
In silico Platform for designing genome-based
Personalized immunotherapy or Vaccine against Cancer

Blast-Search of mutated query peptide against human proteome

BLAST Search Results
BLASTP 2.2.15 [Oct-15-2006]

Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schäffer, 
Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), 
"Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search
programs",  Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402.

Query= User_input
         (9 letters)

           71,491 sequences; 45,948,801 total letters


                                                                 Score    E
Sequences producing significant alignments:                      (bits) Value

NP_003290                                                              18    1482
NP_008835                                                              17    2528
NP_001075109                                                           17    2528
NP_001171985                                                           17    4312
NP_001103132                                                           17    4312
NP_008980                                                              17    4312
NP_510961                                                              17    4312
NP_001184169                                                           17    4312
NP_001184167                                                           17    4312
NP_001184166                                                           17    4312
NP_001184163                                                           17    4312
NP_008926                                                              17    4312
XP_006715018                                                           17    4312
XP_006715016                                                           17    4312
XP_005248854                                                           17    4312
NP_005593                                                              17    4312
NP_853509                                                              16    5631
NP_001184168                                                           16    5631
NP_001002010                                                           16    5631
XP_005248855                                                           16    5631
NP_878917                                                              16    7355
NP_878918                                                              16    7355
NP_055995                                                              16    7355
NP_001229766                                                           16    7355
NP_036437                                                              16    7355
XP_005261542                                                           16    7355
XP_005267517                                                           16    7355
XP_005267516                                                           16    7355
XP_005267515                                                           16    7355
XP_005267514                                                           16    7355
XP_005267513                                                           16    7355
XP_005267512                                                           16    7355
XP_005267511                                                           16    7355
XP_006718223                                                           16    7355
XP_006718222                                                           16    7355
XP_006716148                                                           16    7355
NP_777592                                                              16    7355
NP_570603                                                              16    7355
NP_055018                                                              16    7355
NP_036432                                                              15    9605
NP_005718                                                              15    9605
NP_001269287                                                           15    9605
NP_078894                                                              15    9605
NP_001269072                                                           15    9605
NP_001269073                                                           15    9605
NP_115935                                                              15    9605
NP_003703                                                              15    9605
NP_912730                                                              15    9605
XP_005271729                                                           15    9605
XP_005271727                                                           15    9605
XP_005271728                                                           15    9605
XP_006718967                                                           15    9605
XP_005271726                                                           15    9605
XP_005265912                                                           15    9605
XP_005264492                                                           15    9605
XP_006712116                                                           15    9605
          Length = 803

 Score = 18.1 bits (35), Expect =  1482
 Identities = 8/9 (88%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1   ESLCALVAS 9
           ES CALVAS
Sbjct: 642 ESPCALVAS 650
          Length = 4128

 Score = 17.3 bits (33), Expect =  2528
 Identities = 7/8 (87%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1    ESLCALVA 8
            ESLC LVA
Sbjct: 2339 ESLCELVA 2346
          Length = 4097

 Score = 17.3 bits (33), Expect =  2528
 Identities = 7/8 (87%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1    ESLCALVA 8
            ESLC LVA
Sbjct: 2339 ESLCELVA 2346
          Length = 123

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 2  SLCALVAS 9
Sbjct: 47 ALCALVAT 54
          Length = 4284

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/9 (66%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1    ESLCALVAS 9
            E+LCA +AS
Sbjct: 4052 EALCAEIAS 4060
          Length = 527

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 2  SLCALVAS 9
Sbjct: 21 SLCALVSA 28
          Length = 334

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 2  SLCALVAS 9
Sbjct: 21 SLCALVSA 28
          Length = 256

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 2  SLCALVAS 9
Sbjct: 25 SLCALVSA 32
          Length = 336

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 2  SLCALVAS 9
Sbjct: 25 SLCALVSA 32
          Length = 523

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 2  SLCALVAS 9
Sbjct: 25 SLCALVSA 32
          Length = 330

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 2  SLCALVAS 9
Sbjct: 21 SLCALVSA 28
          Length = 523

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 2  SLCALVAS 9
Sbjct: 25 SLCALVSA 32
          Length = 353

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 2  SLCALVAS 9
Sbjct: 25 SLCALVSA 32
          Length = 523

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 2  SLCALVAS 9
Sbjct: 25 SLCALVSA 32
          Length = 523

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 2  SLCALVAS 9
Sbjct: 25 SLCALVSA 32
          Length = 207

 Score = 16.5 bits (31), Expect =  4312
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 8/8 (100%)

Query: 2   SLCALVAS 9
Sbjct: 131 ALCALVAT 138
          Length = 407

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 2  SLCALVA 8
Sbjct: 25 SLCALVS 31
          Length = 313

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 2  SLCALVA 8
Sbjct: 25 SLCALVS 31
          Length = 336

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 2  SLCALVA 8
Sbjct: 21 SVCALVA 27
          Length = 407

 Score = 16.2 bits (30), Expect =  5631
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 2  SLCALVA 8
Sbjct: 25 SLCALVS 31
          Length = 556

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1  ESLCALVA 8
          +SLC LVA
Sbjct: 25 QSLCHLVA 32
          Length = 6907

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1    ESLCALVA 8
            +SLC LVA
Sbjct: 6391 QSLCHLVA 6398
          Length = 6885

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1    ESLCALVA 8
            +SLC LVA
Sbjct: 6391 QSLCHLVA 6398
          Length = 940

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   ESLCALVAS 9
           ES+C L +S
Sbjct: 351 ESMCTLASS 359
          Length = 939

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   ESLCALVAS 9
           ES+C L +S
Sbjct: 350 ESMCTLASS 358
          Length = 264

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1  ESLCALVAS 9
          E LC ++AS
Sbjct: 11 EMLCPIIAS 19
          Length = 6883

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1    ESLCALVA 8
            +SLC LVA
Sbjct: 6352 QSLCHLVA 6359
          Length = 6884

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1    ESLCALVA 8
            +SLC LVA
Sbjct: 6391 QSLCHLVA 6398
          Length = 6899

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1    ESLCALVA 8
            +SLC LVA
Sbjct: 6391 QSLCHLVA 6398
          Length = 6908

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1    ESLCALVA 8
            +SLC LVA
Sbjct: 6391 QSLCHLVA 6398
          Length = 6921

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1    ESLCALVA 8
            +SLC LVA
Sbjct: 6391 QSLCHLVA 6398
          Length = 6922

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1    ESLCALVA 8
            +SLC LVA
Sbjct: 6391 QSLCHLVA 6398
          Length = 6922

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 6/8 (75%), Positives = 7/8 (87%)

Query: 1    ESLCALVA 8
            +SLC LVA
Sbjct: 6391 QSLCHLVA 6398
          Length = 941

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   ESLCALVAS 9
           ES+C L +S
Sbjct: 352 ESMCTLASS 360
          Length = 942

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   ESLCALVAS 9
           ES+C L +S
Sbjct: 353 ESMCTLASS 361
          Length = 1183

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 8/9 (88%)

Query: 1  ESLCALVAS 9
          +S+C LVA+
Sbjct: 15 KSICVLVAA 23
          Length = 507

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   ESLCALVAS 9
           E LC ++AS
Sbjct: 197 EMLCPIIAS 205
          Length = 955

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   ESLCALVAS 9
           ES+C L +S
Sbjct: 351 ESMCTLASS 359
          Length = 977

 Score = 15.8 bits (29), Expect =  7355
 Identities = 5/9 (55%), Positives = 7/9 (77%)

Query: 1   ESLCALVAS 9
           ES+C L +S
Sbjct: 351 ESMCTLASS 359
          Length = 542

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/6 (83%), Positives = 6/6 (100%)

Query: 1  ESLCAL 6
Sbjct: 31 ESMCAL 36
          Length = 241

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 6/7 (85%)

Query: 1  ESLCALV 7
          ES CALV
Sbjct: 81 ESKCALV 87
          Length = 975

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 6/7 (85%)

Query: 2   SLCALVA 8
           SLC LVA
Sbjct: 211 SLCQLVA 217
          Length = 975

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 6/7 (85%)

Query: 2   SLCALVA 8
           SLC LVA
Sbjct: 211 SLCQLVA 217
          Length = 975

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 6/7 (85%)

Query: 2   SLCALVA 8
           SLC LVA
Sbjct: 211 SLCQLVA 217
          Length = 975

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 6/7 (85%)

Query: 2   SLCALVA 8
           SLC LVA
Sbjct: 211 SLCQLVA 217
          Length = 400

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/7 (71%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1   ESLCALV 7
Sbjct: 260 ESLCAVL 266
          Length = 288

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 6/7 (85%)

Query: 3  LCALVAS 9
          LC LVAS
Sbjct: 13 LCLLVAS 19
          Length = 358

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/7 (71%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1   ESLCALV 7
Sbjct: 218 ESLCAVL 224
          Length = 797

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 6/7 (85%)

Query: 2  SLCALVA 8
          SLC LVA
Sbjct: 33 SLCQLVA 39
          Length = 797

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 6/7 (85%)

Query: 2  SLCALVA 8
          SLC LVA
Sbjct: 33 SLCQLVA 39
          Length = 797

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 6/7 (85%)

Query: 2  SLCALVA 8
          SLC LVA
Sbjct: 33 SLCQLVA 39
          Length = 921

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 6/7 (85%)

Query: 2   SLCALVA 8
           SLC LVA
Sbjct: 211 SLCQLVA 217
          Length = 975

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 6/7 (85%), Positives = 6/7 (85%)

Query: 2   SLCALVA 8
           SLC LVA
Sbjct: 211 SLCQLVA 217
          Length = 563

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/6 (83%), Positives = 6/6 (100%)

Query: 1  ESLCAL 6
Sbjct: 31 ESMCAL 36
          Length = 326

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/7 (71%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1   ESLCALV 7
Sbjct: 186 ESLCAVL 192
          Length = 357

 Score = 15.4 bits (28), Expect =  9605
 Identities = 5/7 (71%), Positives = 7/7 (100%)

Query: 1   ESLCALV 7
Sbjct: 218 ESLCAVL 224
    Posted date:  May 26, 2014 10:46 AM
  Number of letters in database: 45,948,801
  Number of sequences in database:  71,491
Lambda     K      H
   0.317    0.120    0.322 

Lambda     K      H
   0.267   0.0410    0.140 

Matrix: BLOSUM62
Gap Penalties: Existence: 11, Extension: 1
Number of Sequences: 71491
Number of Hits to DB: 587,932
Number of extensions: 586
Number of successful extensions: 56
Number of sequences better than 10000.0: 56
Number of HSP's gapped: 56
Number of HSP's successfully gapped: 56
Length of query: 9
Length of database: 45,948,801
Length adjustment: 0
Effective length of query: 9
Effective length of database: 45,948,801
Effective search space: 413539209
Effective search space used: 413539209
Neighboring words threshold: 11
Window for multiple hits: 40
X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits)
X2: 38 (14.6 bits)
X3: 64 (24.7 bits)
S1: 28 (15.9 bits)
S2: 28 (15.4 bits)

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