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The total number entries retrieved from this search are 19
Please click on Biomarker_ID to view detailed information.
Note: Potential Biomarker with * indicates these signatures are candidate biomarkers extracted from experiments on mice, rat or cell lines and they are not validated on human patients'cohort.
Biomarker IDBiomarkerBiomoleculeSubjectRegulationBiomarker's typeExperimentLevel of significanceSourcePMID
2028EMP1-008LncRNAHumanDownregulated in ICC (with log fold change of more than 2) Diagnostic and PrognosticICC v/s Normal; significantly downregulated in ICC with tumor metastasis p < 0.05Tissue28401021
2029ATF3-008LncRNAHumanDownregulated in ICC (with log fold change of more than 2) Diagnostic and PrognosticICC v/s Normal; significantly downregulated in ICC with tumor metastasis p < 0.05Tissue28401021
2030RCOR3-013LncRNAHumanDownregulated in ICC (with log fold change of more than 2) Diagnostic and PrognosticICC v/s Normal; significantly downregulated in ICC with tumor metastasis p < 0.05Tissue28401021
2044lncBRMLncRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC tumours and liver CSCs Diagnostic and PrognosticLiver CSCs (Cancer stem cells) and early and advanced HCC tumours p < 0.001Tissue27905400
2231TP73-AS1LncRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC (with more than 2 fold change) Diagnostic and PrognosticHCC v/s Normal; associated with worse clinicopathological features, poorer prognosis and shorter survival p < 0.001Tissue28403886
2232CCAT2LncRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Normal p < 0.05Tissue27347113
2233UCA1LncRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Normal p < 0.05Tissue28271214
2234CCAT2LncRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC PrognosticHCC v/s Normal; associated with poor survival in HCC patients p < 0.01Tissue28280353
2235SNHG20LncRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC PrognosticHCC v/s Normal; associated with survival of patients p < 0.001Tissue27053960
2236MALAT1LncRNAHuman, Mice and cell linesUpregulated in HCC with Fold change=3.233 DiagnosticHCC v/s Normal p < 0.05Tissue27993818
2237ANRILLncRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC with Fold change >1.0 DiagnosticHCC v/s Normal p < 0.01Tissue25966845
2238CCAT1LncRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC PrognosticHCC v/s Normal; correlated with tumor size, microvascular invasion and poor prognosis p < 0.001Tissue25884472
2239lncCAMTA1LncRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC and lncCAMTA1 is increased in HCC and indicates poor outcome. PrognosticHCC v/s Normal; associated with poor recurrence free survival and overall survival of patients p < 0.01Tissue27669232
2240lncRNA-hPVT1LncRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC and higher hPVT1 expression levels in HCC tissues significantly correlated with markedly reduced recurrence-free survival Diagnostic and PrognosticHCC v/s Normal; associated with recurrence and survival in patients p < 0.001Tissue25043274
2241DANCRLncRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC Diagnostic and PrognosticHCC v/s Normal/Cirrhosis/CHB;associated with metastasis of patients p < 0.001Plasma27919960
2242RP11-160H22.5LncRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC with Fold change >2.0 DiagnosticHCC v/s Normal p < 0.01Plasma25714016
2243XLOC_014172LncRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC with Fold change >2.1 Diagnostic and PrognosticHCC v/s Normal; associated with metastatsis of patients p < 0.01Plasma25714016
2244LOC149086LncRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC with Fold change >2.0 Diagnostic and PrognosticHCC v/s Normal; associated with metastatsis of patients p < 0.01Plasma25714016
2245RP11-160H22.5, XLOC_014172, LOC149086LncRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC with Fold change >2.0 Diagnostic and PrognosticHCC v/s Normal; associated with metastatsis of patients p < 0.01Plasma25714016

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