Browse By Identified Best Antigenic Epitopes Against Oncogenic viruses in VLCvirus

The following table provides information on identifed promiscous epitopes against all nine major oncogenic lung cancer causing virus species. The count of all the predicted promiscous epitopes is given in the table i.e. MHC binder, T cell epitope, B cell epitope or adjuvant. These promiscous epitope have the capability to bind different class of MHC molecules as well as having strong vaccine inducing potential. In our analysis, we have defined these as Best Antigenic Epitopes. We have also assessed the immune boosting potential of these peptides by predicting their IL-4 and IFN-gamma inducing potential. We have also summarized the allele binding frequency of the epitopes for both MHC class I and MHC class II. By clicking on the number, user will be directed to next page, which will lead to all epitope information.
Abbreviations:- BLV - Bovine Leukemia Virus; HBV - Hepatitis B Virus; HPV - Human Papillioma virus; HTLV - HumanT-cell Leukemia Virus; RSV - Rous Sarcoma Virus; STLV - SimianT-cell Leukemia Virus; EBV - Epstein-Barr Virus; JCV - JC virus & MV - Measles Virus

T-cell, B-cell, Vaccine adjuvant & MHC I Epitopes051974730405 02 72 34 26
T-cell, B-cell, Vaccine adjuvant & MHC II Epitopes01None9901None 01 18 03 05
T-cell, B-cell, Vaccine adjuvant & MHC I, II Epitopes01None9701None 01 17 03 05