Data download of OvirusTdb

The data stored in the OvirusTdb can be download in following formats.



Download File

Xlsx format

File contains 5927 total records of oncolytic viruses curated from literature. Out of 5927, the records from PubMed articles are 5456 and records from US patents are 471.

CSV format

File contains 5927 total records of oncolytic viruses curated from literature. Out of 5927, the records from PubMed articles are 5456 and records from US patents are 471.

txt format

File contains 5927 total records of oncolytic viruses curated from literature. Out of 5927, the records from PubMed articles are 5456 and records from US patents are 471.

MySQL format

File contains 5927 total records of oncolytic viruses curated from literature. Out of 5927, the records from PubMed articles are 5456 and records from US patents are 471.