Webservers for Biodrug

This page provides information on webservers developed at raghava group fo testing the bioactive molecule and thus helps in drug development.

Name Description
AntiCP Prediction and design of anticancer peptides
AHTpin Designing and virtual screening of antihypertensive peptides
ToxinPred Prediction and designing of toxic/non-toxic peptides
AntiBP Mapping of antibacterial peptides in a protein sequence
AntiBP2 Advanced server for predicting antibacterial peptides with high precision
CellPPD Computer-aided Designing of efficient cell penetrating peptides
TumorHPD Server dedicated for designing tumor homing peptides
HLP Designing of stable antibacterial peptides
HemoPI Prediction and virtual screening of hemolytic peptides

About Raghava

Professor Gajendra P.S. Raghava, Indraprasta Institute of Information Technology, New Delhi is a strong supporter of open source software and open access, all resources developed at his group are free for scientific use.