Useful Links related to Tumor Homing Peptides

This page provides important links related to cancer and peptides.
CIGDCancer related immunological gene database
CGBDatabase on cancer related genes
HLungDBIntegrated database of human lung cancer research
CCDBCervical cancer gene database
CPPsiteDatabase of cell penetrating peptides (CPPs)
National Cancer InstituteNational cancer institute is a part of National Institute of Health (NIH), where various kinds of cancer related statistics are available
WHOWorld Health Organization
CanceResSite with various cancer related useful links are available
APDDatabase of antimicrobial peptides
SPDBSignal peptide database containing signal sequences of archaea, prokaryotes and eukaryotes
CAMP Collection of Anti-Microbial Peptides
ANTIMICDatabase containing antimicrobial peptides
PhytAMPDatabase of plant antimicrobial peptides
BIOPDA resource of bioactive peptides
PepBankDatabase of peptides retrieved via sequence text mining