CancerLivER: Biomarker Card

Biomarker Card: Comprehensive information about a biomarker

Biomarker ID 2504
Detailed information
CancerLivER ID2504
Biomarker CDC28 protein kinase2, CDC27HS protein, Integrin beta 4, Desmoplakin 1/2, Procollagen C proteinase, platelet derived growth factor, cytidine deaminase, aminoacyalse1, Betaine homocysteine S-methyltransferase, methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogease, metalloproteinase inhibitor1, aldehyde oxidase, met
Biomarker Name/Symbol (given in Publication)CDC28 protein kinase2, CDC27HS protein, Integrin beta 4, Desmoplakin 1/2, Procollagen C proteinase, platelet derived growth factor, cytidine deaminase, aminoacyalse1, Betaine homocysteine S-methyltransferase, methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogease, metalloproteinase inhibitor1, aldehyde oxidase, metalothionein-III, Dihydro-orotate dehydrogenase, STAT-induced STAT inhibitor 2, STAT-induced STAT inhibitor 3, Insulin induced protein 1, hemoglobin alpha subunit, Gravin, EGF response factor 1, EGF receptor ERBB1, Growth factor receptor bound protein 2 isoform, hepatocyte growth factor activator, DNAX activation protein 12, STAT3, Leukocyte IgG receptor, IL-1 receptor antagonist precursor, Polyhomeotic 2 homologue, KIAA0022, cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor1 p21, guanine nucleotide binding protein G, PIG7, TGF beta induced, MHC enhancer binding protein MAD3, FC-epsilon receptor gamma subunit, HLA-DR antigen associated invariant subunit, cytidine deaminase
Degree of ValidityPotential diagnostic marker for HCC and diffrenetially expressed in HCV and HBV associated HCC v/s non-tumor; but not validated on independent dataset
Experimental ConditionHCV and HBV associated HCC v/s non-tumor
Cancer typeHepatocellular carcinoma
RegulationDiffrenetially expressed in HCV and HBV associated HCC v/s non-tumor
Level of significance p < 0.01
Type of BiomarkerDiagnostic
PathwayMetabolic pathways, growth factor, regulate immune response, cell cycle
Cohort15 HCC patients: 8 HCV positive-HCC, 6 HBV-positive HCC and one HCV and HBV associated HCC. Histological analysis of non-tumour tissues showed that 11 HCCs had developed on cirrhotic and 4 on non-cirrhotic tissues; 5 well differentiated HCCs, and 10 moderately or poorly differentiated HCC.
DiseaseHCV and HBV associated HCC v/s non-tumor
Year of Publication2002
Clinical trialNO
Clinical trial (NCT Number)NA

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