
In silico Platform for designing genome-based
Personalized immunotherapy or Vaccine against Cancer

Blast-Search of mutated query peptide against human proteome

BLAST Search Results
BLASTP 2.2.15 [Oct-15-2006]

Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schäffer, 
Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), 
"Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search
programs",  Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402.

Query= User_input
         (9 letters)

           71,491 sequences; 45,948,801 total letters


                                                                 Score    E
Sequences producing significant alignments:                      (bits) Value

NP_001277144                                                           20     509
NP_001277143                                                           20     509
NP_001077383                                                           20     509
NP_001320                                                              20     509
NP_073713                                                              20     509
XP_005269629                                                           20     509
XP_005269628                                                           20     509
XP_005269627                                                           20     509
XP_005269626                                                           20     509
XP_006717706                                                           20     509
XP_005269625                                                           20     509
XP_005269624                                                           20     509
XP_006717705                                                           20     509
XP_005269622                                                           20     509
XP_005269621                                                           20     509
XP_006717704                                                           20     509
XP_005269619                                                           20     509
XP_005269618                                                           20     509
NP_001319                                                              18    1135
NP_001012632                                                           18    1135
XP_005272320                                                           18    1135
XP_005272319                                                           18    1135
XP_005272318                                                           18    1135
NP_000159                                                              17    4312
NP_060066                                                              17    4312
NP_001239029                                                           17    4312
NP_001239032                                                           17    4312
NP_001239031                                                           17    4312
XP_005249761                                                           17    4312
XP_005249760                                                           17    4312
NP_003213                                                              16    5631
NP_008870                                                              16    5631
XP_005259159                                                           16    5631
XP_005268078                                                           16    5631
NP_065913                                                              16    5631
NP_612152                                                              16    7355
XP_006715715                                                           16    7355
NP_113655                                                              15    9605
NP_001188358                                                           15    9605
NP_036427                                                              15    9605
NP_001186210                                                           15    9605
NP_116154                                                              15    9605
NP_001245356                                                           15    9605
NP_001245355                                                           15    9605
NP_001245357                                                           15    9605
XP_006724247                                                           15    9605
XP_006724246                                                           15    9605
XP_006724245                                                           15    9605
XP_006724244                                                           15    9605
XP_006724243                                                           15    9605
XP_005261477                                                           15    9605
XP_005261476                                                           15    9605
XP_005261474                                                           15    9605
XP_006724242                                                           15    9605
XP_005261473                                                           15    9605
XP_005261472                                                           15    9605
XP_005266057                                                           15    9605
XP_006714863                                                           15    9605
XP_006714862                                                           15    9605
XP_005268578                                                           15    9605
          Length = 445

 Score = 19.6 bits (39), Expect =   509
 Identities = 8/8 (100%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1  NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 74 NEAVGAMM 81
          Length = 445

 Score = 19.6 bits (39), Expect =   509
 Identities = 8/8 (100%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1  NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 74 NEAVGAMM 81
          Length = 445

 Score = 19.6 bits (39), Expect =   509
 Identities = 8/8 (100%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1  NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 74 NEAVGAMM 81
          Length = 445

 Score = 19.6 bits (39), Expect =   509
 Identities = 8/8 (100%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1  NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 74 NEAVGAMM 81
          Length = 985

 Score = 19.6 bits (39), Expect =   509
 Identities = 8/8 (100%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 614 NEAVGAMM 621
          Length = 445

 Score = 19.6 bits (39), Expect =   509
 Identities = 8/8 (100%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1  NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 74 NEAVGAMM 81
          Length = 445

 Score = 19.6 bits (39), Expect =   509
 Identities = 8/8 (100%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1  NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 74 NEAVGAMM 81
          Length = 445

 Score = 19.6 bits (39), Expect =   509
 Identities = 8/8 (100%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1  NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 74 NEAVGAMM 81
          Length = 445

 Score = 19.6 bits (39), Expect =   509
 Identities = 8/8 (100%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1  NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 74 NEAVGAMM 81
          Length = 445

 Score = 19.6 bits (39), Expect =   509
 Identities = 8/8 (100%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1  NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 74 NEAVGAMM 81
          Length = 445

 Score = 19.6 bits (39), Expect =   509
 Identities = 8/8 (100%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1  NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 74 NEAVGAMM 81
          Length = 445

 Score = 19.6 bits (39), Expect =   509
 Identities = 8/8 (100%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1  NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 74 NEAVGAMM 81
          Length = 445

 Score = 19.6 bits (39), Expect =   509
 Identities = 8/8 (100%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1  NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 74 NEAVGAMM 81
          Length = 445

 Score = 19.6 bits (39), Expect =   509
 Identities = 8/8 (100%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1  NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 74 NEAVGAMM 81
          Length = 445

 Score = 19.6 bits (39), Expect =   509
 Identities = 8/8 (100%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1  NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 74 NEAVGAMM 81
          Length = 445

 Score = 19.6 bits (39), Expect =   509
 Identities = 8/8 (100%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1  NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 74 NEAVGAMM 81
          Length = 445

 Score = 19.6 bits (39), Expect =   509
 Identities = 8/8 (100%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1  NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 74 NEAVGAMM 81
          Length = 445

 Score = 19.6 bits (39), Expect =   509
 Identities = 8/8 (100%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1  NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 74 NEAVGAMM 81
          Length = 440

 Score = 18.5 bits (36), Expect =  1135
 Identities = 7/8 (87%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1  NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 68 NEAVGALM 75
          Length = 429

 Score = 18.5 bits (36), Expect =  1135
 Identities = 7/8 (87%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1  NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 57 NEAVGALM 64
          Length = 430

 Score = 18.5 bits (36), Expect =  1135
 Identities = 7/8 (87%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1  NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 57 NEAVGALM 64
          Length = 430

 Score = 18.5 bits (36), Expect =  1135
 Identities = 7/8 (87%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1  NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 57 NEAVGALM 64
          Length = 441

 Score = 18.5 bits (36), Expect =  1135
 Identities = 7/8 (87%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1  NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 68 NEAVGALM 75
          Length = 1580

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1    NEAVGAMMN 9
            NE+ G+M+N
Sbjct: 1302 NESAGSMVN 1310
          Length = 1624

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 471 NEAIGALI 478
          Length = 1637

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 471 NEAIGALI 478
          Length = 1610

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 471 NEAIGALI 478
          Length = 1623

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMM 8
Sbjct: 471 NEAIGALI 478
          Length = 1580

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1    NEAVGAMMN 9
            NE+ G+M+N
Sbjct: 1302 NESAGSMVN 1310
          Length = 1580

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1    NEAVGAMMN 9
            NE+ G+M+N
Sbjct: 1302 NESAGSMVN 1310
          Length = 450

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   EAVGAMMN 9
           E VGA+MN
Sbjct: 212 ELVGAVMN 219
          Length = 1332

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMMN 9
           N+A+ A+MN
Sbjct: 372 NQAITALMN 380
          Length = 771

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   EAVGAMMN 9
           EAVG M+N
Sbjct: 180 EAVGQMVN 187
          Length = 1272

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMMN 9
           N+A+ A+MN
Sbjct: 312 NQAITALMN 320
          Length = 771

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   EAVGAMMN 9
           EAVG M+N
Sbjct: 180 EAVGQMVN 187
          Length = 2849

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMMN 9
           +EAV A MN
Sbjct: 439 HEAVSAFMN 447
          Length = 2023

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMMN 9
           +EAV A MN
Sbjct: 391 HEAVSAFMN 399
          Length = 959

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   EAVGAMMN 9
           +AVG M+N
Sbjct: 518 DAVGKMLN 525
          Length = 2170

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMMN 9
           NEAV  M+N
Sbjct: 715 NEAVQQMVN 723
          Length = 2220

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMMN 9
           NEAV  M+N
Sbjct: 765 NEAVQQMVN 773
          Length = 2220

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMMN 9
           NEAV  M+N
Sbjct: 765 NEAVQQMVN 773
          Length = 297

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/6 (100%), Positives = 6/6 (100%)

Query: 2  EAVGAM 7
Sbjct: 70 EAVGAM 75
          Length = 896

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   EAVGAMMN 9
           +AVG M+N
Sbjct: 518 DAVGKMLN 525
          Length = 945

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   EAVGAMMN 9
           +AVG M+N
Sbjct: 507 DAVGKMLN 514
          Length = 983

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   EAVGAMMN 9
           +AVG M+N
Sbjct: 542 DAVGKMLN 549
          Length = 1189

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMMN 9
           NEAV  M+N
Sbjct: 765 NEAVQQMVN 773
          Length = 2103

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMMN 9
           NEAV  M+N
Sbjct: 765 NEAVQQMVN 773
          Length = 2191

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMMN 9
           NEAV  M+N
Sbjct: 765 NEAVQQMVN 773
          Length = 2191

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMMN 9
           NEAV  M+N
Sbjct: 765 NEAVQQMVN 773
          Length = 2196

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMMN 9
           NEAV  M+N
Sbjct: 765 NEAVQQMVN 773
          Length = 2200

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMMN 9
           NEAV  M+N
Sbjct: 765 NEAVQQMVN 773
          Length = 2210

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMMN 9
           NEAV  M+N
Sbjct: 720 NEAVQQMVN 728
          Length = 2225

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMMN 9
           NEAV  M+N
Sbjct: 765 NEAVQQMVN 773
          Length = 2226

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMMN 9
           NEAV  M+N
Sbjct: 765 NEAVQQMVN 773
          Length = 2250

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMMN 9
           NEAV  M+N
Sbjct: 765 NEAVQQMVN 773
          Length = 2255

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   NEAVGAMMN 9
           NEAV  M+N
Sbjct: 765 NEAVQQMVN 773
          Length = 287

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/6 (100%), Positives = 6/6 (100%)

Query: 2  EAVGAM 7
Sbjct: 70 EAVGAM 75
          Length = 921

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   EAVGAMMN 9
           +AVG M+N
Sbjct: 480 DAVGKMLN 487
          Length = 956

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   EAVGAMMN 9
           +AVG M+N
Sbjct: 518 DAVGKMLN 525
          Length = 959

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   EAVGAMMN 9
           +AVG M+N
Sbjct: 518 DAVGKMLN 525
    Posted date:  May 26, 2014 10:46 AM
  Number of letters in database: 45,948,801
  Number of sequences in database:  71,491
Lambda     K      H
   0.308    0.116    0.301 

Lambda     K      H
   0.267   0.0410    0.140 

Matrix: BLOSUM62
Gap Penalties: Existence: 11, Extension: 1
Number of Sequences: 71491
Number of Hits to DB: 283,128
Number of extensions: 510
Number of successful extensions: 60
Number of sequences better than 10000.0: 60
Number of HSP's gapped: 60
Number of HSP's successfully gapped: 60
Length of query: 9
Length of database: 45,948,801
Length adjustment: 0
Effective length of query: 9
Effective length of database: 45,948,801
Effective search space: 413539209
Effective search space used: 413539209
Neighboring words threshold: 11
Window for multiple hits: 40
X1: 16 ( 7.1 bits)
X2: 38 (14.6 bits)
X3: 64 (24.7 bits)
S1: 28 (15.5 bits)
S2: 28 (15.4 bits)

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