Philosophy of Raghava Group
The group was initially started in year 1998 at CSIR-IMTECH, Chandigarh. More than 30 students have completed their Ph.D. and still many are pursuing Ph.D. in the group. In addition, more than 100 students trained/worked in group in different roles that includes project assistants, research fellows, postdoctoral fellows etc. In these many years, group has developed more than 250 web servers (which includes database and prediction methods) all are functional and heavily used by scientific community. Group have published more than 200 papers in highly reputed journals, all papers are highly cited (more than 12000 citations). In last twenty years, there is not a single case of internal fighting in group every one happily worked and contributed to the group. Major force behind the success of this group is its philosophy.
Major philosophies of our group
1. Health is our top priority
2. Service to community is major objective of this group
3. Open Science or Knowledge Sharing
4. Human Resources Development
5. Team Spirit
6. Best in given conditions
7. Fair competition