Browse result page of ThPDB2

This is the result page of the browse module of ThPDB2. This page gives the information about the query submitted by the user as per the browse category. Further details of the entries can be seen by clicking on the ID or THPP_ID. Further the user can sort the entries on the basis of various fields by clicking on the respective headers. The user can also download the results in various formats.

Tabular representation:

IDTHPP_IDTherapeutic NameSequenceMolecular WeightChemical FormulaIsoelectric PointHydrophobicityMelting PointHalf LifeDescriptionDisease/IndicationPharmacodynamicsMechanism of ActionToxicityMetabolismAbsorptionVolume of DistributionClearanceCategoriesPatent NumberDate of IssueDate of ExpiryDrug InteractionTargetBrand NameCompanyBrand DescriptionPrescribed forChemical NameFormulationPhysical AppearanceRoute of AdministationRecommended DosageContraindicationSide EffectsUseful Links 1Useful Links 2Remarks
10302Th1042Collagenase>Th1042_Collagenase MKRKCLSKRLMLAITMATIFTVNSTLPIYAAVDKNNATAAVQNESKRYTVSYLKTLNYYDLVDLLVKTEIENLPDLFQYSSDAKEFYGNKTRMSFIMDEIGRRAPQYTEIDHKGIPTLVEVVRAGFYLGFHNKELNEINKRSFKERVIPSILAIQKNPNFKLGTEVQDKIVSATGLLAGNETAPPEVVNNFTPILQDCIKNIDRYALDDLKSKALFNVLAAPTYDITEYLRATKEKPENTPWYGKIDGFINELKKLALYGKINDNNSWIIDNGIYHIAPLGKLHSNNKIGIETLTEVMKVYPYLSMQHLQSADQIKRHYDSKDAEGNKIPLDKFKKEGKEKYCPKTYTFDDGKVIIKAGARVEEEKVKRLYWASKEVNSQFFRVYGIDKPLEEGNPDDILTMVIYNSPEEYKLNSVLYGYDTNNGGMYIEPEGTFFTYEREAQESTYTLEELFRHEYTHYLQGRYAVPGQWGRTKLYDNDRLTWYEEGGAELFAGSTRTSGILPRKSIVSNIHNTTRNNRYKLSDTVHSKYGASFEFYNYACMFMDYMYNKDMGILNKLNDLAKNNDVDGYDNYIRDLSSNYALNDKYQDHMQERIDNYENLTVPFVADDYLVRHAYKNPNEIYSEISEVAKLKDAKSEVKKSQYFSTFTLRGSYTGGASKGKLEDQKAMNKFIDDSLKKLDTYSWSGYKTLTAYFTNYKVDSSNRVTYDVVFHGYLPNEGDSKNSLPYGKINGTYKGTEKEKIKFSSEGSFDPDGKIVSYEWDFGDGNKSNEENPEHSYDKVGTYTVKLKVTDDKGESSVSTTTAEIKDLSENKLPVIYMHVPKSGALNQKVVFYGKGTYDPDGSIAGYQWDFGDGSDFSSEQNPSHVYTKKGEYTVTLRVMDSSGQMSEKTMKIKITDPVYPIGTEKEPNNSKETASGPIVPGIPVSGTIENTSDQDYFYFDVITPGEVKIDINKLGYGGATWVVYDENNNAVSYATDDGQNLSGKFKADKPGRYYIHLYMFNGSYMPYRINIEGSVGR 112023.2C5028H7666N1300O1564S215.58-0.71449-54NAThis enzyme is derived from fermentation of Clostridium histolyticumIt promotes debridement of necrotic tissue and helps in the treatment of severe burns and dermal ulcers including decubitus ulcers.Helps in the treatment of skin ulcers and severe burns, collagenase is able to digest collagen in necrotic tissue at physiological pH by hydrolyzing the peptide bonds of undenatured and denatured collagen. Collagenase thus contributes towards the formation of granulation tissue and subsequent epithelization of dermal ulcers and severely burned areas. The action of collagenase may remove substrates necessary for bacterial proliferation or may permit antibodies, leukocytes, and antibiotics better access to the infected area.Collagenase is a protease that is specific to collagen. The triple helical region of interstitial collagens is highly resistant to most cell proteinases. However, during remodeling of the connective tissue in such processes as wound healing and metastasis, collagen becomes susceptible to cleavage by collagenases. Collagenase cleaves all 3 alpha helical chains of native Types I, II and III collagens at a single locus by hydrolyzing the peptide bond following the Gly residue of the sequence: Gly 775-(Ile or Leu) 776-(Ala or Leu) 777 located approximately three-fourths of the chain length from each N-terminus.NANANANANACollagen-specific Enzyme, Collagenases, Dermatologicals, Endopeptidases, Enzymes, Enzymes and Coenzymes, Hydrolases, Metalloendopeptidases, Metalloproteases, Microbial Collagenase, antagonists & inhibitors, Misc. Skin and Mucous Membrane Agents, Musculo-Skeletal System, Peptide Hydrolases, Preparations for Treatment of Wounds and UlcersNANANANANAXiaflexAuxilium, Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc., Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AbAuxilium, Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc., Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AbXIAFLEX is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with Dupuytren's contracture with a palpable cord. XIAFLEX is also indicated for the treatment of adult men with Peyronie's disease with a palpable plaque and curvature deformity of at least 30 degrNAXIAFLEX is available in single-use, glass vials containing 0.9 mg of collagenase clostridium histolyticum. Each vial also contains 0.5 mg of hydrochloric acid, 18.5 mg of sucrose, and 1.1 mg of tromethamine.Sterile lyophilized powder (white cake) and must be reconstituted with the provided diluent prior to use.Intralesional InjectionThe dose of XIAFLEX is 0.58 mg per injection into a palpable cord with a contracture of a metacarpophalangeal (MP) joint or a proximal interphalangeal (PIP) jointThe treatment of Peyronie's plaques that involve the penile urethra due to potential risk to this structure.Swelling, bruising, or bleeding where the medicine was injected; mild pain or tenderness in the treated hand; swollen glands in your elbow or underarm; itching, redness, or warmth of the skin; cracked skin; or underarm pain.LinkNANA
10472Th1086Interferon alfa-2b>Th1086_Interferon_alfa-2b CDLPQTHSLGSRRTLMLLAQMRRISLFSCLKDRHDFGFPQEEFGNQFQKAETIPVLHEMIQQIFNLFSTKDSSAAWDETLLDKFYTELYQQLNDLEACVIQGVGVTETPLMNEDSILAVRKYFQRITLYLKEKKYSPCAWEVVRAEIMRSFSLSTNLQESLRSKE 19271C860H1353N229O255S95.99-0.33961The elimination half-life following both intramuscular and subcutaneous injections was approximately 2 to 3 hoursRecombinant type-I Interferon alpha 2b (human leukocyte clone hif-sn 206 protein moiety reduced), composed of 165 amino acid residues with R at position 23. It resembles leukocyte secreted interferon. Widely used as an antiviral or antineoplastic agent.For the treatment of hairy cell leukemia, malignant melanoma, and AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma.Upregulates the expression of MHC I proteins, allowing for increased presentation of peptides derived from viral antigens. This enhances the activation of CD8+ T cells that are the precursors for cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) and makes the macrophage a better target for CTL-mediated killing. Interferon alpha also induce the synthesis of several key antiviral mediators, including 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetase (2'-5' A synthetase) and protein kinase R.Interferon alpha binds to type I interferon receptors (IFNAR1 and IFNAR2c) which upon dimerization activate two Jak (Janus kinase) tyrosine kinases (Jak1 and Tyk2). These transphosphorylate themselves and phosphorylate the receptors. The phosphorylated INFAR receptors then bind to Stat1 and Stat2 (signal transducers and activators of transcription)which dimerize and activate multiple (~100) immunomodulatory and antiviral proteins. Interferon alpha binds less stably to type I interferon receptors than interferon beta.There is limited experience with overdosage. Postmarketing surveillance includes reports of patients receiving a single dose as great as 10 times the recommended dose. In general, the primary effects of an overdose are consistent with the effects seen with therapeutic doses of interferon alfa-2b. Hepatic enzyme abnormalities, renal failure, hemorrhage, and myocardial infarction have been reported with single administration overdoses and/or with longer durations of treatment than prescribed. Toxic effects after ingestion of interferon alfa-2b are not expected because interferons are poorly absorbed orally.NAAbsorption is high (greater than 80%) when administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously.NANAImmunosuppressive AgentsCA134156719-Feb-200819-Feb-2025NAInterferon alpha/beta receptor 2,Interferon alpha/beta receptor 1INTRON AMerckMerckHairy Cell Leukemia, Malignant Melanoma, Follicular Lymphoma, Condylomata Acuminata, AIDS-Related Kaposi's Sarcoma, Chronic Hepatitis C, Chronic Hepatitis B,NAINTRON A Powder for Injection, 10 million IU per vial and Diluent for INTRON A (Sterile Water for Injection USP) 1 mL per vial, INTRON A Solution for Injection, 18 million IU multidose vial (22.8 million IU per 3.8 mL per vial); boxes containing 1 vial of INTRON A Solution for InjectionPowder or solutionIntramuSubcutaneousular, Subcutaneous, IntralesionNot all dosage forms and strengths are appropriate for some indications. To enhance the tolerability of INTRON A, injections should be administered in the evening when possible; To reduce the incidence of certain adverse reactions, acetaminophen may be administered at the time of injection;The solution should be allowed to come to room temperature before using.Alpha interferons, including INTRON A, cause or aggravate fatal or life-threatening neuropsychiatric, autoimmune, ischemic, and infectious disorders. Patients should be monitored closely with periodic clinical and laboratory evaluations. Patients with persistently severe or worsening signs or symptoms of these conditions should be withdrawn from therapy. In many but not all cases these disorders resolve after stopping INTRON A therapy.most frequently reported adverse reactions were “flu-like” symptoms, particularly fever, headache, chills, myalgia, and fatigue. More severe toxicities are observed generally at higher doses and may be difficult for patients to tolerate.LinkNANA