Browse By Assay Result Page of OvirusTdb

The total number record retrieved from this search are 96. Click on ID to see further detail.
IDVirus nameVirus strainVirus genome typeVirus familyVirus genome modificationVirus aloneVirus in combination with drug/radiationImmune gene insertion in viral genomeSource of cell lineOrigin of cell lineCell lineConcentration of cell lineIn-vitro toxicityAssayIn-vitro virus concentrationIn-vitro resultModel organismIn-vivo virus concentrationIn-vivo toxicityIn-vivo resultMode of deliveryPathway inducedImmunogenic effectClinical trialPMID
OV_2977Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neck and squamous carcinoma cell lineSCC-97.68E+3 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay2.4 × 10⁸ pfu33.2 +/- 9.9% cell viable after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA25890191
OV_2978Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neck and squamous carcinoma cell lineSCC-257.68E+3 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay2.4 × 10⁸ pfu54.6 +/- 21.5% cell viable after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA25890191
OV_2979Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neck and squamous carcinoma cell lineUM-SCC-387.68E+3 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay2.4 × 10⁸ pfu83.9 +/- 16.3% cell viable after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA25890191
OV_2980Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neck and squamous carcinoma cell lineUM-SCC-477.68E+3 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay2.4 × 10⁸ pfu97.2 +/- 4.7% cell viable after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA25890191
OV_2981Reoviruswild typeRNAReoviridaeNoneYesNoNoATCCHuman neck and squamous carcinoma cell lineUM-SCC-1047.68E+3 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay2.4 × 10⁸ pfu82.3 +/- 6.5% cell viable after 96 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA25890191
OV_5188Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copis of gamma 34.5 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman rhabdosarcoma cell lineRD1.5E+3 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay0.1 PFU100% cell viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA27751346
OV_5189Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copis of gamma 34.5 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman rhabdosarcoma cell lineRD1.5E+3 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay1 PFU50% cell viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA27751346
OV_5190Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copis of gamma 34.5 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman rhabdosarcoma cell lineRD1.5E+3 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay10 PFU10% cell viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA27751346
OV_5191Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copis of gamma 34.5 geneYesNoNoATCCHuman rhabdosarcoma cell lineRD1.5E+3 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay20 PFU5% cell viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA27751346
OV_5192Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copis of gamma 34.5 geneYesNoNoATCChuman cellosaurus cell lineSJC RH301.5E+3 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay0.1 PFU90% cell viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA27751346
OV_5193Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copis of gamma 34.5 geneYesNoNoATCChuman cellosaurus cell lineSJC RH301.5E+3 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay1 PFU90% cell viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA27751346
OV_5194Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copis of gamma 34.5 geneYesNoNoATCChuman cellosaurus cell lineSJC RH301.5E+3 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay10 PFU30% cell viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA27751346
OV_5195Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copis of gamma 34.5 geneYesNoNoATCChuman cellosaurus cell lineSJC RH301.5E+3 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay20 PFU22% cell viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNAInduction of apoptosisNANA27751346
OV_5196Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman epithelia carcinoma cell lineHeLaNAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5197Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman epithelia carcinoma cell lineHeLaNAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5198Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman epithelia carcinoma cell lineHeLaNAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI80% cell viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5199AdenovirusTRAD-shLucDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for Luciferase gene knockoutYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman epithelia carcinoma cell lineHeLaNAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5200AdenovirusTRAD-shLucDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for Luciferase gene knockoutYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman epithelia carcinoma cell lineHeLaNAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5201AdenovirusTRAD-shLucDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for Luciferase gene knockoutYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman epithelia carcinoma cell lineHeLaNAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI80% cell viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5202AdenovirusTRAD-shDICERDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for DICERYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman epithelia carcinoma cell lineHeLaNAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5203AdenovirusTRAD-shDICERDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for DICERYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman epithelia carcinoma cell lineHeLaNAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI60% cell viable after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5204AdenovirusTRAD-shDICERDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for DICERYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman epithelia carcinoma cell lineHeLaNAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI10% cell viable after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5205Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG2NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5206Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG2NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5207Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG2NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI80% cell viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5208AdenovirusTRAD-shLucDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for Luciferase gene knockoutYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG2NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5209AdenovirusTRAD-shLucDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for Luciferase gene knockoutYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG2NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5210AdenovirusTRAD-shLucDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for Luciferase gene knockoutYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG2NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI80% cell viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5211AdenovirusTRAD-shDICERDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for DICERYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG2NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5212AdenovirusTRAD-shDICERDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for DICERYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG2NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI80% cell viable after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5213AdenovirusTRAD-shDICERDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for DICERYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHepG2NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI20% cell viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5214Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-7NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5215Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-7NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5216Adenoviruswild typeDNAAdenoviridaeNoneYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-7NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI80% cell viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5217AdenovirusTRAD-shLucDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for Luciferase gene knockoutYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-7NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5218AdenovirusTRAD-shLucDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for Luciferase gene knockoutYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-7NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5219AdenovirusTRAD-shLucDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for Luciferase gene knockoutYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-7NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI80% cell viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5220AdenovirusTRAD-shDICERDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for DICERYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-7NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI100% cell viable after 24 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5221AdenovirusTRAD-shDICERDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for DICERYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-7NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI80% cell viable after 48 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5222AdenovirusTRAD-shDICERDNAAdenoviridaeVirus having shorthairpin RNA for DICERYesNoNoJCRB cell bankHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell lineHuh-7NAToxic to normal human cell line above 10 MOIAlamar blue assay2 MOI20% cell viable after 72 hoursNoNoNA No responseNANANANA27760834
OV_5256Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineSTOSE4000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay0.1 PFU100% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5257Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineSTOSE4000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay0.33 PFU70% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5258Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineSTOSE4000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay1 PFU15% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5259Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineSTOSE4000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay3.3 PFU5% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5260Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineSTOSE4000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay10 PFU7% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5261Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineSTOSE4000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay33 PFU1% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5262Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineSTOSE4000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay100 PFU100% cell killingNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5263Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineID84000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay0.1 PFU100% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5264Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineID84000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay0.33 PFU70% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5265Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineID84000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay1 PFU50% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5266Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineID84000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay3.3 PFU30% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5267Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineID84000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay10 PFU10% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5268Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineID84000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay33 PFU1% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5269Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineID84000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay100 PFU100% cell killingNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5270Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineIg104000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay0.1 PFU100% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5271Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineIg104000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay0.33 PFU70% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5272Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineIg104000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay1 PFU58% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5273Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineIg104000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay3.3 PFU30% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5274Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineIg104000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay10 PFU15% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5275Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineIg104000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay33 PFU1% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5276Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineIg104000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay100 PFU100% cell killingNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5277Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineMISIIR4000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay0.1 PFU85% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5278Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineMISIIR4000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay0.33 PFU87% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5279Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineMISIIR4000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay1 PFU87% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5280Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineMISIIR4000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay3.3 PFU78% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5281Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineMISIIR4000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay10 PFU62% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5282Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineMISIIR4000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay33 PFU22% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5283Herpes simplex virusM002DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing murine IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAMurine ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lineMISIIR4000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay100 PFU20% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5284Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineA27804000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay0.1 PFU85% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5285Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineA27804000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay0.33 PFU70% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5286Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineA27804000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay1 PFU42% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5287Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineA27804000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay3.3 PFU10% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5288Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineA27804000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay10 PFU5% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5289Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineA27804000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay33 PFU100% cell killingNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5290Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineA27804000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay100 PFU100% cell killingNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5291Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineHeyA84000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay0.1 PFU100% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5292Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineHeyA84000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay0.33 PFU98% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5293Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineHeyA84000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay1 PFU95% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5294Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineHeyA84000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay3.3 PFU77% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5295Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineHeyA84000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay10 PFU60% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5296Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineHeyA84000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay33 PFU39% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5297Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineHeyA84000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay100 PFU22% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5298Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineHEYA8 MDR4000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay0.1 PFU100% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5299Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineHEYA8 MDR4000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay0.33 PFU38% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5300Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineHEYA8 MDR4000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay1 PFU10% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5301Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineHEYA8 MDR4000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay3.3 PFU100% cell killingNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5302Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineHEYA8 MDR4000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay10 PFU100% cell killingNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5303Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineHEYA8 MDR4000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay33 PFU100% cell killingNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5304Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineHEYA8 MDR4000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay100 PFU100% cell killingNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5305Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineSKOV34000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay0.1 PFU100% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5306Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineSKOV34000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay0.33 PFU98% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5307Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineSKOV34000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay1 PFU50% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5308Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineSKOV34000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay3.3 PFU18% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5309Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineSKOV34000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay10 PFU15% cell viableNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5310Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineSKOV34000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay33 PFU100% cell killingNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340
OV_5311Herpes simplex virusM032DNAHerpesviridaeDeletion mutant for both copies of gamma 34.5 gene and expressing human IL-12 geneYesNoVirus expressing murine IL-12NAHuman ovarian cancer cell lineSKOV34000 cells per wellNAAlamar blue assay100 PFU100% cell killingNoNoNA No responseNANATumor specific T cell response inducedNA27784340