A database of hormones and their receptors
Peptide Hormone

Search Result - 1

HMRbase accession number10003
Swiss-prot Accession numberP81880 (Sequence in FASTA format)
DescriptionGlucagon precursor [Contains: Glucagon; Glucagon-like peptide](Fragment).
Source organismPiaractus mesopotamicus (Pacu)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Teleostei; Ostariophysi; Characiformes;Characidae; Piaractus.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
FunctionPromotes hydrolysis of glycogen and lipids, and raises the blood sugar level
Protein Length71 Amino acids
Molecular weight8155
References1  PubMed abstract 10327603
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (1-29)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 2

HMRbase accession number10009
Swiss-prot Accession numberP09682 (Sequence in FASTA format)
Source organismHydrolagus colliei (Spotted ratfish) (Pacific ratfish)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Chondrichthyes;Holocephali; Chimaeriformes; Chimaeridae; Hydrolagus.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityProduced by the X-cells of the islets of pancreas
Post translational modificationN/A
FunctionPromotes hydrolysis of glycogen and lipids, and raises the blood sugar level
Protein Length36 Amino acids
Molecular weight4236
References1  PubMed abstract 3311036
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein36 Residues from position (1-36)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 3

HMRbase accession number10016
Swiss-prot Accession numberP13189 (Sequence in FASTA format)
Source organismCallorhynchus milii (Elephant shark) (Elephantfish)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Chondrichthyes;Holocephali; Chimaeriformes; Callorhinchidae; Callorhinchus.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
FunctionGlucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis
Protein Length29 Amino acids
Molecular weight3443
References1  PubMed abstract 2690815
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (1-29)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 4

HMRbase accession number10017
Swiss-prot Accession numberP68273 (Sequence in FASTA format)
Source organismCamelus dromedarius (Dromedary) (Arabian camel)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Mammalia; Eutheria; Laurasiatheria; Cetartiodactyla; Tylopoda;Camelidae; Camelus.
Subcellular locationSecreted (By similarity)
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
FunctionGlucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis
Protein Length29 Amino acids
Molecular weight3483
References1  PubMed abstract 4421675
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (1-29)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 5

HMRbase accession number10019
Swiss-prot Accession numberP18108 (Sequence in FASTA format)
Source organismDidelphis marsupialis virginiana (North American opossum)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Mammalia; Metatheria; Didelphimorphia; Didelphidae; Didelphis.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
FunctionGlucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis
Protein Length29 Amino acids
Molecular weight3456
References1  PubMed abstract 2695899
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (1-29)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 6

HMRbase accession number10020
Swiss-prot Accession numberP04093 (Sequence in FASTA format)
DescriptionGlucagon precursor [Contains: Glucagon; Glucagon-like peptide](Fragment).
Source organismIctalurus punctatus (Channel catfish)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Teleostei; Ostariophysi; Siluriformes;Ictaluridae; Ictalurus.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
Function Glucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis
Protein Length71 Amino acids
Molecular weight8183
References1  PubMed abstract 3030323
2  PubMed abstract 3838546
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (1-29)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 7

HMRbase accession number10021
Swiss-prot Accession numberP0C235 (Sequence in FASTA format)
Source organismPolypterus senegalus (Senegal bichir)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Actinopterygii; Polypteriformes; Polypteridae; Polypterus.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
FunctionGlucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis
Protein Length29 Amino acids
Molecular weight3525
References1  PubMed abstract 9446726
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (1-29)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 8

HMRbase accession number10257
Swiss-prot Accession numberP31297 (Sequence in FASTA format)
Source organismChinchilla brevicaudata (Chinchilla)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia;Hystricognathi; Chinchillidae; Chinchilla.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
FunctionGlucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis
Protein Length29 Amino acids
Molecular weight3478
References1  PubMed abstract 2235678
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (1-29)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 9

HMRbase accession number10258
Swiss-prot Accession numberQ9PRQ9 (Sequence in FASTA format)
Source organismLampetra fluviatilis (River lamprey)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Hyperoartia;Petromyzontiformes; Petromyzontidae; Lampetra.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
FunctionGlucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis
Protein Length29 Amino acids
Molecular weight3398
References1  PubMed abstract 8575665
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (1-29)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 10

HMRbase accession number10259
Swiss-prot Accession numberP09686 (Sequence in FASTA format)
DescriptionGlucagon precursor [Contains: Glicentin-related polypeptide (GRPP);Glucagon; Glucagon-like peptide] (Fragment).
Source organismMyoxocephalus scorpius (Shorthorn sculpin) (Daddy sculpin)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Teleostei; Euteleostei; Neoteleostei;Acanthomorpha; Acanthopterygii; Percomorpha; Scorpaeniformes;Cottoidei; Cottidae; Myoxocephalus.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
FunctionPromotes hydrolysis of glycogen and lipids, and raises the blood sugar level
Protein Length96 Amino acids
Molecular weight10755
References1  PubMed abstract 3549298
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (29-57)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 11

HMRbase accession number10262
Swiss-prot Accession numberQ8MJ25 (Sequence in FASTA format)
DescriptionGlucagon precursor [Contains: Glicentin; Glicentin-related polypeptide(GRPP); Oxyntomodulin (OXY) (OXM); Glucagon; Glucagon-like peptide 1(GLP-1); Glucagon-like peptide 1(7-37) (GLP-1(7-37)); Glucagon-likepeptide 1(7-36) (GLP-1(7-36)); Glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2)](Fragment).
Source organismOvis aries (Sheep)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Mammalia; Eutheria; Laurasiatheria; Cetartiodactyla; Ruminantia;Pecora; Bovidae; Caprinae; Ovis.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityGlucagon is secreted in the A cells of the islets of Langerhans. GLP-1, GLP-2, oxyntomodulin and glicentin are secreted from enteroendocrine cells throughout the gastrointestinal tract. GLP1 and GLP2 are also secreted in selected neurons in the brain
Post translational modification Proglucagon is posttranslationally processed in a tissue- specific manner in pancreatic A cells and intestinal L cells. In pancreatic A cells, the major bioactive hormone is glucagon cleaved by PCSK2/PC2. In the intestinal L cells PCSK1/PC1 liberates GLP-1, GLP-2, glicentin and oxyntomodulin. GLP-1 is further N-terminally truncated by posttranslational processing in the intestinal L cells resulting in GLP-1(7-37) GLP-1-(7-36)amide. The C-terminal amidation is neither important for the metabolism of GLP-1 nor for its effects on the endocrine pancreas (By similarity).
Function Glucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis. A counterregulatory hormone of insulin, raises plasma glucose levels in response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia
Protein Length176 Amino acids
Molecular weight20336
References1   Limesand S.W., Hay W.W. Jr.; "Characterization of the endocrine pancreas in an ovine placentalinsufficiency IUGR fetus."; Submitted (JUL-2002) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (53-81)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 12

HMRbase accession number11075
Swiss-prot Accession numberP68954 (Sequence in FASTA format)
Source organismAlligator mississippiensis (American alligator)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Archosauria; Crocodylidae; Alligatorinae; Alligator.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
FunctionGlucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis
Protein Length29 Amino acids
Molecular weight3470
References1  PubMed abstract 6146554
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (1-29)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 13

HMRbase accession number11076
Swiss-prot Accession numberP33528 (Sequence in FASTA format)
DescriptionGlucagon precursor [Contains: Glucagon; Glucagon-like peptide](Fragments).
Source organismAmia calva (Bowfin)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Amiiformes; Amiidae; Amia.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
FunctionPromotes hydrolysis of glycogen and lipids, and raises the blood sugar level
Protein Length75 Amino acids
Molecular weight8861
References1  PubMed abstract 8240302
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (1-29)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 14

HMRbase accession number11078
Swiss-prot Accession numberP68952 (Sequence in FASTA format)
Source organismAnas platyrhynchos (Domestic duck)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Archosauria; Dinosauria; Saurischia; Theropoda; Coelurosauria; Aves;Neognathae; Anseriformes; Anatidae; Anas.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
FunctionGlucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis
Protein Length29 Amino acids
Molecular weight3470
References1  PubMed abstract 4636745
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (1-29)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 15

HMRbase accession number11081
Swiss-prot Accession numberP01272 (Sequence in FASTA format)
DescriptionGlucagon precursor [Contains: Glicentin; Glicentin-related polypeptide(GRPP); Oxyntomodulin (OXY) (OXM); Glucagon; Glucagon-like peptide 1(GLP-1); Glucagon-like peptide 1(7-37) (GLP-1(7-37)); Glucagon-likepeptide 1(7-36) (GLP-1(7-36)); Glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2)].
Source organismBos taurus (Bovine)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Mammalia; Eutheria; Laurasiatheria; Cetartiodactyla; Ruminantia;Pecora; Bovidae; Bovinae; Bos.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityGlucagon is secreted in the A cells of the islets of Langerhans. GLP-1, GLP-2, oxyntomodulin and glicentin are secreted from enteroendocrine cells throughout the gastrointestinal tract
Post translational modification Proglucagon is posttranslationally processed in a tissue- specific manner in pancreatic A cells and intestinal L cells. In pancreatic A cells, the major bioactive hormone is glucagon cleaved by PCSK2/PC2. In the intestinal L cells PCSK1/PC1 liberates GLP-1, GLP-2, glicentin and oxyntomodulin. GLP-1 is further N-terminally truncated by posttranslational processing in the intestinal L cells resulting in GLP-1(7-37) GLP-1-(7-36)amide. The C-terminal amidation is neither important for the metabolism of GLP-1 nor for its effects on the endocrine pancreas (By similarity).
Function Glucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis. A counterregulatory hormone of insulin, raises plasma glucose levels in response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia
Protein Length180 Amino acids
Molecular weight20944
References1  PubMed abstract 6577439
2   Submitted (AUG-2005) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
3  PubMed abstract 5102927
4  PubMed abstract 12554744
5  PubMed abstract 12626323
6  PubMed abstract 10322410
7  PubMed abstract 10605628
8  PubMed abstract 6631957
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (53-81)
Gene ID280802      
PDB ID1KX6      
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 16

HMRbase accession number11086
Swiss-prot Accession numberP29794 (Sequence in FASTA format)
DescriptionGlucagon precursor [Contains: Glicentin; Glicentin-related polypeptide(GRPP); Oxyntomodulin (OXY) (OXM); Glucagon; Glucagon-like peptide 1(GLP-1); Glucagon-like peptide 1(7-37) (GLP-1(7-37)); Glucagon-likepeptide 1(7-36) (GLP-1(7-36)); Glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2)].
Source organismCanis familiaris (Dog)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Mammalia; Eutheria; Laurasiatheria; Carnivora; Caniformia; Canidae;Canis.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityGlucagon is secreted in the A cells of the islets of Langerhans. GLP-1, GLP-2, oxyntomodulin and glicentin are secreted from enteroendocrine cells throughout the gastrointestinal tract. GLP1 and GLP2 are also secreted in selected neurons in the brain
Post translational modification Proglucagon is posttranslationally processed in a tissue- specific manner in pancreatic A cells and intestinal L cells. In pancreatic A cells, the major bioactive hormone is glucagon cleaved by PCSK2/PC2. In the intestinal L cells PCSK1/PC1 liberates GLP-1, GLP-2, glicentin and oxyntomodulin. GLP-1 is further N-terminally truncated by posttranslational processing in the intestinal L cells resulting in GLP-1(7-37) GLP-1-(7-36)amide. The C-terminal amidation is neither important for the metabolism of GLP-1 nor for its effects on the endocrine pancreas (By similarity).
FunctionGlucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis. A counterregulatory hormone of insulin, raises plasma glucose levels in response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia
Protein Length180 Amino acids
Molecular weight21115
References1  PubMed abstract 11916259
2  PubMed abstract 3238052
3  PubMed abstract 10499540
4  PubMed abstract 12554744
5  PubMed abstract 12626323
6  PubMed abstract 10322410
7  PubMed abstract 10605628
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (53-81)
Gene ID403571      
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 17

HMRbase accession number11089
Swiss-prot Accession numberP05110 (Sequence in FASTA format)
DescriptionGlucagon precursor [Contains: Glicentin; Glicentin-related polypeptide(GRPP); Oxyntomodulin (OXY) (OXM); Glucagon; Glucagon-like peptide 1(GLP-1); Glucagon-like peptide 1(7-37) (GLP-1(7-37)); Glucagon-likepeptide 1(7-36) (GLP-1(7-36)); Glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2)].
Source organismCavia porcellus (Guinea pig)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia;Hystricognathi; Caviidae; Cavia.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification Proglucagon is posttranslationally processed in a tissue- specific manner in pancreatic A cells and intestinal L cells. In pancreatic A cells, the major bioactive hormone is glucagon cleaved by PCSK2/PC2. In the intestinal L cells PCSK1/PC1 liberates GLP-1, GLP-2, glicentin and oxyntomodulin. GLP-1 is further N-terminally truncated by posttranslational processing in the intestinal L cells resulting in GLP-1(7-37) GLP-1-(7-36)amide. The C-terminal amidation is neither important for the metabolism of GLP-1 nor for its effects on the endocrine pancreas (By similarity).
FunctionGlucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis. A counterregulatory hormone of insulin, raises plasma glucose levels in response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia
Protein Length180 Amino acids
Molecular weight20972
References1  PubMed abstract 3755107
2  PubMed abstract 3956884
3  PubMed abstract 4048553
4  PubMed abstract 12554744
5  PubMed abstract 12626323
6  PubMed abstract 10322410
7  PubMed abstract 10605628
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (53-81)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 18

HMRbase accession number11092
Swiss-prot Accession numberP68259 (Sequence in FASTA format)
DescriptionGlucagon precursor [Contains: Glicentin-related polypeptide (GRPP);Glucagon; Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1); Glucagon-like peptide 1(7-37) (GLP-1(7-37)); Glucagon-like peptide 1(7-36) (GLP-1(7-36));Glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2)].
Source organismGallus gallus (Chicken)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Archosauria; Dinosauria; Saurischia; Theropoda; Coelurosauria; Aves;Neognathae; Galliformes; Phasianidae; Phasianinae; Gallus.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification Proglucagon is posttranslationally processed in a tissue- specific manner in pancreatic A cells and intestinal L cells. In pancreatic A cells, the major bioactive hormone is glucagon cleaved by PCSK2/PC2. In the intestinal L cells PCSK1/PC1 liberates GLP-1 and GLP-2. GLP-1 is further N-terminally truncated by posttranslational processing in the intestinal L cells resulting in GLP-1(7-37) GLP-1-(7-36)amide (By similarity).
FunctionGlucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis
Protein Length206 Amino acids
Molecular weight23876
References1  PubMed abstract 2338135
2  PubMed abstract 7776976
3  PubMed abstract 1194290
4  PubMed abstract 2828209
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (55-83)
Gene ID396196      
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 19

HMRbase accession number11095
Swiss-prot Accession numberO12956 (Sequence in FASTA format)
DescriptionGlucagon precursor [Contains: Glicentin-related polypeptide (GRPP);Glucagon; Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1); Glucagon-like peptide 1(7-37) (GLP-1(7-37)); Glucagon-like peptide 1(7-36) (GLP-1(7-36));Glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2)].
Source organismHeloderma suspectum (Gila monster)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Lepidosauria; Squamata; Scleroglossa; Anguimorpha; Helodermatidae;Heloderma.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityIsoform LPII is expressed in both pancreas and intestine. Expression of isoform LPI is restricted to the pancreas. Neither isoform is detected in salivary glands
Post translational modificationN/A
Function Glucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis
Protein Length204 Amino acids
Molecular weight23553
References1  PubMed abstract 9020121
2  PubMed abstract 12554744
3  PubMed abstract 12626323
4  PubMed abstract 10322410
5  PubMed abstract 10605628
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein Residues from position 29
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 20

HMRbase accession number11100
Swiss-prot Accession numberP09566 (Sequence in FASTA format)
DescriptionGlucagon precursor [Contains: Glucagon; Glucagon-36 (Oxyntomodulin);Glucagon-like peptide] (Fragment).
Source organismLepisosteus spatula (Alligator gar) (Atractosteus spatula)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Semionotiformes; Lepisosteidae;Lepisosteus.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
Function Glucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis.
Protein Length78 Amino acids
Molecular weight9000
References1  PubMed abstract 3282974
2  PubMed abstract 3311873
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (1-29)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 21

HMRbase accession number11102
Swiss-prot Accession numberP68260 (Sequence in FASTA format)
Source organismMeleagris gallopavo (Common turkey)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Archosauria; Dinosauria; Saurischia; Theropoda; Coelurosauria; Aves;Neognathae; Galliformes; Phasianidae; Meleagris.
Subcellular locationSecreted (By similarity)
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
FunctionGlucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis
Protein Length29 Amino acids
Molecular weight3456
References1  PubMed abstract 4645932
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (1-29)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 22

HMRbase accession number11104
Swiss-prot Accession numberP01273 (Sequence in FASTA format)
DescriptionGlucagon precursor [Contains: Glicentin; Glicentin-related polypeptide(GRPP); Oxyntomodulin (OXY) (OXM); Glucagon; Glucagon-like peptide 1(GLP-1); Glucagon-like peptide 1(7-37) (GLP-1(7-37)); Glucagon-likepeptide 1(7-36) (GLP-1(7-36)); Glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2)].
Source organismMesocricetus auratus (Golden hamster)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia; Sciurognathi;Muroidea; Cricetidae; Cricetinae; Mesocricetus.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification Proglucagon is posttranslationally processed in a tissue- specific manner in pancreatic A cells and intestinal L cells. In pancreatic A cells, the major bioactive hormone is glucagon cleaved by PCSK2/PC2. In the intestinal L cells PCSK1/PC1 liberates GLP-1, GLP-2, glicentin and oxyntomodulin. GLP-1 is further N-terminally truncated by posttranslational processing in the intestinal L cells resulting in GLP-1(7-37) GLP-1-(7-36)amide. The C-terminal amidation is neither important for the metabolism of GLP-1 nor for its effects on the endocrine pancreas (By similarity).
FunctionGlucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis. A counterregulatory hormone of insulin, raises plasma glucose levels in response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia
Protein Length180 Amino acids
Molecular weight20954
References1  PubMed abstract 6835407
2   Bell G.I.; Submitted (JUN-1985) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
3  PubMed abstract 12554744
4  PubMed abstract 12626323
5  PubMed abstract 10322410
6  PubMed abstract 10605628
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (53-81)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 23

HMRbase accession number11109
Swiss-prot Accession numberP22890 (Sequence in FASTA format)
DescriptionGlucagon precursor [Contains: Glicentin; Glicentin-related polypeptide(GRPP); Oxyntomodulin (OXY) (OXM); Glucagon; Glucagon-like peptide 1(GLP-1); Glucagon-like peptide 1(7-37) (GLP-1(7-37)); Glucagon-likepeptide 1(7-36) (GLP-1(7-36)); Glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2)].
Source organismOctodon degus (Degu)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia;Hystricognathi; Octodontidae; Octodon.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityGlucagon is secreted in the A cells of the islets of Langerhans. GLP-1, GLP-2, oxyntomodulin and glicentin are secreted from enteroendocrine cells throughout the gastrointestinal tract. GLP1 and GLP2 are also secreted in selected neurons in the brain
Post translational modification Proglucagon is posttranslationally processed in a tissue- specific manner in pancreatic A cells and intestinal L cells. In pancreatic A cells, the major bioactive hormone is glucagon cleaved by PCSK2/PC2. In the intestinal L cells PCSK1/PC1 liberates GLP-1, GLP-2, glicentin and oxyntomodulin. GLP-1 is further N-terminally truncated by posttranslational processing in the intestinal L cells resulting in GLP-1(7-37) GLP-1-(7-36)amide. The C-terminal amidation is neither important for the metabolism of GLP-1 nor for its effects on the endocrine pancreas (By similarity).
FunctionGlucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis. A counterregulatory hormone of insulin, raises plasma glucose levels in response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia
Protein Length180 Amino acids
Molecular weight21166
References1  PubMed abstract 2293024
2  PubMed abstract 12554744
3  PubMed abstract 12626323
4  PubMed abstract 10322410
5  PubMed abstract 10605628
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (53-81)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 24

HMRbase accession number11114
Swiss-prot Accession numberP01274 (Sequence in FASTA format)
DescriptionGlucagon precursor [Contains: Glicentin; Glicentin-related polypeptide(GRPP); Oxyntomodulin (OXY) (OXM); Glucagon; Glucagon-like peptide 1(GLP-1); Glucagon-like peptide 1(7-37) (GLP-1(7-37)); Glucagon-likepeptide 1(7-36) (GLP-1(7-36)); Glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2)].
Source organismSus scrofa (Pig)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Mammalia; Eutheria; Laurasiatheria; Cetartiodactyla; Suina; Suidae;Sus.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityGlucagon is secreted in the A cells of the islets of Langerhans. GLP-1, GLP-2, oxyntomodulin and glicentin are secreted from enteroendocrine cells throughout the gastrointestinal tract. GLP1 and GLP2 are also secreted in selected neurons in the brain
Post translational modification Proglucagon is posttranslationally processed in a tissue- specific manner in pancreatic A cells and intestinal L cells. In pancreatic A cells, the major bioactive hormone is glucagon cleaved by PCSK2/PC2. In the intestinal L cells PCSK1/PC1 liberates GLP-1, GLP-2, glicentin and oxyntomodulin. GLP-1 is further N-terminally truncated by posttranslational processing in the intestinal L cells resulting in GLP-1(7-37) GLP-1-(7-36)amide. The C-terminal amidation is neither important for the metabolism of GLP-1 nor for its effects on the endocrine pancreas (By similarity).
FunctionGlucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis. A counterregulatory hormone of insulin, raises plasma glucose levels in response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia
Protein Length180 Amino acids
Molecular weight21029
References1   Siggers R.H., Goldade B.G., Laarveld B., Van Kessel A.G.; "Cloning of porcine proglucagon."; Submitted (FEB-2003) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
2  PubMed abstract 6894800
3  PubMed abstract 7045833
4   Bromer W.W., Sinn L.G., Behrens O.K.; "The amino acid sequence of glucagon. V. Location of amide groups,acid degradation studies and summary of sequential evidence."; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 79:2807-2810(1957).
5  PubMed abstract 2753890
6  PubMed abstract 3379036
7  PubMed abstract 3530719
8  PubMed abstract 12554744
9  PubMed abstract 12626323
10  PubMed abstract 10322410
11  PubMed abstract 10605628
12  PubMed abstract 171582
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (53-81)
Gene ID397595      
PDB ID1GCN      
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 25

HMRbase accession number11117
Swiss-prot Accession numberP68956 (Sequence in FASTA format)
Source organismPlatichthys flesus (European flounder)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Teleostei; Euteleostei; Neoteleostei;Acanthomorpha; Acanthopterygii; Percomorpha; Pleuronectiformes;Pleuronectoidei; Pleuronectidae; Platichthys.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
FunctionPromotes hydrolysis of glycogen and lipids, and raises the blood sugar level
Protein Length29 Amino acids
Molecular weight3508
References1  PubMed abstract 3556313
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (1-29)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 26

HMRbase accession number11118
Swiss-prot Accession numberP68274 (Sequence in FASTA format)
Source organismOryctolagus cuniculus (Rabbit)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Lagomorpha; Leporidae;Oryctolagus.
Subcellular locationSecreted (By similarity)
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
FunctionGlucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis
Protein Length29 Amino acids
Molecular weight3483
References1  PubMed abstract 5011077
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (1-29)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 27

HMRbase accession number11120
Swiss-prot Accession numberP15438 (Sequence in FASTA format)
DescriptionGlucagon precursor [Contains: Glucagon; Glucagon-36 (Oxyntomodulin);Glucagon-like peptide 1; Glucagon-like peptide 2] (Fragments).
Source organismRana catesbeiana (Bull frog)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Amphibia; Batrachia; Anura; Neobatrachia; Ranoidea; Ranidae; Rana;Aquarana.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
Function Promotes hydrolysis of glycogen and lipids, and raises the blood sugar level
Protein Length103 Amino acids
Molecular weight11721
References1  PubMed abstract 3260236
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (1-29)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 28

HMRbase accession number11123
Swiss-prot Accession numberP68275 (Sequence in FASTA format)
Source organismSaimiri sciureus (Common squirrel monkey)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;Platyrrhini; Cebidae; Saimiriinae; Saimiri.
Subcellular locationSecreted (By similarity)
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
FunctionGlucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis
Protein Length29 Amino acids
Molecular weight3483
References1  PubMed abstract 2263627
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (1-29)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 29

HMRbase accession number11128
Swiss-prot Accession numberP68953 (Sequence in FASTA format)
Source organismStruthio camelus (Ostrich)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Archosauria; Dinosauria; Saurischia; Theropoda; Coelurosauria; Aves;Palaeognathae; Struthioniformes; Struthionidae; Struthio.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
FunctionGlucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis
Protein Length29 Amino acids
Molecular weight3470
References1  PubMed abstract 1938110
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (1-29)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 30

HMRbase accession number11129
Swiss-prot Accession numberP68957 (Sequence in FASTA format)
Source organismThunnus obesus (Bigeye tuna)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Teleostei; Euteleostei; Neoteleostei;Acanthomorpha; Acanthopterygii; Percomorpha; Perciformes; Scombroidei;Scombridae; Thunnus.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
FunctionPromotes hydrolysis of glycogen and lipids, and raises the blood sugar level
Protein Length29 Amino acids
Molecular weight3508
References1  PubMed abstract 1916209
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (1-29)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 31

HMRbase accession number11130
Swiss-prot Accession numberP09567 (Sequence in FASTA format)
Source organismTorpedo marmorata (Marbled electric ray)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Chondrichthyes;Elasmobranchii; Squalea; Hypnosqualea; Pristiorajea; Batoidea;Torpediniformes; Torpedinoidei; Torpedinidae; Torpedo.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
Function Promotes hydrolysis of glycogen and lipids, and raises the blood sugar level
Protein Length29 Amino acids
Molecular weight3511
References1  PubMed abstract 4076759
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (1-29)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 32

HMRbase accession number11131
Swiss-prot Accession numberP68955 (Sequence in FASTA format)
Source organismTrachemys scripta (Red-eared slider turtle) (Pseudemys scripta)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Testudines; Cryptodira; Testudinoidea; Emydidae; Trachemys.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
FunctionGlucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis
Protein Length29 Amino acids
Molecular weight3470
References1  PubMed abstract 1974347
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (1-29)
Gene IDN/A
Comments!Receptor for this Hormone are either unknown or have not yet been curated

Search Result - 33

HMRbase accession number11228
Swiss-prot Accession numberO42143 (Sequence in FASTA format)
DescriptionGlucagon-1 precursor (Glucagon I) [Contains: Glucagon; Glucagon-likepeptide 1A (GLP-1A); Glucagon-like peptide 1B (GLP-1B); Glucagon-likepeptide 1C (GLP-1C); Glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2)].
Source organismXenopus laevis (African clawed frog)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Amphibia; Batrachia; Anura; Mesobatrachia; Pipoidea; Pipidae;Xenopodinae; Xenopus; Xenopus.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
Function Promotes hydrolysis of glycogen and lipids, and raises the blood sugar level
Protein Length266 Amino acids
Molecular weight30951
References1  PubMed abstract 9223287
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (53-81)
ReceptorQ8UVY5    Detail in HMRbase   
Gene ID373686      

Search Result - 34

HMRbase accession number11331
Swiss-prot Accession numberP01275 (Sequence in FASTA format)
DescriptionGlucagon precursor [Contains: Glicentin; Glicentin-related polypeptide(GRPP); Oxyntomodulin (OXY) (OXM); Glucagon; Glucagon-like peptide 1(GLP-1); Glucagon-like peptide 1(7-37) (GLP-1(7-37)); Glucagon-likepeptide 1(7-36) (GLP-1(7-36)); Glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2)].
Source organismHomo sapiens (Human)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityGlucagon is secreted in the A cells of the islets of Langerhans. GLP-1, GLP-2, oxyntomodulin and glicentin are secreted from enteroendocrine cells throughout the gastrointestinal tract. GLP1 and GLP2 are also secreted in selected neurons in the brain
Post translational modification Proglucagon is posttranslationally processed in a tissue- specific manner in pancreatic A cells and intestinal L cells. In pancreatic A cells, the major bioactive hormone is glucagon cleaved by PCSK2/PC2. In the intestinal L cells PCSK1/PC1 liberates GLP-1, GLP-2, glicentin and oxyntomodulin. GLP-1 is further N-terminally truncated by posttranslational processing in the intestinal L cells resulting in GLP-1(7-37) GLP-1-(7-36)amide. The C-terminal amidation is neither important for the metabolism of GLP-1 nor for its effects on the endocrine pancreas.
Function Glucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis. A counterregulatory hormone of insulin, raises plasma glucose levels in response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia. Plays an important role in initiating and maintaining hyperglycemic conditions in diabetes
Protein Length180 Amino acids
Molecular weight20909
References1  PubMed abstract 2901414
2  PubMed abstract 3725587
3  PubMed abstract 6877358
4   Kalnine N., Chen X., Rolfs A., Halleck A., Hines L., Eisenstein S.,Koundinya M., Raphael J., Moreira D., Kelley T., LaBaer J., Lin Y.,Phelan M., Farmer A.; "Cloning of human full-length CDSs in BD Creator(TM) system donorvector."; Submitted (MAY-2003) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
5  PubMed abstract 15815621
6  PubMed abstract 15489334
7  PubMed abstract 11946536
8  PubMed abstract 2753890
9  PubMed abstract 8482423
10  PubMed abstract 14557443
11  PubMed abstract 14632334
12  PubMed abstract 9287128
13  PubMed abstract 12651102
14  PubMed abstract 14719035
15  PubMed abstract 12554744
16  PubMed abstract 12626323
17  PubMed abstract 10322410
18  PubMed abstract 10605628
19  PubMed abstract 9667960
20  PubMed abstract 11943215
21  PubMed abstract 12627948
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (53-81)
ReceptorP47871    Detail in HMRbase   
Gene ID2641      
PDB ID1BH0   1D0R   1NAU      

Search Result - 35

HMRbase accession number11382
Swiss-prot Accession numberP06883 (Sequence in FASTA format)
DescriptionGlucagon precursor [Contains: Glicentin; Glicentin-related polypeptide(GRPP); Oxyntomodulin (OXY) (OXM); Glucagon; Glucagon-like peptide 1(GLP-1); Glucagon-like peptide 1(7-37) (GLP-1(7-37)); Glucagon-likepeptide 1(7-36) (GLP-1(7-36)); Glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2)].
Source organismRattus norvegicus (Rat)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia; Sciurognathi;Muroidea; Muridae; Murinae; Rattus.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityGlucagon is secreted in the A cells of the islets of Langerhans. GLP-1, GLP-2, oxyntomodulin and glicentin are secreted from enteroendocrine cells throughout the gastrointestinal tract
Post translational modification Proglucagon is posttranslationally processed in a tissue- specific manner in pancreatic A cells and intestinal L cells. In pancreatic A cells, the major bioactive hormone is glucagon cleaved by PCSK2/PC2. In the intestinal L cells PCSK1/PC1 liberates GLP-1, GLP-2, glicentin and oxyntomodulin. GLP-1 is further N-terminally truncated by posttranslational processing in the intestinal L cells resulting in GLP-1(7-37) GLP-1-(7-36)amide. The C-terminal amidation is neither important for the metabolism of GLP-1 nor for its effects on the endocrine pancreas.
Function Glucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis. A counterregulatory hormone of insulin, raises plasma glucose levels in response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia. Plays an important role in initiating and maintaining hyperglycemic conditions in diabetes
Protein Length180 Amino acids
Molecular weight20846
References1  PubMed abstract 6094539
2  PubMed abstract 6548696
3  PubMed abstract 3528148
4  PubMed abstract 7937770
5  PubMed abstract 11564680
6  PubMed abstract 8721980
7  PubMed abstract 1692320
8  PubMed abstract 14719035
9  PubMed abstract 12554744
10  PubMed abstract 12626323
11  PubMed abstract 10322410
12  PubMed abstract 10605628
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (53-81)
ReceptorP30082    Detail in HMRbase   
Gene ID24952      

Search Result - 36

HMRbase accession number11478
Swiss-prot Accession numberP55095 (Sequence in FASTA format)
DescriptionGlucagon precursor [Contains: Glicentin; Glicentin-related polypeptide(GRPP); Oxyntomodulin (OXY) (OXM); Glucagon; Glucagon-like peptide 1(GLP-1); Glucagon-like peptide 1(7-37) (GLP-1(7-37)); Glucagon-likepeptide 1(7-36) (GLP-1(7-36)); Glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2)].
Source organismMus musculus (Mouse)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia; Sciurognathi;Muroidea; Muridae; Murinae; Mus.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityGlucagon is secreted in the A cells of the islets of Langerhans. GLP-1, GLP-2, oxyntomodulin and glicentin are secreted from enteroendocrine cells throughout the gastrointestinal tract. GLP1 and GLP2 are also secreted in selected neurons in the brain
Post translational modification Proglucagon is posttranslationally processed in a tissue- specific manner in pancreatic A cells and intestinal L cells. In pancreatic A cells, the major bioactive hormone is glucagon cleaved by PCSK2/PC2. In the intestinal L cells PCSK1/PC1 liberates GLP-1, GLP-2, glicentin and oxyntomodulin. GLP-1 is further N-terminally truncated by posttranslational processing in the intestinal L cells resulting in GLP-1(7-37) GLP-1-(7-36)amide. The C-terminal amidation is neither important for the metabolism of GLP-1 nor for its effects on the endocrine pancreas (By similarity).
FunctionGlucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis. A counterregulatory hormone of insulin, raises plasma glucose levels in response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia
Protein Length180 Amino acids
Molecular weight20906
References1  PubMed abstract 7730317
2   Shamsadin R., Knepel W.; "Mouse glucagon full length cDNA."; Submitted (JUN-2000) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
3  PubMed abstract 16141072
4  PubMed abstract 15489334
5  PubMed abstract 1886889
6  PubMed abstract 9407057
7  PubMed abstract 11356850
8  PubMed abstract 12554744
9  PubMed abstract 12626323
10  PubMed abstract 10322410
11  PubMed abstract 10605628
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (53-81)
ReceptorQ61606   Detail in HMRbase   
Q3UN81    Detail in HMRbase   
Gene ID14526      

Search Result - 37

HMRbase accession number11498
Swiss-prot Accession numberP79695 (Sequence in FASTA format)
DescriptionGlucagon precursor [Contains: Glicentin-related polypeptide (GRPP);Glucagon; Glucagon-like peptide].
Source organismCarassius auratus (Goldfish)
Taxonomical ClassificationEukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Teleostei; Ostariophysi; Cypriniformes;Cyprinidae; Carassius.
Subcellular locationSecreted
Developmental StageN/A
Similarity Belongs to the glucagon family.
Tissue SpecificityN/A
Post translational modification N/A
Function Glucagon plays a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. Regulates blood glucose by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing glycolysis
Protein Length121 Amino acids
Molecular weight13527
References1   DOI=10.1023/A:1007793705131; Yuen T.T.H., Mok P.Y., Chow B.K.C.; "Molecular cloning of a cDNA encoding proglucagon from goldfish,Carassius auratus."; Fish Physiol. Biochem. 17:223-230(1997).
Domain NameHormone_2  
Hormone NameGlucagon
Position of mature hormone in Pre-Hormone protein29 Residues from position (50-78)
ReceptorQ5EFJ9    Detail in HMRbase   
Gene IDN/A