BLAST for Similarity Search

This page allows users to search the query protein sequence against the database of known allergens and non-allergens using similarity-based search method, i.e. BLAST. This module will predict the given query sequence as an allergen if it gets any hit from the database and non-allergen if it does not get any hit from the database. This module also allow users to perform BLAST against database of IgE epitopes. It allows the users to submit the multiple protein sequences at a time in FASTA format. For more information see help page

Job/Sequence Name: [optional]   

Paste protein sequences (Fasta format):

Or upload protein sequence file in fasta format:

Select Blast Search module

  Allergen & Non-allergen Database       IgE epitope Database     

Select the E-value:

Enter email address[optional]:
(Enter email if you want to receive your result via email)