Extract desired PDB chains

This module allows users to extract proteins from PDB that satisfy their conditions. This module also allows to extract non-redundant PDB from whole PDB, if you want to make a given PDB list non-redundant, please choose the option 5: Non-redundant Data. For more information click here help

Experimental Method:
Select Organism:
Resolution Range: From: To:
Rfree Range: From: To:
Number of Amino Acids: From: To:
Select level of redundancy:    

Extract desired PDB chains

This module allow users to further filter their PDB IDs based on different options. User need to upload file containg one PDB ID in one line. This module also allows to extract non-redundant PDB from whole PDB, if you want to make a given PDB list non-redundant, please choose the option 5: Non-redundant Data.

Upload file containg PDB IDs:

Example file: extract.txt

Experimental Method:
Select Organism:
Resolution Range: From: To:
Rfree Range: From: To:
Rfree Range: From: To:
Number of Amino Acids: From: To:
Select level of redundancy: