Analogs of OligoRiboNucleotides

This module first generates all possible mutants or analogs for a given ORN by making all possible substitution mutations at all positions. Then, the server predicts immunomodulatory potential of each analog. In this manner, the user may identify ORNs of desired immunomodulatory potentials or mutations required for increasing or decreasing immunomodulatory potential of a ORN compared to the parent ORN by having base substitutions at individual sites. Please note that the input query (ORN) should be of the length 17 to 27 nucleotides.

For more information, see HELP page.

Type or paste oligoribonucleotide (ORN) in a single letter code:


Choose IMscore threshold: IMscore- ImmunoModulatory Score has range from 0-9.