A database of hormones and their receptors

Search Result - 1

HMRbase accession number20794
Swiss-prot Accession numberQ8UUY8 (Sequence in FASTA format)
DescriptionBeta-2 adrenergic receptor (Beta-2 adrenoceptor) (Beta-2adrenoreceptor).
Source organismOncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) (Salmo gairdneri)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Teleostei; Euteleostei;Protacanthopterygii; Salmoniformes; Salmonidae; Oncorhynchus.
Subcellular locationCell membrane; multi-pass membrane protein
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the G-protein coupled receptor 1 family.
Tissue SpecificityHighly expressed in the liver and red and white muscle, with lower levels of expression in the gills, heart, kidney and spleen.
Post translational modification Lacks the regulatory protein kinase A phosphorylation sites within the G-protein binding domain that mediate desensitization and are present in mammalian homologs.
Function Beta-adrenergic receptors mediate the catecholamine- induced activation of adenylate cyclase through the action of G proteins. The beta-2-adrenergic receptor binds epinephrine with an approximately 30-fold greater affinity than it does norepinephrine (By similarity).
Protein Length409 Amino acids
Molecular weight45098
Domain Name7tm_1  
References1  PubMed abstract 11737201
Gene ID100136153      
Comments!Hormone for this Receptor are either unknown or have not yet been curated