
In silico Platform for designing genome-based
Personalized immunotherapy or Vaccine against Cancer

Blast-Search of mutated query peptide against human proteome

BLAST Search Results
BLASTP 2.2.15 [Oct-15-2006]

Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schäffer, 
Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), 
"Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search
programs",  Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402.

Query= User_input
         (9 letters)

           71,491 sequences; 45,948,801 total letters


                                                                 Score    E
Sequences producing significant alignments:                      (bits) Value

NP_001245210                                                           20     390
NP_000242                                                              20     390
XP_005264389                                                           20     390
NP_001277189                                                           17    3301
NP_055968                                                              17    3301
NP_689418                                                              17    3301
NP_001241872                                                           17    3301
NP_001129069                                                           17    3301
NP_060554                                                              17    3301
NP_001277188                                                           17    3301
XP_005248759                                                           17    3301
XP_006715489                                                           17    3301
XP_005248758                                                           17    3301
XP_005264483                                                           17    3301
XP_005264480                                                           17    3301
XP_005264478                                                           17    3301
XP_005264475                                                           17    3301
NP_001010872                                                           17    4312
XP_006715085                                                           17    4312
NP_001367                                                              16    5631
NP_683692                                                              16    5631
XP_005248208                                                           16    5631
XP_005248207                                                           16    5631
XP_006714021                                                           16    5631
NP_690862                                                              16    5631
NP_057427                                                              16    7355
NP_056261                                                              16    7355
XP_006722001                                                           16    7355
XP_006722000                                                           16    7355
XP_006721999                                                           16    7355
XP_006721998                                                           16    7355
XP_006721997                                                           16    7355
XP_006721996                                                           16    7355
XP_006721995                                                           16    7355
XP_006711822                                                           16    7355
XP_006711821                                                           16    7355
NP_057423                                                              16    7355
NP_940857                                                              16    7355
NP_001009899                                                           15    9605
NP_001008225                                                           15    9605
NP_060473                                                              15    9605
XP_005276807                                                           15    9605
XP_005254586                                                           15    9605
XP_005254585                                                           15    9605
XP_005254584                                                           15    9605
XP_005247266                                                           15    9605
XP_005247265                                                           15    9605
XP_005246759                                                           15    9605
NP_065726                                                              15    9605
          Length = 868

 Score = 20.0 bits (40), Expect =   390
 Identities = 8/9 (88%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1   QRQTANLQD 9
           QRQ ANLQD
Sbjct: 329 QRQAANLQD 337
          Length = 934

 Score = 20.0 bits (40), Expect =   390
 Identities = 8/9 (88%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1   QRQTANLQD 9
           QRQ ANLQD
Sbjct: 395 QRQAANLQD 403
          Length = 921

 Score = 20.0 bits (40), Expect =   390
 Identities = 8/9 (88%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1   QRQTANLQD 9
           QRQ ANLQD
Sbjct: 395 QRQAANLQD 403
          Length = 736

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 3   QTANLQD 9
Sbjct: 463 ETANLQD 469
          Length = 2039

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 3   QTANLQD 9
Sbjct: 463 ETANLQD 469
          Length = 839

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   QRQTANLQD 9
           QRQ  N+QD
Sbjct: 472 QRQLKNIQD 480
          Length = 1796

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1    QRQTANLQD 9
            QRQT +LQ+
Sbjct: 1086 QRQTVSLQE 1094
          Length = 1870

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1    QRQTANLQD 9
            QRQT +LQ+
Sbjct: 1086 QRQTVSLQE 1094
          Length = 1843

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1    QRQTANLQD 9
            QRQT +LQ+
Sbjct: 1087 QRQTVSLQE 1095
          Length = 1951

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 3   QTANLQD 9
Sbjct: 375 ETANLQD 381
          Length = 1951

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 3   QTANLQD 9
Sbjct: 375 ETANLQD 381
          Length = 2039

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 3   QTANLQD 9
Sbjct: 463 ETANLQD 469
          Length = 2039

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 3   QTANLQD 9
Sbjct: 463 ETANLQD 469
          Length = 1311

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1    QRQTANLQD 9
            QRQT +LQ+
Sbjct: 1087 QRQTVSLQE 1095
          Length = 1842

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1    QRQTANLQD 9
            QRQT +LQ+
Sbjct: 1086 QRQTVSLQE 1094
          Length = 1844

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1    QRQTANLQD 9
            QRQT +LQ+
Sbjct: 1087 QRQTVSLQE 1095
          Length = 2027

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1    QRQTANLQD 9
            QRQT +LQ+
Sbjct: 1087 QRQTVSLQE 1095
          Length = 1011

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   QRQTANLQD 9
           QR+T NL D
Sbjct: 450 QRKTTNLAD 458
          Length = 1011

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   QRQTANLQD 9
           QR+T NL D
Sbjct: 450 QRKTTNLAD 458
          Length = 4646

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1    QRQTANLQ 8
            Q+Q ANLQ
Sbjct: 1233 QQQVANLQ 1240
          Length = 3051

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 2    RQTANLQD 9
Sbjct: 2921 KETANLQE 2928
          Length = 3097

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 2    RQTANLQD 9
Sbjct: 2920 KETANLQE 2927
          Length = 3098

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 2    RQTANLQD 9
Sbjct: 2921 KETANLQE 2928
          Length = 3112

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 2    RQTANLQD 9
Sbjct: 2935 KETANLQE 2942
          Length = 166

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1   QRQTANLQD 9
           QRQ AN+++
Sbjct: 102 QRQAANIRE 110
          Length = 3114

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/7 (71%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 3    QTANLQD 9
Sbjct: 1246 ETSNLQD 1252
          Length = 2275

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1    QRQTANLQD 9
            Q+Q  NL+D
Sbjct: 1383 QKQMGNLED 1391
          Length = 392

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1   QRQTANLQ 8
Sbjct: 189 RRETANLE 196
          Length = 456

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1   QRQTANLQ 8
Sbjct: 253 RRETANLE 260
          Length = 493

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1   QRQTANLQ 8
Sbjct: 290 RRETANLE 297
          Length = 493

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1   QRQTANLQ 8
Sbjct: 290 RRETANLE 297
          Length = 493

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1   QRQTANLQ 8
Sbjct: 290 RRETANLE 297
          Length = 511

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1   QRQTANLQ 8
Sbjct: 308 RRETANLE 315
          Length = 662

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1   QRQTANLQ 8
Sbjct: 459 RRETANLE 466
          Length = 2266

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1    QRQTANLQD 9
            Q+Q  NL+D
Sbjct: 1374 QKQMGNLED 1382
          Length = 2301

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1    QRQTANLQD 9
            Q+Q  NL+D
Sbjct: 1409 QKQMGNLED 1417
          Length = 456

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1   QRQTANLQ 8
Sbjct: 253 RRETANLE 260
          Length = 5147

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 6/8 (75%)

Query: 1    QRQTANLQ 8
            QRQ  NLQ
Sbjct: 4806 QRQECNLQ 4813
          Length = 2245

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/7 (71%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1   QRQTANL 7
Sbjct: 177 QKQTANV 183
          Length = 1403

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   QRQTANLQD 9
           QR+  N+QD
Sbjct: 277 QREHQNIQD 285
          Length = 1416

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   QRQTANLQD 9
           QR+  N+QD
Sbjct: 290 QREHQNIQD 298
          Length = 299

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/6 (83%), Positives = 6/6 (100%)

Query: 4   TANLQD 9
Sbjct: 175 TANIQD 180
          Length = 1392

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   QRQTANLQD 9
           QR+  N+QD
Sbjct: 277 QREHQNIQD 285
          Length = 1405

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   QRQTANLQD 9
           QR+  N+QD
Sbjct: 290 QREHQNIQD 298
          Length = 1411

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   QRQTANLQD 9
           QR+  N+QD
Sbjct: 285 QREHQNIQD 293
          Length = 2189

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/7 (71%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1   QRQTANL 7
Sbjct: 121 QKQTANV 127
          Length = 2211

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/7 (71%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1   QRQTANL 7
Sbjct: 143 QKQTANV 149
          Length = 299

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/6 (83%), Positives = 6/6 (100%)

Query: 4   TANLQD 9
Sbjct: 175 TANIQD 180
          Length = 224

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/6 (83%), Positives = 6/6 (100%)

Query: 4   TANLQD 9
Sbjct: 100 TANIQD 105
    Posted date:  May 26, 2014 10:46 AM
  Number of letters in database: 45,948,801
  Number of sequences in database:  71,491
Lambda     K      H
   0.307    0.115    0.288 

Lambda     K      H
   0.267   0.0410    0.140 

Matrix: BLOSUM62
Gap Penalties: Existence: 11, Extension: 1
Number of Sequences: 71491
Number of Hits to DB: 417,882
Number of extensions: 727
Number of successful extensions: 49
Number of sequences better than 10000.0: 49
Number of HSP's gapped: 49
Number of HSP's successfully gapped: 49
Length of query: 9
Length of database: 45,948,801
Length adjustment: 0
Effective length of query: 9
Effective length of database: 45,948,801
Effective search space: 413539209
Effective search space used: 413539209
Neighboring words threshold: 11
Window for multiple hits: 40
X1: 16 ( 7.1 bits)
X2: 38 (14.6 bits)
X3: 64 (24.7 bits)
S1: 28 (15.5 bits)
S2: 28 (15.4 bits)

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