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The total number entries retrieved from this search are 52
Please click on Biomarker_ID to view detailed information.
Note: Potential Biomarker with * indicates these signatures are candidate biomarkers extracted from experiments on mice, rat or cell lines and they are not validated on human patients'cohort.
Biomarker IDBiomarkerBiomoleculeSubjectRegulationBiomarker's typeExperimentLevel of significanceSourcePMID
2056Putrescine, spermidine, spermine, N-acetylspermine and N-acetylspermidineMetaboliteHumanUpregulated in the plasma of liver cancer patients than lung cancer patients DiagnosticHCC v/s Normal p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27517900
2057Spermine, followed by N-acetylspermidine, putrescine, cadaverine, spermidine, N-acetylspermine and N-acetylputrescineMetaboliteHumanUpregulated in the urine of liver cancer patients than lung cancer patients DiagnosticHCC v/s Normal p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27517900
2060UracilMetaboliteMiceDownregulated Potential Predictive *Cancer v/s Normal; Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
2061cis-Aconitate acidMetaboliteMiceDownregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
2062D-4-PhosphopantothenateMetaboliteMiceDownregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
2063ProgesteroneMetaboliteMiceDownregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
20645-Thymidylic acidMetaboliteMiceDownregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
20652-Phospho-d-glyceric acidMetaboliteMiceDownregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
2066NiacinamideMetaboliteMiceUpregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
2067CortisoneMetaboliteMiceDownregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
2068Imidazoleacetic acid ribotideMetaboliteMiceDownregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
20693-Methyl-2-oxovaleric acidMetaboliteMiceDownregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
2070PseudoephedrineMetaboliteMiceDownregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
20714-PhosphopantothenoylcysteineMetaboliteMiceDownregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
2072Pantetheine 4-phosphateMetaboliteMiceDownregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
2073Hippuric acidMetaboliteMiceDownregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
20743-Hydroxyanthranilic acidMetaboliteMiceDownregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
2075GlycineMetaboliteMiceDownregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
2076CreatineMetaboliteMiceUpregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
2077CortisolMetaboliteMiceUpregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
2078Allantoic acidMetaboliteMiceDownregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
2079Pantothenic acidMetaboliteMiceDownregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
2080CreatinineMetaboliteMiceDownregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
2081UreaMetaboliteMiceDownregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
20825-Hydroxyindoleacetic acidMetaboliteMiceDownregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
2083PhytosphingosineMetaboliteMiceDownregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.05Urine and Plasma27077962
2084Imidazoleacetic acid ribosideMetaboliteMiceDownregulated Potential Predictive *Drug treated group v/s control group p < 0.01Urine and Plasma27077962
2130VTNProteinHumanDownregulated in HCV-infected HCC patients DiagnosticNormal vs HCV-infected HCC patients, Normals vs non HCV-infected HCC p < 0.05Plasma23944848
2131SAPProteinHumanDownregulated in HCV-infected HCC patients DiagnosticNormal vs HCV-infected HCC patients, Normals vs non HCV-infected HCC p < 0.01Plasma23944848
2164Apo-A4ProteinHumanDownregulated in HCC patients DiagnosticHCC v/s other liver disease (cirrhosis/ALD) p < 0.01Plasma21160983
2165APO-A1ProteinHumanUpregulated in HCC patients DiagnosticHCC v/s other liver disease (cirrhosis/ALD) p < 0.01Plasma21160983
2166APO-A1, Apo-A4ProteinHumanAPO-A4 Upregulated and APO-A1 downregulated in HCC patients DiagnosticHCC v/s other liver disease (cirrhosis/ALD) p < 0.01Plasma21160983
2179lamin B1ProteinHumanUpregulated in liver cancer patients Diagnostic and PrognosticNormal vs HCC; significantly associated with the increased number of tumor nodules , the size of tumors, and tumor stage p < 0.01Plasma19522540
2181miR-101-3p, miR-106b-3p, miR-1246miRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Cirrhosis p < 0.001Plasma29632649
2182miR-101-3pmiRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Cirrhosis p < 0.001Plasma29632649
2183miR-1246miRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Cirrhosis p < 0.001Plasma29632649
2184miR-106b-3pmiRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Cirrhosis p < 0.001Plasma29632649
2185miR-101-3p, miR-106b-3pmiRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Cirrhosis p < 0.001Plasma29632649
2186miR-101-3p, miR-1246miRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Cirrhosis p < 0.001Plasma29632649
2187miR-106b-3p, miR-1246miRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Cirrhosis p < 0.001Plasma29632649
2188miR-101-3pmiRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Control p < 0.001Plasma29632649
2189miR-101-3p, miR-106b-3p, miR-1246miRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Control p < 0.001Plasma29632649
2190miR-1246miRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Control p < 0.001Plasma29632649
2191miR-106b-3pmiRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Control p < 0.001Plasma29632649
2192miR-101-3p, miR-106b-3pmiRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Control p < 0.001Plasma29632649
2193miR-101-3p, miR-1246miRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Control p < 0.001Plasma29632649
2194miR-106b-3p, miR-1246miRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Control p < 0.001Plasma29632649
2241DANCRLncRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC Diagnostic and PrognosticHCC v/s Normal/Cirrhosis/CHB;associated with metastasis of patients p < 0.001Plasma27919960
2242RP11-160H22.5LncRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC with Fold change >2.0 DiagnosticHCC v/s Normal p < 0.01Plasma25714016
2243XLOC_014172LncRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC with Fold change >2.1 Diagnostic and PrognosticHCC v/s Normal; associated with metastatsis of patients p < 0.01Plasma25714016

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