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SAL_14979 details
Primary information
Biomarker nameInter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H2 (ITI heavy chain H2) (ITI-HC2) (Inter-alpha-inhibitor heavy chain 2) (Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor complex component II) (Serum-derived hyaluronan-associa
Biomarker TypeNA
Sampling MethodAdult
Collection MethodUnstimulated
Analysis MethodNA
Collection SiteWhole Saliva
Disease CategoryHealthy
Disease SubtypeNA
Fold Change/ ConcentrationNA
OrganismHomo sapiens
Year of Publication2011
Biomarker IDP19823
Biomarker CategoryProtein
Title of studyThe surprising composition of the salivary proteome of preterm human newborn
Abstract of studySaliva is a body fluid of a unique composition devoted to protect the mouth cavity and the digestive tract. Our high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-electrospray ionization-MS analysis of the acidic soluble fraction of saliva from preterm human newborn surprisingly revealed more than 40 protein masses often undetected in adult saliva. We were able to identify the following proteins: stefin A and stefin B, S100A7 (two isoforms), S100A8, S100A9 (four isoforms), S100A11, S100A12, small proline-rich protein 3 (two isoforms), lysozyme C, thymosins β(4) and β(10), antileukoproteinase, histone H1c, and α and γ globins. The average mass value reported in international data banks was often incongruent with our experimental results mostly because of post-translational modifications of the proteins, e.g. acetylation of the N-terminal residue. A quantitative label-free MS analysis showed protein levels altered in relation to the postconceptional age and suggested coordinate and hierarchical functions for these proteins during development. In summary, this study shows for the first time that analysis of these proteins in saliva of preterm newborns might represent a noninvasive way to obtain precious information of the molecular mechanisms of development of human fetal oral structures.