Page of Motif Scan

This module allows user to scan or map the T1DM causing motifs in the query sequence. MERCI was used to derive the motifs from experimentally validated T1DM causing peptides. Here, the user can search for the crucial motifs present in the query protein sequence to find out its role as a T1DM causing or non-T1DM causing. This module allow the users to submit the multiple protein sequences at a time in FASTA format. For more help please visit Help.

Type or paste peptide sequence(s) in FASTA format:

OR   Submit sequence file:

Physicochemical Properties to Be Displayed :

 Amphipathicity    Charge    Hydropathicity    Hydrophilicity    Hydrophobicity  
 Molecular weight    Net Hydrogen    pI    Side bulk    Steric hinderance