CancerLivER: Biomarker Card

Biomarker Card: Comprehensive information about a biomarker

Biomarker ID 2472
Detailed information
CancerLivER ID2472
Biomarker AURKB
Biomarker Name/Symbol (given in Publication)Aurora kinase B
BiomoleculeProtein and RNAs
Degree of ValidityPrognostic marker for HCC recurrence (Aurora kinase B protein expression was significantly associated with aggressive recurrence (P < 0·001) and prognosis (P < 0·001)) and validated on independent dataset
Experimental ConditionAggressive recurrence HCC v/s non-recurrence HCC
Cancer typeHepatocellular carcinoma
RegulationUpregulated in HCC tissues in association with aggressive recurrence v/s non-recurrence
Level of significance p < 0.001
Type of BiomarkerPrognostic
Pathwaytransferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups and protein tyrosine kinase activity.
CohortPrimary HCC tissues from 107 patients (22 HCC samples in the microarray group and an additional 67 HCC samples for validation [22 cases with aggressive recurrence and 45 cases with no-recurrence])
DiseaseAggressive recurrence HCC v/s non-recurrence HCC
Year of Publication2008
Clinical trialYES
NCT No# (Clinical trial) NCT03245190

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