
In silico Platform for designing genome-based
Personalized immunotherapy or Vaccine against Cancer

Blast-Search of mutated query peptide against human proteome

BLAST Search Results
BLASTP 2.2.15 [Oct-15-2006]

Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schäffer, 
Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), 
"Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search
programs",  Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402.

Query= User_input
         (9 letters)

           71,491 sequences; 45,948,801 total letters


                                                                 Score    E
Sequences producing significant alignments:                      (bits) Value

NP_115803                                                              20     299
NP_001273148                                                           18    1135
NP_443139                                                              18    1135
XP_006719284                                                           18    1135
XP_006719283                                                           18    1135
XP_006719282                                                           18    1135
NP_008845                                                              18    1482
NP_001180464                                                           18    1482
NP_036293                                                              18    1482
NP_001180463                                                           18    1482
XP_006714023                                                           18    1482
XP_006714022                                                           18    1482
NP_065997                                                              17    2528
NP_079096                                                              17    2528
NP_000027                                                              17    2528
NP_001166097                                                           17    2528
XP_005252170                                                           17    2528
XP_005252168                                                           17    2528
XP_006717258                                                           17    2528
XP_005252166                                                           17    2528
NP_001008844                                                           17    3301
NP_004406                                                              17    3301
NP_036466                                                              17    3301
NP_001186017                                                           17    3301
NP_001186015                                                           17    3301
NP_001186016                                                           17    3301
NP_150278                                                              17    3301
NP_001002006                                                           17    3301
NP_001186032                                                           17    3301
NP_001186033                                                           17    3301
NP_006697                                                              17    3301
NP_001035095                                                           17    3301
XP_006714817                                                           17    3301
XP_005268424                                                           17    3301
XP_005268423                                                           17    3301
XP_005268422                                                           17    3301
XP_005248364                                                           17    3301
XP_005248363                                                           17    3301
XP_006714538                                                           17    3301
NP_000192                                                              17    4312
NP_001165775                                                           17    4312
NP_116233                                                              17    4312
NP_001182144                                                           17    4312
NP_001165774                                                           17    4312
NP_001036017                                                           17    4312
NP_001139642                                                           17    4312
NP_001036018                                                           17    4312
NP_001139643                                                           17    4312
NP_073752                                                              17    4312
NP_002214                                                              17    4312
XP_006720709                                                           17    4312
XP_005254660                                                           17    4312
XP_006719127                                                           17    4312
XP_005252688                                                           17    4312
XP_005252687                                                           17    4312
XP_006717581                                                           17    4312
XP_006711257                                                           17    4312
XP_005244989                                                           17    4312
XP_005244988                                                           17    4312
XP_006711256                                                           17    4312
XP_006711255                                                           17    4312
NP_000085                                                              16    5631
NP_000278                                                              16    5631
NP_005981                                                              16    5631
NP_001230396                                                           16    5631
NP_056391                                                              16    5631
NP_061834                                                              16    5631
NP_006747                                                              16    5631
NP_002883                                                              16    5631
NP_075377                                                              16    5631
NP_075376                                                              16    5631
NP_001006945                                                           16    5631
NP_001847                                                              16    5631
NP_003933                                                              16    5631
NP_003893                                                              16    5631
NP_001001895                                                           16    5631
XP_006724076                                                           16    5631
XP_005268022                                                           16    5631
XP_005268021                                                           16    5631
XP_005274438                                                           16    5631
XP_005274437                                                           16    5631
XP_005274436                                                           16    5631
XP_006718798                                                           16    5631
XP_005249237                                                           16    5631
XP_005265093                                                           16    5631
XP_006713164                                                           16    5631
XP_006711085                                                           16    5631
XP_006711084                                                           16    5631
XP_005271366                                                           16    5631
XP_005270538                                                           16    5631
NP_829884                                                              16    5631
NP_829883                                                              16    5631
NP_064621                                                              16    5631
NP_001027017                                                           16    7355
NP_004360                                                              16    7355
NP_001867                                                              16    7355
NP_689831                                                              16    7355
NP_000480                                                              16    7355
NP_612114                                                              16    7355
NP_694574                                                              16    7355
NP_114437                                                              16    7355
NP_001277189                                                           16    7355
NP_055968                                                              16    7355
NP_065813                                                              16    7355
NP_039234                                                              16    7355
NP_056138                                                              16    7355
NP_653309                                                              16    7355
NP_001171478                                                           16    7355
NP_005070                                                              16    7355
NP_001020423                                                           16    7355
NP_001277188                                                           16    7355
NP_001274073                                                           16    7355
NP_031391                                                              16    7355
NP_002340                                                              16    7355
NP_001185688                                                           16    7355
NP_001185689                                                           16    7355
XP_006724731                                                           16    7355
XP_006724730                                                           16    7355
XP_005262214                                                           16    7355
XP_005262213                                                           16    7355
XP_006724729                                                           16    7355
XP_005262212                                                           16    7355
XP_005262211                                                           16    7355
XP_005262210                                                           16    7355
XP_005256319                                                           16    7355
XP_006721414                                                           16    7355
XP_005269099                                                           16    7355
XP_005273820                                                           16    7355
XP_005273819                                                           16    7355
XP_005248759                                                           16    7355
XP_006715489                                                           16    7355
XP_005248758                                                           16    7355
XP_005246122                                                           16    7355
XP_006712316                                                           16    7355
NP_001783                                                              15    9605
NP_001839                                                              15    9605
NP_542410                                                              15    9605
NP_542411                                                              15    9605
NP_542412                                                              15    9605
NP_001243003                                                           15    9605
NP_001276018                                                           15    9605
NP_079048                                                              15    9605
NP_001276019                                                           15    9605
NP_001276017                                                           15    9605
NP_065974                                                              15    9605
NP_001272478                                                           15    9605
NP_001838                                                              15    9605
NP_803879                                                              15    9605
NP_803881                                                              15    9605
NP_001258992                                                           15    9605
NP_110428                                                              15    9605
NP_001229291                                                           15    9605
NP_055572                                                              15    9605
NP_001258991                                                           15    9605
NP_001092270                                                           15    9605
NP_001258990                                                           15    9605
NP_065834                                                              15    9605
NP_569712                                                              15    9605
NP_085059                                                              15    9605
NP_001274688                                                           15    9605
NP_378667                                                              15    9605
NP_001274687                                                           15    9605
XP_006724680                                                           15    9605
XP_006724671                                                           15    9605
XP_006724670                                                           15    9605
XP_006724027                                                           15    9605
XP_005258239                                                           15    9605
XP_005258238                                                           15    9605
XP_006712721                                                           15    9605
XP_006712720                                                           15    9605
XP_006712719                                                           15    9605
XP_005246770                                                           15    9605
XP_005246768                                                           15    9605
XP_005246769                                                           15    9605
XP_006710967                                                           15    9605
XP_005271273                                                           15    9605
NP_208382                                                              15    9605
NP_997046                                                              15    9605
          Length = 1156

 Score = 20.4 bits (41), Expect =   299
 Identities = 8/9 (88%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           GLKEVK EP
Sbjct: 261 GLKEVKKEP 269
          Length = 590

 Score = 18.5 bits (36), Expect =  1135
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 3   KEVKNEP 9
Sbjct: 519 KEIKNEP 525
          Length = 1078

 Score = 18.5 bits (36), Expect =  1135
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 3    KEVKNEP 9
Sbjct: 1007 KEIKNEP 1013
          Length = 676

 Score = 18.5 bits (36), Expect =  1135
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 3   KEVKNEP 9
Sbjct: 605 KEIKNEP 611
          Length = 968

 Score = 18.5 bits (36), Expect =  1135
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 3   KEVKNEP 9
Sbjct: 897 KEIKNEP 903
          Length = 968

 Score = 18.5 bits (36), Expect =  1135
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 3   KEVKNEP 9
Sbjct: 897 KEIKNEP 903
          Length = 459

 Score = 18.1 bits (35), Expect =  1482
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           G+K++K EP
Sbjct: 174 GIKQIKQEP 182
          Length = 674

 Score = 18.1 bits (35), Expect =  1482
 Identities = 7/8 (87%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1  GLKEVKNE 8
          GLK VKNE
Sbjct: 78 GLKNVKNE 85
          Length = 691

 Score = 18.1 bits (35), Expect =  1482
 Identities = 7/8 (87%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
           GLK VKNE
Sbjct: 95  GLKNVKNE 102
          Length = 690

 Score = 18.1 bits (35), Expect =  1482
 Identities = 7/8 (87%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
           GLK VKNE
Sbjct: 95  GLKNVKNE 102
          Length = 636

 Score = 18.1 bits (35), Expect =  1482
 Identities = 7/8 (87%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1  GLKEVKNE 8
          GLK VKNE
Sbjct: 40 GLKNVKNE 47
          Length = 672

 Score = 18.1 bits (35), Expect =  1482
 Identities = 7/8 (87%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1  GLKEVKNE 8
          GLK VKNE
Sbjct: 76 GLKNVKNE 83
          Length = 1009

 Score = 17.3 bits (33), Expect =  2528
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKN 7
Sbjct: 441 GIKEVKN 447
          Length = 559

 Score = 17.3 bits (33), Expect =  2528
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKN 7
Sbjct: 441 GIKEVKN 447
          Length = 780

 Score = 17.3 bits (33), Expect =  2528
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           LKE+KN P
Sbjct: 316 LKELKNNP 323
          Length = 776

 Score = 17.3 bits (33), Expect =  2528
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           LKE+KN P
Sbjct: 312 LKELKNNP 319
          Length = 574

 Score = 17.3 bits (33), Expect =  2528
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKN 7
Sbjct: 456 GIKEVKN 462
          Length = 1024

 Score = 17.3 bits (33), Expect =  2528
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKN 7
Sbjct: 456 GIKEVKN 462
          Length = 1067

 Score = 17.3 bits (33), Expect =  2528
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKN 7
Sbjct: 456 GIKEVKN 462
          Length = 1070

 Score = 17.3 bits (33), Expect =  2528
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKN 7
Sbjct: 441 GIKEVKN 447
          Length = 2272

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
Sbjct: 810 GLKKIKND 817
          Length = 2871

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
Sbjct: 810 GLKKIKND 817
          Length = 2058

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 6/7 (85%)

Query: 3    KEVKNEP 9
            KEVKN P
Sbjct: 1401 KEVKNSP 1407
          Length = 612

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2  LKEVKNEP 9
          LK+ KNEP
Sbjct: 6  LKQKKNEP 13
          Length = 593

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2  LKEVKNEP 9
          LK+ KNEP
Sbjct: 6  LKQKKNEP 13
          Length = 627

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2  LKEVKNEP 9
          LK+ KNEP
Sbjct: 6  LKQKKNEP 13
          Length = 550

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2  LKEVKNEP 9
          LK+ KNEP
Sbjct: 6  LKQKKNEP 13
          Length = 610

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2  LKEVKNEP 9
          LK+ KNEP
Sbjct: 6  LKQKKNEP 13
          Length = 650

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2  LKEVKNEP 9
          LK+ KNEP
Sbjct: 6  LKQKKNEP 13
          Length = 602

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2  LKEVKNEP 9
          LK+ KNEP
Sbjct: 6  LKQKKNEP 13
          Length = 1098

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           +KE+K EP
Sbjct: 499 IKEIKEEP 506
          Length = 1077

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           +KE+K EP
Sbjct: 478 IKEIKEEP 485
          Length = 827

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           +KE+K EP
Sbjct: 499 IKEIKEEP 506
          Length = 1054

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           +KE+K EP
Sbjct: 499 IKEIKEEP 506
          Length = 1094

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           +KE+K EP
Sbjct: 478 IKEIKEEP 485
          Length = 1115

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           +KE+K EP
Sbjct: 499 IKEIKEEP 506
          Length = 1415

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 6/7 (85%)

Query: 3   KEVKNEP 9
           KEVKN P
Sbjct: 758 KEVKNSP 764
          Length = 1416

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 6/7 (85%)

Query: 3   KEVKNEP 9
           KEVKN P
Sbjct: 759 KEVKNSP 765
          Length = 2035

 Score = 16.9 bits (32), Expect =  3301
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 6/7 (85%)

Query: 3    KEVKNEP 9
            KEVKN P
Sbjct: 1378 KEVKNSP 1384
          Length = 532

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           G KE+K EP
Sbjct: 153 GEKELKREP 161
          Length = 840

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           G+KE+K  P
Sbjct: 786 GMKELKRHP 794
          Length = 878

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           G+KE+K  P
Sbjct: 824 GMKELKRHP 832
          Length = 775

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
Sbjct: 458 GLKEVKSK 465
          Length = 879

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           G+KE+K  P
Sbjct: 825 GMKELKRHP 833
          Length = 274

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 5/7 (71%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 3   KEVKNEP 9
Sbjct: 226 KQVRNEP 232
          Length = 253

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 5/7 (71%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 3   KEVKNEP 9
Sbjct: 205 KQVRNEP 211
          Length = 273

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 5/7 (71%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 3   KEVKNEP 9
Sbjct: 225 KQVRNEP 231
          Length = 281

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 5/7 (71%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 3   KEVKNEP 9
Sbjct: 233 KQVRNEP 239
          Length = 1460

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 2    LKEVKNEP 9
Sbjct: 1420 LEELKNDP 1427
          Length = 2701

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           LKEV N+P
Sbjct: 842 LKEVVNQP 849
          Length = 1189

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 2    LKEVKNEP 9
Sbjct: 1149 LEELKNDP 1156
          Length = 1460

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 2    LKEVKNEP 9
Sbjct: 1420 LEELKNDP 1427
          Length = 1865

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           LKEV N+P
Sbjct: 842 LKEVVNQP 849
          Length = 841

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           G+KE+K  P
Sbjct: 787 GMKELKRHP 795
          Length = 883

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           G+KE+K  P
Sbjct: 829 GMKELKRHP 837
          Length = 884

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           G+KE+K  P
Sbjct: 830 GMKELKRHP 838
          Length = 469

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
Sbjct: 152 GLKEVKSK 159
          Length = 491

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
Sbjct: 174 GLKEVKSK 181
          Length = 755

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
Sbjct: 438 GLKEVKSK 445
          Length = 765

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
Sbjct: 448 GLKEVKSK 455
          Length = 765

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
Sbjct: 448 GLKEVKSK 455
          Length = 2944

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1    GLKEVKNEP 9
            GLK  K EP
Sbjct: 2111 GLKGAKGEP 2119
          Length = 980

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
           GL+EVK E
Sbjct: 709 GLQEVKKE 716
          Length = 968

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/6 (100%), Positives = 6/6 (100%)

Query: 3   KEVKNE 8
Sbjct: 662 KEVKNE 667
          Length = 526

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 4/9 (44%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           G+K+ +N+P
Sbjct: 405 GIKDFENDP 413
          Length = 957

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNE 8
Sbjct: 733 LKEVENE 739
          Length = 661

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 4/9 (44%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           G+K+ +N+P
Sbjct: 443 GIKDFENDP 451
          Length = 301

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2  LKEVKNEP 9
          LKE+KN P
Sbjct: 28 LKELKNIP 35
          Length = 1257

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           L EVK+EP
Sbjct: 440 LTEVKSEP 447
          Length = 1188

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           L EVK+EP
Sbjct: 440 LTEVKSEP 447
          Length = 1203

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           L EVK+EP
Sbjct: 440 LTEVKSEP 447
          Length = 766

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           G +EV+N P
Sbjct: 291 GAQEVRNHP 299
          Length = 1604

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           GLK V+ EP
Sbjct: 774 GLKGVQGEP 782

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           G+K  K EP
Sbjct: 623 GIKGAKGEP 631
          Length = 772

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           G +EV+N P
Sbjct: 291 GAQEVRNHP 299
          Length = 644

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
           G +EV+NE
Sbjct: 260 GFREVRNE 267
          Length = 623

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 4/9 (44%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           G+K+ +N+P
Sbjct: 405 GIKDFENDP 413
          Length = 642

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 4/9 (44%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           G+K+ +N+P
Sbjct: 424 GIKDFENDP 432
          Length = 1208

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           L EVK+EP
Sbjct: 440 LTEVKSEP 447
          Length = 1277

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           L EVK+EP
Sbjct: 440 LTEVKSEP 447
          Length = 709

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           G +EV+N P
Sbjct: 228 GAQEVRNHP 236
          Length = 717

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           G +EV+N P
Sbjct: 291 GAQEVRNHP 299
          Length = 765

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           G +EV+N P
Sbjct: 291 GAQEVRNHP 299
          Length = 765

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           G +EV+N P
Sbjct: 291 GAQEVRNHP 299
          Length = 892

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
           GL+EVK E
Sbjct: 621 GLQEVKKE 628
          Length = 969

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNE 8
Sbjct: 745 LKEVENE 751
          Length = 969

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNE 8
Sbjct: 745 LKEVENE 751
          Length = 643

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
           G +EV+NE
Sbjct: 259 GFREVRNE 266
          Length = 664

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
           G +EV+NE
Sbjct: 280 GFREVRNE 287
          Length = 665

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
           G +EV+NE
Sbjct: 281 GFREVRNE 288
          Length = 1588

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           GLK V+ EP
Sbjct: 774 GLKGVQGEP 782

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           G+K  K EP
Sbjct: 623 GIKGAKGEP 631
          Length = 1116

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNE 8
Sbjct: 765 LKEVENE 771
          Length = 1088

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNE 8
Sbjct: 737 LKEVENE 743
          Length = 325

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/6 (100%), Positives = 6/6 (100%)

Query: 3   KEVKNE 8
Sbjct: 313 KEVKNE 318
          Length = 756

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           LKEV +EP
Sbjct: 674 LKEVLSEP 681
          Length = 3177

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           LKE+ +EP
Sbjct: 185 LKEIASEP 192
          Length = 773

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           LKEV +EP
Sbjct: 674 LKEVLSEP 681
          Length = 710

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 4/8 (50%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
Sbjct: 346 IKELQNQP 353
          Length = 2492

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 4/7 (57%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1    GLKEVKN 7
Sbjct: 1031 GIKQIKN 1037
          Length = 2454

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 4/7 (57%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKN 7
Sbjct: 993 GIKQIKN 999
          Length = 896

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/6 (83%), Positives = 6/6 (100%)

Query: 4   EVKNEP 9
Sbjct: 607 ELKNEP 612
          Length = 1053

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 4/8 (50%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
Sbjct: 258 GMKDIKSE 265
          Length = 736

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
           G+K VKN+
Sbjct: 564 GVKSVKNQ 571
          Length = 2039

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
           G+K VKN+
Sbjct: 564 GVKSVKNQ 571
          Length = 1085

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2    LKEVKNEP 9
            L++VKN P
Sbjct: 993  LEQVKNSP 1000
          Length = 253

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1  GLKEVKNEP 9
          GLKE   EP
Sbjct: 9  GLKEEDKEP 17
          Length = 794

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/7 (71%), Positives = 6/7 (85%)

Query: 3   KEVKNEP 9
           KE+KN P
Sbjct: 386 KEMKNNP 392
          Length = 1434

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2    LKEVKNEP 9
            LKE +N+P
Sbjct: 1293 LKECRNKP 1300
          Length = 710

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 4/8 (50%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
Sbjct: 346 IKELQNQP 353
          Length = 184

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           L++VKN P
Sbjct: 125 LEDVKNSP 132
          Length = 224

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           L++VKN P
Sbjct: 165 LEDVKNSP 172
          Length = 1951

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
           G+K VKN+
Sbjct: 476 GVKSVKNQ 483
          Length = 145

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           L++VKN P
Sbjct: 125 LEDVKNSP 132
          Length = 665

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 6/6 (100%), Positives = 6/6 (100%)

Query: 2   LKEVKN 7
Sbjct: 321 LKEVKN 326
          Length = 1722

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
           GLK +KN+
Sbjct: 855 GLKAIKNK 862
          Length = 1873

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
           GLK +KN+
Sbjct: 855 GLKAIKNK 862
          Length = 1817

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
           GLK +KN+
Sbjct: 855 GLKAIKNK 862
          Length = 1871

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 4/7 (57%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1    GLKEVKN 7
Sbjct: 1031 GIKQIKN 1037
          Length = 2399

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 4/7 (57%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKN 7
Sbjct: 938 GIKQIKN 944
          Length = 2424

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 4/7 (57%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKN 7
Sbjct: 963 GIKQIKN 969
          Length = 2437

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 4/7 (57%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKN 7
Sbjct: 976 GIKQIKN 982
          Length = 2453

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 4/7 (57%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKN 7
Sbjct: 992 GIKQIKN 998
          Length = 2453

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 4/7 (57%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKN 7
Sbjct: 992 GIKQIKN 998
          Length = 2463

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 4/7 (57%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1    GLKEVKN 7
Sbjct: 1002 GIKQIKN 1008
          Length = 2491

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 4/7 (57%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1    GLKEVKN 7
Sbjct: 1030 GIKQIKN 1036
          Length = 678

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/6 (83%), Positives = 6/6 (100%)

Query: 4   EVKNEP 9
Sbjct: 607 ELKNEP 612
          Length = 810

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/6 (83%), Positives = 6/6 (100%)

Query: 4   EVKNEP 9
Sbjct: 521 ELKNEP 526
          Length = 1062

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           L++VKN P
Sbjct: 970 LEQVKNSP 977
          Length = 788

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           LKEV +EP
Sbjct: 706 LKEVLSEP 713
          Length = 805

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           LKEV +EP
Sbjct: 706 LKEVLSEP 713
          Length = 1951

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
           G+K VKN+
Sbjct: 476 GVKSVKNQ 483
          Length = 2039

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
           G+K VKN+
Sbjct: 564 GVKSVKNQ 571
          Length = 2039

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
           G+K VKN+
Sbjct: 564 GVKSVKNQ 571
          Length = 2977

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           LKE+ +EP
Sbjct: 185 LKEIASEP 192
          Length = 3010

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 2   LKEVKNEP 9
           LKE+ +EP
Sbjct: 185 LKEIASEP 192
          Length = 906

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           GLK   N+P
Sbjct: 839 GLKAADNDP 847
          Length = 1028

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           GLK  K EP
Sbjct: 368 GLKGEKGEP 376
          Length = 1629

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           GLK  K EP
Sbjct: 273 GLKGEKGEP 281
          Length = 1736

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           GLK  K EP
Sbjct: 380 GLKGEKGEP 388
          Length = 1650

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           GLK  K EP
Sbjct: 294 GLKGEKGEP 302
          Length = 645

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           G+K +K EP
Sbjct: 532 GVKGLKGEP 540
          Length = 1123

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 6/8 (75%)

Query: 2  LKEVKNEP 9
          L E+K EP
Sbjct: 21 LDEIKTEP 28
          Length = 1142

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 6/8 (75%)

Query: 2  LKEVKNEP 9
          L E+K EP
Sbjct: 21 LDEIKTEP 28
          Length = 1142

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 6/8 (75%)

Query: 2  LKEVKNEP 9
          L E+K EP
Sbjct: 21 LDEIKTEP 28
          Length = 1142

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 6/8 (75%)

Query: 2  LKEVKNEP 9
          L E+K EP
Sbjct: 21 LDEIKTEP 28
          Length = 2354

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1    GLKEVKNEP 9
            GLK   NEP
Sbjct: 1103 GLKNKINEP 1111
          Length = 2352

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1    GLKEVKNEP 9
            GLK   NEP
Sbjct: 1101 GLKNKINEP 1109
          Length = 1691

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1    GLKEVKNEP 9
            GLK ++ EP
Sbjct: 1322 GLKGMRGEP 1330
          Length = 741

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1  GLKEVKNEP 9
          GL+ + NEP
Sbjct: 65 GLRILSNEP 73
          Length = 739

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1  GLKEVKNEP 9
          GL+ + NEP
Sbjct: 65 GLRILSNEP 73
          Length = 741

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1  GLKEVKNEP 9
          GL+ + NEP
Sbjct: 65 GLRILSNEP 73
          Length = 741

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1  GLKEVKNEP 9
          GL+ + NEP
Sbjct: 65 GLRILSNEP 73
          Length = 757

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1  GLKEVKNEP 9
          GL+ + NEP
Sbjct: 65 GLRILSNEP 73
          Length = 1016

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/7 (71%), Positives = 6/7 (85%)

Query: 3   KEVKNEP 9
           KE+K EP
Sbjct: 214 KELKQEP 220
          Length = 741

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1  GLKEVKNEP 9
          GL+ + NEP
Sbjct: 65 GLRILSNEP 73
          Length = 739

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1  GLKEVKNEP 9
          GL+ + NEP
Sbjct: 65 GLRILSNEP 73
          Length = 757

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1  GLKEVKNEP 9
          GL+ + NEP
Sbjct: 65 GLRILSNEP 73
          Length = 425

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/6 (83%), Positives = 6/6 (100%)

Query: 4  EVKNEP 9
Sbjct: 80 EVKNKP 85
          Length = 1336

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           GLK  K EP
Sbjct: 337 GLKGQKGEP 345

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           GLK  K EP
Sbjct: 818 GLKGEKGEP 826
          Length = 1516

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           GLK  K EP
Sbjct: 517 GLKGQKGEP 525

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1    GLKEVKNEP 9
            GLK  K EP
Sbjct: 998  GLKGEKGEP 1006
          Length = 1666

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1    GLKEVKNEP 9
            GLK ++ EP
Sbjct: 1297 GLKGMRGEP 1305
          Length = 1690

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1    GLKEVKNEP 9
            GLK ++ EP
Sbjct: 1321 GLKGMRGEP 1329
          Length = 1707

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1    GLKEVKNEP 9
            GLK ++ EP
Sbjct: 1338 GLKGMRGEP 1346
          Length = 1708

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1    GLKEVKNEP 9
            GLK ++ EP
Sbjct: 1339 GLKGMRGEP 1347
          Length = 741

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1  GLKEVKNEP 9
          GL+ + NEP
Sbjct: 65 GLRILSNEP 73
          Length = 741

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1  GLKEVKNEP 9
          GL+ + NEP
Sbjct: 65 GLRILSNEP 73
          Length = 841

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           GLK  K EP
Sbjct: 368 GLKGEKGEP 376
          Length = 875

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           GLK   N+P
Sbjct: 808 GLKAADNDP 816
          Length = 888

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNEP 9
           GLK   N+P
Sbjct: 821 GLKAADNDP 829
          Length = 1206

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1    GLKEVKNEP 9
            GLK   NEP
Sbjct: 1103 GLKNKINEP 1111
          Length = 1991

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1    GLKEVKNEP 9
            GLK   NEP
Sbjct: 1103 GLKNKINEP 1111
          Length = 2354

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1    GLKEVKNEP 9
            GLK   NEP
Sbjct: 1103 GLKNKINEP 1111
          Length = 2354

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1    GLKEVKNEP 9
            GLK   NEP
Sbjct: 1103 GLKNKINEP 1111
          Length = 2354

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1    GLKEVKNEP 9
            GLK   NEP
Sbjct: 1103 GLKNKINEP 1111
          Length = 2354

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 6/9 (66%)

Query: 1    GLKEVKNEP 9
            GLK   NEP
Sbjct: 1103 GLKNKINEP 1111
          Length = 481

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 6/8 (75%)

Query: 2  LKEVKNEP 9
          L E+K EP
Sbjct: 21 LDEIKTEP 28
          Length = 1130

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 6/8 (75%)

Query: 2  LKEVKNEP 9
          L E+K EP
Sbjct: 21 LDEIKTEP 28
          Length = 648

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/8 (62%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1   GLKEVKNE 8
           GL+EVK +
Sbjct: 256 GLREVKKD 263
          Length = 547

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/6 (83%), Positives = 6/6 (100%)

Query: 2   LKEVKN 7
Sbjct: 493 LKEIKN 498
    Posted date:  May 26, 2014 10:46 AM
  Number of letters in database: 45,948,801
  Number of sequences in database:  71,491
Lambda     K      H
   0.296    0.130    0.351 

Lambda     K      H
   0.267   0.0410    0.140 

Matrix: BLOSUM62
Gap Penalties: Existence: 11, Extension: 1
Number of Sequences: 71491
Number of Hits to DB: 668,975
Number of extensions: 1932
Number of successful extensions: 182
Number of sequences better than 10000.0: 178
Number of HSP's gapped: 182
Number of HSP's successfully gapped: 182
Length of query: 9
Length of database: 45,948,801
Length adjustment: 0
Effective length of query: 9
Effective length of database: 45,948,801
Effective search space: 413539209
Effective search space used: 413539209
Neighboring words threshold: 11
Window for multiple hits: 40
X1: 17 ( 7.3 bits)
X2: 38 (14.6 bits)
X3: 64 (24.7 bits)
S1: 28 (14.9 bits)
S2: 28 (15.4 bits)

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