CoronaviR: Diagnosis

Diagnosis of COVID-19


This page provides the information of the Diagnostic tests used for COVID-19 caused by the recently emerged new strain of coronavirus, i.e. SARS-COV-2. Here, users can find possible Diagnostic tests, Collection and Storage of specimen, Procedure for Diagnosis and how it can be diagnosed with RT-PCR (which is currently in use).


Collection and Storage of 2019-nCoV specimen


|| CoronaVir || India_MOHFW || WHO Advisory || Status || Diagnostics Tests || Genome || Patient Mangagement || Drug Design || Raghava's Group ||

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This web site maintains information or links, collected and compiled from a wide range of sources (e.g., literature, databases, internet). Our aim is to facilitate the community to fight against COVID-19 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF RELIABILITY.