Mutation Profile Repositories

Welcome to Mutation Profile Page of ImmCancer

On this page, we have enlisted databases/repositories developed to maintain mutation profiles, which may be further used for designing cancer immunotherapy. The given table comprises genome profile repositories. The first column represents the Name of the database, and the rest of the columns represents the Year, Description, Reference, and working status of the database. Click on the headers to sort them accordingly.

The KMDB/MutationView 2001Mutation database for human disease genesYES
MutationView/KMcancerDB 2007Database for cancer gene mutationsYES
MoKCa 2009Mutations of Kinases in CancerYES
SNPeffect 4.0 2011Database for the prediction of molecular and structural effects of protein-coding variantsYES
SomamiR DB 2013A database of cancer somatic mutations in microRNAs (miRNA) and their target sites such as mRNA, cRNA, lnRNA etc. YES
DriverDBv3 2014A exome sequencing database for cancer driver genes/mutations identificationYES
ClinVar 2016Public archive of interpretations of clinically relevant variantsYES
DoCM 2016Database of curated mutations in cancerYES
mutLBSgeneDB 2016Mutated ligand binding site gene DataBaseYES
RBP-Var 2016A database of functional variants involved in regulation mediated by RNA-binding proteins YES
CanProVar 2.0 2017Database on human cancer proteome variation YES
HGMD 2017The human gene mutation databaseYES
CIViC 2017Community knowledgebase for expert crowdsourcing the clinical interpretation of variants in cancerYES
BioMuta 2018Mutation and expression knowledgebases for cancer biomarker discoveryYES
mSignatureDB 2018Database for deciphering mutational signatures in human cancersYES
HuVarBase 2019Human variant database with comprehensive information at gene and protein levelsYES
CANCER3D 2.0 2019Database to analyze cancer missense mutationsYES
COSMIC 2019Database that holds somatic mutation data and associated informationYES
ICGC 2019The International Cancer Genome Consortium Data PortalYES
HotSpotAnnotations 2020Database for hotspot mutations and annotations in cancerYES