Browse By Cancer Type Result Page of OvirusTdb

The total number of records retrieved from this search are 100. Click on ID to see further detail.
IDVirus nameVirus strainVirus genome typeVirus familyVirus genome modificationVirus aloneVirus in combination with drug/radiationImmune gene insertion in viral genomeSource of cell lineOrigin of cell lineCell lineConcentration of cell lineIn-vitro toxicityAssayIn-vitro virus concentrationIn-vitro resultModel organismIn-vivo virus concentrationIn-vivo toxicityIn-vivo resultMode of deliveryPathway inducedImmunogenic effectClinical trialPMID
OV_1749ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-AS7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI40% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1750ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-AS7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay50 MOI20% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1751ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineIMR-327.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.001 MOI100% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1752ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineIMR-327.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.01 MOI100% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1753ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineIMR-327.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.1 MOI100% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1754ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineIMR-327.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay1 MOI100% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1755ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineIMR-327.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI100% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1756ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineIMR-327.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI60% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1757ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineIMR-327.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay50 MOI40% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1758ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-DZ7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.001 MOI100% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1759ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-DZ7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.01 MOI100% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1760ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-DZ7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.1 MOI100% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1761ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-DZ7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay1 MOI80% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1762ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-DZ7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI50% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1763ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-DZ7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI40% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1764ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-DZ7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay50 MOI10% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1765ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineBE2-c7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.001 MOI100% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1766ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineBE2-c7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.01 MOI80% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1767ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineBE2-c7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.1 MOI80% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1768ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineBE2-c7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay1 MOI70% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1769ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineBE2-c7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI50% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1770ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineBE2-c7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI30% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1771ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineBE2-c7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay50 MOI20% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1772ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-SH7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.001 MOI70% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1773ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-SH7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.01 MOI50% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1774ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-SH7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.1 MOI40% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1775ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-SH7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay1 MOI20% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1776ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-SH7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI30% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1777ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-SH7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI22% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1778ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-SH7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay50 MOI20% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1779ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineKelly7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.001 MOI80% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1780ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineKelly7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.01 MOI70% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1781ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineKelly7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.1 MOI30% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1782ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineKelly7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay1 MOI20% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1783ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineKelly7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI20% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1784ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineKelly7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI20% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1785ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineKelly7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay50 MOI15% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1786ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSH-EP7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.001 MOI100% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1787ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSH-EP7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.01 MOI70% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1788ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSH-EP7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.1 MOI25% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1789ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSH-EP7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay1 MOI20% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1790ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSH-EP7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI20% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1791ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSH-EP7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI20% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1792ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSH-EP7.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay50 MOI18% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1793ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineWAC-27.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.001 MOI60% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1794ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineWAC-27.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.01 MOI18% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1795ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineWAC-27.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.1 MOI5% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1796ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineWAC-27.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay1 MOI1% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1797ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineWAC-27.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay5 MOI1% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1798ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineWAC-27.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI1% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_1799ParovirusH-1PVDNAParoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neuroblastoma cell lineWAC-27.6E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay50 MOI1% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNACell cycle arrest at G2 phase and induction of apoptosis by virusNANA20087864
OV_2879Vaccinia virusvvDDDNAPoxviridaeDeletion of TK gene and vaccinia growth factorYesNoNoLaboratory grown own cultureNeuroblastoma cell lineIMR-55.0E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.01 MOI78% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNANANANA23816608
OV_2880Vaccinia virusvvDDDNAPoxviridaeDeletion of TK gene and vaccinia growth factorYesNoNoLaboratory grown own cultureNeuroblastoma cell lineIMR-55.0E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.1 MOI70% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNANANANA23816608
OV_2881Vaccinia virusvvDDDNAPoxviridaeDeletion of TK gene and vaccinia growth factorYesNoNoLaboratory grown own cultureNeuroblastoma cell lineIMR-55.0E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay1 MOI60% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNANANANA23816608
OV_2882Vaccinia virusvvDDDNAPoxviridaeDeletion of TK gene and vaccinia growth factorYesNoNoLaboratory grown own cultureNeuroblastoma cell lineIMR-55.0E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI50% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNANANANA23816608
OV_2883Vaccinia virusvvDDDNAPoxviridaeDeletion of TK gene and vaccinia growth factorYesNoNoLaboratory grown own cultureNeuroblastoma cell lineIMR-325.0E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.01 MOI50% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNANANANA23816608
OV_2884Vaccinia virusvvDDDNAPoxviridaeDeletion of TK gene and vaccinia growth factorYesNoNoLaboratory grown own cultureNeuroblastoma cell lineIMR-325.0E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.1 MOI42% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNANANANA23816608
OV_2885Vaccinia virusvvDDDNAPoxviridaeDeletion of TK gene and vaccinia growth factorYesNoNoLaboratory grown own cultureNeuroblastoma cell lineIMR-325.0E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay1 MOI38% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNANANANA23816608
OV_2886Vaccinia virusvvDDDNAPoxviridaeDeletion of TK gene and vaccinia growth factorYesNoNoLaboratory grown own cultureNeuroblastoma cell lineIMR-325.0E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI20% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNANANANA23816608
OV_2887Vaccinia virusvvDDDNAPoxviridaeDeletion of TK gene and vaccinia growth factorYesNoNoLaboratory grown own cultureNeuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-AS5.0E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.01 MOI70% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNANANANA23816608
OV_2888Vaccinia virusvvDDDNAPoxviridaeDeletion of TK gene and vaccinia growth factorYesNoNoLaboratory grown own cultureNeuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-AS5.0E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.1 MOI40% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNANANANA23816608
OV_2889Vaccinia virusvvDDDNAPoxviridaeDeletion of TK gene and vaccinia growth factorYesNoNoLaboratory grown own cultureNeuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-AS5.0E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay1 MOI30% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNANANANA23816608
OV_2890Vaccinia virusvvDDDNAPoxviridaeDeletion of TK gene and vaccinia growth factorYesNoNoLaboratory grown own cultureNeuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-AS5.0E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI20% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNANANANA23816608
OV_2891Vaccinia virusvvDDDNAPoxviridaeDeletion of TK gene and vaccinia growth factorYesNoNoLaboratory grown own cultureNeuroblastoma cell lineSKNBE25.0E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.01 MOI50% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNANANANA23816608
OV_2892Vaccinia virusvvDDDNAPoxviridaeDeletion of TK gene and vaccinia growth factorYesNoNoLaboratory grown own cultureNeuroblastoma cell lineSKNBE25.0E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.1 MOI40% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNANANANA23816608
OV_2893Vaccinia virusvvDDDNAPoxviridaeDeletion of TK gene and vaccinia growth factorYesNoNoLaboratory grown own cultureNeuroblastoma cell lineSKNBE25.0E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay1 MOI38% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNANANANA23816608
OV_2894Vaccinia virusvvDDDNAPoxviridaeDeletion of TK gene and vaccinia growth factorYesNoNoLaboratory grown own cultureNeuroblastoma cell lineSKNBE25.0E+3 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI20% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNANANANA23816608
OV_2895Vaccinia virusvvDDDNAPoxviridaeDeletion of TK gene and vaccinia growth factorYesNoNoLaboratory grown own cultureNeuroblastoma cell lineBT16GFPFlucNANANANANACD-1 mice xenograft for cell line (1.0E+5) 5.0E+7 pfuNA Significant reduction in tumor volumeNANANANA23816608
OV_2896Vaccinia virusvvDDDNAPoxviridaeDeletion of TK gene and vaccinia growth factorYesNoNoLaboratory grown own cultureNeuroblastoma cell line SKNASmCherryFlucSK-N-ASmCherryFlucNANANANANACB17 SCID mice xenograft for cell line (5.0E+6)5.0E+7 pfuNA Significant reduction in tumor volumeNANANANA23816608
OV_3502Myxoma viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoChinese academy of scienceHuman neuroglioma cell lineU251NANAMTT assay0.1 MOI100% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis as measured by Propidium iodide method and annexin V-FITC stainingNANA28672936
OV_3503Myxoma viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoChinese academy of scienceHuman neuroglioma cell lineU251NANAMTT assay0.5 MOI82% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis as measured by Propidium iodide method and annexin V-FITC stainingNANA28672936
OV_3504Myxoma viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoChinese academy of scienceHuman neuroglioma cell lineU251NANAMTT assay1 MOI78% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis as measured by Propidium iodide method and annexin V-FITC stainingNANA28672936
OV_3505Myxoma viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoChinese academy of scienceHuman neuroglioma cell lineU251NANAMTT assay5 MOI40% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis as measured by Propidium iodide method and annexin V-FITC stainingNANA28672936
OV_3506Myxoma viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoChinese academy of scienceHuman neuroglioma cell lineU251NANAMTT assay10 MOI18% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis as measured by Propidium iodide method and annexin V-FITC stainingNANA28672936
OV_3507Myxoma viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoChinese academy of scienceHuman neuroglioma cell lineA172NANAMTT assay0.1 MOI98% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis as measured by Propidium iodide method and annexin V-FITC stainingNANA28672936
OV_3508Myxoma viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoChinese academy of scienceHuman neuroglioma cell lineA172NANAMTT assay0.5 MOI70% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis as measured by Propidium iodide method and annexin V-FITC stainingNANA28672936
OV_3509Myxoma viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoChinese academy of scienceHuman neuroglioma cell lineA172NANAMTT assay1 MOI40% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis as measured by Propidium iodide method and annexin V-FITC stainingNANA28672936
OV_3510Myxoma viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoChinese academy of scienceHuman neuroglioma cell lineA172NANAMTT assay5 MOI22% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis as measured by Propidium iodide method and annexin V-FITC stainingNANA28672936
OV_3511Myxoma viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoChinese academy of scienceHuman neuroglioma cell lineA172NANAMTT assay10 MOI15% cell survivalNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis as measured by Propidium iodide method and annexin V-FITC stainingNANA28672936
OV_3512Myxoma viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoChinese academy of scienceHuman neuroglioma cell lineU251NANAMTT assay5 MOI92% cell viability after day 1NoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis as measured by Propidium iodide method and annexin V-FITC stainingNANA28672936
OV_3513Myxoma viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoChinese academy of scienceHuman neuroglioma cell lineU251NANAMTT assay5 MOI62% cell viability after day 2NoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis as measured by Propidium iodide method and annexin V-FITC stainingNANA28672936
OV_3514Myxoma viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoChinese academy of scienceHuman neuroglioma cell lineU251NANAMTT assay5 MOI35% cell viability after day 3NoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis as measured by Propidium iodide method and annexin V-FITC stainingNANA28672936
OV_3515Myxoma viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoChinese academy of scienceHuman neuroglioma cell lineA172NANAMTT assay5 MOI82% cell viability after day 1NoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis as measured by Propidium iodide method and annexin V-FITC stainingNANA28672936
OV_3516Myxoma viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoChinese academy of scienceHuman neuroglioma cell lineA172NANAMTT assay5 MOI40% cell viability after day 2NoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis as measured by Propidium iodide method and annexin V-FITC stainingNANA28672936
OV_3517Myxoma viruswild typeDNAPoxviridaeNoneYesNoNoChinese academy of scienceHuman neuroglioma cell lineA172NANAMTT assay5 MOI20% cell viability after day 3NoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis as measured by Propidium iodide method and annexin V-FITC stainingNANA28672936
OV_3518AdenovirusAdenovirus ZD55-shMYCNDNAAdenoviridaeVirus expressing MYCN geneYesNoNoLab own synthesizedHuman neuroblastoma cell lineLA1-55n/Dox-R2.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI50% cells remain viable after 6 daysNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis as measured by TUNEL assayNANA28711493
OV_3519AdenovirusAdenovirus ZD55-shMYCNDNAAdenoviridaeVirus expressing MYCN geneNoVirus in combination with doxorubicinNoLab own synthesizedHuman neuroblastoma cell lineLA1-55n/Dox-R2.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI2% cells remain viable after 6 daysNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosis as measured by TUNEL assayNANA28711493
OV_3520AdenovirusAdenovirus ZD55-shMYCNDNAAdenoviridaeVirus expressing MYCN geneYesNoNoLab own synthesizedHuman neuroblastoma cell lineLA1-55n/Dox-RNANANANANABalb/c nude mice xenograft for LA1-55n/Dox-R cell line (2.0E+6)7.0E+8 pfuNA Tumor volume regressed to 800mm after four week compared to normal 1400 mm.NAInduction of apoptosis as measured by TUNEL assayNANA28711493
OV_3521AdenovirusAdenovirus ZD55-shMYCNDNAAdenoviridaeVirus expressing MYCN geneNoVirus in combination with DoxorubicinNoLab own synthesizedHuman neuroblastoma cell lineLA1-55n/Dox-RNANANANANABalb/c nude mice xenograft for LA1-55n/Dox-R cell line (2.0E+6)7.0E+8 pfuNA Tumor volume regressed to 300mm after four week compared to normal 1400 mm.NAInduction of apoptosis as measured by TUNEL assayNANA28711493
OV_4205Sindbis virusAR339RNATogaviridaeNoneYesNoNoJapanese cancer research resource bankHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-SH1.0E+5 cells per wellNALuminiscence measurement1 MOI1 % cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAVirus induce apoptosis process leads to cancer cell deathIncreased expression of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL expressionNA26298056
OV_4206Sindbis virusAR339RNATogaviridaeNoneYesNoNoJapanese cancer research resource bankHuman neuroblastoma cell lineIMR-321.0E+5 cells per wellNALuminiscence measurement1 MOI3 % cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAVirus induce apoptosis process leads to cancer cell deathIncreased expression of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL expressionNA26298056
OV_4207Sindbis virusAR339RNATogaviridaeNoneYesNoNoJapanese cancer research resource bankHuman neuroblastoma cell lineGOTO1.0E+5 cells per wellNALuminiscence measurement1 MOI5 % cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAVirus induce apoptosis process leads to cancer cell deathIncreased expression of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL expressionNA26298056
OV_4208Sindbis virusAR339RNATogaviridaeNoneYesNoNoDr. R.C. Seeger, LAHuman neuroblastoma cell lineLan-51.0E+5 cells per wellNALuminiscence measurement1 MOI8 % cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAVirus induce apoptosis process leads to cancer cell deathMaximum increased expression of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL expressionNA26298056
OV_4209Sindbis virusAR339RNATogaviridaeNoneYesNoNoDr. T. Sugimoto, JapanHuman neuroblastoma cell lineRT-BM-11.0E+5 cells per wellNALuminiscence measurement1 MOI8 % cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAVirus induce apoptosis process leads to cancer cell deathIncreased expression of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL expressionNA26298056
OV_4210Sindbis virusAR339RNATogaviridaeNoneYesNoNoJapanese cancer research resource bankHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-SH1.0E+5 cells per wellNALuminiscence measurement0.01 MOI1 % cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAVirus induce apoptosis process leads to cancer cell deathIncreased expression of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL expressionNA26298056
OV_4211Sindbis virusAR339RNATogaviridaeNoneYesNoNoJapanese cancer research resource bankHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-SH1.0E+5 cells per wellNALuminiscence measurement0.1 MOI1 % cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAVirus induce apoptosis process leads to cancer cell deathIncreased expression of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL expressionNA26298056
OV_4212Sindbis virusAR339RNATogaviridaeNoneYesNoNoJapanese cancer research resource bankHuman neuroblastoma cell lineSK-N-SH1.0E+5 cells per wellNALuminiscence measurement1 MOI1 % cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAVirus induce apoptosis process leads to cancer cell deathIncreased expression of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL expressionNA26298056
OV_4213Sindbis virusAR339RNATogaviridaeNoneYesNoNoJapanese cancer research resource bankHuman neuroblastoma cell lineIMR-321.0E+5 cells per wellNALuminiscence measurement0.01 MOI2 % cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAVirus induce apoptosis process leads to cancer cell deathIncreased expression of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL expressionNA26298056
OV_4214Sindbis virusAR339RNATogaviridaeNoneYesNoNoJapanese cancer research resource bankHuman neuroblastoma cell lineIMR-321.0E+5 cells per wellNALuminiscence measurement0.1 MOI2 % cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAVirus induce apoptosis process leads to cancer cell deathIncreased expression of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL expressionNA26298056
OV_4215Sindbis virusAR339RNATogaviridaeNoneYesNoNoJapanese cancer research resource bankHuman neuroblastoma cell lineIMR-321.0E+5 cells per wellNALuminiscence measurement1 MOI2 % cell viability after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAVirus induce apoptosis process leads to cancer cell deathIncreased expression of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL expressionNA26298056