Links to major Methylation Resources

This page provides a list of some major Methylation Resources that may be useful to the users of PCMdb with links. For more information, please click HERE .

S.No. ResourcePubmed IDDescription
1.MethDB11125109The database houses DNA methylation data irrespective of the disease, technique used, organism or the gene locus.
2.MENT23219992MENT aims to integrate the gene methylation as well as expression data across diverse cancers.
3.DiseaseMeth22135302This resource compiles methylation data from 72 human diseases across various technologies and platforms.
4.NGSmethDB24271385NGSmethDB provides whole-genome methylome maps at single nucleotide resolution for the best-assembled eukaryotic genomes.
5.PubMeth17932060Based on text mining of pubmed abstracts and manual reading and annotation of selected articles, PubMeth provides a list of genes implicated in various cancers.
6.MeInfoText22168213This database has been compiled form the literature where the words "cancer" and "methylation" have co-occurred.
7.MethyCancer22168213MethyCancer is a database that provides integrated data from DNA methylation, cancer-related gene, mutation and cancer information from public resources, and the CpG Island (CGI) clones derived from our large-scale sequencing
8.DMEAS23749987DMEAS is a tool for analyzing locus-specific and genome-wide bisulfite sequencing data by determining methylation level and entropy.
9.RRBSMAP22155871RRBSMAP (Reduced representation bisulfite sequencing) is a short-read alignment tool that is designed for handling RRBS data .
10.Bis-SNP22784381Variant caller from the bisulfite sequencing short reads aligned to the reference genome by other tools.
11.BRAT22457070Three letter bisulfite aligner.
12.CpGassoc22451269An R function for analysis of DNA methylation microarray data.
13.MethMarker19804638Software tool for designing robust and cost-efficient DNA methylation assays for six widely used methods.

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