Ligand Interacting Amino acid Annotation

This module helps in ligand interacting residue level annotation of query protein. User can give a single sequence and select various blast parameters. There are three non-redundant PDB database againt which BLAST can be performed: 40%, 70% and 100%. User can select the interacting amino acid, interaction distance and the percent area in contact between amino acid and ligand. LPC was used to generated the interaction data.

Sequence Submission Form

Paste your Protein sequence in FASTA format (single sequence only)

Select number of top BLAST hits for annotation:        Expect Value (e-value):        Weight Matrix:

 Select level of redundancy  40%  70%  100%


Metal Interacting Amino acid Annotation

This module helps in metal interacting residue level annotation of query protein. User can give a single sequence and select various blast parameters. There are three non-redundant PDB database againt which blast can be performed: 40%, 70% and 100%. User can select the interacting amino acid, interaction distance and the percent area in contact between amino acid and metal. LPC was used to generated the interaction data.

Sequence Submission Form

Paste your Protein sequence in FASTA format (single sequence only)

Select number of top BLAST hits for annotation:        Expect Value (e-value):        Weight Matrix:

 Select level of redundancy  40%  70%  100%


Small Nucleotides Interacting Amino acid Annotation

This module helps in small nucleotides interacting residue level annotation of query protein. User can give a single sequence and select blast parameters. User can select multiple nucleotides, interacting amino acid, interaction distance and the percent area in contact between amino acid and metal. LPC was used to generated the interaction data.

Sequence Submission Form

Paste your Protein sequence in FASTA format (single sequence only)

Select number of top BLAST hits for annotation:        Expect Value (e-value):        Weight Matrix:

Select the Nucleotide for Annotation


Specific Ligand's Interacting Amino acid Annotation

This module helps in ligand interacting residue level annotation of query protein. User can give a single sequence and ligands seprated by comma. User can also specificied the interacting amino acid, interaction distance and the percent area in contact between amino acid and ligand. LPC as used to generate the interaction data.

Sequence Submission Form

Paste your Protein sequence in FASTA format (single sequence only)

Select number of top BLAST hits for annotation:        Expect Value (e-value):        Weight Matrix:

Please enter the symbol of the Ligands. e.g. SO4,NAG etc. or browse ligand.


Specific Metal's Interacting Amino acid Annotation

This module helps in metal interacting residue level annotation of query protein. User can give a single sequence and metals seprated by comma. User can also specifiy the interacting amino acid, interaction distance and the percent area in contact between amino acid and metal. LPC was used to generated the interaction data. LPC was used to generated the interaction data.

Sequence Submission Form

Paste your Protein sequence in FASTA format (single sequence only)

Select number of top BLAST hits for annotation:        Expect Value (e-value):        Weight Matrix:

Please enter the symbol of the Metals. e.g. MN,CO etc.