Browse result page of SalivaDB

This is the result page of the browse module of SalivaDB. This page gives the information about the query submitted by the user as per the browse category. Further details of the entries can be seen by clicking on the SAL_ID. Further the user can sort the entries on the basis of various fields by clicking on the respective headers. The user can also download the results in various formats.

Tabular representation:

SAL_IDBiomarker NameBiomarker TypeAnalysis MethodCollection SiteDisease/Condition CategoryDisease/ConditionDisease/Condition SubtypeFold ChangeRegulationExosomal OriginOrganismPMIDYOPExternal LinksBiomarker Category
SAL_14729StatherinNARP-HPLC-ESI mass spectrometry, Data analysis (Bioworks Browser software provided with the Deca XP instrument or by MagTran 1.0 software.9 XIC strategy), Statistical Analysis (Pearson r was used to evaluate linear correlation between the separate peptides. Hotellings T-squared generalized means test was used for multivariate simultaneous comparison of peptide levels between the ASD group and healthy controls. The Student’s t test was applied to investigate differences between the separate Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens193677262008P02808Protein
SAL_14730Salivary acidic proline-rich phosphoprotein 1/2NARP-HPLC-ESI mass spectrometry, Data analysis (Bioworks Browser software provided with the Deca XP instrument or by MagTran 1.0 software.9 XIC strategy), Statistical Analysis (Pearson r was used to evaluate linear correlation between the separate peptides. Hotellings T-squared generalized means test was used for multivariate simultaneous comparison of peptide levels between the ASD group and healthy controls. The Student’s t test was applied to investigate differences between the separate Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens193677262008P02810Protein
SAL_14731Histatin-1NARP-HPLC-ESI mass spectrometry, Data analysis (Bioworks Browser software provided with the Deca XP instrument or by MagTran 1.0 software.9 XIC strategy), Statistical Analysis (Pearson r was used to evaluate linear correlation between the separate peptides. Hotellings T-squared generalized means test was used for multivariate simultaneous comparison of peptide levels between the ASD group and healthy controls. The Student’s t test was applied to investigate differences between the separate Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens193677262008P15515Protein
SAL_15749Oxytocin-neurophysin 1NADetermination of OT was performed using a commercial OT ELISA kit (Assay Design). Concentrations of samples were calculated using MATLAB 7 (MathWorks)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens242978832013P01178Protein
SAL_15755Oxytocin-neurophysin 1NASamples were concentrated by four (lyophilised), Protein measurements (ELISA kit), Sample concentrations (MATLAB 7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANADownregulatedNAHomo sapiens248551282014P01178Protein
SAL_15764Oxytocin-neurophysin 1NASample quantification by SpectraMax® (Molecular Device, Sunnyvale, California) micro plate readerWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens252788292014P01178Protein
SAL_15776Homeobox protein HMX3 (Homeobox protein H6 family member 3) (Homeobox protein Nkx-5.1)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015A6NHT5Protein
SAL_15777Butyrophilin subfamily 3 member A3NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015O00478Protein
SAL_15778TPR and ankyrin repeat-containing protein 1 (Lupus brain antigen 1 homolog)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.8UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015O15050Protein
SAL_15779Vinexin (SH3-containing adapter molecule 1) (SCAM-1) (Sorbin and SH3 domain-containing protein 3)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015O60504Protein
SAL_15780Tudor domain-containing protein 6 (Antigen NY-CO-45) (Cancer/testis antigen 41.2) (CT41.2)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015O60522Protein
SAL_15781DNA polymerase zeta catalytic subunit (EC (Protein reversionless 3-like) (REV3-like) (hREV3)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015O60673Protein
SAL_15782Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 (LRP-5)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015O75197Protein
SAL_15783Transforming acidic coiled-coil-containing protein 1 (Gastric cancer antigen Ga55) (Taxin-1)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA5.2UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015O75410Protein
SAL_15784Small subunit processome component 20 homolog (Down-regulated in metastasis protein) (Novel nucleolar protein 73) (NNP73) (Protein Key-1A6)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-5DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015O75691Protein
SAL_15785Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 19 (EC (Deubiquitinating enzyme 19) (Ubiquitin thioesterase 19) (Ubiquitin-specific-processing protease 19) (Zinc finger MYND domain-containing proteinNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015O94966Protein
SAL_15786Pre-mRNA-splicing factor SLU7 (hSlu7)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015O95391Protein
SAL_15787B-cell lymphoma/leukemia 10 (B-cell CLL/lymphoma 10) (Bcl-10) (CARD-containing molecule enhancing NF-kappa-B) (CARD-like apoptotic protein) (hCLAP) (CED-3/ICH-1 prodomain homologous E10-like regulatorNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015O95999Protein
SAL_15788Cystatin-C (Cystatin-3) (Gamma-trace) (Neuroendocrine basic polypeptide) (Post-gamma-globulin)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-10DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P01034Protein
SAL_15789Cystatin-S (Cystatin-4) (Cystatin-SA-III) (Salivary acidic protein 1)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.0752688DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P01036Protein
SAL_15790Cystatin-SN (Cystain-SA-I) (Cystatin-1) (Salivary cystatin-SA-1)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.47UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P01037Protein
SAL_15791Immunoglobulin J chain (Joining chain of multimeric IgA and IgM)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-2.5DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P01591Protein
SAL_15792Polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (PIgR) (Poly-Ig receptor) (Hepatocellular carcinoma-associated protein TB6) [Cleaved into: Secretory component]NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-2.1276596DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P01833Protein
SAL_15793Immunoglobulin kappa constant (Ig kappa chain C region) (Ig kappa chain C region AG) (Ig kappa chain C region CUM) (Ig kappa chain C region EU) (Ig kappa chain C region OU) (Ig kappa chain C region RONASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-5.8823529DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P01834Protein
SAL_15794Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 1 (Ig gamma-1 chain C region) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region EU) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region KOL) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region NIE)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-10DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P01857Protein
SAL_15795Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 1 (Ig alpha-1 chain C region) (Ig alpha-1 chain C region BUR) (Ig alpha-1 chain C region TRO)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.2048193DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P01876Protein
SAL_15796Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 2 (Ig alpha-2 chain C region) (Ig alpha-2 chain C region BUT) (Ig alpha-2 chain C region LAN)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.2UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P01877Protein
SAL_15797Serum albuminNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-3.7037037DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P02768Protein
SAL_15798Lactotransferrin (Lactoferrin) (EC 3.4.21.-) (Growth-inhibiting protein 12) (Talalactoferrin) [Cleaved into: Lactoferricin-H (Lfcin-H); Kaliocin-1; Lactoferroxin-A; Lactoferroxin-B; Lactoferroxin-C]NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-3.8461538DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P02788Protein
SAL_15799StatherinNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA22UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P02808Protein
SAL_15800Salivary acidic proline-rich phosphoprotein 1/2 (Db-s) (PRP-1/PRP-2) (Parotid acidic protein) (Pa) (Parotid double-band protein) (Parotid isoelectric focusing variant protein) (PIF-S) (Parotid prolineNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA4.15UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P02810Protein
SAL_15801Submaxillary gland androgen-regulated protein 3B (Proline-rich peptide P-B) (Proline-rich protein 3) [Cleaved into: Peptide P-A; Peptide D1A]NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA5.85UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P02814Protein
SAL_15802Antileukoproteinase (ALP) (BLPI) (HUSI-1) (Mucus proteinase inhibitor) (MPI) (Protease inhibitor WAP4) (Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor) (Seminal proteinase inhibitor) (WAP four-disulfide core NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA2.23UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P03973Protein
SAL_15803Annexin A1 (Annexin I) (Annexin-1) (Calpactin II) (Calpactin-2) (Chromobindin-9) (Lipocortin I) (Phospholipase A2 inhibitory protein) (p35)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-3.3333333DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P04083Protein
SAL_15804Alpha-amylase 1 (EC (1,4-alpha-D-glucan glucanohydrolase 1) (Salivary alpha-amylase)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.67UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P04745Protein
SAL_15805Cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme, mitochondrial (EC (CYPXIA1) (Cholesterol desmolase) (Cytochrome P450 11A1) (Cytochrome P450(scc))NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015P05108Protein
SAL_15806Myeloperoxidase (MPO) (EC [Cleaved into: Myeloperoxidase; 89 kDa myeloperoxidase; 84 kDa myeloperoxidase; Myeloperoxidase light chain; Myeloperoxidase heavy chain]NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.754386DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P05164Protein
SAL_15807Kallikrein-1 (EC (Kidney/pancreas/salivary gland kallikrein) (Tissue kallikrein)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.05UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P06870Protein
SAL_15808Bifunctional glutamate/proline--tRNA ligase (Bifunctional aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase) (Cell proliferation-inducing gene 32 protein) (Glutamatyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase) [Includes: Glutamate--tRNA ligaseNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.4285714DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P07814Protein
SAL_15809Cystatin-SA (Cystatin-2) (Cystatin-S5)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.17UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P09228Protein
SAL_15810Immunoglobulin lambda constant 1 (Ig lambda chain C region MGC) (Ig lambda-1 chain C region)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015P0CG04Protein
SAL_15811Immunoglobulin lambda constant 2 (Ig lambda chain C region Kern) (Ig lambda chain C region NIG-64) (Ig lambda chain C region SH) (Ig lambda chain C region X) (Ig lambda-2 chain C region)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015P0DOY2Protein
SAL_15812Immunoglobulin lambda constant 3 (Ig lambda chain C region DOT) (Ig lambda chain C region NEWM) (Ig lambda-3 chain C regions)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015P0DOY3Protein
SAL_15813Lysosomal alpha-glucosidase (EC (Acid maltase) (Aglucosidase alfa) [Cleaved into: 76 kDa lysosomal alpha-glucosidase; 70 kDa lysosomal alpha-glucosidase]NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P10253Protein
SAL_15814Collagen alpha-1(VI) chainNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015P12109Protein
SAL_15815Prolactin-inducible protein (Gross cystic disease fluid protein 15) (GCDFP-15) (Prolactin-induced protein) (Secretory actin-binding protein) (SABP) (gp17)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.754386DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P12273Protein
SAL_15816Plastin-3 (T-plastin)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P13797Protein
SAL_15817Histatin-1 (Histidine-rich protein 1) (Post-PB protein) (PPB) [Cleaved into: His1-(31-57)-peptide (His1 31/57) (His1-(12-38)-peptide) (His1 12/38) (Histatin-2)]NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015P15515Protein
SAL_15818Zinc finger protein 40 (Cirhin interaction protein) (CIRIP) (Gate keeper of apoptosis-activating protein) (GAAP) (Human immunodeficiency virus type I enhancer-binding protein 1) (HIV-EP1) (Major histoNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.7UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P15822Protein
SAL_15819Transcription factor E2-alpha (Class B basic helix-loop-helix protein 21) (bHLHb21) (Immunoglobulin enhancer-binding factor E12/E47) (Immunoglobulin transcription factor 1) (Kappa-E2-binding factor) (NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015P15923Protein
SAL_15820General transcription and DNA repair factor IIH helicase subunit XPD (TFIIH subunit XPD) (EC (Basic transcription factor 2 80 kDa subunit) (BTF2 p80) (CXPD) (DNA excision repair protein ERCCNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015P18074Protein
SAL_15821Hexokinase-1 (EC (Brain form hexokinase) (Hexokinase type I) (HK I)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P19367Protein
SAL_15822NebulinNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P20929Protein
SAL_15823FilaggrinNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA2UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P20930Protein
SAL_15824Lactoperoxidase (LPO) (EC (Salivary peroxidase) (SPO)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.4285714DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P22079Protein
SAL_15825Histone H1t (Testicular H1 histone)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015P22492Protein
SAL_15826Carbonic anhydrase 6 (EC (Carbonate dehydratase VI) (Carbonic anhydrase VI) (CA-VI) (Salivary carbonic anhydrase) (Secreted carbonic anhydrase)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.6666667DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P23280Protein
SAL_15827Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase B (PPIase B) (EC (CYP-S1) (Cyclophilin B) (Rotamase B) (S-cyclophilin) (SCYLP)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015P23284Protein
SAL_15828DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit RPB1 (RNA polymerase II subunit B1) (EC (DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit A) (DNA-directed RNA polymerase III largest subunit) (RNA-directed RNA pNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015P24928Protein
SAL_15829Microtubule-associated protein 4 (MAP-4)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA4.7UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P27816Protein
SAL_15830Cystatin-D (Cystatin-5)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.03UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P28325Protein
SAL_15831Lipocalin-1 (Tear lipocalin) (Tlc) (Tear prealbumin) (TP) (von Ebner gland protein) (VEG protein)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-2.1276596DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P31025Protein
SAL_15832Stress-induced-phosphoprotein 1 (STI1) (Hsc70/Hsp90-organizing protein) (Hop) (Renal carcinoma antigen NY-REN-11) (Transformation-sensitive protein IEF SSP 3521)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015P31948Protein
SAL_15833Cholecystokinin receptor type A (CCK-A receptor) (CCK-AR) (Cholecystokinin-1 receptor) (CCK1-R)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015P32238Protein
SAL_15834Transgelin-2 (Epididymis tissue protein Li 7e) (SM22-alpha homolog)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P37802Protein
SAL_15835Proliferation marker protein Ki-67 (Antigen identified by monoclonal antibody Ki-67) (Antigen KI-67) (Antigen Ki67)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-10DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P46013Protein
SAL_15836Galanin receptor type 1 (GAL1-R) (GALR-1)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015P47211Protein
SAL_15837Methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MeCp-2 protein) (MeCp2)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA5.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P51608Protein
SAL_15838Diphosphomevalonate decarboxylase (EC (Mevalonate (diphospho)decarboxylase) (MDDase) (Mevalonate pyrophosphate decarboxylase)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P53602Protein
SAL_15839Bloom syndrome protein (EC (DNA helicase, RecQ-like type 2) (RecQ2) (RecQ protein-like 3)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015P54132Protein
SAL_15840Neutrophil defensin 1 (Defensin, alpha 1) (HNP-1) (HP-1) (HP1) [Cleaved into: HP 1-56; Neutrophil defensin 2 (HNP-2) (HP-2) (HP2)]NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-2.3255814DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P59665Protein
SAL_15841Lysozyme C (EC (1,4-beta-N-acetylmuramidase C)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.2048193DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P61626Protein
SAL_15842Hemoglobin subunit beta (Beta-globin) (Hemoglobin beta chain) [Cleaved into: LVV-hemorphin-7; Spinorphin]NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015P68871Protein
SAL_15843Hemoglobin subunit alpha (Alpha-globin) (Hemoglobin alpha chain)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015P69905Protein
SAL_15844Arginase-2, mitochondrial (EC (Arginase II) (Kidney-type arginase) (Non-hepatic arginase) (Type II arginase)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015P78540Protein
SAL_15845RNA-binding protein 10 (G patch domain-containing protein 9) (RNA-binding motif protein 10) (RNA-binding protein S1-1) (S1-1)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015P98175Protein
SAL_15846DNA-binding protein SATB1 (Special AT-rich sequence-binding protein 1)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q01826Protein
SAL_15847Dystonin (230 kDa bullous pemphigoid antigen) (230/240 kDa bullous pemphigoid antigen) (Bullous pemphigoid antigen 1) (BPA) (Bullous pemphigoid antigen) (Dystonia musculorum protein) (Hemidesmosomal pNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.2UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q03001Protein
SAL_15848Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 2A (Lysine N-methyltransferase 2A) (EC (ALL-1) (CXXC-type zinc finger protein 7) (Myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia) (Myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-liNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA6.7UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q03164Protein
SAL_15849Neuroblast differentiation-associated protein AHNAK (Desmoyokin)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-10DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q09666Protein
SAL_15850Kinesin heavy chain isoform 5A (Kinesin heavy chain neuron-specific 1) (Neuronal kinesin heavy chain) (NKHC)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA4UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q12840Protein
SAL_15851TNF receptor-associated factor 3 (EC (CAP-1) (CD40 receptor-associated factor 1) (CRAF1) (CD40-binding protein) (CD40BP) (LMP1-associated protein 1) (LAP1) (RING-type E3 ubiquitin transferasNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA2.7UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q13114Protein
SAL_15852Serine incorporator 3 (Tumor differentially expressed protein 1)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q13530Protein
SAL_15853Cadherin-18 (Cadherin-14)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q13634Protein
SAL_15854cGMP-dependent protein kinase 1 (cGK 1) (cGK1) (EC (cGMP-dependent protein kinase I) (cGKI)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q13976Protein
SAL_15855Nidogen-2 (NID-2) (Osteonidogen)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q14112Protein
SAL_15856Clathrin interactor 1 (Clathrin-interacting protein localized in the trans-Golgi region) (Clint) (Enthoprotin) (Epsin-4) (Epsin-related protein) (EpsinR)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q14677Protein
SAL_15857Nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic 4 (NF-ATc4) (NFATc4) (T-cell transcription factor NFAT3) (NF-AT3)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q14934Protein
SAL_15858Mortality factor 4-like protein 2 (MORF-related gene X protein) (Protein MSL3-2) (Transcription factor-like protein MRGX)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q15014Protein
SAL_15859116 kDa U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein component (Elongation factor Tu GTP-binding domain-containing protein 2) (SNU114 homolog) (hSNU114) (U5 snRNP-specific protein, 116 kDa) (U5-116 kDa)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q15029Protein
SAL_15860Plectin (PCN) (PLTN) (Hemidesmosomal protein 1) (HD1) (Plectin-1)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA4UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q15149Protein
SAL_15861Probable E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase HERC1 (EC (HECT domain and RCC1-like domain-containing protein 1) (HECT-type E3 ubiquitin transferase HERC1) (p532) (p619)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA2.15UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q15751Protein
SAL_15862Survival motor neuron protein (Component of gems 1) (Gemin-1)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q16637Protein
SAL_15863Spermatogenesis-associated serine-rich protein 1NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q496A3Protein
SAL_15864Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 26B (Vesicle protein sorting 26B)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q4G0F5Protein
SAL_15865Hydrocephalus-inducing protein homologNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA3.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q4G0P3Protein
SAL_15866Sushi, von Willebrand factor type A, EGF and pentraxin domain-containing protein 1 (CCP module-containing protein 22) (Polydom) (Selectin-like osteoblast-derived protein) (SEL-OB) (Serologically definNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q4LDE5Protein
SAL_15867Nucleoporin GLE1 (hGLE1) (GLE1-like protein)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q53GS7Protein
SAL_15868Fibrous sheath-interacting protein 2NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA4UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q5CZC0Protein
SAL_15869Armadillo repeat-containing X-linked protein 4NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q5H9R4Protein
SAL_15870NHS-like protein 1NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.4285714DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q5SYE7Protein
SAL_15871ATPase family AAA domain-containing protein 3CNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.4285714DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q5T2N8Protein
SAL_15872E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase HECTD3 (EC (HECT domain-containing protein 3) (HECT-type E3 ubiquitin transferase HECTD3)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q5T447Protein
SAL_15873Telomere-associated protein RIF1 (Rap1-interacting factor 1 homolog)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q5UIP0Protein
SAL_15874Obscurin (EC (Obscurin-RhoGEF) (Obscurin-myosin light chain kinase) (Obscurin-MLCK)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA2.7UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q5VST9Protein
SAL_15875WASH complex subunit 2ANASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q641Q2Protein
SAL_15876Basic helix-loop-helix domain-containing protein USF3 (Upstream transcription factor 3)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q68DE3Protein
SAL_15877Cytospin-A (Renal carcinoma antigen NY-REN-22) (Sperm antigen with calponin homology and coiled-coil domains 1-like) (SPECC1-like protein)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA2.7UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q69YQ0Protein
SAL_15878Zinc finger protein 770NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA2.7UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q6IQ21Protein
SAL_15879Zinc finger protein 280D (Suppressor of hairy wing homolog 4) (Zinc finger protein 634)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-5DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q6N043Protein
SAL_15880Protein FAM122CNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q6P4D5Protein
SAL_15881Protein LEG1 homologNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q6P5S2Protein
SAL_15882POTE ankyrin domain family member E (ANKRD26-like family C member 1A) (Prostate, ovary, testis-expressed protein on chromosome 2) (POTE-2)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-3.3333333DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q6S8J3Protein
SAL_15883V-set and transmembrane domain-containing protein 1 (Signal inhibitory receptor on leukocytes-1) (SIRL-1)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q6UX27Protein
SAL_15884Zinc finger protein 782NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q6ZMW2Protein
SAL_15885G protein-regulated inducer of neurite outgrowth 3 (GRIN3)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q6ZVF9Protein
SAL_15886Transmembrane and TPR repeat-containing protein 3 (Protein SMILE)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q6ZXV5Protein
SAL_15887Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX46 (EC (DEAD box protein 46) (PRP5 homolog)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA2.7UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q7L014Protein
SAL_15888Ovochymase-1 (EC 3.4.21.-)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q7RTY7Protein
SAL_15889Interferon-induced very large GTPase 1 (Interferon-induced very large GTPase pseudogene 1)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA2.7UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q7Z2Y8Protein
SAL_15890Probable helicase senataxin (EC 3.6.4.-) (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 4 protein) (SEN1 homolog) (Senataxin)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.4285714DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q7Z333Protein
SAL_15891LysM and putative peptidoglycan-binding domain-containing protein 3NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q7Z3D4Protein
SAL_15892L-xylulose reductase (XR) (EC (Carbonyl reductase II) (Dicarbonyl/L-xylulose reductase) (Kidney dicarbonyl reductase) (kiDCR) (Short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 20C member 1) (SpermNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA2.7UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q7Z4W1Protein
SAL_15893Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 13B (Cohen syndrome protein 1)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA5.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q7Z7G8Protein
SAL_15894E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ZNF598 (EC (Zinc finger protein 598)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q86UK7Protein
SAL_15895Zinc finger homeobox protein 4 (Zinc finger homeodomain protein 4) (ZFH-4)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA2.1UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q86UP3Protein
SAL_15896NEDD4-binding protein 2 (N4BP2) (EC 3.-.-.-) (BCL-3-binding protein)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA4UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q86UW6Protein
SAL_15897Pleckstrin homology domain-containing family H member 2NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA6.7UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8IVE3Protein
SAL_15898Protein AHNAK2NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-10DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8IVF2Protein
SAL_15899Putative Polycomb group protein ASXL1 (Additional sex combs-like protein 1)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8IXJ9Protein
SAL_15900Ras and EF-hand domain-containing protein (Ras-related protein Rab-45)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.4285714DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8IZ41Protein
SAL_15901Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 52 homolog (SAC2 suppressor of actin mutations 2-like protein)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8N1B4Protein
SAL_15902CAP-Gly domain-containing linker protein 4 (Restin-like protein 2)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.2UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8N3C7Protein
SAL_15903RING finger protein 10NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8N5U6Protein
SAL_15904Protein unc-13 homolog C (Munc13-3)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.1111111DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8NB66Protein
SAL_15905Cytoplasmic dynein 2 heavy chain 1 (Cytoplasmic dynein 2 heavy chain) (Dynein cytoplasmic heavy chain 2) (Dynein heavy chain 11) (hDHC11) (Dynein heavy chain isotype 1B)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA4UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8NCM8Protein
SAL_15906SLAIN motif-containing protein 1NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8ND83Protein
SAL_15907Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 168NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8NDH2Protein
SAL_15908Regulator of G-protein signaling 22 (RGS22)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8NE09Protein
SAL_15909Retrotransposon Gag-like protein 9 (Retrotransposon gag domain-containing protein 1) (Tumor antigen BJ-HCC-23)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8NET4Protein
SAL_15910Probable G-protein coupled receptor 156 (G-protein coupled receptor PGR28) (GABAB-related G-protein coupled receptor)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA5.2UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8NFN8Protein
SAL_15911Semaphorin-6DNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8NFY4Protein
SAL_15912Neuroligin-2NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8NFZ4Protein
SAL_15913Tubulin polyglutamylase TTLL11 (EC 6.-.-.-) (Tubulin--tyrosine ligase-like protein 11)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.4285714DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8NHH1Protein
SAL_15914Serine/threonine-protein kinase Kist (EC (Kinase interacting with stathmin) (PAM COOH-terminal interactor protein 2) (P-CIP2) (U2AF homology motif kinase 1)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8TAS1Protein
SAL_15915Zinc finger CCHC-type and RNA-binding motif-containing protein 1 (U11/U12 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 31 kDa protein) (U11/U12 snRNP 31 kDa protein) (U11/U12-31K)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8TBF4Protein
SAL_15916Phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate 4-kinase type-2 gamma (EC (Phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate 4-kinase type II gamma) (PI(5)P 4-kinase type II gamma) (PIP4KII-gamma)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8TBX8Protein
SAL_15917RAS guanyl-releasing protein 4NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8TDF6Protein
SAL_15918TRAF3-interacting protein 1 (Interleukin-13 receptor alpha 1-binding protein 1) (Intraflagellar transport protein 54 homolog) (Microtubule-interacting protein associated with TRAF3) (MIP-T3)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8TDR0Protein
SAL_15919Serine/threonine-protein kinase haspin (EC (Germ cell-specific gene 2 protein) (H-haspin) (Haploid germ cell-specific nuclear protein kinase)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8TF76Protein
SAL_15920RelA-associated inhibitor (Inhibitor of ASPP protein) (Protein iASPP) (NFkB-interacting protein 1) (PPP1R13B-like protein)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA2.7UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8WUF5Protein
SAL_15921Mucin-16 (MUC-16) (Ovarian cancer-related tumor marker CA125) (CA-125) (Ovarian carcinoma antigen CA125)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.5384615DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8WXI7Protein
SAL_15922Titin (EC (Connectin) (Rhabdomyosarcoma antigen MU-RMS-40.14)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.23UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8WZ42Protein
SAL_15923Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 4 (Exchange factor directly activated by cAMP 2) (Exchange protein directly activated by cAMP 2) (EPAC 2) (cAMP-regulated guanine nucleotide exchange factor II) NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.4285714DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q8WZA2Protein
SAL_15924Zinc finger protein 592NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-3.3333333DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q92610Protein
SAL_15925MARVEL domain-containing protein 3NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q96A59Protein
SAL_15926Transcription factor E2F7 (E2F-7)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q96AV8Protein
SAL_15927Uncharacterized protein C18orf25 (ARKadia-like protein 1)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q96B23Protein
SAL_15928Phospholipase D4 (PLD 4) (EC (Choline phosphatase 4) (Phosphatidylcholine-hydrolyzing phospholipase D4)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q96BZ4Protein
SAL_15929Zymogen granule protein 16 homolog BNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA5.4UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q96DA0Protein
SAL_15930BPI fold-containing family A member 2 (Parotid secretory protein) (PSP) (Short palate, lung and nasal epithelium carcinoma-associated protein 2)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.25DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q96DR5Protein
SAL_15931Dynein heavy chain 11, axonemal (Axonemal beta dynein heavy chain 11) (Ciliary dynein heavy chain 11)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.8UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q96DT5Protein
SAL_15932Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase, H3 lysine-36 and H4 lysine-20 specific (EC (Androgen receptor coactivator 267 kDa protein) (Androgen receptor-associated protein of 267 kDa) (H3-K36-HMTasNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA2.2UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q96L73Protein
SAL_15933Alpha-protein kinase 3 (EC 2.7.11.-) (Muscle alpha-protein kinase)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q96L96Protein
SAL_15934Collagen alpha-1(XXI) chainNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA2.7UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q96P44Protein
SAL_15935Perilipin-4 (Adipocyte protein S3-12)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q96Q06Protein
SAL_15936Hedgehog-interacting protein (HHIP) (HIP)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q96QV1Protein
SAL_15937Phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein 4 (PEBP-4) (hPEBP4) (Protein cousin-of-RKIP 1)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q96S96Protein
SAL_15938Neurabin-2 (Neurabin-II) (Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 9B) (Spinophilin)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA2.7UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q96SB3Protein
SAL_15939Putative RNA-binding protein 15 (One-twenty two protein 1) (RNA-binding motif protein 15)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.1UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q96T37Protein
SAL_15940Cell division cycle 5-like protein (Cdc5-like protein) (Pombe cdc5-related protein)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q99459Protein
SAL_15941Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase 2, cytoplasmic (EC (Serine-dependent phospholipase A2) (SD-PLA2) (hSD-PLA2)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q99487Protein
SAL_15942Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor 2DL4 (CD158 antigen-like family member D) (G9P) (Killer cell inhibitory receptor 103AS) (KIR-103AS) (MHC class I NK cell receptor KIR103AS) (CD antigen CD158d)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q99706Protein
SAL_15943Apoptosis-inducing factor 2 (EC 1.-.-.-) (Apoptosis-inducing factor homologous mitochondrion-associated inducer of death) (Apoptosis-inducing factor-like mitochondrion-associated inducer of death) (p5NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.25DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9BRQ8Protein
SAL_15944Lipase maturation factor 2 (Transmembrane protein 112B) (Transmembrane protein 153)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9BU23Protein
SAL_15945Zinc finger protein 416NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9BWM5Protein
SAL_15946Synaptonemal complex protein 2 (SCP-2) (Synaptonemal complex lateral element protein) (hsSCP2)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9BX26Protein
SAL_15947SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains protein 3 (Shank3) (Proline-rich synapse-associated protein 2) (ProSAP2)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-2.5DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9BYB0Protein
SAL_15948Zinc finger homeobox protein 2 (Zinc finger homeodomain protein 2) (ZFH-2)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9C0A1Protein
SAL_15949Homeobox protein aristaless-like 4NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9H161Protein
SAL_15950Receptor expression-enhancing protein 1 (Spastic paraplegia 31 protein)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9H902Protein
SAL_15951Mucin-5B (MUC-5B) (Cervical mucin) (High molecular weight salivary mucin MG1) (Mucin-5 subtype B, tracheobronchial) (Sublingual gland mucin)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.5384615DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9HC84Protein
SAL_15952Sister chromatid cohesion protein PDS5 homolog B (Androgen-induced proliferation inhibitor) (Androgen-induced prostate proliferative shutoff-associated protein AS3)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.1111111DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9NTI5Protein
SAL_15953Zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 40NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9NUA8Protein
SAL_15954HAUS augmin-like complex subunit 2 (Centrosomal protein of 27 kDa) (Cep27)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9NVX0Protein
SAL_15955Sacsin (DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 29) (DNAJC29)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.1111111DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9NZJ4Protein
SAL_15956Sentrin-specific protease 1 (EC 3.4.22.-) (Sentrin/SUMO-specific protease SENP1)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9P0U3Protein
SAL_15957HEAT repeat-containing protein 5BNASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA5.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9P2D3Protein
SAL_15958Dynein heavy chain 1, axonemal (Axonemal beta dynein heavy chain 1) (Ciliary dynein heavy chain 1) (Heat shock regulated protein 1) (HSRF-1) (hDHC7)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9P2D7Protein
SAL_15959Succinate--CoA ligase [ADP-forming] subunit beta, mitochondrial (EC (ATP-specific succinyl-CoA synthetase subunit beta) (A-SCS) (Succinyl-CoA synthetase beta-A chain) (SCS-betaA)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9P2R7Protein
SAL_15960Ankyrin repeat and MYND domain-containing protein 1 (Testis-specific ankyrin-like protein 1) (Zinc finger MYND domain-containing protein 13)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9P2S6Protein
SAL_15961Deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 protein (Glycoprotein 340) (Gp-340) (Hensin) (Salivary agglutinin) (SAG) (Surfactant pulmonary-associated D-binding protein)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.4925373DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9UGM3Protein
SAL_15962AF4/FMR2 family member 4 (ALL1-fused gene from chromosome 5q31 protein) (Protein AF-5q31) (Major CDK9 elongation factor-associated protein)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-5DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9UHB7Protein
SAL_15963Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 3A1 (OATP3A1) (Organic anion transporter polypeptide-related protein 3) (OATP-RP3) (OATPRP3) (Organic anion-transporting polypeptide D) (OATP-D) NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA2UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9UIG8Protein
SAL_15964CASP8-associated protein 2 (FLICE-associated huge protein)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9UKL3Protein
SAL_15965Microtubule-associated tumor suppressor 1 (AT2 receptor-binding protein) (Angiotensin-II type 2 receptor-interacting protein) (Mitochondrial tumor suppressor 1)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9ULD2Protein
SAL_15966Microtubule-actin cross-linking factor 1, isoforms 1/2/3/5 (620 kDa actin-binding protein) (ABP620) (Actin cross-linking family protein 7) (Macrophin-1) (Trabeculin-alpha)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.25DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9UPN3Protein
SAL_15967Serine/arginine repetitive matrix protein 2 (300 kDa nuclear matrix antigen) (Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor-related nuclear matrix protein of 300 kDa) (SR-related nuclear matrix protein of 300 NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA11UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9UQ35Protein
SAL_15968WD repeat-containing protein 7 (Rabconnectin-3 beta) (TGF-beta resistance-associated protein TRAG)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA5.2UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9Y4E6Protein
SAL_15969Centrosomal protein of 83 kDa (Cep83) (Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 41) (Renal carcinoma antigen NY-REN-58)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9Y592Protein
SAL_15970Feline leukemia virus subgroup C receptor-related protein 1 (Feline leukemia virus subgroup C receptor) (hFLVCR)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9Y5Y0Protein
SAL_15971Synphilin-1 (Sph1) (Alpha-synuclein-interacting protein)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9Y6H5Protein
SAL_15972Protein piccolo (Aczonin)NASample Preparation (ASD and Control pooled sample, HPLC), MS and Protein Identification (nanoLC-MS/MS coupled to a QTOF Micro MS), Criteria for Protein Identification (caffold (proteome Software Inc), Quantitative Analysis of Dysregulated ProteinsWhole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.1111111DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens256264232015Q9Y6V0Protein
SAL_15995PlasminogenNATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens262903612015P00747Protein
SAL_15996Cystatin-SNATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-3.1DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens262903612015P01036Protein
SAL_15997Immunoglobulin J chainNATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-2.1DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens262903612015P01591Protein
SAL_15998Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 1NATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA2.8UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens262903612015P01876Protein
SAL_15999Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 2NATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens262903612015P01877Protein
SAL_16000Serum albuminNATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-2.1DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens262903612015P02768Protein
SAL_16001Pancreatic alpha-amylaseNATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-3.4DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens262903612015P04746Protein
SAL_16002Protein S100-A9NATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA2.9UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens262903612015P06702Protein
SAL_16003Prolactin-inducible proteinNATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-0.85DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens262903612015P12273Protein
SAL_16004V-type proton ATPase subunit C 1NATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA1.07UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens262903612015P21283Protein
SAL_16005Integrin alpha-6NATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens262903612015P23229Protein
SAL_16006Carbonic anhydrase 6NATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-0.475DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens262903612015P23280Protein
SAL_16007Zinc-alpha-2-glycoproteinNATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-2.4DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens262903612015P25311Protein
SAL_16008Cystatin-DNATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-2DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens262903612015P28325Protein
SAL_16009Serpin B3NATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens262903612015P29508Protein
SAL_16010Kinesin-like protein KIF14NATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens262903612015Q15058Protein
SAL_16011Probable E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase HERC1NATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens262903612015Q15751Protein
SAL_16012Alpha-amylaseNATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-5.2DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens262903612015Q53F26Protein
SAL_16013Transferrin variantNATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-2DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens262903612015Q53H26Protein
SAL_16014Growth hormone-regulated TBC protein 1NATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA2.1UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens262903612015Q5TC63Protein
SAL_16015Putative lipocalin 1-like protein 1NATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-1.95DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens262903612015Q5VSP4Protein
SAL_16016Glutamate-rich protein 6BNATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens262903612015Q5W0A0Protein
SAL_16017Alpha-amylaseNATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA-7.6DownregulatedNAHomo sapiens262903612015Q6NSB3Protein
SAL_16018CBPNATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens262903612015Q7Z4Y9Protein
SAL_16019Mucin-16NATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA2.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens262903612015Q8WXI7Protein
SAL_16020Proto-oncogene FRAT1NATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA8.3UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens262903612015Q92837Protein
SAL_16021Zymogen granule protein 16 homolog BNATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNANANANAHomo sapiens262903612015Q96DA0Protein
SAL_16022BPI fold-containing family A member 2NATwo-dimensional PAGE, Computerized comparisons, Spot picking and in-gel digestion (Protein spots of interest were selected based on a fold increase or decrease of ≥1.7 and P-value <0.05 or a fold increase or decrease of ≥3.0.), Mass spectrometry and data analysis (NanoAcquity UPLC coupled to a Q-TOF API MS), Bioinformatics analysis (STRING and PANTHER v9.0 and DAVID v6.7)Whole SalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum DisorderNA2.05UpregulatedNAHomo sapiens262903612015Q96DR5Protein
SAL_24500hsa-miR-7-5pDiagnosticNASalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)NANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens271058252016hsa-miR-7-5pmiRNA
SAL_24501hsa-miR-628-5pDiagnosticNASalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)NANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens271058252016hsa-miR-628-5pmiRNA
SAL_24502hsa-miR-3529-5pDiagnosticNASalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)NANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens271058252016hsa-miR-3529-5pmiRNA
SAL_24503hsa-miR-335-3pDiagnosticNASalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)NANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens271058252016hsa-miR-335-3pmiRNA
SAL_24504hsa-miR-32-5pDiagnosticNASalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)NANADownregulatedNAHomo sapiens271058252016hsa-miR-32-5pmiRNA
SAL_24505hsa-miR-30e-5pDiagnosticNASalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)NANADownregulatedNAHomo sapiens271058252016hsa-miR-30e-5pmiRNA
SAL_24506hsa-miR-28-5pDiagnosticNASalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)NANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens271058252016hsa-miR-28-5pmiRNA
SAL_24507hsa-miR-27a-3pDiagnosticNASalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)NANADownregulatedNAHomo sapiens271058252016hsa-miR-27a-3pmiRNA
SAL_24508hsa-miR-2467-5pDiagnosticNASalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)NANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens271058252016hsa-miR-2467-5pmiRNA
SAL_24509hsa-miR-23-3pDiagnosticNASalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)NANADownregulatedNAHomo sapiens271058252016hsa-miR-23-3pmiRNA
SAL_24510hsa-miR-218-5pDiagnosticNASalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)NANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens271058252016hsa-miR-218-5pmiRNA
SAL_24511hsa-miR-191-5pDiagnosticNASalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)NANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens271058252016hsa-miR-191-5pmiRNA
SAL_24512hsa-miR-140-3pDiagnosticNASalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)NANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens271058252016hsa-miR-140-3pmiRNA
SAL_24513hsa-miR-127-3pDiagnosticNASalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)NANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens271058252016hsa-miR-127-3pmiRNA
SAL_24762hsa-miR-7-5pDiagnosticqPCRSalivaDevelopmental DisorderDevelopmental DisorderNANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens323530262020hsa-miR-7-5pmiRNA
SAL_24763hsa-miR-628-5pDiagnosticqPCRSalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)NANADownregulatedNAHomo sapiens323530262020hsa-miR-628-5pmiRNA
SAL_24764hsa-miR-628-5pDiagnosticqPCRSalivaDevelopmental DisorderDevelopmental DisorderNANADownregulatedNAHomo sapiens323530262020hsa-miR-628-5pmiRNA
SAL_24765hsa-miR-32-5pDiagnosticqPCRSalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)NANADownregulatedNAHomo sapiens323530262020hsa-miR-32-5pmiRNA
SAL_24766hsa-miR-32-5pDiagnosticqPCRSalivaDevelopmental DisorderDevelopmental DisorderNANADownregulatedNAHomo sapiens323530262020hsa-miR-32-5pmiRNA
SAL_24767hsa-miR-2467-3pDiagnosticqPCRSalivaDevelopmental DisorderDevelopmental DisorderNANAUpregulatedNAHomo sapiens323530262020hsa-miR-2467-3pmiRNA
SAL_24768hsa-miR-23a-3pDiagnosticqPCRSalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)NANADownregulatedNAHomo sapiens323530262020hsa-miR-23a-3pmiRNA
SAL_24769hsa-miR-23a-3pDiagnosticqPCRSalivaDevelopmental DisorderDevelopmental DisorderNANADownregulatedNAHomo sapiens323530262020hsa-miR-23a-3pmiRNA
SAL_24770hsa-miR-140-3pDiagnosticqPCRSalivaDevelopmental DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)NANADownregulatedNAHomo sapiens323530262020hsa-miR-140-3pmiRNA
SAL_24771hsa-miR-140-3pDiagnosticqPCRSalivaDevelopmental DisorderDevelopmental DisorderNANADownregulatedNAHomo sapiens323530262020hsa-miR-140-3pmiRNA