Browse by Baltimore classification of viruses in OvirusTdb database

This page provides the users of the OvirusTdb to look into the oncolytic virus falls under Baltimore virus classification scheme. For more information see HELP page.

Classifying viruses according to their genome means that those in a given category will all behave in much the same way, which offers some indication of how to proceed with further research. Click onto any virus species name, redirects users to the number of records present in the OvirusTdb.
Baltimore classification categoryVirus genome typeOncolytic virus species falls under Baltimore classification
I dsDNA viruses Adenoviruses, Herpesviruses, Poxviruses, Vaccinia virus, Bovine herpes virus,Tanapoxvirus
II + strand ssDNA viruses Parvovirus, Canine Parvovirus
III dsRNA viruses Reovirus
IV + strand ssRNA viruses Alphavirus, Enterovirus, Semliki forest virus, Sindbis virus
V - strand ssRNA viruses Avian influenza A virus, Vesicular stomatitis virus, Avian orthoreovirus, Measles virus, Mumps virus, Myxoma virus, Sendai virus, Maraba virus, Newcastle disease virus, Respiratory synctial virus