Mapping of Epitope-Specific Motifs

This page is designed to search motifs in an antigen sequence, frequently found in B-cell epitopes. We extract motifs found IgG, IgE and IgA sepecific B-cell epitopes, using MEME module of MEME/MAST . Please submit your antigen/protein amino acid sequence in Fasta/plain format. Server will search and map antibody-specific motifs in user-defined sequences using MAST module of MEME/MAST software. For more information see HELP page.

E-mail Address (Optional):               Sequence/Job Name (Optional):    

(If you want to receive your result via email)

Type or paste your protein/antigen sequence    

OR Upload Sequence file

Select format of protein sequence: Sequences in FASTA format Plain Sequences

Select type of motifs to be mapped :
IgG-specific motifs
IgE-specific motifs
IgA-specific motifs

Select threshold (E-value) for MAST search: