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Detailed description page of AntiTbPdb

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antitb_1203 details
Primary information
Peptide NameLassomycin
N-terminal ModificationInvolved in Cyclic formation
C-terminal ModificationAddition of Methyl ester
Chemical ModificationFormation of an amide bond between N-terminal amine and the side chain carboxyl group of Asp8.
Linear/ CyclicCyclic
NatureHighly Basic
OriginExtracts from soil actinomycetes
SpeciesMycobacterium tuberculosis
StrainMycobacterium tuberculosis susceptible 83 clinical isolate
Inhibition ConcentartionMIC = 1.56-3.1 μg/ml or 0.83 μM
In vitro/In vivoIn vitro
Cell LineHuman NIH 3T3 and HepG2, erythrocytes
Inhibition ConcentartionNA
CytotoxicityLow cytotoxicty (IC50, 350 μg/ml) against human NIH 3T3 and HepG2 cells
In vivo ModelNone
Lethal DoseNA
Immune ResponseNA
Mechanism of ActionUncoupling ATPase from proteolytic activity
TargetClpC1 ATPase complex
Combination TherapyNone
Other ActivitiesAntibacterial (other actinobacteria, gram positive and gram negative bacteria)
Pubmed ID24684906
Year of Publication2014
3-D StructureNA