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SAL_16410 details
Primary information
Biomarker nameCadaverine
Biomarker TypeNA
Sampling MethodFifty volunteers aged from 31 to 69 years (25 males, 25 females) were enrolled in this study, which was conducted at Osaka University Hospital from November 2013 to March 2014.
Collection MethodUnstimulated whole saliva samples were collected. 1mLof each sample was immediately frozen with liquid nitrogen and stored at -80 degreeC until analysis.
Analysis MethodGC-MS
Collection SiteWhole Saliva
Disease CategoryDental Disorder
Disease SubtypeNA
Fold Change/ Concentration>2
OrganismHomo sapiens
Year of Publication2017
Biomarker ID273
Biomarker CategoryMetabolite
Title of studyDistinct signatures of dental plaque metabolic byproducts dictated by periodontal inflammatory status
Abstract of studyOnset of chronic periodontitis is associated with an aberrant polymicrobial community, termed dysbiosis. Findings regarding its etiology obtained using high-throughput sequencing technique suggested that dysbiosis holds a conserved metabolic signature as an emergent property. The purpose of this study was to identify robust biomarkers for periodontal inflammation severity. Furthermore, we investigated disease-associated metabolic signatures of periodontal microbiota using a salivary metabolomics approach. Whole saliva samples were obtained from adult subjects before and after removal of supragingival plaque (debridement). Periodontal inflamed surface area (PISA) was employed as an indicator of periodontal inflammatory status. Based on multivariate analyses using pre-debridement salivary metabolomics data, we found that metabolites associated with higher PISA included cadaverine and hydrocinnamate, while uric acid and ethanolamine were associated with lower PISA. Next, we focused on dental plaque metabolic byproducts by selecting salivary metabolites significantly decreased following debridement. Metabolite set enrichment analysis revealed that polyamine metabolism, arginine and proline metabolism, butyric acid metabolism, and lysine degradation were distinctive metabolic signatures of dental plaque in the high PISA group, which may be related to the metabolic signatures of disease-associated communities. Collectively, our findings identified potential biomarkers of periodontal inflammatory status and also provide insight into metabolic signatures of dysbiotic communities.