CancerLivER:Dataset Card

Dataset Card: Complete information about a dataset

Details of Dataset ID 1090
Detailed information
Profiling TechniqueAffymetrix Array
Coding or Non codingNon-coding
Type of transcriptNA
Dataset IDGSE22058
Values of matrixRMA (Robust Multi Array)
Package for Data Pre-processingoligo and affy
Pubmed ID 20739924 22403344
PlatformGPL6793 Rosetta/Merck Human RSTA Custom Affymetrix 1.0 microarray; GPL10457 Rosetta human miRNA qPCR array; GPL9733
No of Samples389
Type of Samples 389 human liver (HCC and adjacent non-tumor)
Source of Samplestissue
Diseses or Cancer TypeHepatocellular carcinoma
Genome BuildNA
Download Data Matrix
No of Genes37585
No of Probes37585

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