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ABCpredMapping of B-cell epitope(s) in an antigen sequence, using artificial neural networkProf. GPS RaghavaVaccinomics
ABCRpredA web server is to predict resistance/susceptibility of any new beta-lactamase protein sequence towards ceftazidime antibiotic using machine learning approachProf. GPS RaghavaBioDrugs
ABMpredPrediction of AntiBacterial Compounds against MurA EnzymeProf. GPS RaghavaChemoinformatics
ABSourceAll possible informations regarding the antibodiesProf. GPS RaghavaDatabases
ADPintPredicion of ADP interacting residueProf. GPS RaghavaInteractome
AHTPDBDatabase of antihypertensive peptidesProf. GPS RaghavaDatabases
AHTpinDesigning and virtual screening of antihypertensive peptidesProf. GPS RaghavaBioDrugs
ALGpredPrediction of allergenic proteins and mapping of IgE epitopes in antigensProf. GPS RaghavaProtein Function
AlgPred 2.0A web server developed for predicting allergenic proteins and allergenic regions in a proteinProf. GPS RaghavaProtein Function
ALPHApredA neural network based method for predicting alpha-turn in a proteinProf. GPS RaghavaProtein Structure
AntiAngioPredA Server for Prediction of Anti-Angiogenic PeptidesProf. GPS RaghavaProtein Structure
AntiBPMapping of antibacterial peptides in a protein sequenceProf. GPS RaghavaBioDrugs
AntiBP2Mapping of antibacterial peptides in a protein sequenceProf. GPS RaghavaBioDrugs
AntiCPPrediction and design of anticancer peptidesProf. GPS RaghavaBioDrugs
AntiCP 2.0 an updated version of AntiCP, developed to predict and design anticancer peptides with high accuracyProf. GPS RaghavaBioDrugs
AntiFPPrediction and design of antifungal peptidesProf. GPS RaghavaBioDrugs
AntigenDBAn immunoinformatics database of pathogen antigensProf. GPS RaghavaDatabases
AntiMPmodPrediction of modified antimicrobial peptidesProf. GPS RaghavaBioDrugs
AntiTbPdbA database of anti-tubercular peptidesProf. GPS RaghavaDatabases
AntiTbPredPrediction of Antitubercular peptidesProf. GPS RaghavaVaccinomics
ApoCanDDatabase of Human Apoptotic Proteins in the context of cancerProf. GPS RaghavaDatabases
APPSP2Prediction of secondary structure of proteins from their amino acid sequenceProf. GPS RaghavaProtein Structure
APSSPAdvanced Protein Secondary Structure Prediction ServerProf. GPS RaghavaProtein Structure
AR_NHpredIdentification of aromatic-backbone NH interaction in protein residuesProf. GPS RaghavaProtein Structure
ATPintIdentification of ATP binding sites in ATP-binding proteinsProf. GPS RaghavaInteractome
B3PdbA database of Blood Brain Barrier crossing PeptidesProf. GPS RaghavaDatabases
B3predA Random-Forest-Based Method for Predicting and Designing Blood-Brain Barrier Penetrating PeptidesProf. GPS RaghavaVaccinomics
BCEpredPrediction of linear B-cell epitopes, using Physico-chemical propertiesProf. GPS RaghavaVaccinomics
BcipepCollection & compilation of B-cell epitopes from literatureProf. GPS RaghavaDatabases
BcipepCollection & compilation of B-cell epitopes from literatureProf. GPS RaghavaVaccinomics
BetaTPredStatistical-based method for predicting Beta Turns in a proteinProf. GPS RaghavaProtein Structure
BetaTPred2Updated statistical-based method for predicting Beta Turns in a proteinProf. GPS RaghavaProtein Structure
BetaTPred3Propensity based prediction of beta turns and their typesProf. GPS RaghavaProtein Structure
BetaTurnsPrediction of beta turn typesProf. GPS RaghavaProtein Structure
BhairPredPrediction of beta hairpins in proteins using ANN and SVM techniquesProf. GPS RaghavaProtein Structure
BIAdbA Database for Benzylisoquinoline AlkaloidsProf. GPS RaghavaDatabases
BioTherapiBioinformatics for Therapeutic Peptides and ProteinsProf. GPS RaghavaDatabases
BTEvalEvaluation of beta-turns prediction methodsProf. GPS RaghavaProtein Structure
BTXpredA server for predicting bacterial toxinsProf. GPS RaghavaProtein Function
CancerCSPGene expression-based biomarkers for discriminating early and late stage of clear cell renal cancerProf. GPS RaghavaGenomics
CancerDPPrioritization of anticancer drugs against a cancer using genomic features of cancer cellsProf. GPS RaghavaGenomics
CancerDRCancer drug resistance databaseProf. GPS RaghavaDatabases
CancerEnDA comprehensive resource on enhancer information for TCGA cancer typesProf. GPS RaghavaDatabases
CanceRESCancer Informatics PortalProf. GPS RaghavaDatabases
CancerINA web server for predicting anticancer activity of moleculesProf. GPS RaghavaChemoinformatics
CancerLivERA database of gene expression and biomarker data of liver cancerProf. GPS RaghavaDatabases
CancerLSPA web-bench Liver cancer stage prediction ServerProf. GPS RaghavaGenomics
CancerPDFDatabase of cancer-associated peptides of human bodyfluidsProf. GPS RaghavaDatabases
CancerPPDDatabase of anticancer peptides and proteinsProf. GPS RaghavaDatabases
CancerPredPrediction of the cancerlectinsProf. GPS RaghavaProtein Function
Showing 1 to 50 of 260 entries