Browse By Assay Result Page of OvirusTdb

The total number record retrieved from this search are 64. Click on ID to see further detail.
IDVirus nameVirus strainVirus genome typeVirus familyVirus genome modificationVirus aloneVirus in combination with drug/radiationImmune gene insertion in viral genomeSource of cell lineOrigin of cell lineCell lineConcentration of cell lineIn-vitro toxicityAssayIn-vitro virus concentrationIn-vitro resultModel organismIn-vivo virus concentrationIn-vivo toxicityIn-vivo resultMode of deliveryPathway inducedImmunogenic effectClinical trialPMID
OV_3251Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.01 MOI75% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3252Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.1 MOI72% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3253Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm1 MOI60% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3254Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm10 MOI55% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3255Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.0001 MOI77% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3256Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.001 MOI60% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3257Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.01 MOI52% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3258Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.1 MOI48% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3259Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm1 MOI30% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3260Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm10 MOI25% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3261Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.0001 MOI40% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3262Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.001 MOI40% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3263Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.01 MOI27% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3264Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.1 MOI22% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3265Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm1 MOI20% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3266Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman canine osteosarcomaD1790% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm10 MOI10% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3267Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.0001 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3268Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.001 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3269Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.01 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3270Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.1 MOI75% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3271Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm1 MOI75% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3272Herpes simplex viruswild typeDNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm10 MOI75% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3273Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.0001 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3274Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.001 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3275Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.01 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3276Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.1 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3277Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm1 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3278Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm10 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3279Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.0001 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3280Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.001 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3281Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.01 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3282Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.1 MOI75% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3283Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm1 MOI70% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3284Vaccinia viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm10 MOI70% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3285Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.0001 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3286Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.001 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3287Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.01 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3288Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.1 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3289Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm1 MOI77% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3290Vesicular stomatitis viruswild typeRNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm10 MOI75% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3291Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.0001 MOI100% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3292Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.001 MOI80% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3293Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.01 MOI77% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3294Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm0.1 MOI60% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3295Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm1 MOI25% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_3296Maraba virusMG1RNARhabdoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman synovial sarcoma cell lineSW98290% confluenceNACrystal violet staining and absorbance at 595 nm10 MOI10% cell survival after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANAGenration of memory immune response by incresing production of cytokinesNA28568891
OV_4699Herpes simplex virusRAMBODNAHerpesviridaeAntiangiogenic Vstat120 expressing virusNoVirus combination with ATN-224 (8 micromolar/litre) an copper chelator show synergyNoNAHuman squamous cell carcinoma cell lineSCC-74ANANACrystal violet staining0.5 MOI38% cell viabilityNoNoNA No responseNANAInduce antitumor immune responseNA27119105
OV_4700Herpes simplex virusRAMBODNAHerpesviridaeAntiangiogenic Vstat120 expressing virusNoVirus combination with ATN-224 (8 micromolar/litre) an copper chelator show synergyNoNAHuman squamous cell carcinoma cell lineCAL27NANACrystal violet staining0.5 MOI42% cell viabilityNoNoNA No responseNANAInduce antitumor immune responseNA27119105
OV_4701Herpes simplex virusRAMBODNAHerpesviridaeAntiangiogenic Vstat120 expressing virusNoVirus combination with ATN-224 (8 micromolar/litre) an copper chelator show synergyNoNAHuman squamous cell carcinoma cell lineSCC-1NANACrystal violet staining0.5 MOI40% cell viabilityNoNoNA No responseNANAInduce antitumor immune responseNA27119105
OV_4702Herpes simplex virusRAMBODNAHerpesviridaeAntiangiogenic Vstat120 expressing virusNoVirus combination with ATN-224 (8 micromolar/litre) an copper chelator show synergyNoNAHuman squamous cell carcinoma cell lineSCC-2NANACrystal violet staining0.5 MOI45% cell viabilityNoNoNA No responseNANAInduce antitumor immune responseNA27119105
OV_4703Herpes simplex virusRAMBODNAHerpesviridaeAntiangiogenic Vstat120 expressing virusNoVirus combination with ATN-224 (8 micromolar/litre) an copper chelator show synergyNoNAHuman squamous cell carcinoma cell lineSCC-11ANANACrystal violet staining0.5 MOI38% cell viabilityNoNoNA No responseNANAInduce antitumor immune responseNA27119105
OV_5063Avian orthoreovirusARV-PB1RNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCMurine lymphocytic leukemia cell lineL12101.0E+3 cells per wellNACrystal violet staining10 MOI96% cell viability after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisInduction of Interferon related gene expressionNA28441762
OV_5064Avian orthoreovirusARV-PB1RNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCMurine ovarian cell lineID81.0E+3 cells per wellNACrystal violet staining10 MOI100% cell viability after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisInduction of Interferon related gene expressionNA28441762
OV_5065Avian orthoreovirusARV-PB1RNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman pancreatic cancer cell linePC-31.0E+3 cells per wellNACrystal violet staining10 MOI80% cell viability after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisInduction of Interferon related gene expressionNA28441762
OV_5066Avian orthoreovirusARV-PB1RNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman cervical cancer cell lineHeLa1.0E+3 cells per wellNACrystal violet staining10 MOI50% cell viability after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisInduction of Interferon related gene expressionNA28441762
OV_5067Avian orthoreovirusARV-PB1RNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCMycobacterium tubeculosis cell line22RV11.0E+3 cells per wellNACrystal violet staining10 MOI40% cell viability after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisInduction of Interferon related gene expressionNA28441762
OV_5068Avian orthoreovirusARV-PB1RNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman prostate cancer cell lineDu1451.0E+3 cells per wellNACrystal violet staining10 MOI70% cell viability after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisInduction of Interferon related gene expressionNA28441762
OV_5069Avian orthoreovirusARV-PB1RNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman colorectal cancer cell lineHCT-1161.0E+3 cells per wellNACrystal violet staining10 MOI100% cell viability after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisInduction of Interferon related gene expressionNA28441762
OV_5070Avian orthoreovirusARV-PB1RNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman lung carcinoma cell lineA5491.0E+3 cells per wellNACrystal violet staining10 MOI80% cell viability after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisInduction of Interferon related gene expressionNA28441762
OV_5071Avian orthoreovirusARV-PB1RNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman epithelial ovarian carcinomaSKOV31.0E+3 cells per wellNACrystal violet staining10 MOI70% cell viability after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisInduction of Interferon related gene expressionNA28441762
OV_5156AdenovirusAd-ZD55-miR143DNAAdenoviridaeInsertion of miR143 in adenovirus via homologus recombinationYesNoNoChinese academy of scienceHuman colorectal cancer cell lineSW480NANACrystal violet staining0.01 MOI100% cell viabilityNoNoNA No responseNAVirus induced apoptosis as measured by TUNEL assayNANA27725862
OV_5157AdenovirusAd-ZD55-miR143DNAAdenoviridaeInsertion of miR143 in adenovirus via homologus recombinationYesNoNoChinese academy of scienceHuman colorectal cancer cell lineSW480NANACrystal violet staining0.5 MOI50% cell viabilityNoNoNA No responseNAVirus induced apoptosis as measured by TUNEL assayNANA27725862
OV_5158AdenovirusAd-ZD55-miR143DNAAdenoviridaeInsertion of miR143 in adenovirus via homologus recombinationYesNoNoChinese academy of scienceHuman colorectal cancer cell lineSW480NANACrystal violet staining1 MOI30% cell viabilityNoNoNA No responseNAVirus induced apoptosis as measured by TUNEL assayNANA27725862
OV_5159AdenovirusAd-ZD55-miR143DNAAdenoviridaeInsertion of miR143 in adenovirus via homologus recombinationYesNoNoChinese academy of scienceHuman colorectal cancer cell lineSW480NANACrystal violet staining10 MOI100% cell killingNoNoNA No responseNAVirus induced apoptosis as measured by TUNEL assayNANA27725862