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SAL_15766 details
Primary information
Biomarker nameInterleukin-22 (IL-22) (Cytokine Zcyto18) (IL-10-related T-cell-derived-inducible factor) (IL-TIF)
Biomarker TypeNA
Sampling MethodNA
Collection MethodPrior initial periodontal treatment period, about 5 mL of unstimulated whole saliva was collected from each subject into a 50 mL sterile plastic centrifuge tube before breakfast intake and any dental hygiene procedure.
Analysis MethodELISA
Collection SiteWhole Saliva
Disease CategoryDental Disorder
Disease/ConditionChronic periodontitis
Disease SubtypeNA
Fold Change/ Concentration1.07
OrganismHomo sapiens
Year of Publication2015
Biomarker IDQ9GZX6
Biomarker CategoryProtein
Title of studyAssociation study between salivary levels of interferon (IFN)-gamma, interleukin (IL)-17, IL-21, and IL-22 with chronic periodontitis
Abstract of studyOBJECTIVE: To investigate if the salivary levels of IL-17, IL-21, IL-22, and its ratio regarding salivary IFN-γ may be linked with the periodontal clinical status.DESIGN: One hundred and five chronic periodontitis (CP) subjects and 44 healthy controls (HC) were recruited. Periodontal status was assessed based on full-mouth clinical periodontal measurements. Cytokine salivary levels were analyzed by ELISA. The association between the analytes with CP was analyzed using a binary logistic regression model.RESULTS: A statistically significant increase in salivary levels of IFN-γ and IFN-γ/IL-22 ratio in CP group could be detected, but there was no significant domination of any Th17 cytokine that could be of predictive value for health/disease status. Univariate and binary logistic regression analyses revealed a strong and independent association of IFN-γ salivary levels and IFN-γ/IL-22 ratio with disease status. An interaction effect of ageing on IFN-γ levels also could be noted.CONCLUSION: While salivary levels of IFN-γ and IFN-γ/IL-22 ratio may act as strong/independent indicators of the amount and extent of periodontal breakdown, the low detection frequency of Th17 cytokines in saliva samples make these determinations useless for the detection of disease presence and/or its severity.