Welcome to ThPDB2
THPDB2 is an updated version of ThPDB developed for peptide-based therapeutics. It is a comprehensive database of detailed information about the approved and approved/investigational therapeutic protiens/peptides. Various relevant information about these protiens/peptides, such as their description, sequence, indication, mechanism of action, pharmacodynamics, toxicity, metabolism, absorption, half life, volume of distribution, clearance rate, patent information, interaction with other drugs, targets, physicochemical properties, etc are provided in this platform. Therapeutic peptides are modified in different ways so as to alter their properties and then sold under different brand names by various companies. All information compiled in this database has been extracted from research papers, patents, pharmaceutical company websites catering to product details, drugbank, US-FDA and others.
About ThPDB2
Aim and Objective: The main aim of this database is to serve the academic community working in field of designing therapeutics against various diseases/ disorders. This is a comprehensive database which contains detailed information about the FDA approved therapeutics proteins/peptides.
Search Options: The database offers i) Basic Search which allows the user to search in any field or against multiple fields. By default, it searches against major fields. It also allows the user to DISPLAY desired fields of the database. ii) Advanced Search which facilitates user to search ThPDB2 using multiple queries joined by logical operators like AND/OR/NOT. This search module allows user to perform search on any or all fields of the dataset. It also allows to DISPLAY all field or user selected fields.
Browse: Modules under this section allow the users to retrieve data in a classified manner. These modules allow the users to browse various FDA approved Therapeutic peptides and protiens based on several properties/categories.
Mobile Compatible Website: ThPDB2.0 is built on a responsive template, compatible for desktop, tablet, and smartphone. These templates are dynamic that fit content based on screen size of the device.
- Jain S., Gupta S., Patiyal S. and Raghava GPS (2024) THPdb2: compilation of FDA approved therapeutic peptides and proteins. Drug Discovery Today, doi.org/10.1016/j.drudis.2024.104047
- Usmani et al. (2017) THPdb: Database of FDA-approved peptide and protein therapeutics. PLoS One. 12(7):e0181748