and insertion of gene FCU1YesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG23.0E+5 cells per wellNATrypan blue assay10⁻² MOI100% cell deathNoNoNA No responseNANANANA31011628
OV_3087Vaccinia virusDeltaJ2R-I4L/FCU1 VACV (TG6002)DNAPoxviridaeDeletion of J2R and I4L gene and insertion of gene FCU1YesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG23.0E+5 cells per wellNATrypan blue assay10⁻⁴ MOI15% cell viabilityNoNoNA No responseNANANANA31011628
OV_3088Vaccinia virusDeltaJ2R-I4L/FCU1 VACV (TG6002)DNAPoxviridaeDeletion of J2R and I4L gene and insertion of gene FCU1YesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG23.0E+5 cells per wellNATrypan blue assay10⁻³ MOI1% cell viabilityNoNoNA No responseNANANANA31011628
OV_3089Vaccinia virusDeltaJ2R-I4L/FCU1 VACV (TG6002)DNAPoxviridaeDeletion of J2R and I4L gene and insertion of gene FCU1YesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG23.0E+5 cells per wellNATrypan blue assay10⁻² MOI100% cell deathNoNoNA No responseNANANANA31011628
OV_3111Vaccinia virusDeltaJ2R/FCU1 VACVDNAPoxviridaeDeletion of J2R gene and insertion of gene FCU1NoVirus strain in combination with 5-FC (200mg/kg)NoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG2NANANANANABD62 mice xenograft for Lovo cell line1.0E+7 pfuNA Tumor volume decreases to below 1500 mm after 50 daysIntravenousNANANA31011628
OV_3112Vaccinia virusDeltaJ2R-I4L/FCU1 VACV (TG6002)DNAPoxviridaeDeletion of J2R and I4L gene and insertion of gene FCU1NoVirus strain in combination with 5-FC (200mg/kg)NoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG2NANANANANABD62 mice xenograft for Lovo cell line1.0E+7 pfuNA Tumor volume decreases to below 1000 mm after 50 daysIntravenousNANANA31011628
OV_4276AlphavirusM1RNATogaviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHep3B4000 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 pfu3.8 % cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAActivation of cAMP signalling leads to induced expression of antiviral factors, severe ER stress and cell apoptosisNANA26373347
OV_4299AlphavirusM1RNATogaviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinomaHuh-74000 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 pfu52.2 % cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAActivation of cAMP signalling leads to induced expression of antiviral factors, severe ER stress and cell apoptosisNANA26373347
OV_4302AlphavirusM1RNATogaviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatoblastomaHuh-64000 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 pfu59 % cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAActivation of cAMP signalling leads to induced expression of antiviral factors, severe ER stress and cell apoptosisNANA26373347
OV_4307AlphavirusM1RNATogaviridaeNoneYesNoNoSICBHuman hepatomaLi-74000 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 pfu72.1 % cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAActivation of cAMP signalling leads to induced expression of antiviral factors, severe ER stress and cell apoptosisNANA26373347
OV_4312AlphavirusM1RNATogaviridaeNoneYesNoNoSICBHuman hepatomaPLC4000 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 pfu80.5 % cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAActivation of cAMP signalling leads to induced expression of antiviral factors, severe ER stress and cell apoptosisNANA26373347
OV_4319AlphavirusM1RNATogaviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinomaHepG24000 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 pfu88.6 % cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAActivation of cAMP signalling leads to induced expression of antiviral factors, severe ER stress and cell apoptosisNANA26373347
OV_4338AlphavirusM1RNATogaviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatoblastomaHuh-64000 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.001 MOI100% cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAActivation of cAMP signalling leads to induced expression of antiviral factors, severe ER stress and cell apoptosisNANA26373347
OV_4339AlphavirusM1RNATogaviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatoblastomaHuh-64000 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.01 MOI98% cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAActivation of cAMP signalling leads to induced expression of antiviral factors, severe ER stress and cell apoptosisNANA26373347
OV_4340AlphavirusM1RNATogaviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatoblastomaHuh-64000 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.1 MOI90% cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAActivation of cAMP signalling leads to induced expression of antiviral factors, severe ER stress and cell apoptosisNANA26373347
OV_4341AlphavirusM1RNATogaviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatoblastomaHuh-64000 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI78% cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAActivation of cAMP signalling leads to induced expression of antiviral factors, severe ER stress and cell apoptosisNANA26373347
OV_4342AlphavirusM1RNATogaviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatoblastomaHuh-64000 cells per wellNAMTT assay100 MOI62% cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAActivation of cAMP signalling leads to induced expression of antiviral factors, severe ER stress and cell apoptosisNANA26373347
OV_4877AdenovirusAd-deltaBDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinomaHep3B70% confluence on 24 well plateNAMTT assay5 MOI100% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNACombination therapy and alone promotes apoptosisActivation of caspase-3 and 8 and upregulation of IFN-gammaNA27154307
OV_4878AdenovirusAd-deltaBDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinomaHep3B70% confluence on 24 well plateNAMTT assay10 MOI90% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNACombination therapy and alone promotes apoptosisActivation of caspase-3 and 8 and upregulation of IFN-gammaNA27154307
OV_4879AdenovirusAd-deltaBDNAAdenoviridaeExpressing TRAIL and IL-12 gene in under CMV promoter in deleted E3 region of virus backboneYesNoVirus expressing IL12 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinomaHep3B70% confluence on 24 well plateNAMTT assay10 MOI50% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNACombination therapy and alone promotes apoptosisActivation of caspase-3 and 8 and upregulation of IFN-gammaNA27154307
OV_4880AdenovirusAd-deltaBDNAAdenoviridaeExpressing TRAIL and IL-12 gene in under CMV promoter in deleted E3 region of virus backboneYesNoVirus expressing IL12 geneATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinomaHep3B70% confluence on 24 well plateNAMTT assay20 MOI40% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNACombination therapy and alone promotes apoptosisActivation of caspase-3 and 8 and upregulation of IFN-gammaNA27154307
OV_4881AdenovirusAd-deltaBDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoJCRB gene bank japanHuman hepatocellular carcinomaHuh-770% confluence on 24 well plateNAMTT assay5 MOI80% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNACombination therapy and alone promotes apoptosisActivation of caspase-3 and 8 and upregulation of IFN-gammaNA27154307
OV_4882AdenovirusAd-deltaBDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoJCRB gene bank japanHuman hepatocellular carcinomaHuh-770% confluence on 24 well plateNAMTT assay10 MOI60% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNACombination therapy and alone promotes apoptosisActivation of caspase-3 and 8 and upregulation of IFN-gammaNA27154307
OV_4883AdenovirusAd-deltaBDNAAdenoviridaeExpressing TRAIL and IL-12 gene in under CMV promoter in deleted E3 region of virus backboneYesNoVirus expressing IL12 geneJCRB gene bank japanHuman hepatocellular carcinomaHuh-770% confluence on 24 well plateNAMTT assay10 MOI20% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNACombination therapy and alone promotes apoptosisActivation of caspase-3 and 8 and upregulation of IFN-gammaNA27154307
OV_4884AdenovirusAd-deltaBDNAAdenoviridaeExpressing TRAIL and IL-12 gene in under CMV promoter in deleted E3 region of virus backboneYesNoVirus expressing IL12 geneJCRB gene bank japanHuman hepatocellular carcinomaHuh-770% confluence on 24 well plateNAMTT assay20 MOI10% cell viability after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNACombination therapy and alone promotes apoptosisActivation of caspase-3 and 8 and upregulation of IFN-gammaNA27154307
OV_5052Vaccinia virusVG9DNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineSMMC77211.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.1 MOI50% cell viability after 3 daysNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28465492
OV_5053Vaccinia virusVG9DNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineSMMC77211.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay1 MOI35% cell viability after 3 daysNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28465492
OV_5054Vaccinia virusVG9DNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineSMMC77211.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI20% cell viability after 3 daysNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28465492
OV_5055Vaccinia virusVG9-EGFPDNAPoxviridaeAddition of EGFP gene in tk locusYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineSMMC77211.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.1 MOI50% cell viability after 3 daysNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28465492
OV_5056Vaccinia virusVG9-EGFPDNAPoxviridaeAddition of EGFP gene in tk locusYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineSMMC77211.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay1 MOI35% cell viability after 3 daysNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28465492
OV_5057Vaccinia virusVG9-EGFPDNAPoxviridaeAddition of EGFP gene in tk locusYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineSMMC77211.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI22% cell viability after 3 daysNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28465492
OV_5058Vaccinia virusWR-EGFPDNAPoxviridaeAddition of EGFP gene in tk locusYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineSMMC77211.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.1 MOI50% cell viability after 3 daysNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28465492
OV_5059Vaccinia virusWR-EGFPDNAPoxviridaeAddition of EGFP gene in tk locusYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineSMMC77211.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay1 MOI35% cell viability after 3 daysNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28465492
OV_5060Vaccinia virusWR-EGFPDNAPoxviridaeAddition of EGFP gene in tk locusYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineSMMC77211.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI21% cell viability after 3 daysNoNoNA No responseNANANANA28465492
OV_5205Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG2NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5206Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG2NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5207Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG2NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI80% cell viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5208AdenovirusTRAD-shLucDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for Luciferase gene knockoutYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG2NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5209AdenovirusTRAD-shLucDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for Luciferase gene knockoutYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG2NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5210AdenovirusTRAD-shLucDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for Luciferase gene knockoutYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG2NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI80% cell viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5211AdenovirusTRAD-shDICERDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for DICERYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG2NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5212AdenovirusTRAD-shDICERDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for DICERYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG2NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI80% cell viable after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5213AdenovirusTRAD-shDICERDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for DICERYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG2NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI20% cell viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5214Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-7NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5215Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-7NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5216Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-7NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI80% cell viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5217AdenovirusTRAD-shLucDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for Luciferase gene knockoutYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-7NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5218AdenovirusTRAD-shLucDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for Luciferase gene knockoutYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-7NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5219AdenovirusTRAD-shLucDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for Luciferase gene knockoutYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-7NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI80% cell viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5220AdenovirusTRAD-shDICERDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for DICERYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-7NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5221AdenovirusTRAD-shDICERDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for DICERYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-7NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI80% cell viable after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5222AdenovirusTRAD-shDICERDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for DICERYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-7NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI20% cell viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5334Newcastle disease virusNDV/Anh-TRAILRNAParamyxoviridaeVirus insertion for TRAIL geneYesNoNoChina Xiehe Medical UniversityHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG21.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.01 MOI56.7% cells remain viableNoNoNA No responseNAVirus induced apoptosis as measured by TUNEL assayCaspase 3 pathway are activatedNA28246027
OV_5335Newcastle disease virusNDV/Anh-TRAILRNAParamyxoviridaeVirus insertion for TRAIL geneYesNoNoChina Xiehe Medical UniversityHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG21.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.1 MOI43.2% cells remain viableNoNoNA No responseNAVirus induced apoptosis as measured by TUNEL assayCaspase 3 pathway are activatedNA28246027
OV_5336Newcastle disease virusNDV/Anh-TRAILRNAParamyxoviridaeVirus insertion for TRAIL geneYesNoNoChina Xiehe Medical UniversityHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG21.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay1 MOI29.6% cells remain viableNoNoNA No responseNAVirus induced apoptosis as measured by TUNEL assayCaspase 3 pathway are activatedNA28246027
OV_5337Newcastle disease virusNDV/Anh-TRAILRNAParamyxoviridaeVirus insertion for TRAIL geneYesNoNoChina Xiehe Medical UniversityHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG21.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI20.8% cell growth inhibitionNoNoNA No responseNAVirus induced apoptosis as measured by TUNEL assayCaspase 3 pathway are activatedNA28246027
OV_5340Newcastle disease virusLaSotaRNAParamyxoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-75.0E+4 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.001 MOI37% cells remain viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAVirus induce apoptosisInduced production of IFN-alpha, IFN-beta, IL-6and IFN-gammaNA28293547
OV_5669AdenovirusOV802DNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHep3BNANAMTT assay0.01 MOIComplete cancer cell deathNoNoNA No responseNANAInduction of IFN-Gamma, IL6 and other immunostimulatory cytokines productionNAUS7473418
OV_5670AdenovirusOV802DNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHep3BNANAMTT assay1 MOIComplete cancer cell death after day 5NoNoNA No responseNANAInduction of IFN-Gamma, IL6 and other immunostimulatory cytokines productionNAUS7473418