A database of hormones and their receptors

Search Result - 1

HMRbase accession number20335
Swiss-prot Accession numberQ02152 (Sequence in FASTA format)
Description5-hydroxytryptamine 2B receptor (5-HT-2B) (Serotonin receptor 2B) (5-HT-2F) (NP75 protein).
Source organismMus musculus (Mouse)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia; Sciurognathi;Muroidea; Muridae; Murinae; Mus.
Subcellular locationCell membrane; multi-pass membrane protein
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the G-protein coupled receptor 1 family.
Tissue SpecificityIntestine and heart, but also in brain and kidney.
Post translational modificationN/A
Function This is one of the several different receptors for 5- hydroxytryptamine (serotonin), a biogenic hormone that functions as a neurotransmitter, a hormone, and a mitogen. This receptor mediates its action by association with G proteins that activate a phosphatidylinositol-calcium second messenger system.
Protein Length479 Amino acids
Molecular weight53625
Domain Name7tm_1  
References1  PubMed abstract 1426253
2   Choi D.S., Maroteaux L.; "Genomic sequence of the 5-HT2B receptor locus."; Submitted (NOV-1998) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
3  PubMed abstract 11471062
4  PubMed abstract 16141072
5  PubMed abstract 15489334
Gene ID15559      
Comments!Hormone for this Receptor are either unknown or have not yet been curated