Browse result page of ThPDB2

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Tabular representation:

IDTHPP_IDTherapeutic NameSequenceMolecular WeightChemical FormulaIsoelectric PointHydrophobicityMelting PointHalf LifeDescriptionDisease/IndicationPharmacodynamicsMechanism of ActionToxicityMetabolismAbsorptionVolume of DistributionClearanceCategoriesPatent NumberDate of IssueDate of ExpiryDrug InteractionTargetBrand NameCompanyBrand DescriptionPrescribed forChemical NameFormulationPhysical AppearanceRoute of AdministationRecommended DosageContraindicationSide EffectsUseful Links 1Useful Links 2Remarks
10669Th1146Lucinactant>Th1146_Lucinactant KLLLLKLLLLKLLLLKLLLLK 2470.2C126H238N26O22NANANANAA new synthetic peptide containing surfactant for intratracheal use. It contains sinapultide, a novel, hydrophobic, 21-amino acid peptide (leucine and lysine repeating units, KL4 peptide) designed to mimic human surfactant protein-B (SB-P). It specifically mimics the C-terminal amphipathic helical domain of this protein. It also consists of phospholipids (dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, DPPC and palmitoyloleoyl phosphatidylglycerol,POPG) and a fatty acid (palmitic acid). It is completely devoid of animal-derived components. FDA approved it on March 6, 2012.Intended for the prevention of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in premature infants at high risk for RDS.Lucinactant is a new synthetic surfactant containing a protein that mimics human surfactant protein-B, is effective at preventing respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) and related complications in preterm infants. Lucinactant has been shown to have antiinflammatory properties, is resistant to proteolytic degradation and oxidation, and has no potential for transmitting animal-derived diseases. Lucinactant has proven safe and effective in the prevention of RDS in preterm infants and as a treatment for MAS in full-term infants and for adult ARDS.Pulmonary surfactant is a lipoprotein complex that is produced naturally in the lungs, where it lines the alveolar epithelium and serves to reduce surface tension, which facilitates alveoli expansion and allows gas exchange. Human surfactants contain phospholipids, predominantly dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), in addition to surfactant proteins A, B, C and D. Surfactant is also a physical barrier to inhaled particle and noxious agents, enhances particle clearance, is involved in host defense against infection and possesses antiinflammatory properties. Several serious respiratory disorders have been associated with a loss or lack of endogenous surfactant. Lucinactant was designed to mimic the essential endogenous human surfactant protein B (SP-B).Most common adverse reactions associated with the use of lucinactant are endotracheal tube reflux, pallor, endotracheal tube obstruction, and need for dose interruption.NANANANAPulmonary surfactantsUS540791418-04-199517-11-2013NANASurfaxinDiscovery Laboratories, Inc.Discovery Laboratories, Inc.To prevent respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in premature infants at high risk for RDS. It reduces the incidence of RDS at 24 hours and mortality due to RDS.NAIntratracheal Suspension: 8.5 mL suspension in a glass vial. Each mL contains 30 mg phospholipids [22.50 mg dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and 7.50 mg palmitoyloleoyl-phosphatidylglycerol, sodium salt (POPG, Na)], 4.05 mg palmitic acid (PA), and 0.862 mg sinapultide.SuspensionIntratracheal administrationThe recommended dose of surfaxin is 5.8 mL per kg birth weight. Up to 4 doses of surfaxin can be administered in the first 48 hours of life. Doses should be given no more frequently than every 6 hours.NoneAdministration-related oxygen desaturation and bradycardiaLinkNANA
10735Th1169BeractantNA NANANANANA20–30 h.Beractant is a pulmonary surfactant made from natural bovine lung extract.Beractant is indicated for Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) in premature infants.Endogenous pulmonary surfactant lowers surface tension on alveolar surfaces during respiration and stabilizes the alveoli against collapse at resting transpulmonary pressures. Deficiency of pulmonary surfactant causes Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) in premature infants. SURVANTA replenishes surfactant and restores surface activity to the lungs of these infants.In vitro, SURVANTA reproducibly lowers minimum surface tension to less than 8 dynes/cm as measured by the pulsating bubble surfactometer and Wilhelmy Surface Balance. In situ, SURVANTA restores pulmonary compliance to excised rat lungs artificially made surfactantdeficient. In vivo, single SURVANTA doses improve lung pressure-volume measurements, lung compliance, and oxygenation in premature rabbits and sheep.NAIn surfactant-deficient premature rabbits and lambs, alveolar clearance of radio-labelled lipid components of beractant is rapid. Most of the dose becomes lung-associated within hours of administration, and the lipids enter endogenous surfactant pathways of reutilization and recycling. Limited animal experiments have not found effects of beractant on endogenous surfactant metabolism.Beractant is administered directly to the target organ, the lungs, where biophysical effects occur at the alveolar surface.NANAAlveolar Surface Tension Reduction,Bradycardia-Causing Agents,Complex Mixtures,Pulmonary Surfactants,Respiratory System Agents,Surface-Active Agents,Surfactant ActivityNANANABretylium may increase the bradycardic activities of Beractant; Beractant may increase the bradycardic activities of Ceritinib; Esmolol may increase the bradycardic activities of Beractant; Beractant may increase the bradycardic activities of Ivabradine; Beractant may increase the atrioventricular blocking (AV block) activities of Lacosamide; Octreotide may increase the bradycardic activities of Beractant; Ruxolitinib may increase the bradycardic activities of Beractant; Tofacitinib may increase the bradycardic activities of Beractant.NASurvantaAbbvie CorporationAbbvie CorporationSURVANTA is indicated for prevention and treatment (“rescue”) of Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) (hyaline membrane disease) in premature infants. SURVANTA significantly reduces the incidence of RDS, mortality due to RDS and air leak complications.NA25 mgSuspensionintratrachealEach dose of SURVANTA is 100 mg of phospholipids/kg birth weight (4 mL/kg).NApale skin; slow heartbeat; breathing that stops; urinating less than usual; or blood in the urine; noisy breathing; feeding or bowel problems; or bleeding around the endotracheal tube.NANANA