Browse By Cell Line Result Page of OvirusTdb

The total number of records retrieved from this search are 27. Click on ID to see further detail.
IDVirus nameVirus strainVirus genome typeVirus familyVirus genome modificationVirus aloneVirus in combination with drug/radiationImmune gene insertion in viral genomeSource of cell lineOrigin of cell lineCell lineConcentration of cell lineIn-vitro toxicityAssayIn-vitro virus concentrationIn-vitro resultModel organismIn-vivo virus concentrationIn-vivo toxicityIn-vivo resultMode of deliveryPathway inducedImmunogenic effectClinical trialPMID
OV_1154Herpes simplex virusNV1020DNAHerpesviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCColon carcinoma cell lineCaco-25.0E+3 cells per wellNAWST-1 assay1 × 10⁶ pfu/ml80% cell killingNoNoNA No responseNANANANA17117895
OV_2139EnterovirusEnterovirus B species echovirus 12RNAPicornaviridaeNoneYesNoNoLinnaeus university, Kalmar, swedenColon cancer cell lineCaco-2NANAMicroscopy examination1 MOIComplete cell death after 3 daysNoNoNA No responseNAVirus can cause induction in apoptosisNANA21999585
OV_2140EnterovirusEnterovirus B species echovirus 15RNAPicornaviridaeNoneYesNoNoLinnaeus university, Kalmar, swedenColon cancer cell lineCaco-2NANAMicroscopy examination1 MOIComplete cell death after 7 daysNoNoNA No responseNAVirus can cause induction in apoptosisNANA21999585
OV_2141EnterovirusEnterovirus B species echovirus 17RNAPicornaviridaeNoneYesNoNoLinnaeus university, Kalmar, swedenColon cancer cell lineCaco-2NANAMicroscopy examination1 MOIComplete cell death after 2 daysNoNoNA No responseNAVirus can cause induction in apoptosisNANA21999585
OV_2142EnterovirusEnterovirus B species echovirus 26RNAPicornaviridaeNoneYesNoNoLinnaeus university, Kalmar, swedenColon cancer cell lineCaco-2NANAMicroscopy examination1 MOIComplete cell death after 5 daysNoNoNA No responseNAVirus can cause induction in apoptosisNANA21999585
OV_2143EnterovirusEnterovirus B species echovirus 29RNAPicornaviridaeNoneYesNoNoLinnaeus university, Kalmar, swedenColon cancer cell lineCaco-2NANAMicroscopy examination1 MOIComplete cell death after 3 daysNoNoNA No responseNAVirus can cause induction in apoptosisNANA21999585
OV_2848Measles virusAttenuated strainRNAParamyxoviridaeNoneYesNoNoLaboratory grown own cultureHuman colorectal cancer cell lineCaco-21 million cells per wellNACell death detection kit1 MOI50% cells survivedNoNoNA No responseNAActivation of caspase-3NANA23586034
OV_2853Measles virusAttenuated strainRNAParamyxoviridaeNoneYesNoNoLaboratory grown own cultureHuman lung cancer cell lineCaco-2NANANANANARJ:NMRI nude mice xenograft for A549 cell line (1.5E+7) 1.0E+6 pfuNA Significant reduction in tumor volume after 31 daysIntratumoralActivation of caspase-3NANA23586034
OV_4110AdenovirusAd-CCL20-CD40LDNAAdenoviridaeAddition of CCL20 and CD40L gene near by TERT promoterYesNovirus expressing CCL20 chemokine geneATCCHuman colon carcinoma cell lineCaco-21.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTT assay0.1 MOI80% cell survival after 7 daysNoNoNA No responseNANANANA26208317
OV_4114AdenovirusAd-CCL20-CD40LDNAAdenoviridaeAddition of CCL20 and CD40L gene near by TERT promoterYesNovirus expressing CCL20 chemokine geneATCCHuman colon carcinoma cell lineCaco-21.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTT assay1 MOI40% cell survival after 7 daysNoNoNA No responseNANANANA26208317
OV_4115AdenovirusAd-CCL20-CD40LDNAAdenoviridaeAddition of CCL20 and CD40L gene near by TERT promoterYesNovirus expressing CCL20 chemokine geneATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineCaco-21.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTT assay1 MOI50% cell survival after 7 daysNoNoNA No responseNANANANA26208317
OV_4118AdenovirusAd-CCL20-CD40LDNAAdenoviridaeAddition of CCL20 and CD40L gene near by TERT promoterYesNovirus expressing CCL20 chemokine geneATCCHuman colon carcinoma cell lineCaco-21.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI10% cell survival after 7 daysNoNoNA No responseNANANANA26208317
OV_4119AdenovirusAd-CCL20-CD40LDNAAdenoviridaeAddition of CCL20 and CD40L gene near by TERT promoterYesNovirus expressing CCL20 chemokine geneATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineCaco-21.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI20% cell survival after 7 daysNoNoNA No responseNANANANA26208317
OV_4122AdenovirusAd-CCL20-CD40LDNAAdenoviridaeAddition of CCL20 and CD40L gene near by TERT promoterYesNovirus expressing CCL20 chemokine geneATCCHuman colon carcinoma cell lineCaco-21.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTT assay100 MOI5% cell survival after 7 daysNoNoNA No responseNANANANA26208317
OV_4123AdenovirusAd-CCL20-CD40LDNAAdenoviridaeAddition of CCL20 and CD40L gene near by TERT promoterYesNovirus expressing CCL20 chemokine geneATCCHuman lung cancer cell lineCaco-21.0E+5 cells per wellNAMTT assay100 MOI30% cell survival after 7 daysNoNoNA No responseNANANANA26208317
OV_4897Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman colon carcinoma cell lineCaCo-21 million cells per wellNAMTT assay0.1 MOI100% cell viability after 7 daysNoNoNA No responseNANAActivate proloferation of B-cell and Naive T-cellNA27157859
OV_4898Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman colon carcinoma cell lineCaCo-21 million cells per wellNAMTT assay1 MOI100% cell viability after 7 daysNoNoNA No responseNANAActivate proloferation of B-cell and Naive T-cellNA27157859
OV_4899Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman colon carcinoma cell lineCaCo-21 million cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI90% cell viability after 7 daysNoNoNA No responseNANAActivate proloferation of B-cell and Naive T-cellNA27157859
OV_4900Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman colon carcinoma cell lineCaCo-21 million cells per wellNAMTT assay50 MOI90% cell viability after 7 daysNoNoNA No responseNANAActivate proloferation of B-cell and Naive T-cellNA27157859
OV_4901Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeAddition of IL21 gene in virus genomeYesNoVirus expressing IL-21 geneATCCHuman colon carcinoma cell lineCaCo-21 million cells per wellNAMTT assay0.1 MOI90% cell viability after 7 daysNoNoNA No responseNANAActivate proloferation of B-cell and Naive T-cellNA27157859
OV_4902Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeAddition of IL21 gene in virus genomeYesNoVirus expressing IL-21 geneATCCHuman colon carcinoma cell lineCaCo-21 million cells per wellNAMTT assay1 MOI80% cell viability after 7 daysNoNoNA No responseNANAActivate proloferation of B-cell and Naive T-cellNA27157859
OV_4903Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeAddition of IL21 gene in virus genomeYesNoVirus expressing IL-21 geneATCCHuman colon carcinoma cell lineCaCo-21 million cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI30% cell viability after 7 daysNoNoNA No responseNANAActivate proloferation of B-cell and Naive T-cellNA27157859
OV_4904Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeAddition of IL21 gene in virus genomeYesNoVirus expressing IL-21 geneATCCHuman colon carcinoma cell lineCaCo-21 million cells per wellNAMTT assay50 MOI10% cell viability after 7 daysNoNoNA No responseNANAActivate proloferation of B-cell and Naive T-cellNA27157859
OV_4905Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeAddition of IL21 and CCL21gene in virus genomeYesNoVirus expressing IL-21 and CCL21 geneATCCHuman colon carcinoma cell lineCaCo-21 million cells per wellNAMTT assay0.1 MOI90% cell viability after 7 daysNoNoNA No responseNANAActivate proloferation of B-cell and Naive T-cellNA27157859
OV_4906Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeAddition of IL21 and CCL21gene in virus genomeYesNoVirus expressing IL-21 and CCL21 geneATCCHuman colon carcinoma cell lineCaCo-21 million cells per wellNAMTT assay1 MOI60% cell viability after 7 daysNoNoNA No responseNANAActivate proloferation of B-cell and Naive T-cellNA27157859
OV_4907Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeAddition of IL21 and CCL21gene in virus genomeYesNoVirus expressing IL-21 and CCL21 geneATCCHuman colon carcinoma cell lineCaCo-21 million cells per wellNAMTT assay10 MOI20% cell viability after 7 daysNoNoNA No responseNANAActivate proloferation of B-cell and Naive T-cellNA27157859
OV_4908Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeAddition of IL21 and CCL21gene in virus genomeYesNoVirus expressing IL-21 and CCL21 geneATCCHuman colon carcinoma cell lineCaCo-21 million cells per wellNAMTT assay50 MOI10% cell viability after 7 daysNoNoNA No responseNANAActivate proloferation of B-cell and Naive T-cellNA27157859