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The total number entries retrieved from this search are 55
Please click on Biomarker_ID to view detailed information.
Note: Potential Biomarker with * indicates these signatures are candidate biomarkers extracted from experiments on mice, rat or cell lines and they are not validated on human patients'cohort.
Biomarker IDBiomarkerBiomoleculeSubjectRegulationBiomarker's typeExperimentLevel of significanceSourcePMID
2020AFP, AFP-L3, PIVKA-II, and UltrasoundProtein + TechniqueHumanNA DiagnosticNormal vs cancer NASerum28757516
2031FGA, ITIHProteinHumanUpregulated in the liver cancer cell lines DiagnosticMalignant vs Benign tumor of HCC p < 0.05Serum28376075
2040Promoter methylation of HCCS1RNAsHumanNA Diagnostic and PrognosticHCC vs CHB (Chronic hepatitis B); significantly associated with tumor node-metastasis (TNM) stage p < 0.001Serum28189396
2041AFPProtein HumanNA Diagnostic and PrognosticHCC vs CHB (Chronic hepatitis B); significantly associated with tumor node-metastasis (TNM) stage p < 0.001Serum28189396
2042AFP, Promoter methylation of HCCS1Protein and RNAHumanNA Diagnostic and PrognosticHCC vs CHB (Chronic hepatitis B); significantly associated with tumor node-metastasis (TNM) stage p < 0.05Serum28189396
2085Estrogen , Estradiol, AFPProtein + SteroidHumanDownregulated in liver cancer cell. DiagnosticNormal vs liver cancer p < 0.05Serum27060391
2086Estrone plus Estradiol/Testosterone ratioSteroidHumanDownregulated in liver cancer cell. DiagnosticNormal vs liver cancer p < 0.06Serum27060391
2087AFPProteinHumanDownregulated in liver cancer cell. DiagnosticNormal vs liver cancer p < 0.06Serum27060391
2089miR-200cmiRNAHumanDownregulated in PSC with control DiagnosticNormal v/s cancer v/s PSC p < 0.05Serum26864161
2090miR-483-5pmiRNAHumanUpregulated in CC compared with controls and PSC. DiagnosticNormal vs cancer p < 0.05Serum26864161
2091miR-194miRNAHumanUpregulated in CC compared with controls. DiagnosticNormal vs cancer p < 0.05Serum26864161
2093miR-122miRNAHumanUpregulatd in chronic HCV v/s healthy control (with log fold change 3.17) DiagnosticCancer v/s Normal p < 0.05Serum26812693
2094miR-222miRNAHumanUpregulatd in chronic HCV v/s healthy control (with log fold change 3.11) DiagnosticCancer v/s Normal p < 0.01Serum26812693
2109DHCR24 Auto-antibodyProteinHumanUpregulated in CHC (Chronic Hepatitis C) v/s healthy PrognosticNormal vs Chronic heaptitis (CHV) p < 0.0001Serum26288822
2110DHCR24 Auto-antibodyProteinHumanDHCR24 was up-regulated in HCV-positive, but not HBV-positive tissues or HBV-negative, HCV-negative HCC PrognosticHCC vs Chronic heaptitis (CHV)/healthy/Liver cirrhosis p < 0.0001Serum26288822
2115Galectin-1ProteinHuman High pretreatment galectin-1 levels remained an independent predictor of shorter progression-free survival and overall survival PredictiveHCC patients treated with sorafenib vs HCC untreated patients p < 0.01Serum25850433
2116miR-128-2miRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC tissues PrognosticHCC v/s Normal, predict survival of patients p < 0.01Serum25642945
2117RNase AProteinHumanDownregulated in gastric cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, esophageal cancer, ovary cancer, cervical cancer, bladder cancer, kidney cancer and lung cancer DiagnosticCancer v/s Normal p < 0.01Serum24805924
2120D-glucurono-6,3-lactoneMetabolitesMiceUpregulated in AFLD Potential Predictive *Serum biochemical analysis, antioxidant enzyme activity analysis, and histopathological evaluation revealed that GEO and citral exhibited hepatoprotective activity against AFLD. Metabolites in serum samples were profiled Serum24171385
2121glycerol-3-phosphateMetaboliteMiceUpregulated in AFLD Potential Predictive *Serum biochemical analysis, antioxidant enzyme activity analysis, and histopathological evaluation revealed that GEO and citral exhibited hepatoprotective activity against AFLD. Metabolites in serum samples were profiled Serum24171385
2122pyruvic acidMetabolitesMiceUpregulated in AFLD Potential Predictive *Serum biochemical analysis, antioxidant enzyme activity analysis, and histopathological evaluation revealed that GEO and citral exhibited hepatoprotective activity against AFLD. Metabolites in serum samples were profiled Serum24171385
2123lithocholic acidMetabolitesMiceUpregulated in AFLD Potential Predictive *Serum biochemical analysis, antioxidant enzyme activity analysis, and histopathological evaluation revealed that GEO and citral exhibited hepatoprotective activity against AFLD. Metabolites in serum samples were profiled Serum24171385
21242-pyrocatechuic acidMetabolitesMiceUpregulated in AFLD Potential Predictive *Serum biochemical analysis, antioxidant enzyme activity analysis, and histopathological evaluation revealed that GEO and citral exhibited hepatoprotective activity against AFLD. Metabolites in serum samples were profiled Serum24171385
2125prostaglandin E1MetabolitesMiceUpregulated in AFLD Potential Predictive *Serum biochemical analysis, antioxidant enzyme activity analysis, and histopathological evaluation revealed that GEO and citral exhibited hepatoprotective activity against AFLD. Metabolites in serum samples were profiled Serum24171385
2126AFP (at a cut-off of 20 ng/mL)ProteinHumanUpregulated level in HCC DiagnosticHCC with cirrhosis v/s HCV-associated cirrhosis p < 0.05Serum24095974
2133miR-1miRNAHumanIncreasead concentration showed longer OS in HCC PrognosticHCC v/s Liver Cirrhosis; predict survival of patients p < 0.01Serum23810247
2134ENO1ProteinHumanUpregulated in patients with precirrhotic stage of liver fibrosis than that in patients with cirrhosis/liver cancer/healthy individuals. PrognosticLiver fibrosis v/s cirrhosis/liver cancer/normal; predict early stage of disease p < 0.01Serum23458688
2158hnRNP KProteinHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticEarly HCC vs Late HCC p < 0.01Serum22760167
2159hnRNP K, AFPProteinHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticEarly HCC vs Late HCC p < 0.01Serum22760167
2195miR-101-3pmiRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Cirrhosis p < 0.001Serum29632649
2196miR-106b-3pmiRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Cirrhosis p < 0.001Serum29632649
2197miR-101-3p, miR-106b-3pmiRNAHumanUpregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Cirrhosis p < 0.001Serum29632649
2200AFP, (with cut off 0.9 of AFP in serum )ProteinHumanNA DiagnosticHCC v/s Non-HCC NASerum and Urine29152526
2201BMK, (with cut off 0.40 BMK in Urine)ProteinHumanNA DiagnosticHCC v/s Non-HCC NASerum and Urine29152526
2202AFP, BMK, (with cut off 1.25 of AFP in serum and 0.25 BMK in urine)ProteinHumanNA DiagnosticHCC v/s Non-HCC NASerum and Urine29152526
2203AFP, BMK, (with cut off 1.20 of AFP in serum and 0.27 BMK in urine)ProteinHumanNA DiagnosticHCC v/s Non-HCC NASerum and Urine29152526
2204AFP, BMK, (with cut off 0.90 of AFP in serum and 0.40 BMK in urine)ProteinHumanNA DiagnosticHCC v/s Non-HCC NASerum and Urine29152526
2205AFP, BMK, (with cut off 1.65 of AFP in serum and 0.40 BMK n urine)ProteinHumanNA DiagnosticHCC v/s Non-HCC NASerum and Urine29152526
2206AFP, BMK, (with cut off 0.9 of AFP in serum and 0.75 BMK in urine)ProteinHumanNA DiagnosticHCC v/s Non-HCC NASerum and Urine29152526
2219AFP, GGT, ALT, ASTProteinMale Sprague-Dawley ratsDownregulated Potential Prognostic *HCC v/s Normal/treated with AEA; associated with progression p < 0.0001Serum28900384
2220AFP, DCPProteinHumanAFP upregulated in HCC DiagnosticNormal vs HCC, Cirrhosis p < 0.001Serum19852963
2221DCP, (> =40 mAU/mL)ProteinHumanDCP upregulated in HCC DiagnosticNormal vs HCC, Cirrhosis p < 0.001Serum19852963
2222DCP, (> =150 mAU/mL)ProteinHumanDCP upregulated in HCC DiagnosticNormal vs HCC, Cirrhosis p < 0.001Serum19852963
2223AFP, (> =20 ng/mL)ProteinHumanAFP and DCP upregulated in HCC DiagnosticNormal vs HCC, Cirrhosis p < 0.001Serum19852963
2224AFP, (> =200 ng/mL)ProteinHumanAFP and DCP upregulated in HCC DiagnosticNormal vs HCC, Cirrhosis p < 0.001Serum19852963
2225AFP, DCP, ( DCP with a cut-off value of 86 mAU/mL and AFP with a cut-off value of 21 ng/mL)ProteinHumanAFP and DCP upregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Normal p < 0.001Serum25382443
2226AFP, (cut-off value of 21 ng/mL)ProteinHumanAFP upregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Normal p < 0.001Serum25382443
2227DCP, (cut-off value of 86 mAU/mL)ProteinHumanDCP upregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Normal p < 0.001Serum25382443
2228AFPProteinHumanAFP upregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Non-HCC p < 0.001Serum29163838
2229DCPProteinHumanDCP upregulated in HCC DiagnosticHCC v/s Non-HCC p < 0.001Serum29163838

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