Browse result page of ThPDB2

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Tabular representation:

IDTHPP_IDTherapeutic NameSequenceMolecular WeightChemical FormulaIsoelectric PointHydrophobicityMelting PointHalf LifeDescriptionDisease/IndicationPharmacodynamicsMechanism of ActionToxicityMetabolismAbsorptionVolume of DistributionClearanceCategoriesPatent NumberDate of IssueDate of ExpiryDrug InteractionTargetBrand NameCompanyBrand DescriptionPrescribed forChemical NameFormulationPhysical AppearanceRoute of AdministationRecommended DosageContraindicationSide EffectsUseful Links 1Useful Links 2Remarks
11447Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANAAgents Causing Muscle Toxicity528870322-02-199407-10-2011Cilostazol,Prednisone,Diethylstilbestrol,Chlorotrianisene,Conjugated estrogens,Estradiol,Ethinylestradiol,Mestranol,Estrone sulfate,Quinestrol,Hexestrol,Tibolone,Synthetic Conjugated Estrogens, A,Synthetic Conjugated Estrogens, B,Polyestradiol phosphate,Esterified estrogens,Zeranol,Equol,Methallenestril,Epimestrol,Moxestrol,Estradiol acetate,Estradiol valerate,Biochanin A,Formononetin,Estriol,Estetrol,Cortisone acetate,Leuprolide,Infliximab,Daptomycin,Cyclosporine,Pravastatin,Baclofen,Sildenafil,Indinavir,Lovastatin,Cladribine,Phenytoin,Pamidronic acid,Mefloquine,Tacrine,Carbimazole,Cerivastatin,Trimethoprim,Montelukast,Zidovudine,Cimetidine,Ritonavir,Lercanidipine,Ciprofloxacin,Vincristine,Propylthiouracil,Methotrexate,Enalapril,Nizatidine,Ivermectin,Chloroquine,Niacin,Alendronic acid,Clofibrate,Simvastatin,Stavudine,Nafarelin,Amphotericin B,Mycophenolate mofetil,Naltrexone,Lamivudine,Ibandronate,Propofol,Terbinafine,Penicillamine,Ranitidine,Tacrolimus,Eprosartan,Risedronic acid,Bumetanide,Triazolam,Ethanol,Salmeterol,Isoniazid,Methyldopa,Isotretinoin,Cytarabine,Ganciclovir,Letrozole,Minocycline,Procainamide,Fenofibrate,Norfloxacin,Atorvastatin,Iloprost,Fluvastatin,Leflunomide,Rosuvastatin,Amiodarone,Ofloxacin,Procarbazine,Captopril,Paclitaxel,Saquinavir,Metoclopramide,Dexamethasone,Gemfibrozil,Docetaxel,Bezafibrate,Colchicine,Fusidic acid,Trabectedin,Mevastatin,Raltegravir,Pitavastatin,Etofibrate,Acipimox,Ciprofibrate,Ubidecarenone,Tianeptine,Mebeverine,Ipecac,Emetine,Simfibrate,Ronifibrate,Aluminium clofibrate,Clofibride,Fenofibric acid,Fluvoxamine,Bortezomib,Betaxolol,Caffeine,Carmustine,Lidocaine,Ropivacaine,Penciclovir,Zolmitriptan,Acetaminophen,Amitriptyline,Olanzapine,Chlorzoxazone,Clozapine,Grepafloxacin,Mirtazapine,Mexiletine,Triamterene,Promazine,Zolpidem,Entecavir,Nabumetone,Fluoxetine,Chlorpromazine,Flutamide,Haloperidol,Albendazole,Mephenytoin,Rofecoxib,Cinnarizine,Fenfluramine,Diclofenac,Imatinib,Efavirenz,Guanabenz,Pemetrexed,Verapamil,Paroxetine,Thiabendazole,Riluzole,Zileuton,Clopidogrel,Mefenamic acid,Acyclovir,Naproxen,Pentoxifylline,Trifluoperazine,Perphenazine,Ondansetron,Cyclobenzaprine,Maprotiline,Alosetron,Azelastine,Lomefloxacin,Ramelteon,Azathioprine,Frovatriptan,Levobupivacaine,Cinacalcet,Selegiline,Tocainide,Praziquantel,Melatonin,Primaquine,Hesperetin,Nifedipine,Carvedilol,Doxepin,Propafenone,Domperidone,Dexfenfluramine,Flecainide,Oxtriphylline,Rasagiline,Temafloxacin,Theobromine,Aminophenazone,Fenethylline,Bromazepam,Thiothixene,Etoricoxib,Genistein,8-azaguanine,Xanthine,9-Methylguanine,Peldesine,Phenacetin,Hypoxanthine,9-Deazaguanine,Flunarizine,Lorcaserin,Bicifadine,Lofexidine,Pirfenidone,Apremilast,GTS-21,Mianserin,Eltrombopag,Asenapine,Vadimezan,Propentofylline,Pazopanib,Agomelatine,Benzyl alcohol,Capsaicin,(R)-warfarin,Perampanel,Tasimelteon,Stiripentol,Zotepine,Methylene blue,Doxofylline,Propacetamol,Ramosetron,Selumetinib,Istradefylline,6-O-benzylguanine,Binimetinib,Voxilaprevir,Triclabendazole,Rucaparib,Lisofylline,Lobucavir,Cafedrine,Theodrenaline,Dihydralazine,Bamifylline,Proxyphylline,Acefylline,Etamiphylline,Pentifylline,Bufylline,Estradiol benzoate,Estradiol cypionate,Estradiol dienanthate,Bromotheophylline,8-chlorotheophylline,Benzocaine,Anagrelide,Theophylline,Sorafenib,Imipramine,Erlotinib,Fluorouracil,Clonidine,Tamoxifen,Warfarin,Tizanidine,Etoposide,Dacarbazine,Pimozide,Aminophylline,Clomipramine,Dasatinib,Acenocoumarol,Axitinib,Bendamustine,Pomalidomide,Tegafur,Enasidenib,Ropinirole,Macimorelin,Propranolol,Betamethasone,Triamcinolone,Medrysone,Fluorometholone,Beclomethasone dipropionate,Rimexolone,Paramethasone,Ciclesonide,Fluticasone furoate,Fluprednidene,Meprednisone,Dexamethasone isonicotinate,Deflazacort,Cortivazol,Prednylidene,Cloprednol,Fluticasone,Mometasone furoate,Prednisolone phosphate,Prednisolone hemisuccinate,Methylprednisolone hemisuccinate,Prednisone acetate,Clocortolone acetate,Melengestrol acetate,Betamethasone phosphate,Cortisone,Clobetasol propionate,Fluocinonide,Mometasone,Fluocortolone,Difluocortolone,Antipyrine,Estrone,Sulfamethoxazole,Disopyramide,Quinine,Dapagliflozin,Insulin human,Insulin lispro,Insulin glargine,Insulin pork,Troglitazone,Glimepiride,Sulfisoxazole,Acarbose,Metformin,Sulfadiazine,Rosiglitazone,Acetohexamide,Miglitol,Chlorpropamide,Nateglinide,Pentamidine,Mifepristone,Tolazamide,Repaglinide,Phenformin,Glyburide,Glipizide,Gliclazide,Tolbutamide,Pioglitazone,Bromocriptine,Gliquidone,Mitiglinide,Sitagliptin,Sunitinib,Exenatide,Mecasermin,Pramlintide,Glisoxepide,Insulin aspart,Insulin detemir,Insulin glulisine,Glymidine,AICA ribonucleotide,Buformin,Vildagliptin,Voglibose,NN344,AMG-222,Bisegliptin,Alogliptin,Saxagliptin,Liraglutide,Gosogliptin,Linagliptin,Canagliflozin,Glibornuride,Benfluorex,Empagliflozin,Albiglutide,Dulaglutide,Lobeglitazone,Netoglitazone,Rivoglitazone,Ciglitazone,Lixisenatide,Insulin beef,Insulin degludec,Insulin peglispro,Insulin tregopil,Ipragliflozin,Dutogliptin,Allicin,Tofogliflozin,Ertugliflozin,2,4-thiazolidinedione,Teneligliptin,Omarigliptin,Carmegliptin,Gemigliptin,Anagliptin,Evogliptin,Sotagliflozin,Balaglitazone,Remogliflozin etabonate,Carbutamide,Guar gum,Metahexamide,Semaglutide,Taspoglutide,Englitazone,Tirzepatide,Gastric inhibitory polypeptide,Belzutifan,Fexinidazole,Fluticasone propionateGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorBio-tropinNovopharm LimitedNovopharm LimitedSubcutaneousNANANANANANANALinkNANA
11448Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANAAmino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins225253523-06-200924-04-2017NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPhysicians Total Care, Inc.Physicians Total Care, Inc.Subcutaneous0.2 mg/0.25mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11449Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANAAnterior Pituitary Lobe Hormones and Analogues132643925-01-199425-01-2011NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPhysicians Total Care, Inc.Physicians Total Care, Inc.Subcutaneous0.4 mg/0.25mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11450Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANACytochrome P-450 CYP1A2 Inducers615289728-11-200020-11-2018NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPhysicians Total Care, Inc.Physicians Total Care, Inc.Subcutaneous0.6 mg/0.25mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11451Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANACytochrome P-450 CYP1A2 Inducers (strength unknown)589803027-04-199927-04-2016NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPhysicians Total Care, Inc.Physicians Total Care, Inc.Subcutaneous0.8 mg/0.25mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11452Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANACytochrome P-450 CYP2C19 Inhibitors867289818-03-201402-07-2022NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCSubcutaneous5 mg/1mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11453Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANACytochrome P-450 CYP2C19 inhibitors (strength unknown)868496901-04-201420-04-2026NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCSubcutaneous12 mg/1mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11454Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANACytochrome P-450 CYP2C19 Inhibitors (weak)913223915-09-201501-08-2032NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCSubcutaneous0.2 mg/0.25mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11455Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANACytochrome P-450 Enzyme Inducers892038330-12-201417-01-2027NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCSubcutaneous0.4 mg/0.25mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11456Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANACytochrome P-450 Enzyme Inhibitors768678630-03-201003-08-2026NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCSubcutaneous0.6 mg/0.25mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11457Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANAGrowth Hormone689969931-05-200501-07-2022NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCSubcutaneous0.8 mg/0.25mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11458Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANAGrowth Hormone, antagonists & inhibitors910800218-08-201526-07-2026NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCSubcutaneous1 mg/0.25mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11459Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANAHormonesRE4195623-11-201021-07-2021NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCSubcutaneous1.2 mg/0.25mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11460Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANAHormones, Hormone Substitutes, and Hormone Antagonists600429721-12-199928-07-2019NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCSubcutaneous1.4 mg/0.25mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11461Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANAHuman Growth Hormone, antagonists & inhibitorsRE4383427-11-201228-01-2019NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCSubcutaneous1.6 mg/0.25mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11462Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANAP-glycoprotein substrates584970015-12-199815-12-2015NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCSubcutaneous1.8 mg/0.25mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11463Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANAPeptide Hormones584970415-12-199815-12-2015NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCPharmacia and Upjohn Company LLCSubcutaneous2 mg/0.25mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11464Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANAPeptides884125223-09-201426-12-2017NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPfizer Canada UlcPfizer Canada UlcSubcutaneous5.3 mg / penAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11465Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANAPituitary623500422-05-200128-01-2019NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPfizer Canada UlcPfizer Canada UlcSubcutaneous12 mg / penAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11466Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANAPituitary and Hypothalamic Hormones and Analogues948658808-11-201602-07-2022NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPfizer Canada UlcPfizer Canada UlcSubcutaneous0.6 mg / syrAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11467Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANAPituitary Hormones945715404-10-201627-03-2028NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPfizer Canada UlcPfizer Canada UlcSubcutaneous0.8 mg / syrAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11468Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANAPituitary Hormones, AnteriorRE4636311-04-201703-02-2027NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPfizer Canada UlcPfizer Canada UlcSubcutaneous1 mg / syrAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11469Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANARecombinant Human Growth Hormone968761127-06-201727-08-2027NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPfizer Canada UlcPfizer Canada UlcSubcutaneous1.2 mg / syrAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11470Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANASomatotropin Agonists977595303-10-201717-01-2027NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPfizer Canada UlcPfizer Canada UlcSubcutaneous1.4 mg / syrAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11471Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANASomatropin and Somatropin Agonists986175709-01-201820-07-2026NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPfizer Canada UlcPfizer Canada UlcSubcutaneous1.6 mg / syrAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11472Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANASystemic Hormonal Preparations, Excl. Sex Hormones and Insulins961618011-04-201720-07-2026NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPfizer Canada UlcPfizer Canada UlcSubcutaneous1.8 mg / syrAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11473Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANA776299427-07-201023-11-2024NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPfizer Canada UlcPfizer Canada UlcSubcutaneous2 mg / syrAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11474Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANA857986912-11-201330-12-2023NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPfizer Canada UlcPfizer Canada UlcSubcutaneous5 mg / penAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11475Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANA1022015505-03-201917-01-2027NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPfizer Canada UlcPfizer Canada UlcSubcutaneous0.2 mg / syrAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11476Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANA1035761623-07-201920-01-2026NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorGenotropinPfizer Canada UlcPfizer Canada UlcSubcutaneous0.4 mg / syrAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity GENOTROPIN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. The 5 mg and 12 mg presentations of GENOTROPIN lyophilized powder contain m-cresol as a preservative. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with post-marketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] . Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone, and in those with chronic kidney failure, Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth, and other causesGenotropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Genotropin is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short...NANANALinkLinkNA
11477Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANA1037665213-08-201920-01-2026NAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorHumatropeEli Lilly and CompanyEli Lilly and CompanyIntramuscular; Subcutaneous5 mg/5mLHUMATROPE is contraindicated in patients with: Acute critical illness after open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure due to the risk of increased mortality with use of pharmacologic doses of somatropin [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment due to the risk of sudden death [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active malignancy [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of the excipients in HUMATROPE. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, tiredness, muscle pain, weakness, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, or sore throat)Humatrope is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Humatrope is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature...Humatrope is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Humatrope may be used alone or with other medications.NAHumatrope is a sterile, white, lyophilized powder intended for subcutaneous or intramuscular administration after reconstitution to its liquid form. Humatrope is a highly purified preparation. Phosphoric acid and/or sodium hydroxide may have been added to adjust the pH. Reconstituted solutions have a pH of approximately 7.5. This product is oxygen sensitive.LinkLinkNA
11478Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorHumatropeEli Lilly and CompanyEli Lilly and CompanyIntramuscular; Subcutaneous6 mg/2.88mLHUMATROPE is contraindicated in patients with: Acute critical illness after open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure due to the risk of increased mortality with use of pharmacologic doses of somatropin [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment due to the risk of sudden death [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active malignancy [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of the excipients in HUMATROPE. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, tiredness, muscle pain, weakness, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, or sore throat)Humatrope is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Humatrope is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature...Humatrope is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Humatrope may be used alone or with other medications.NAHumatrope is a sterile, white, lyophilized powder intended for subcutaneous or intramuscular administration after reconstitution to its liquid form. Humatrope is a highly purified preparation. Phosphoric acid and/or sodium hydroxide may have been added to adjust the pH. Reconstituted solutions have a pH of approximately 7.5. This product is oxygen sensitive.LinkLinkNA
11479Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorHumatropeEli Lilly and CompanyEli Lilly and CompanyIntramuscular; Subcutaneous12 mg/2.88mLHUMATROPE is contraindicated in patients with: Acute critical illness after open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure due to the risk of increased mortality with use of pharmacologic doses of somatropin [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment due to the risk of sudden death [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active malignancy [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of the excipients in HUMATROPE. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, tiredness, muscle pain, weakness, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, or sore throat)Humatrope is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Humatrope is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature...Humatrope is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Humatrope may be used alone or with other medications.NAHumatrope is a sterile, white, lyophilized powder intended for subcutaneous or intramuscular administration after reconstitution to its liquid form. Humatrope is a highly purified preparation. Phosphoric acid and/or sodium hydroxide may have been added to adjust the pH. Reconstituted solutions have a pH of approximately 7.5. This product is oxygen sensitive.LinkLinkNA
11480Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorHumatropeEli Lilly and CompanyEli Lilly and CompanyIntramuscular; Subcutaneous24 mg/2.88mLHUMATROPE is contraindicated in patients with: Acute critical illness after open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure due to the risk of increased mortality with use of pharmacologic doses of somatropin [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment due to the risk of sudden death [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active malignancy [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of the excipients in HUMATROPE. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, tiredness, muscle pain, weakness, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, or sore throat)Humatrope is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Humatrope is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature...Humatrope is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Humatrope may be used alone or with other medications.NAHumatrope is a sterile, white, lyophilized powder intended for subcutaneous or intramuscular administration after reconstitution to its liquid form. Humatrope is a highly purified preparation. Phosphoric acid and/or sodium hydroxide may have been added to adjust the pH. Reconstituted solutions have a pH of approximately 7.5. This product is oxygen sensitive.LinkLinkNA
11481Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorHumatropeEli Lilly & Co. Ltd.Eli Lilly & Co. Ltd.Intramuscular; Subcutaneous5 mg / vialHUMATROPE is contraindicated in patients with: Acute critical illness after open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure due to the risk of increased mortality with use of pharmacologic doses of somatropin [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment due to the risk of sudden death [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active malignancy [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of the excipients in HUMATROPE. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, tiredness, muscle pain, weakness, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, or sore throat)Humatrope is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Humatrope is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature...Humatrope is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Humatrope may be used alone or with other medications.NAHumatrope is a sterile, white, lyophilized powder intended for subcutaneous or intramuscular administration after reconstitution to its liquid form. Humatrope is a highly purified preparation. Phosphoric acid and/or sodium hydroxide may have been added to adjust the pH. Reconstituted solutions have a pH of approximately 7.5. This product is oxygen sensitive.LinkLinkNA
11482Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorHumatropeEli Lilly & Co. Ltd.Eli Lilly & Co. Ltd.Intramuscular; SubcutaneousNAHUMATROPE is contraindicated in patients with: Acute critical illness after open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure due to the risk of increased mortality with use of pharmacologic doses of somatropin [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment due to the risk of sudden death [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active malignancy [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of the excipients in HUMATROPE. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, tiredness, muscle pain, weakness, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, or sore throat)Humatrope is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Humatrope is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature...Humatrope is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Humatrope may be used alone or with other medications.NAHumatrope is a sterile, white, lyophilized powder intended for subcutaneous or intramuscular administration after reconstitution to its liquid form. Humatrope is a highly purified preparation. Phosphoric acid and/or sodium hydroxide may have been added to adjust the pH. Reconstituted solutions have a pH of approximately 7.5. This product is oxygen sensitive.LinkLinkNA
11483Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNorditropinNovo Nordisk Inc.Novo Nordisk Inc.Subcutaneous5 mg/1.5mLNORDITROPIN is contraindicated in patients with:Acute critical illness after open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure due to the risk of increased mortality with use of pharmacologic doses of somatropin [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment due to the risk of sudden death [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Active Malignancy [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Hypersensitivity to NORDITROPIN or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy.Pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, tired feeling, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, joint stiffness or pain, pain in your arms or legs, weakness, cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat), or injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising).Norditropin FlexPro Pen is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Norditropin FlexPro Pen is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...NORDITROPIN is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients with:NANORDITROPINis supplied as a sterile solution for subcutaneous use in ready-to-administer prefilled pens with a volume of 1.5 mL or 3 mL.LinkLinkNA
11484Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNorditropinNovo Nordisk Inc.Novo Nordisk Inc.Subcutaneous10 mg/1.5mLNORDITROPIN is contraindicated in patients with:Acute critical illness after open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure due to the risk of increased mortality with use of pharmacologic doses of somatropin [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment due to the risk of sudden death [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Active Malignancy [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Hypersensitivity to NORDITROPIN or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy.Pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, tired feeling, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, joint stiffness or pain, pain in your arms or legs, weakness, cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat), or injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising).Norditropin FlexPro Pen is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Norditropin FlexPro Pen is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...NORDITROPIN is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients with:NANORDITROPINis supplied as a sterile solution for subcutaneous use in ready-to-administer prefilled pens with a volume of 1.5 mL or 3 mL.LinkLinkNA
11485Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNorditropinNovo Nordisk Inc.Novo Nordisk Inc.Subcutaneous15 mg/1.5mLNORDITROPIN is contraindicated in patients with:Acute critical illness after open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure due to the risk of increased mortality with use of pharmacologic doses of somatropin [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment due to the risk of sudden death [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Active Malignancy [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Hypersensitivity to NORDITROPIN or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy.Pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, tired feeling, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, joint stiffness or pain, pain in your arms or legs, weakness, cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat), or injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising).Norditropin FlexPro Pen is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Norditropin FlexPro Pen is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...NORDITROPIN is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients with:NANORDITROPINis supplied as a sterile solution for subcutaneous use in ready-to-administer prefilled pens with a volume of 1.5 mL or 3 mL.LinkLinkNA
11486Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNorditropinPhysicians Total Care, Inc.Physicians Total Care, Inc.Subcutaneous5 mg/1.5mLNORDITROPIN is contraindicated in patients with:Acute critical illness after open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure due to the risk of increased mortality with use of pharmacologic doses of somatropin [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment due to the risk of sudden death [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Active Malignancy [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Hypersensitivity to NORDITROPIN or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy.Pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, tired feeling, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, joint stiffness or pain, pain in your arms or legs, weakness, cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat), or injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising).Norditropin FlexPro Pen is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Norditropin FlexPro Pen is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...NORDITROPIN is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients with:NANORDITROPINis supplied as a sterile solution for subcutaneous use in ready-to-administer prefilled pens with a volume of 1.5 mL or 3 mL.LinkLinkNA
11487Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNorditropinNovo NordiskNovo NordiskSubcutaneous5 mg/1.5mLNORDITROPIN is contraindicated in patients with:Acute critical illness after open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure due to the risk of increased mortality with use of pharmacologic doses of somatropin [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment due to the risk of sudden death [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Active Malignancy [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Hypersensitivity to NORDITROPIN or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy.Pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, tired feeling, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, joint stiffness or pain, pain in your arms or legs, weakness, cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat), or injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising).Norditropin FlexPro Pen is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Norditropin FlexPro Pen is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...NORDITROPIN is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients with:NANORDITROPINis supplied as a sterile solution for subcutaneous use in ready-to-administer prefilled pens with a volume of 1.5 mL or 3 mL.LinkLinkNA
11488Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNorditropinNovo NordiskNovo NordiskSubcutaneous10 mg/1.5mLNORDITROPIN is contraindicated in patients with:Acute critical illness after open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure due to the risk of increased mortality with use of pharmacologic doses of somatropin [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment due to the risk of sudden death [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Active Malignancy [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Hypersensitivity to NORDITROPIN or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy.Pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, tired feeling, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, joint stiffness or pain, pain in your arms or legs, weakness, cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat), or injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising).Norditropin FlexPro Pen is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Norditropin FlexPro Pen is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...NORDITROPIN is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients with:NANORDITROPINis supplied as a sterile solution for subcutaneous use in ready-to-administer prefilled pens with a volume of 1.5 mL or 3 mL.LinkLinkNA
11489Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNorditropinNovo NordiskNovo NordiskSubcutaneous15 mg/1.5mLNORDITROPIN is contraindicated in patients with:Acute critical illness after open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure due to the risk of increased mortality with use of pharmacologic doses of somatropin [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment due to the risk of sudden death [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Active Malignancy [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Hypersensitivity to NORDITROPIN or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy.Pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, tired feeling, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, joint stiffness or pain, pain in your arms or legs, weakness, cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat), or injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising).Norditropin FlexPro Pen is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Norditropin FlexPro Pen is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...NORDITROPIN is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients with:NANORDITROPINis supplied as a sterile solution for subcutaneous use in ready-to-administer prefilled pens with a volume of 1.5 mL or 3 mL.LinkLinkNA
11490Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNorditropinNovo NordiskNovo NordiskSubcutaneous30 mg/3mLNORDITROPIN is contraindicated in patients with:Acute critical illness after open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure due to the risk of increased mortality with use of pharmacologic doses of somatropin [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment due to the risk of sudden death [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Active Malignancy [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Hypersensitivity to NORDITROPIN or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy.Pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, tired feeling, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, joint stiffness or pain, pain in your arms or legs, weakness, cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat), or injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising).Norditropin FlexPro Pen is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Norditropin FlexPro Pen is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...NORDITROPIN is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients with:NANORDITROPINis supplied as a sterile solution for subcutaneous use in ready-to-administer prefilled pens with a volume of 1.5 mL or 3 mL.LinkLinkNA
11491Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNorditropin NordiflexNovo NordiskNovo NordiskSubcutaneous10 mg / 1.5 mLNORDITROPIN is contraindicated in patients with: Acute critical illness after open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure due to the risk of increased mortality with use of pharmacologic doses of somatropin. Pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment due to the risk of sudden death. Active Malignancy. Hypersensitivity to NORDITROPIN or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products. Active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.Anxiety blurred vision changes in vision cold sweats coma cool, pale skin decrease in the amount of urine depression excessive sweating extreme weakness flushed, dry skin frequent urination fruit-like breath odor increase in hands and feet size increased hunger increased thirst increased urination increased volume of pale, diluted urine nightmares noisy, rattling breathing pain in the arms or legs seizures shakiness slurred speech stop in menstruation swelling of the fingers or hands troubled breathing at restNANANANALinkLinkNA
11492Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNorditropin NordiflexNovo NordiskNovo NordiskSubcutaneous5 mg / 1.5 mLNORDITROPIN is contraindicated in patients with: Acute critical illness after open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure due to the risk of increased mortality with use of pharmacologic doses of somatropin. Pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment due to the risk of sudden death. Active Malignancy. Hypersensitivity to NORDITROPIN or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products. Active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.Anxiety blurred vision changes in vision cold sweats coma cool, pale skin decrease in the amount of urine depression excessive sweating extreme weakness flushed, dry skin frequent urination fruit-like breath odor increase in hands and feet size increased hunger increased thirst increased urination increased volume of pale, diluted urine nightmares noisy, rattling breathing pain in the arms or legs seizures shakiness slurred speech stop in menstruation swelling of the fingers or hands troubled breathing at restNANANANALinkLinkNA
11493Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNorditropin NordiflexNovo NordiskNovo NordiskSubcutaneous15 mg / 1.5 mLNORDITROPIN is contraindicated in patients with: Acute critical illness after open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure due to the risk of increased mortality with use of pharmacologic doses of somatropin. Pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment due to the risk of sudden death. Active Malignancy. Hypersensitivity to NORDITROPIN or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products. Active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.Anxiety blurred vision changes in vision cold sweats coma cool, pale skin decrease in the amount of urine depression excessive sweating extreme weakness flushed, dry skin frequent urination fruit-like breath odor increase in hands and feet size increased hunger increased thirst increased urination increased volume of pale, diluted urine nightmares noisy, rattling breathing pain in the arms or legs seizures shakiness slurred speech stop in menstruation swelling of the fingers or hands troubled breathing at restNANANANALinkLinkNA
11494Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNorditropin SimplexxNovo NordiskNovo NordiskSubcutaneous15 mg / 1.5 mLNORDITROPIN is contraindicated in patients with: Acute critical illness after open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure due to the risk of increased mortality with use of pharmacologic doses of somatropin. Pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment due to the risk of sudden death. Active Malignancy. Hypersensitivity to NORDITROPIN or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products. Active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.children who are not growing because of low or no growth hormone. Norditropinis a prescription medicine that contains human growth hormone, the same growth hormone made by the human body. children who are short (in stature) and who have Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, or were born small (small for gestational age-SGA) and have not caught-up in growth by age 2 to 4 years. children who have Idiopathic Short Stature (ISS). children who are not growing who have Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). adults who do not make enough growth hormone.Norditropin is a medicine that contains somatropin, which is a copy of naturally occurring human growth hormone. Growth hormone promotes growth during childhood and adolescence, and also affects the way the body handles proteins, fat and carbohydrates.Norditropin is authorised under a mutual recognition procedure based on an initial authorisation granted by Denmark. In May 2010, the company applied for an additional indication in Denmark and in the following Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom1. The new indication was for the use of Norditropin in children with Prader-Willi syndrome, a rare genetic disease that affects children's growth and development. Although somatropin medicines are already approved in EU Member States for use in Prader-Willi syndrome, the Member States were unable to reach agreement on whether to accept this indication for Norditropin. On 20 April 2011, Denmark referred the matter to the CHMP for arbitration.NANALinkLinkNA
11495Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNorditropin SimplexxNovo NordiskNovo NordiskSubcutaneous10 mg / 1.5 mLNORDITROPIN is contraindicated in patients with: Acute critical illness after open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure due to the risk of increased mortality with use of pharmacologic doses of somatropin. Pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment due to the risk of sudden death. Active Malignancy. Hypersensitivity to NORDITROPIN or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products. Active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.children who are not growing because of low or no growth hormone. Norditropinis a prescription medicine that contains human growth hormone, the same growth hormone made by the human body. children who are short (in stature) and who have Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, or were born small (small for gestational age-SGA) and have not caught-up in growth by age 2 to 4 years. children who have Idiopathic Short Stature (ISS). children who are not growing who have Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). adults who do not make enough growth hormone.Norditropin is a medicine that contains somatropin, which is a copy of naturally occurring human growth hormone. Growth hormone promotes growth during childhood and adolescence, and also affects the way the body handles proteins, fat and carbohydrates.Norditropin is authorised under a mutual recognition procedure based on an initial authorisation granted by Denmark. In May 2010, the company applied for an additional indication in Denmark and in the following Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom1. The new indication was for the use of Norditropin in children with Prader-Willi syndrome, a rare genetic disease that affects children's growth and development. Although somatropin medicines are already approved in EU Member States for use in Prader-Willi syndrome, the Member States were unable to reach agreement on whether to accept this indication for Norditropin. On 20 April 2011, Denmark referred the matter to the CHMP for arbitration.NANALinkLinkNA
11496Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNorditropin SimplexxNovo NordiskNovo NordiskSubcutaneous5 mg / 1.5 mLNORDITROPIN is contraindicated in patients with: Acute critical illness after open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure due to the risk of increased mortality with use of pharmacologic doses of somatropin. Pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment due to the risk of sudden death. Active Malignancy. Hypersensitivity to NORDITROPIN or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products. Active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.children who are not growing because of low or no growth hormone. Norditropinis a prescription medicine that contains human growth hormone, the same growth hormone made by the human body. children who are short (in stature) and who have Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, or were born small (small for gestational age-SGA) and have not caught-up in growth by age 2 to 4 years. children who have Idiopathic Short Stature (ISS). children who are not growing who have Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). adults who do not make enough growth hormone.Norditropin is a medicine that contains somatropin, which is a copy of naturally occurring human growth hormone. Growth hormone promotes growth during childhood and adolescence, and also affects the way the body handles proteins, fat and carbohydrates.Norditropin is authorised under a mutual recognition procedure based on an initial authorisation granted by Denmark. In May 2010, the company applied for an additional indication in Denmark and in the following Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom1. The new indication was for the use of Norditropin in children with Prader-Willi syndrome, a rare genetic disease that affects children's growth and development. Although somatropin medicines are already approved in EU Member States for use in Prader-Willi syndrome, the Member States were unable to reach agreement on whether to accept this indication for Norditropin. On 20 April 2011, Denmark referred the matter to the CHMP for arbitration.NANALinkLinkNA
11497Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNutropinGenentech, Inc.Genentech, Inc.Subcutaneous5 mg/5mgAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. Two placebo-controlled clinical trials in non-GHD adult patients (n = 522) with these conditions in intensive care units revealed a significant increase in mortality (41.9% vs. 19.3%) among somatropin-treated patients (doses 5.3-8 mg/day)compared to those receiving placebo hives, difficulty breathing, swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat, pain in your knees or hips, walking with a limp, ear pain, swelling, warmth, or draining, numbness or tingling in your wrist, hand, or fingers, severe swelling or puffiness in your hands and feet, changes in behavior, vision problems, unusual headaches, changes in the shape or size of a mole, pain or swelling in your joints, severe pain in your upper stomach spreading to your back, nausea, vomiting, increased thirst, increased urination, dry mouth, fruity breath odor, severe headaches, ringing in your ears, dizziness, pain behind your eyes, extreme weakness, weight loss, changes in skin color, severe dizziness, weakness, and tirednessNutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Nutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...Nutropin® is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone (GH).NANALinkLinkNA
11498Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNutropinGenentech, Inc.Genentech, Inc.Subcutaneous10 mg/10mgAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. Two placebo-controlled clinical trials in non-GHD adult patients (n = 522) with these conditions in intensive care units revealed a significant increase in mortality (41.9% vs. 19.3%) among somatropin-treated patients (doses 5.3-8 mg/day)compared to those receiving placebo hives, difficulty breathing, swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat, pain in your knees or hips, walking with a limp, ear pain, swelling, warmth, or draining, numbness or tingling in your wrist, hand, or fingers, severe swelling or puffiness in your hands and feet, changes in behavior, vision problems, unusual headaches, changes in the shape or size of a mole, pain or swelling in your joints, severe pain in your upper stomach spreading to your back, nausea, vomiting, increased thirst, increased urination, dry mouth, fruity breath odor, severe headaches, ringing in your ears, dizziness, pain behind your eyes, extreme weakness, weight loss, changes in skin color, severe dizziness, weakness, and tirednessNutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Nutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...Nutropin® is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone (GH).NANALinkLinkNA
11499Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNutropin - Kit Pws(10mg) & Liq(10ml) Im ScHoffmann La RocheHoffmann La RocheIntramuscular; SubcutaneousNAAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. Two placebo-controlled clinical trials in non-GHD adult patients (n = 522) with these conditions in intensive care units revealed a significant increase in mortality (41.9% vs. 19.3%) among somatropin-treated patients (doses 5.3-8 mg/day)compared to those receiving placebo [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) in Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with PWS who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients. Nutropin is not indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed PWS. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active MalignancyIn general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any pre-existing malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency (GHD) may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor(or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphysis Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphysis. Hypersensitivity Nutropin is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin, excipients, or diluent. Localized reactions are the most common hypersensitivity reaction.Anxiety blurred vision changes in vision cold sweats coma cool, pale skin decrease in the amount of urine depression excessive sweating extreme weakness flushed, dry skin frequent urination fruit-like breath odor increase in hands and feet size increased hunger increased thirst increased urination increased volume of pale, diluted urine nightmares noisy, rattling breathing pain in the arms or legs seizures shakiness slurred speech stop in menstruation swelling of the fingers or hands troubled breathing at restNutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Nutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...Nutropin® is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone (GH).NANALinkLinkNA
11500Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNutropin - Kit Pws(5mg) & Liq(10ml) Im ScHoffmann La RocheHoffmann La RocheIntramuscular; SubcutaneousNAAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. Two placebo-controlled clinical trials in non-GHD adult patients (n = 522) with these conditions in intensive care units revealed a significant increase in mortality (41.9% vs. 19.3%) among somatropin-treated patients (doses 5.3-8 mg/day)compared to those receiving placebo [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) in Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with PWS who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients. Nutropin is not indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed PWS. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active MalignancyIn general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any pre-existing malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency (GHD) may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor(or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphysis Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphysis. Hypersensitivity Nutropin is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin, excipients, or diluent. Localized reactions are the most common hypersensitivity reaction.Anxiety blurred vision changes in vision cold sweats coma cool, pale skin decrease in the amount of urine depression excessive sweating extreme weakness flushed, dry skin frequent urination fruit-like breath odor increase in hands and feet size increased hunger increased thirst increased urination increased volume of pale, diluted urine nightmares noisy, rattling breathing pain in the arms or legs seizures shakiness slurred speech stop in menstruation swelling of the fingers or hands troubled breathing at restNutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Nutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...Nutropin® is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone (GH).NANALinkLinkNA
11501Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNutropin AQGenentech, Inc.Genentech, Inc.Subcutaneous10 mg/2mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. Two placebo-controlled clinical trials in non-GHD adult patients (n = 522) with these conditions in intensive care units revealed a significant increase in mortality (41.9% vs. 19.3%) among somatropin-treated patients (doses 5.3-8 mg/day)compared to those receiving placebo [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) in Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with PWS who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients. Nutropin is not indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed PWS. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active MalignancyIn general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any pre-existing malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency (GHD) may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor(or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphysis Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphysis. Hypersensitivity Nutropin is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin, excipients, or diluent. Localized reactions are the most common hypersensitivity reaction.Anxiety blurred vision changes in vision cold sweats coma cool, pale skin decrease in the amount of urine depression excessive sweating extreme weakness flushed, dry skin frequent urination fruit-like breath odor increase in hands and feet size increased hunger increased thirst increased urination increased volume of pale, diluted urine nightmares noisy, rattling breathing pain in the arms or legs seizures shakiness slurred speech stop in menstruation swelling of the fingers or hands troubled breathing at restNutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Nutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...Nutropin AQ® is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone (GH).NANALinkLinkNA
11502Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNutropin AQ - Sc 5mg/mlHoffmann La RocheHoffmann La RocheSubcutaneous5 mg / mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. Two placebo-controlled clinical trials in non-GHD adult patients (n = 522) with these conditions in intensive care units revealed a significant increase in mortality (41.9% vs. 19.3%) among somatropin-treated patients (doses 5.3-8 mg/day)compared to those receiving placebo [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) in Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with PWS who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients. Nutropin is not indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed PWS. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active MalignancyIn general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any pre-existing malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency (GHD) may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor(or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphysis Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphysis. Hypersensitivity Nutropin is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin, excipients, or diluent. Localized reactions are the most common hypersensitivity reaction.Anxiety blurred vision changes in vision cold sweats coma cool, pale skin decrease in the amount of urine depression excessive sweating extreme weakness flushed, dry skin frequent urination fruit-like breath odor increase in hands and feet size increased hunger increased thirst increased urination increased volume of pale, diluted urine nightmares noisy, rattling breathing pain in the arms or legs seizures shakiness slurred speech stop in menstruation swelling of the fingers or hands troubled breathing at restNutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Nutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...Nutropin AQ® is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone (GH).NANALinkLinkNA
11503Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNutropin AQ NuSpin 10Genentech, Inc.Genentech, Inc.Subcutaneous10 mg/2mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. Two placebo-controlled clinical trials in non-GHD adult patients (n = 522) with these conditions in intensive care units revealed a significant increase in mortality (41.9% vs. 19.3%) among somatropin-treated patients (doses 5.3-8 mg/day)compared to those receiving placebo [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) in Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with PWS who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients. Nutropin is not indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed PWS. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active MalignancyIn general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any pre-existing malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency (GHD) may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor(or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphysis Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphysis. Hypersensitivity Nutropin is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin, excipients, or diluent. Localized reactions are the most common hypersensitivity reaction.Anxiety blurred vision changes in vision cold sweats coma cool, pale skin decrease in the amount of urine depression excessive sweating extreme weakness flushed, dry skin frequent urination fruit-like breath odor increase in hands and feet size increased hunger increased thirst increased urination increased volume of pale, diluted urine nightmares noisy, rattling breathing pain in the arms or legs seizures shakiness slurred speech stop in menstruation swelling of the fingers or hands troubled breathing at restNutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Nutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...Nutropin AQ® is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone (GH).NANALinkLinkNA
11504Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNutropin AQ NuSpin 10Hoffmann La RocheHoffmann La RocheSubcutaneous10 mg / 2 mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. Two placebo-controlled clinical trials in non-GHD adult patients (n = 522) with these conditions in intensive care units revealed a significant increase in mortality (41.9% vs. 19.3%) among somatropin-treated patients (doses 5.3-8 mg/day)compared to those receiving placebo [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) in Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with PWS who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients. Nutropin is not indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed PWS. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active MalignancyIn general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any pre-existing malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency (GHD) may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor(or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphysis Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphysis. Hypersensitivity Nutropin is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin, excipients, or diluent. Localized reactions are the most common hypersensitivity reaction.Anxiety blurred vision changes in vision cold sweats coma cool, pale skin decrease in the amount of urine depression excessive sweating extreme weakness flushed, dry skin frequent urination fruit-like breath odor increase in hands and feet size increased hunger increased thirst increased urination increased volume of pale, diluted urine nightmares noisy, rattling breathing pain in the arms or legs seizures shakiness slurred speech stop in menstruation swelling of the fingers or hands troubled breathing at restNutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Nutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...Nutropin AQ® is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone (GH).NANALinkLinkNA
11505Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNutropin AQ NuSpin 20Genentech, Inc.Genentech, Inc.Subcutaneous20 mg/2mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. Two placebo-controlled clinical trials in non-GHD adult patients (n = 522) with these conditions in intensive care units revealed a significant increase in mortality (41.9% vs. 19.3%) among somatropin-treated patients (doses 5.3-8 mg/day)compared to those receiving placebo [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) in Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with PWS who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients. Nutropin is not indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed PWS. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active MalignancyIn general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any pre-existing malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency (GHD) may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor(or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphysis Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphysis. Hypersensitivity Nutropin is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin, excipients, or diluent. Localized reactions are the most common hypersensitivity reaction.Anxiety blurred vision changes in vision cold sweats coma cool, pale skin decrease in the amount of urine depression excessive sweating extreme weakness flushed, dry skin frequent urination fruit-like breath odor increase in hands and feet size increased hunger increased thirst increased urination increased volume of pale, diluted urine nightmares noisy, rattling breathing pain in the arms or legs seizures shakiness slurred speech stop in menstruation swelling of the fingers or hands troubled breathing at restNutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Nutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...Nutropin AQ® is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone (GH).NANALinkLinkNA
11506Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNutropin AQ NuSpin 20Hoffmann La RocheHoffmann La RocheSubcutaneous20 mg / 2 mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. Two placebo-controlled clinical trials in non-GHD adult patients (n = 522) with these conditions in intensive care units revealed a significant increase in mortality (41.9% vs. 19.3%) among somatropin-treated patients (doses 5.3-8 mg/day)compared to those receiving placebo [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) in Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with PWS who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients. Nutropin is not indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed PWS. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active MalignancyIn general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any pre-existing malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency (GHD) may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor(or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphysis Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphysis. Hypersensitivity Nutropin is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin, excipients, or diluent. Localized reactions are the most common hypersensitivity reaction.Anxiety blurred vision changes in vision cold sweats coma cool, pale skin decrease in the amount of urine depression excessive sweating extreme weakness flushed, dry skin frequent urination fruit-like breath odor increase in hands and feet size increased hunger increased thirst increased urination increased volume of pale, diluted urine nightmares noisy, rattling breathing pain in the arms or legs seizures shakiness slurred speech stop in menstruation swelling of the fingers or hands troubled breathing at restNutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Nutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...Nutropin AQ® is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone (GH).NANALinkLinkNA
11507Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNutropin AQ NuSpin 5Genentech, Inc.Genentech, Inc.Subcutaneous5 mg/2mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. Two placebo-controlled clinical trials in non-GHD adult patients (n = 522) with these conditions in intensive care units revealed a significant increase in mortality (41.9% vs. 19.3%) among somatropin-treated patients (doses 5.3-8 mg/day)compared to those receiving placebo [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) in Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with PWS who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients. Nutropin is not indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed PWS. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active MalignancyIn general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any pre-existing malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency (GHD) may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor(or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphysis Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphysis. Hypersensitivity Nutropin is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin, excipients, or diluent. Localized reactions are the most common hypersensitivity reaction.Anxiety blurred vision changes in vision cold sweats coma cool, pale skin decrease in the amount of urine depression excessive sweating extreme weakness flushed, dry skin frequent urination fruit-like breath odor increase in hands and feet size increased hunger increased thirst increased urination increased volume of pale, diluted urine nightmares noisy, rattling breathing pain in the arms or legs seizures shakiness slurred speech stop in menstruation swelling of the fingers or hands troubled breathing at restNutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Nutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...Nutropin AQ® is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone (GH).NANALinkLinkNA
11508Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNutropin AQ NuSpin 5Hoffmann La RocheHoffmann La RocheSubcutaneous5 mg / 2 mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. Two placebo-controlled clinical trials in non-GHD adult patients (n = 522) with these conditions in intensive care units revealed a significant increase in mortality (41.9% vs. 19.3%) among somatropin-treated patients (doses 5.3-8 mg/day)compared to those receiving placebo [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) in Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with PWS who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients. Nutropin is not indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed PWS. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active MalignancyIn general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any pre-existing malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency (GHD) may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor(or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphysis Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphysis. Hypersensitivity Nutropin is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin, excipients, or diluent. Localized reactions are the most common hypersensitivity reaction.Anxiety blurred vision changes in vision cold sweats coma cool, pale skin decrease in the amount of urine depression excessive sweating extreme weakness flushed, dry skin frequent urination fruit-like breath odor increase in hands and feet size increased hunger increased thirst increased urination increased volume of pale, diluted urine nightmares noisy, rattling breathing pain in the arms or legs seizures shakiness slurred speech stop in menstruation swelling of the fingers or hands troubled breathing at restNutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Nutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...Nutropin AQ® is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone (GH).NANALinkLinkNA
11509Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNutropin AQ Pen 10Genentech, Inc.Genentech, Inc.Subcutaneous10 mg/2mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. Two placebo-controlled clinical trials in non-GHD adult patients (n = 522) with these conditions in intensive care units revealed a significant increase in mortality (41.9% vs. 19.3%) among somatropin-treated patients (doses 5.3-8 mg/day)compared to those receiving placebo [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) in Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with PWS who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients. Nutropin is not indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed PWS. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active MalignancyIn general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any pre-existing malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency (GHD) may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor(or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphysis Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphysis. Hypersensitivity Nutropin is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin, excipients, or diluent. Localized reactions are the most common hypersensitivity reaction.Anxiety blurred vision changes in vision cold sweats coma cool, pale skin decrease in the amount of urine depression excessive sweating extreme weakness flushed, dry skin frequent urination fruit-like breath odor increase in hands and feet size increased hunger increased thirst increased urination increased volume of pale, diluted urine nightmares noisy, rattling breathing pain in the arms or legs seizures shakiness slurred speech stop in menstruation swelling of the fingers or hands troubled breathing at restNutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Nutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...Nutropin AQ® is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone (GH).NANALinkLinkNA
11510Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNutropin AQ Pen 20Genentech, Inc.Genentech, Inc.Subcutaneous20 mg/2mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. Two placebo-controlled clinical trials in non-GHD adult patients (n = 522) with these conditions in intensive care units revealed a significant increase in mortality (41.9% vs. 19.3%) among somatropin-treated patients (doses 5.3-8 mg/day)compared to those receiving placebo [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) in Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with PWS who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients. Nutropin is not indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed PWS. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active MalignancyIn general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any pre-existing malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency (GHD) may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor(or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphysis Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphysis. Hypersensitivity Nutropin is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin, excipients, or diluent. Localized reactions are the most common hypersensitivity reaction.Anxiety blurred vision changes in vision cold sweats coma cool, pale skin decrease in the amount of urine depression excessive sweating extreme weakness flushed, dry skin frequent urination fruit-like breath odor increase in hands and feet size increased hunger increased thirst increased urination increased volume of pale, diluted urine nightmares noisy, rattling breathing pain in the arms or legs seizures shakiness slurred speech stop in menstruation swelling of the fingers or hands troubled breathing at restNutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Nutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...Nutropin AQ® is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone (GH).NANALinkLinkNA
11511Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNutropin AQ Pen CartridgeHoffmann La RocheHoffmann La RocheSubcutaneous10 mg / 2 mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. Two placebo-controlled clinical trials in non-GHD adult patients (n = 522) with these conditions in intensive care units revealed a significant increase in mortality (41.9% vs. 19.3%) among somatropin-treated patients (doses 5.3-8 mg/day)compared to those receiving placebo [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) in Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with PWS who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients. Nutropin is not indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed PWS. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active MalignancyIn general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any pre-existing malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency (GHD) may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor(or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphysis Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphysis. Hypersensitivity Nutropin is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin, excipients, or diluent. Localized reactions are the most common hypersensitivity reaction.Anxiety blurred vision changes in vision cold sweats coma cool, pale skin decrease in the amount of urine depression excessive sweating extreme weakness flushed, dry skin frequent urination fruit-like breath odor increase in hands and feet size increased hunger increased thirst increased urination increased volume of pale, diluted urine nightmares noisy, rattling breathing pain in the arms or legs seizures shakiness slurred speech stop in menstruation swelling of the fingers or hands troubled breathing at restNutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Nutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...Nutropin AQ® is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone (GH).NANALinkLinkNA
11512Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNutropin DepotGenentech, Inc.Genentech, Inc.Subcutaneous13.5 mg/1mLGrowth hormone should not be initiated to treat patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart or abdominal surgery, multiple accidental trauma, or to patients having acute respiratory failure. Two placebo-controlled clinical trials in non-growth hormone-deficient adult patients (n = 522) with these conditions revealed a significant increase in mortality (41.9% vs. 19.3%) among somatropin-treated patients (doses 5.3-8 mg/day) compared to those receiving placebo (see WARNINGS). Nutropin Depot (somatropin (rdna origin) for inj) should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses. Nutropin Depot (somatropin (rdna origin) for inj) should not be used in patients with active neoplasia. GH therapy should be discontinued if evidence of neoplasia develops. Growth hormone is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese or have severe respiratory impairment (see WARNINGS). Unless patients with Prader-Willi syndrome also have a diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency, Nutropin Depot (somatropin (rdna origin) for inj) is not indicated for the long term treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed Prader-Willi syndrome.injection site reactions (nodules, redness, pain, bruising, itching, localized loss of fatty tissue, swelling, or puffiness) headache nausea pain in the legs and feet fever, and vomitingNANutropin Depot® [somatropin (rDNA origin) for injectable suspension] is indicated for the long-term treatment of growth failure due to a lack of adequate endogenous GH secretion.NANALinkLinkNA
11513Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNutropin DepotGenentech, Inc.Genentech, Inc.Subcutaneous18 mg/1mLGrowth hormone should not be initiated to treat patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart or abdominal surgery, multiple accidental trauma, or to patients having acute respiratory failure. Two placebo-controlled clinical trials in non-growth hormone-deficient adult patients (n = 522) with these conditions revealed a significant increase in mortality (41.9% vs. 19.3%) among somatropin-treated patients (doses 5.3-8 mg/day) compared to those receiving placebo (see WARNINGS). Nutropin Depot (somatropin (rdna origin) for inj) should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses. Nutropin Depot (somatropin (rdna origin) for inj) should not be used in patients with active neoplasia. GH therapy should be discontinued if evidence of neoplasia develops. Growth hormone is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese or have severe respiratory impairment (see WARNINGS). Unless patients with Prader-Willi syndrome also have a diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency, Nutropin Depot (somatropin (rdna origin) for inj) is not indicated for the long term treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed Prader-Willi syndrome.injection site reactions (nodules, redness, pain, bruising, itching, localized loss of fatty tissue, swelling, or puffiness) headache nausea pain in the legs and feet fever, and vomitingNANutropin Depot® [somatropin (rDNA origin) for injectable suspension] is indicated for the long-term treatment of growth failure due to a lack of adequate endogenous GH secretion.NANALinkLinkNA
11514Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNutropin DepotGenentech, Inc.Genentech, Inc.Subcutaneous22.5 mg/1mLGrowth hormone should not be initiated to treat patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart or abdominal surgery, multiple accidental trauma, or to patients having acute respiratory failure. Two placebo-controlled clinical trials in non-growth hormone-deficient adult patients (n = 522) with these conditions revealed a significant increase in mortality (41.9% vs. 19.3%) among somatropin-treated patients (doses 5.3-8 mg/day) compared to those receiving placebo (see WARNINGS). Nutropin Depot (somatropin (rdna origin) for inj) should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses. Nutropin Depot (somatropin (rdna origin) for inj) should not be used in patients with active neoplasia. GH therapy should be discontinued if evidence of neoplasia develops. Growth hormone is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese or have severe respiratory impairment (see WARNINGS). Unless patients with Prader-Willi syndrome also have a diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency, Nutropin Depot (somatropin (rdna origin) for inj) is not indicated for the long term treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed Prader-Willi syndrome.injection site reactions (nodules, redness, pain, bruising, itching, localized loss of fatty tissue, swelling, or puffiness) headache nausea pain in the legs and feet fever, and vomitingNANutropin Depot® [somatropin (rDNA origin) for injectable suspension] is indicated for the long-term treatment of growth failure due to a lack of adequate endogenous GH secretion.NANALinkLinkNA
11515Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorNutropinaqIpsen PharmaIpsen PharmaSubcutaneous10 mg/2mlNASudden death in pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) with risk factors includingsevere obesity, history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea and unidentified respiratoryinfection, Intracranial tumors, in particular meningiomas, in teenagers/young adults treated with radiationto the head as children for a first neoplasm and somatropin, Glucose intolerance including impaired glucose tolerance/impaired fasting glucose as well asovert diabetes mellitus, Intracranial hypertension, Unmasking of latent central hypothyroidism, Significant diabetic retinopathy , Slipped capital femoral epiphysis in pediatric patients, Progression of preexisting scoliosis in pediatric patients and Fluid retention manifested by edema, arthralgia, myalgia, nerve compression syndromes including carpal tunnel syndrome/paraesthesias.Nutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Nutropin AQ NuSpin 10 is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi...Nutropin AQ® is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone (GH).NANALinkLinkNA
11516Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorOmnitropeSandozSandozSubcutaneous1.5 mg/1.13mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since GHD may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Hypersensitivity Omnitrope is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, feeling tired, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat.Omnitrope is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Omnitrope is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth,...Omnitrope is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Omnitrope may be used alone or with other medications.NAFigure 1: Schematic amino acid sequence of human growth hormone including the disulfide bondsLinkLinkNA
11517Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorOmnitropeSandoz IncSandoz IncSubcutaneous5 mg/1.5mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since GHD may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Hypersensitivity Omnitrope is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, feeling tired, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat.Omnitrope is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Omnitrope is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth,...Omnitrope is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Omnitrope may be used alone or with other medications.NAFigure 1: Schematic amino acid sequence of human growth hormone including the disulfide bondsLinkLinkNA
11518Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorOmnitropeSandoz IncSandoz IncSubcutaneous10 mg/1.5mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since GHD may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Hypersensitivity Omnitrope is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, feeling tired, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat.Omnitrope is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Omnitrope is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth,...Omnitrope is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Omnitrope may be used alone or with other medications.NAFigure 1: Schematic amino acid sequence of human growth hormone including the disulfide bondsLinkLinkNA
11519Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorOmnitropeSandoz IncSandoz IncSubcutaneous5.8 mg/1mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since GHD may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Hypersensitivity Omnitrope is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, feeling tired, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat.Omnitrope is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Omnitrope is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth,...Omnitrope is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Omnitrope may be used alone or with other medications.NAFigure 1: Schematic amino acid sequence of human growth hormone including the disulfide bondsLinkLinkNA
11520Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorOmnitropeSandoz Canada IncorporatedSandoz Canada IncorporatedSubcutaneous5 mg / 1.5 mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since GHD may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Hypersensitivity Omnitrope is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, feeling tired, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat.Omnitrope is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Omnitrope is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth,...Omnitrope is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Omnitrope may be used alone or with other medications.NAFigure 1: Schematic amino acid sequence of human growth hormone including the disulfide bondsLinkLinkNA
11521Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorOmnitropeSandoz Canada IncorporatedSandoz Canada IncorporatedSubcutaneous10 mg / 1.5 mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since GHD may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Hypersensitivity Omnitrope is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, feeling tired, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat.Omnitrope is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Omnitrope is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth,...Omnitrope is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Omnitrope may be used alone or with other medications.NAFigure 1: Schematic amino acid sequence of human growth hormone including the disulfide bondsLinkLinkNA
11522Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorOmnitropeSandoz Canada IncorporatedSandoz Canada IncorporatedSubcutaneousNAAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since GHD may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Hypersensitivity Omnitrope is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, feeling tired, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat.Omnitrope is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Omnitrope is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth,...Omnitrope is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Omnitrope may be used alone or with other medications.NAFigure 1: Schematic amino acid sequence of human growth hormone including the disulfide bondsLinkLinkNA
11523Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorOmnitropeSandoz Canada IncorporatedSandoz Canada IncorporatedSubcutaneous15 mg / 1.5 mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since GHD may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Hypersensitivity Omnitrope is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, feeling tired, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat.Omnitrope is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Omnitrope is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth,...Omnitrope is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Omnitrope may be used alone or with other medications.NAFigure 1: Schematic amino acid sequence of human growth hormone including the disulfide bondsLinkLinkNA
11524Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorOmnitropeSandozSandozSubcutaneous1.3 mg/mlAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since GHD may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Hypersensitivity Omnitrope is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, feeling tired, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat.Omnitrope is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Omnitrope is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth,...Omnitrope is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Omnitrope may be used alone or with other medications.NAFigure 1: Schematic amino acid sequence of human growth hormone including the disulfide bondsLinkLinkNA
11525Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorOmnitropeSandozSandozSubcutaneous5 mg/mlAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since GHD may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Hypersensitivity Omnitrope is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, feeling tired, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat.Omnitrope is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Omnitrope is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth,...Omnitrope is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Omnitrope may be used alone or with other medications.NAFigure 1: Schematic amino acid sequence of human growth hormone including the disulfide bondsLinkLinkNA
11526Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorOmnitropeSandozSandozSubcutaneous5 mg/1.5mlAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since GHD may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Hypersensitivity Omnitrope is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, feeling tired, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat.Omnitrope is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Omnitrope is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth,...Omnitrope is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Omnitrope may be used alone or with other medications.NAFigure 1: Schematic amino acid sequence of human growth hormone including the disulfide bondsLinkLinkNA
11527Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorOmnitropeSandozSandozSubcutaneous10 mg/1.5mlAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since GHD may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Hypersensitivity Omnitrope is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, feeling tired, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat.Omnitrope is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Omnitrope is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth,...Omnitrope is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Omnitrope may be used alone or with other medications.NAFigure 1: Schematic amino acid sequence of human growth hormone including the disulfide bondsLinkLinkNA
11528Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorOmnitropeSandozSandozSubcutaneous15 mg/1.5mlAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since GHD may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Hypersensitivity Omnitrope is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, feeling tired, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat.Omnitrope is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Omnitrope is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature at birth with no catch-up growth,...Omnitrope is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Omnitrope may be used alone or with other medications.NAFigure 1: Schematic amino acid sequence of human growth hormone including the disulfide bondsLinkLinkNA
11529Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorSaizenEMD Serono, Inc.EMD Serono, Inc.Intramuscular; Subcutaneous5 mg/3mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese or have severe respiratory impairment [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients. SAIZEN is not indicated for the long term treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed Prader-Willi syndrome. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any pre-existing malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Hypersensitivity SAIZEN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses. Benzyl Alcohol SAIZEN reconstituted with Bacteriostatic Water for Injection, USP (0.9% Benzyl Alcohol) should not be administered to patients with a known sensitivity to Benzyl Alcohol joint stiffness or pain, muscle pain, pain in your arms or legs, swelling, carpal tunnel syndrome, numbness and burning, headache, tiredness, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, and sore throat.Saizen is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Saizen is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature...Saizen is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Saizen may be used alone or with other medications.NASAIZEN is a sterile, non pyrogenic, white, lyophilized powder intended for subcutaneous injection after reconstitution with Bacteriostatic Water for Injection, USP (0.9% Benzyl Alcohol). The reconstituted solution has a pH of 6.5 to 8.5.LinkLinkNA
11530Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorSaizenEMD Serono, Inc.EMD Serono, Inc.Intramuscular; Subcutaneous8.8 mg/3mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese or have severe respiratory impairment [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients. SAIZEN is not indicated for the long term treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed Prader-Willi syndrome. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any pre-existing malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Hypersensitivity SAIZEN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses. Benzyl Alcohol SAIZEN reconstituted with Bacteriostatic Water for Injection, USP (0.9% Benzyl Alcohol) should not be administered to patients with a known sensitivity to Benzyl Alcohol joint stiffness or pain, muscle pain, pain in your arms or legs, swelling, carpal tunnel syndrome, numbness and burning, headache, tiredness, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, and sore throat.Saizen is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Saizen is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature...Saizen is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Saizen may be used alone or with other medications.NASAIZEN is a sterile, non pyrogenic, white, lyophilized powder intended for subcutaneous injection after reconstitution with Bacteriostatic Water for Injection, USP (0.9% Benzyl Alcohol). The reconstituted solution has a pH of 6.5 to 8.5.LinkLinkNA
11531Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorSaizenEmd Serono, A Division Of Emd Inc., CanadaEmd Serono, A Division Of Emd Inc., CanadaIntramuscular; Subcutaneous5 mg / vialAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese or have severe respiratory impairment [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients. SAIZEN is not indicated for the long term treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed Prader-Willi syndrome. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any pre-existing malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Hypersensitivity SAIZEN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses. Benzyl Alcohol SAIZEN reconstituted with Bacteriostatic Water for Injection, USP (0.9% Benzyl Alcohol) should not be administered to patients with a known sensitivity to Benzyl Alcohol joint stiffness or pain, muscle pain, pain in your arms or legs, swelling, carpal tunnel syndrome, numbness and burning, headache, tiredness, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, and sore throat.Saizen is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Saizen is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature...Saizen is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Saizen may be used alone or with other medications.NASAIZEN is a sterile, non pyrogenic, white, lyophilized powder intended for subcutaneous injection after reconstitution with Bacteriostatic Water for Injection, USP (0.9% Benzyl Alcohol). The reconstituted solution has a pH of 6.5 to 8.5.LinkLinkNA
11532Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorSaizenEmd Serono, A Division Of Emd Inc., CanadaEmd Serono, A Division Of Emd Inc., CanadaSubcutaneous5.83 mg / mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese or have severe respiratory impairment [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients. SAIZEN is not indicated for the long term treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed Prader-Willi syndrome. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any pre-existing malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Hypersensitivity SAIZEN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses. Benzyl Alcohol SAIZEN reconstituted with Bacteriostatic Water for Injection, USP (0.9% Benzyl Alcohol) should not be administered to patients with a known sensitivity to Benzyl Alcohol joint stiffness or pain, muscle pain, pain in your arms or legs, swelling, carpal tunnel syndrome, numbness and burning, headache, tiredness, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, and sore throat.Saizen is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Saizen is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature...Saizen is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Saizen may be used alone or with other medications.NASAIZEN is a sterile, non pyrogenic, white, lyophilized powder intended for subcutaneous injection after reconstitution with Bacteriostatic Water for Injection, USP (0.9% Benzyl Alcohol). The reconstituted solution has a pH of 6.5 to 8.5.LinkLinkNA
11533Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorSaizenEmd Serono, A Division Of Emd Inc., CanadaEmd Serono, A Division Of Emd Inc., CanadaSubcutaneous8 mg / mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese or have severe respiratory impairment [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients. SAIZEN is not indicated for the long term treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed Prader-Willi syndrome. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any pre-existing malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Hypersensitivity SAIZEN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses. Benzyl Alcohol SAIZEN reconstituted with Bacteriostatic Water for Injection, USP (0.9% Benzyl Alcohol) should not be administered to patients with a known sensitivity to Benzyl Alcohol joint stiffness or pain, muscle pain, pain in your arms or legs, swelling, carpal tunnel syndrome, numbness and burning, headache, tiredness, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, and sore throat.Saizen is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Saizen is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature...Saizen is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency. Saizen may be used alone or with other medications.NASAIZEN is a sterile, non pyrogenic, white, lyophilized powder intended for subcutaneous injection after reconstitution with Bacteriostatic Water for Injection, USP (0.9% Benzyl Alcohol). The reconstituted solution has a pH of 6.5 to 8.5.LinkLinkNA
11534Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorSaizen 10iu - KitEmd Serono, A Division Of Emd Inc., CanadaEmd Serono, A Division Of Emd Inc., CanadaIntramuscular; SubcutaneousNAAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese or have severe respiratory impairment [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients. SAIZEN is not indicated for the long term treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed Prader-Willi syndrome. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any pre-existing malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Hypersensitivity SAIZEN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses. Benzyl Alcohol SAIZEN reconstituted with Bacteriostatic Water for Injection, USP (0.9% Benzyl Alcohol) should not be administered to patients with a known sensitivity to Benzyl Alcohol hives, difficulty breathing, swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat, shortness of breath, coughing, new or increased snoring, pain in your knees or hips, walking with a limp, ear pain, swelling, warmth or drainage from the ear, numbness or tingling in your wrist, hand, or fingers, severe swelling or puffiness in your hands and feet, changes in behavior, vision problems, unusual headaches, changes in the shape or size of a mole, pain or swelling in your joints, severe pain in your upper stomach spreading to your back, nausea, vomiting, increased thirst, increased urination, dry mouth, fruity breath odor, severe headaches, ringing in your ears, dizziness, vision problems, pain behind your eyes, extreme weakness, weight loss, changes in skin color, and tirednessSAIZEN is a human growth hormone produced by recombinant DNA technology. SAIZEN has 191 amino acid residues and a molecular weight of 22,125 daltons. Its amino acid sequence and structure are identical to the dominant form of human pituitary growth hormone. SAIZEN is produced by a mammalian cell line (mouse C127) that has been modified by the addition of the human growth hormone gene.used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency.NANALinkLinkNA
11535Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorSaizen 8.8mg (5.83mg/ml)Emd Serono, A Division Of Emd Inc., CanadaEmd Serono, A Division Of Emd Inc., CanadaSubcutaneous8.8 mg / vialAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese or have severe respiratory impairment [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients. SAIZEN is not indicated for the long term treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed Prader-Willi syndrome. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any pre-existing malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Hypersensitivity SAIZEN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses. Benzyl Alcohol SAIZEN reconstituted with Bacteriostatic Water for Injection, USP (0.9% Benzyl Alcohol) should not be administered to patients with a known sensitivity to Benzyl Alcohol hives, difficulty breathing, swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat, shortness of breath, coughing, new or increased snoring, pain in your knees or hips, walking with a limp, ear pain, swelling, warmth or drainage from the ear, numbness or tingling in your wrist, hand, or fingers, severe swelling or puffiness in your hands and feet, changes in behavior, vision problems, unusual headaches, changes in the shape or size of a mole, pain or swelling in your joints, severe pain in your upper stomach spreading to your back, nausea, vomiting, increased thirst, increased urination, dry mouth, fruity breath odor, severe headaches, ringing in your ears, dizziness, vision problems, pain behind your eyes, extreme weakness, weight loss, changes in skin color, and tirednessSAIZEN is a human growth hormone produced by recombinant DNA technology. SAIZEN has 191 amino acid residues and a molecular weight of 22,125 daltons. Its amino acid sequence and structure are identical to the dominant form of human pituitary growth hormone. SAIZEN is produced by a mammalian cell line (mouse C127) that has been modified by the addition of the human growth hormone gene.used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency.NANALinkLinkNA
11536Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorSaizen ClickeasyEMD Serono, Inc.EMD Serono, Inc.Intramuscular; Subcutaneous8.8 mg/1.51mL Acute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese or have severe respiratory impairment [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients. SAIZEN is not indicated for the long term treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed Prader-Willi syndrome. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any pre-existing malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Hypersensitivity SAIZEN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses. Benzyl Alcohol SAIZEN reconstituted with Bacteriostatic Water for Injection, USP (0.9% Benzyl Alcohol) should not be administered to patients with a known sensitivity to Benzyl Alcohol. hives, difficulty breathing, swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat, shortness of breath, coughing, new or increased snoring, pain in your knees or hips, walking with a limp, ear pain, swelling, warmth or drainage from the ear, numbness or tingling in your wrist, hand, or fingers, severe swelling or puffiness in your hands and feet, changes in behavior, vision problems, unusual headaches, changes in the shape or size of a mole, pain or swelling in your joints, severe pain in your upper stomach spreading to your back, nausea, vomiting, increased thirst, increased urination, dry mouth, fruity breath odor, severe headaches, ringing in your ears, dizziness, vision problems, pain behind your eyes, extreme weakness, weight loss, changes in skin color, and tirednessSAIZEN is a human growth hormone produced by recombinant DNA technology. SAIZEN has 191 amino acid residues and a molecular weight of 22,125 daltons. Its amino acid sequence and structure are identical to the dominant form of human pituitary growth hormone. SAIZEN is produced by a mammalian cell line (mouse C127) that has been modified by the addition of the human growth hormone gene.used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency.NANALinkLinkNA
11537Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorSaizenprepEMD Serono, Inc.EMD Serono, Inc.Intramuscular; Subcutaneous8.8 mg/1.51mLAcute Critical Illness Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Prader-Willi Syndrome In Children Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese or have severe respiratory impairment [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. There have been reports of sudden death when somatropin was used in such patients. SAIZEN is not indicated for the long term treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed Prader-Willi syndrome. Active Malignancy In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any pre-existing malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Hypersensitivity SAIZEN is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]. Diabetic Retinopathy Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Closed Epiphyses Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses. Benzyl Alcohol SAIZEN reconstituted with Bacteriostatic Water for Injection, USP (0.9% Benzyl Alcohol) should not be administered to patients with a known sensitivity to Benzyl Alcohol Increased mortality in patients with acute critical illness Fatalities in children with Prader-Willi syndrome Neoplasms Glucose intolerance and diabetes mellitus Intracranial hypertension Severe hypersensitivity Fluid retention Hypoadrenalism Hypothyroidism Slipped capital femoral epiphysis in pediatric patients Progression of preexisting scoliosis in pediatric patients Lipoatrophy PancreatitisSaizen is a human growth hormone produced by recombinant DNA technology. Saizen has 191 amino acid residues and a molecular weight of 22,125 daltons. Its amino acid sequence and structure are identical to the dominant form of human pituitary growth hormone. Saizen is produced by a mammalian cell line (mouse C127) that has been modified by the addition of the human growth hormone gene.Pediatric Patients Saizen (somatropin) is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients with growth failure due to inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone. Adult Patients Saizen is indicated for replacement of endogenous growth hormone in adults with growth hormone deficiency who meet either of the following two criteria: Adult Onset Patients who have growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma; or Childhood Onset Patients who were growth hormone deficient during childhood as a result of congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes. Patients who were treated with somatropin for growth hormone deficiency in childhood and whose epiphyses are closed should be reevaluated before continuation of somatropin therapy at the reduced dose level recommended for growth hormone deficient adults. Confirmation of the diagnosis of adult growth hormone deficiency in both groups involves an appropriate growth hormone provocative test with two exceptions: (1) patients with multiple other pituitary hormone deficiencies due to organic disease; and (2) patients with congenital/genetic growth hormone deficiency.NANALinkLinkNA
11538Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorSerostimEMD Serono, Inc.EMD Serono, Inc.Subcutaneous8.8 mg/2mLAcute Critical IllnessGrowth hormone therapy should not be initiated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart or abdominal surgery, multiple accidental trauma or acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS ].Active MalignancyIn general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].HypersensitivitySEROSTIM is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Diabetic RetinopathySomatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, and sore throat.Serostim is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Serostim is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature...Serostim is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency and HIV-associated Wasting or Cachexia. Serostim may be used alone or with other medications.NASEROSTIM is a human growth hormone (hGH) produced by recombinant DNA technology. SEROSTIM has 191 amino acid residues and a molecular weight of 22,125 daltons. Its amino acid sequence and structure are identical to the dominant form of human pituitary growth hormone. SEROSTIM is produced by a mammalian cell line (mouse C127) that has been modified by the addition of the hGH gene. SEROSTIM is secreted directly through the cell membrane into the cell-culture medium for collection and purification.LinkLinkNA
11539Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorSerostimEMD Serono, Inc.EMD Serono, Inc.Subcutaneous4 mg/1mLAcute Critical IllnessGrowth hormone therapy should not be initiated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart or abdominal surgery, multiple accidental trauma or acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS ].Active MalignancyIn general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].HypersensitivitySEROSTIM is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Diabetic RetinopathySomatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, and sore throat.Serostim is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Serostim is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature...Serostim is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency and HIV-associated Wasting or Cachexia. Serostim may be used alone or with other medications.NASEROSTIM is a human growth hormone (hGH) produced by recombinant DNA technology. SEROSTIM has 191 amino acid residues and a molecular weight of 22,125 daltons. Its amino acid sequence and structure are identical to the dominant form of human pituitary growth hormone. SEROSTIM is produced by a mammalian cell line (mouse C127) that has been modified by the addition of the hGH gene. SEROSTIM is secreted directly through the cell membrane into the cell-culture medium for collection and purification.LinkLinkNA
11540Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorSerostimEMD Serono, Inc.EMD Serono, Inc.Subcutaneous5 mg/1mLAcute Critical IllnessGrowth hormone therapy should not be initiated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart or abdominal surgery, multiple accidental trauma or acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS ].Active MalignancyIn general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].HypersensitivitySEROSTIM is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Diabetic RetinopathySomatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, and sore throat.Serostim is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Serostim is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature...Serostim is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency and HIV-associated Wasting or Cachexia. Serostim may be used alone or with other medications.NASEROSTIM is a human growth hormone (hGH) produced by recombinant DNA technology. SEROSTIM has 191 amino acid residues and a molecular weight of 22,125 daltons. Its amino acid sequence and structure are identical to the dominant form of human pituitary growth hormone. SEROSTIM is produced by a mammalian cell line (mouse C127) that has been modified by the addition of the hGH gene. SEROSTIM is secreted directly through the cell membrane into the cell-culture medium for collection and purification.LinkLinkNA
11541Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorSerostimEMD Serono, Inc.EMD Serono, Inc.Subcutaneous6 mg/1mLAcute Critical IllnessGrowth hormone therapy should not be initiated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart or abdominal surgery, multiple accidental trauma or acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS ].Active MalignancyIn general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].HypersensitivitySEROSTIM is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Diabetic RetinopathySomatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, and sore throat.Serostim is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Serostim is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature...Serostim is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency and HIV-associated Wasting or Cachexia. Serostim may be used alone or with other medications.NASEROSTIM is a human growth hormone (hGH) produced by recombinant DNA technology. SEROSTIM has 191 amino acid residues and a molecular weight of 22,125 daltons. Its amino acid sequence and structure are identical to the dominant form of human pituitary growth hormone. SEROSTIM is produced by a mammalian cell line (mouse C127) that has been modified by the addition of the hGH gene. SEROSTIM is secreted directly through the cell membrane into the cell-culture medium for collection and purification.LinkLinkNA
11542Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorSerostimEmd Serono, A Division Of Emd Inc., CanadaEmd Serono, A Division Of Emd Inc., CanadaSubcutaneousNAAcute Critical IllnessGrowth hormone therapy should not be initiated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart or abdominal surgery, multiple accidental trauma or acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS ].Active MalignancyIn general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].HypersensitivitySEROSTIM is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of its excipients. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Diabetic RetinopathySomatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy.headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, injection site reactions (redness, soreness, swelling, rash, itching, pain, or bruising), pain in your arms or legs, joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, and sore throat.Serostim is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Serostim is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature...Serostim is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency and HIV-associated Wasting or Cachexia. Serostim may be used alone or with other medications.NASEROSTIM is a human growth hormone (hGH) produced by recombinant DNA technology. SEROSTIM has 191 amino acid residues and a molecular weight of 22,125 daltons. Its amino acid sequence and structure are identical to the dominant form of human pituitary growth hormone. SEROSTIM is produced by a mammalian cell line (mouse C127) that has been modified by the addition of the hGH gene. SEROSTIM is secreted directly through the cell membrane into the cell-culture medium for collection and purification.LinkLinkNA
11543Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorSomatropin BiopartnersBio Partners Gmb HBio Partners Gmb HSubcutaneous2 mgNAIn children, the most common side effects with Somatropin Biopartners (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are injection site swelling and development of antibodies (proteins that are produced in response to Somatropin Biopartners). However, these antibodies do not seem to have an effect on the way the medicine works. In adults, the most common side effects (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are swelling, mild hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar levels) and headache. Somatropin Biopartners is a medicine that contains human growth hormone (also known as somatropin). It is used to treat children aged 2 to 18 years who are failing to grow normally because they do not have enough growth hormone. It is also used in adults with a lack of growth hormone who may have either had growth hormone deficiency as children or developed it later during adulthood.NANALinkLinkNA
11544Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorSomatropin BiopartnersBio Partners Gmb HBio Partners Gmb HSubcutaneous4 mgNAIn children, the most common side effects with Somatropin Biopartners (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are injection site swelling and development of antibodies (proteins that are produced in response to Somatropin Biopartners). However, these antibodies do not seem to have an effect on the way the medicine works. In adults, the most common side effects (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are swelling, mild hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar levels) and headache. Somatropin Biopartners is a medicine that contains human growth hormone (also known as somatropin). It is used to treat children aged 2 to 18 years who are failing to grow normally because they do not have enough growth hormone. It is also used in adults with a lack of growth hormone who may have either had growth hormone deficiency as children or developed it later during adulthood.NANALinkLinkNA
11545Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorSomatropin BiopartnersBio Partners Gmb HBio Partners Gmb HSubcutaneous7 mgNAIn children, the most common side effects with Somatropin Biopartners (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are injection site swelling and development of antibodies (proteins that are produced in response to Somatropin Biopartners). However, these antibodies do not seem to have an effect on the way the medicine works. In adults, the most common side effects (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are swelling, mild hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar levels) and headache. Somatropin Biopartners is a medicine that contains human growth hormone (also known as somatropin). It is used to treat children aged 2 to 18 years who are failing to grow normally because they do not have enough growth hormone. It is also used in adults with a lack of growth hormone who may have either had growth hormone deficiency as children or developed it later during adulthood.NANALinkLinkNA
11546Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorSomatropin BiopartnersBio Partners Gmb HBio Partners Gmb HSubcutaneous10 mgNAIn children, the most common side effects with Somatropin Biopartners (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are injection site swelling and development of antibodies (proteins that are produced in response to Somatropin Biopartners). However, these antibodies do not seem to have an effect on the way the medicine works. In adults, the most common side effects (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are swelling, mild hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar levels) and headache. Somatropin Biopartners is a medicine that contains human growth hormone (also known as somatropin). It is used to treat children aged 2 to 18 years who are failing to grow normally because they do not have enough growth hormone. It is also used in adults with a lack of growth hormone who may have either had growth hormone deficiency as children or developed it later during adulthood.NANALinkLinkNA
11547Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorSomatropin BiopartnersBio Partners Gmb HBio Partners Gmb HSubcutaneous20 mgNAIn children, the most common side effects with Somatropin Biopartners (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are injection site swelling and development of antibodies (proteins that are produced in response to Somatropin Biopartners). However, these antibodies do not seem to have an effect on the way the medicine works. In adults, the most common side effects (which may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are swelling, mild hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar levels) and headache. Somatropin Biopartners is a medicine that contains human growth hormone (also known as somatropin). It is used to treat children aged 2 to 18 years who are failing to grow normally because they do not have enough growth hormone. It is also used in adults with a lack of growth hormone who may have either had growth hormone deficiency as children or developed it later during adulthood.NANALinkLinkNA
11548Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorTev-tropinTevaTevaSubcutaneous5 mg/1Tev-Tropin 5 mg reconstituted with bacteriostatic 0.9% sodium chloride injection, USP (normal saline) (benzyl alcohol preserved) should not be administered to patients with a known sensitivity to benzyl alcohol (see WARNINGS). Tev-Tropin 10 mg reconstituted with bacteriostatic water for injection containing 0.33% metacresol should not be used if the patient is allergic to metacresol. Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses. Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. Two placebo-controlled clinical trials in non-growth hormone deficient adult patients (n = 522) with these conditions in intensive care units revealed a significant increase in mortality (41.9% vs. 19.3%) among somatropin-treated patients (doses 5.3 to 8 mg/day) compared to those receiving placebo (see WARNINGS). Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese or have severe respiratory impairment (see WARNINGS). Tev-Tropin is not indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed Prader-Willi syndrome.headache nausea vomiting fatigue tiredness muscle pain weakness injection site reactions (redness soreness swelling rash itching pain or bruising) pain in your arms or legs joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, or sore throatNATev-Tropin is indicated for the treatment of children who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of normal endogenous growth hormone.NANALinkLinkNA
11549Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorTev-tropinTevaTevaSubcutaneous10 mg/1Tev-Tropin 5 mg reconstituted with bacteriostatic 0.9% sodium chloride injection, USP (normal saline) (benzyl alcohol preserved) should not be administered to patients with a known sensitivity to benzyl alcohol (see WARNINGS). Tev-Tropin 10 mg reconstituted with bacteriostatic water for injection containing 0.33% metacresol should not be used if the patient is allergic to metacresol. Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses. Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. Two placebo-controlled clinical trials in non-growth hormone deficient adult patients (n = 522) with these conditions in intensive care units revealed a significant increase in mortality (41.9% vs. 19.3%) among somatropin-treated patients (doses 5.3 to 8 mg/day) compared to those receiving placebo (see WARNINGS). Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese or have severe respiratory impairment (see WARNINGS). Tev-Tropin is not indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed Prader-Willi syndrome.headache nausea vomiting fatigue tiredness muscle pain weakness injection site reactions (redness soreness swelling rash itching pain or bruising) pain in your arms or legs joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, or sore throatNATev-Tropin is indicated for the treatment of children who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of normal endogenous growth hormone.NANALinkLinkNA
11550Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorTev-tropinGate PharmaceuticalsGate PharmaceuticalsSubcutaneous10 mg/10mLTev-Tropin 5 mg reconstituted with bacteriostatic 0.9% sodium chloride injection, USP (normal saline) (benzyl alcohol preserved) should not be administered to patients with a known sensitivity to benzyl alcohol (see WARNINGS). Tev-Tropin 10 mg reconstituted with bacteriostatic water for injection containing 0.33% metacresol should not be used if the patient is allergic to metacresol. Somatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses. Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Treatment with pharmacologic amounts of somatropin is contraindicated in patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. Two placebo-controlled clinical trials in non-growth hormone deficient adult patients (n = 522) with these conditions in intensive care units revealed a significant increase in mortality (41.9% vs. 19.3%) among somatropin-treated patients (doses 5.3 to 8 mg/day) compared to those receiving placebo (see WARNINGS). Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese or have severe respiratory impairment (see WARNINGS). Tev-Tropin is not indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed Prader-Willi syndrome.headache nausea vomiting fatigue tiredness muscle pain weakness injection site reactions (redness soreness swelling rash itching pain or bruising) pain in your arms or legs joint stiffness or pain, or cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, or sore throatNATev-Tropin is indicated for the treatment of children who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of normal endogenous growth hormone.NANALinkLinkNA
11551Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorValtropinBio Partners Gmb HBio Partners Gmb HSubcutaneous15 mg/1.5mlSomatropin should not be used for growth promotion in pediatric patients with closed epiphyses. Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. In general, somatropin is contraindicated in the presence of active malignancy. Any preexisting malignancy should be inactive and its treatment complete prior to instituting therapy with somatropin. Somatropin should be discontinued if there is evidence of recurrent activity. Since growth hormone deficiency may be an early sign of the presence of a pituitary tumor (or, rarely, other brain tumors), the presence of such tumors should be ruled out prior to initiation of treatment. Somatropin should not be used in patients with any evidence of progression or recurrence of an underlying intracranial tumor. Somatropin should not be used to treat patients with acute critical illness due to complications following open heart surgery, abdominal surgery, or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure. Two placebo-controlled clinical trials in non-growth hormone deficient adult patients (n=522) with these conditions in intensive care units revealed a significant increase in mortality (41.9% versus 19.3%) among somatropin treated patients (doses 5.3-8 mg/day) compared to those receiving placebo. Somatropin is contraindicated in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese or have severe respiratory impairment (see WARNINGS). Unless patients with Prader-Willi syndrome also have a diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency, Valtropin (somatropin injection) ® is not indicated for the long-term treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to genetically confirmed Prader-Willi syndrome.headache fever cough respiratory tract infection diarrhea vomiting sore throat ear infection swelling of the extremities runny or stuffy nose flu, and injection site painNAValtropin (somatropin injection) ® is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone.NAIt is used to treat adenosine deaminase deficiency in people who have a weak immune system.LinkLinkNA
11552Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorZomactonFerring Pharmaceuticals Inc.Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc.Subcutaneous5 mg/1ZOMACTON is contraindicated in patients with:Acute critical illness after open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure due to the risk of increased mortality with use of pharmacologic doses of somatropin [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment due to the risk of sudden death [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Active malignancy [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of the excipients in ZOMACTON. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION, WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy.Pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headaches, enlargement of breast tissue in boys (gynecomastia), pancreatitis, and injection-site reactions including pain and bruisingZomacton is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Zomacton is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature...Zomacton [somatropin (rDNA origin)] for Injection is a form of growth hormone used to treat children who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of normal endogenous growth hormone.NANALinkLinkNA
11553Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorZomactonFerring Pharmaceuticals Inc.Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc.Subcutaneous10 mg/1ZOMACTON is contraindicated in patients with:Acute critical illness after open heart surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple accidental trauma, or those with acute respiratory failure due to the risk of increased mortality with use of pharmacologic doses of somatropin [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome who are severely obese, have a history of upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, or have severe respiratory impairment due to the risk of sudden death [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Active malignancy [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Known hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of the excipients in ZOMACTON. Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION, WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].Active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy.Pediatric patients with closed epiphyses.headaches, enlargement of breast tissue in boys (gynecomastia), pancreatitis, and injection-site reactions including pain and bruisingZomacton is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. Zomacton is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. This includes people with short stature due to Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, short stature...Zomacton [somatropin (rDNA origin)] for Injection is a form of growth hormone used to treat children who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of normal endogenous growth hormone.NANALinkLinkNA
11554Th1249Somatotropin>Th1249_Somatotropin FPTIPLSRLFDNAMLRAHRLHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPKEQKYSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNREETQQKSNLELLRISLLLIQSWLEPVQFLRSVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLKDLEEGIQTLMGRLEDGSPRTGQIFKQTYSKFDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRKDMDKVETFLRIVQCRSVEGSCGF 22129C990H1532N262O300S75.27-0.41176 °C at pH 3.5When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the mean apparent terminal half-life was Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the terminal elimination half-life was approximately 21.1 (±5.1) minutes.[L10971]Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone that is synthesized and secreted by the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland.[A228183] Growth hormone plays an essential role in growth regulation during childhood as well as other basal metabolic functions, muscle and fat mass regulation, blood glucose level regulation, and lipid regulation in both children and adults.[A228183, L31508] Synthesized in a strain of _Escherichia coli_, recombinant HGH is a polypeptide hormone that contains 191 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 22 kDa. It has an identical primary protein structure to endogenous human growth hormone.[A228188] Recombinant HGH has been commercially available since 1985 after its development by Genentech. [Somatrem] was the first available recombinant HGH and was largely replaced by somatropin, another form of recombinant HGH.[A228183] Growth hormone therapy is approved for various disorders of growth hormone deficiency, growth failure, or short stature including Turner syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency before transplantation, Prader-Willi syndrome, a history of fetal growth restriction, short stature homeobox (SHOX) haploinsufficiency, Noonan syndrome, idiopathic short stature, and adult- or childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.[A228188] Recombinant growth hormone is available as a subcutaneous injection for children and adults under a wide variety of brand names.Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone, short stature associated with Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), idiopathic short stature (ISS), short stature or growth failure in short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency, and short stature born small for gestational age (SGA).[L31513, L31518] It is indicated for the treatment of growth failure in children associated with chronic kidney disease up to the time of renal transplantation.[L31523] It is also indicated for adults with adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, either alone or associated with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism), as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma. It is also used to treat childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency in adults due to congenital, genetic, acquired, or idiopathic causes.[L31518] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of wasting or cachexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving antiretroviral therapy to increase lean body mass and body weight and improve physical endurance.[L31498] Somatotropin is indicated for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adult patients receiving specialized nutritional support.[L31493]Somatotropin induces growth in nearly every tissue and organ in the body.[L31508] It stimulates linear growth and cartilaginous growth of long bones. In children with short stature, growth hormone increases both the number and size of muscle cells. It also promotes the growth of internal organs, and it also increases red cell mass. By promoting nitrogen retention, growth hormone increases cellular protein synthesis. Growth hormone also retains potassium and phosphorus in the serum, which may be the result of cell growth. Growth hormone stimulates the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and collagen and increases the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline. It has negligible effects on serum calcium levels. Although increased calcium excretion in the urine is observed, calcium absorption from the intestine is simultaneously enhanced.[L10971] In end-stage renal disease, growth hormone was shown to improve several nutritional parameters, such as increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), serum albumin, and transferrin, as well as a reduction in blood urea nitrogen.[A228403] The metabolic effects of growth hormone are caused by the upregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1. Generally, growth hormone leads cells to enter an anabolic protein state with increased amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and decreased catabolism of proteins.[L31508] The diabetogenic effect of larger doses of growth hormone is well documented in the literature: somatotropin antagonizes insulin action _in vivo_, causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It increases glucose production through gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis from the liver and kidney [A228398] and suppresses glucose uptake in the adipose tissue.[A228388] In mice, growth hormone increased mRNA expression of 2 major gluconeogenic genes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.[A228398] The risk for impaired glucose tolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity may be increased in susceptible patients, especially in those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, such as obesity, Turner syndrome, or a family history of diabetes mellitus. The development of new-onset type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was observed in patients receiving somatotropin treatment.[L10971] Growth hormone stimulates lipolysis via activation of the hormone-sensitive lipase in the adipose tissue, thereby increasing circulating levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the plasma. It also leads to a reduction of fat stores and decreased serum levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[L10971] In contrast to the effects seen in the adipose tissue, growth hormone promotes cellular uptake of free fatty acids in skeletal muscle by increasing the activity of lipoprotein lipase. Growth hormone may cause hyperinsulinism following beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance; however, there is some evidence that growth hormone directly promotes beta-cell proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion.[A228398]In conditions of growth failure, growth hormone deficiency, low body mass, and malnutrition, somatotropin treatment acts to mimic and restore the actions of endogenous growth hormone of stimulating linear bone growth, increasing bone mass, increasing muscle and reduced fat mass, and regulating blood glucose and lipid levels.[A228183] Somatotropin mediates its effects both directly by somatotropin and indirectly by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is upregulated by growth hormone. It binds to the human growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is a dimeric receptor expressed in target cells in the liver and cartilage.[L10971] Upon binding of growth hormone, GHR dimerizes and interacts with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), subsequently leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2 and the GH receptor. The signal transducer activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is initiated, where transcription factors such as STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5 are translocated into the nucleus to stimulate target gene transcription.[L31508] At the epiphysis or growth plate, growth hormone increases linear growth by promoting differentiation of prechondrocytes and expansion of osteoblasts. Growth hormone binding to its receptor in the liver and cartilage promotes the production of IGF-1, which acts on type 1 IGF receptors to also stimulate linear growth. In the liver, activated growth hormone receptor signalling leads to increased production of IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit (ALS), which are proteins that bind to IGF-1 in a ternary complex to increase its half-life.[A228183]The oral LD50 is 242 mg/kg in rats and 828 mg/kg in mice. The inhalatory LD50 is 710 mg/m3 and dermal LD50 is 1100 mg/kg in rats. The intraperitoneal LD50 in mice is 828 mg/kg.[L31528] Hypoglycemia followed by hyperglycemia, possibly with fluid retention, can be observed in somatropin overdose. Long-term or excessive use of growth hormone can lead to the signs and symptoms of gigantism and acromegaly.[L10971]Information is unavailable.When somatotropin was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 0.024 mg/kg or 3 IU/m2, the Cmax ranged from 13.8 (±5.8) to 17.1 (±10.0) ng/mL and the Tmax was four to five hours. Following intravenous infusion of 33 ng/kg/min of somatotropin in patients with growth hormone deficiency, the mean steady-state serum levels of approximately 23.1 (±15.0) ng/mL were reached at 150 minutes.[L10971]NANANANANANANAGrowth hormone receptor,Prolactin receptorZorbtiveEMD Serono, Inc.EMD Serono, Inc.Subcutaneous8.8 mg/1mLZorbtive® is contraindicated in patients with: active malignancy acute critical illness due to complications following open heart or abdominal surgery, multiple accidental trauma or acute respiratory failure [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS] active proliferative or severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy hypersensitivity to somatropin or any of the excipients of Zorbtive® . Systemic hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with postmarketing use of somatropin products [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]hives, difficulty breathing, swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat, shortness of breath, coughing, new or increased snoring, pain in your knees or hips, walking with a limp, ear pain, swelling, warmth, or drainage, numbness or tingling in your wrist, hand, or fingers, severe swelling or puffiness in your hands and feet, changes in behavior, vision problems, unusual headaches, changes in the shape or size of a mole, pain or swelling in your joints, severe pain in your upper stomach spreading to your back, nausea, vomiting, increased thirst, increased urination, dry mouth, fruity breath odor, severe headaches, ringing in your ears, dizziness, pain behind your eyes, extreme weakness, severe dizziness, weight loss, changes in skin color, weakness, and tirednessZorbtive is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles. It is similar to the growth hormone your body manufactures. Zorbtive is used to treat Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS) in patients who are on a specialized diet. When used with along with special diet, Zorbtive helps...Zorbtive is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency and Short-bowel Syndrome. Zorbtive may be used alone or with other medications.NAZorbtive® (somatropin) for injection is a human growth hormone produced by recombinant DNA technology for subcutaneous use. Zorbtive® has 191 amino acid residues and a molecular weight of 22,125 daltons. Its amino acid sequence and structure are identical to the dominant form of human pituitary growth hormone. Zorbtive® is produced by a mammalian cell line (mouse C127) that has been modified by the addition of the human growth hormone gene. Zorbtive® is secreted directly through the cell membrane into the cell-culture medium for collection and purification.LinkLinkNA
15302Th1585Talimogene laherparepvec>Th1585_Talimogene_laherparepvec MFSGGGGPLSPGGKSAARAASGFFAPAGPRGASRGPPPCLRQNFYNPYLAPVGTQQKPTGPTQRHTYYSECDEFRFIAPRVLDEDAPPEKRAGVHDGHLKRAPKVYCGGDERDVLRVGSGGFWPRRSRLWGGVDHAPAGFNPTVTVFHVYDILENVEHAYGMRAAQFHARFMDAITPTGTVITLLGLTPEGHRVAVHVYGTRQYFYMNKEEVDRHLQCRAPRDLCERMAAALRESPGASFRGISADHFEAEVVERTDVYYYETRPALFYRVYVRSGRVLSYLCDNFCPAIKKYEGGVDATTRFILDNPGFVTFGWYRLKPGRNNTLAQPAAPMAFGTSSDVEFNCTADNLAIEGGMSDLPAYKLMCFDIECKAGGEDELAFPVAGHPEDLVIQISCLLYDLSTTALEHVLLFSLGSCDLPESHLNELAARGLPTPVVLEFDSEFEMLLAFMTLVKQYGPEFVTGYNIINFDWPFLLAKLTDIYKVPLDGYGRMNGRGVFRVWDIGQSHFQKRSKIKVNGMVNIDMYGIITDKIKLSSYKLNAVAEAVLKDKKKDLSYRDIPAYYAAGPAQRGVIGEYCIQDSLLVGQLFFKFLPHLELSAVARLAGINITRTIYDGQQIRVFTCLLRLADQKGFILPDTQGRFRGAGGEAPKRPAAAREDEERPEEEGEDEDEREEGGGEREPEGARETAGRHVGYQGARVLDPTSGFHVNPVVVFDFASLYPSIIQAHNLCFSTLSLRADAVAHLEAGKDYLEIEVGGRRLFFVKAHVRESLLSILLRDWLAMRKQIRSRIPQSSPEEAVLLDKQQAAIKVVCNSVYGFTGVQHGLLPCLHVAATVTTIGREMLLATREYVHARWAAFEQLLADFPEAADMRAPGPYSMRIIYGDTDSIFVLCRGLTAAGLTAVGDKMASHISRALFLPPIKLECEKTFTKLLLIAKKKYIGVIYGGKMLIKGVDLVRKNNCAFINRTSRALVDLLFYDDTVSGAAAALAERPAEEWLARPLPEGLQAFGAVLVDAHRRITDPERDIQDFVLTAELSRHPRAYTNKRLAHLTVYYKLMARRAQVPSIKDRIPYVIVAQTREVEETVARLAALRELDAAAPGDEPAPPAALPSPAKRPRETPSPADPPGGASKPRKLLVSELAEDPAYAIAHGVALNTDYYFSHLLGAACVTFKALFGNNAKITESLLKRFIPEVWHPPDDVAARLRTAGFGAVGAGATAEETRRMLHRAFDTLA NANANANANAReadily accessible data regarding the half-life of talimogene laherparepvec is not available, although talimogene laherparepvec DNA has been found in patient subjects' injected tumor through 84 days [FDA Label] and the half-lives of antibody-based therapeutics are often times generally long, on the order of days versus hours with small molecule drugs [T165].Talimogene laherparepvec is an oncolytic treatment used in local treatment of unresectable cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with recurrent melanoma. It is a genetically administered herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) that expresses human cytokine granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) with antitumor and immune-stimulating activities. It specifically replicates within tumor cells and causes lysis. It was approved by the FDA in 2015 under the market name Imlygic. In general, talimogene laherparepvec has been modified so that it can infect and multiply inside melanoma cells [L2221]. The drug subsequently uses the melanoma cells' own machinery to multiply, eventually overwhelming the melanoma cells and killing them [L2221]. Alternatively, although talimogene laherparepvec also enters healthy cells, it is not designed to multiply inside them [L2221].This medication is a genetically modified oncolytic viral therapy indicated for the local treatment of unresectable, cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with melanoma recurrent after initial surgery [FDA Label]. Elsewhere, the EMA notes that the agent is indicated for the treatment of adults with unresectable melanoma that is regionally or distantly metastatic (Stage IIIB, IIIC, and IVM1a) with no bone, brain, lung, or other visceral diseases [L2209].Talimogene laherparepvec has been genetically modified to replicate within tumors and to produce the immune stimulatory protein GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) [FDA Label]. The medication causes lysis of tumors, followed by the release of tumor-derived antigens, which together with virally derived GM-CSF may promote an anti-tumor immune response in the body [FDA Label].Talimogene laherparepvec is an oncolytic immunotherapy that is derived from Herpes Simplex Virus type-1 (HSV-1) [L2212]. It has been modified to replicate within tumor cells and to produce the immune response stimulatory protein, human GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) [L2212]. The medication causes the death of tumor cells and the release of tumor-derived antigens [L2212]. It is believed that together with GM-CSF, talimogene laherparepvec can promote a systemic anti-tumor immune response and an effector T-cell response [L2212]. Mice subjects involved in talimogene laherparepvec treatment studies that had complete regression of their primary tumors following therapy were resistant to subsequent tumor rechallenge [L2212]. The genetic modifications to talimogene laherparepvec from HSV-1 include deletion of the ICP34.5 and ICP47 genes [L2212]. Whereas anti-viral immune responses defend normal cells following infection by talimogene laherparepvec, tumors have been shown to be susceptible to injury and cell death from ICP34.5-deficient HSV-1 derived viruses, including talimogene laherparepvec [L2212]. Moreover, deletion of ICP47 prevents the down-regulation of antigen presentation molecules in the targeted tumor cells and increases the expression of the HSV US11 gene, thereby enhancing the talimogene laherparepvec viral replication in tumor cells and increases chances of tumor cell injury and death [L2212]. Although the talimogene laherparepvec virus is specifically modified to infect and multiply inside melanoma cells and uses melanoma cells' own machinery to multiply, the medication is not designed to multiply inside healthy cells, which it is also capable of entering [L2221].There is no clinical experience with overdose with talimogene laherparepvec [FDA Label, L2209]. Doses up to 4 mL at a concentration of 10^8 PFU/mL every 2 weeks have been administered in clinical trials with no evidence of dose-limiting toxicity [FDA Label, L2209]. The maximum dose of talimogene laherparepvec that can be safely administered has not been determined [FDA Label, L2209]. Nevertheless, some adverse reactions that are possible from taking talimogene laherparepvec range from fatigue, chills, pyrexia, nausea, influenza-like illness, injection site pain, to even injection site complications (including cellulitis, systemic bacterial infection, and others), herpetic infection, or plasmacytoma at or near the injection site [FDA Label, L2209]. As a result, healthcare providers and caregivers must observe the necessary safety precautions when administering talimogene laherparepvec to patients as accidental exposure to the agent can lead to exposure to and transmission of talimogene laherparepvec and herpetic infection in individuals who do not need the medication or in whom the medication is not indicated [FDA Label, L2209]. Moreover, in the event of a suspected overdose or inadvertent intravenous administration, the patient should be treated symptomatically, ie. with acyclovir or other anti-viral agents and supportive measures instituted as needed [FDA Label, L2209].Talimogene laherparepvec is cleared through general host defense mechanisms like autophagy and adaptive immune responses [L2212]. The agent is ultimately degraded by common endogenous protein and DNA catabolic pathways [L2212]. As with other wild-type HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus type-1) infections, a latent pool of talimogene laherparepvec DNA may persist in neuronal cell bodies innervating the injection sites [L2212]. Consequently, the occurrence of latent infection with talimogene laherparepvec cannot be excluded [L2212].Cellular uptake of talimogene laherparepvec occurs through HSV-1 receptors on both tumor and non-tumor cells following local injection into physical tumors [L2212]. After injection, the talimogene laherparepvec subsequently replicates intratumorally, where bioavailability and systemic concentration of the agent are not largely predictive of drug substance activity and therefore such data has not been evaluated to any particular degree [L2212].Talimogene laherparepvec is a genetically modified and replication-competent HSV-1 virus [L2212]. Therefore, its pharmacokinetics and biodistribution are driven by the specific site of intralesional injection, tumor-selective replication, and release from tumor tissue [L2212]. As a result, the specific pharmacokinetics of the agent, including distribution may vary depending on particular parameters of each unique administration.Although readily accessible data regarding the clearance of talimogene laherparepvec is not available, in an ongoing melanoma study, it was determined that the proportion of patients with detectable talimogene laherparepvec DNA in blood and urine was highest during the second cycle of therapy [L2212]. Additionally, even though talimogene laherparepvec DNA was detected in samples from injected lesions in about 90% of patients, only 14% of patients tested positive for infective virus by 50% Tissue Culture Infectious Dose (TCID50) assay, all within 8 days of treatment administration [L2212]. 17% of samples from the exterior occlusive dressing tested positive for talimogene laherparepvec DNA but none tested positive for the presence of infective virus [L2212]. Moreover, only 1 sample had detectable talimogene laherparepvec DNA located on the oral mucosa - but the sample did not test positive for the presence of infective virus [L2212].AlphaherpesvirinaeNANANANAHeparan sulfate,DNA polymerase catalytic subunit,DNA polymerase catalytic subunitImlygicAMGEN INCAMGEN INCIntralesional1000000 [PFU]/1mLImmunocompromised Patients IMLYGIC is a live, attenuated herpes simplex virus and may cause life-threatening disseminated herpetic infection in patients who are immunocompromised. Do not administer IMLYGIC to immunocompromised patients, including those with a history of primary or acquired immunodeficient states, leukemia, lymphoma, AIDS or other clinical manifestations of infection with human immunodeficiency viruses, and those on immunosuppressive therapy [see Nonclinical Toxicology]. Pregnant Patients Do not administer IMLYGIC to pregnant patients.fatigue, chills, fever, nausea, influenza-like illness, injection site pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, joint pain muscle pain, pain in extremities, headache, dizziness, mouth and throat pain, and weight lossImlygic is a cancer medicine that affects the actions of the body's immune system, helping the body produce an "antitumor" response. Imlygic is a genetically modified weak form of type 1 herpes simplex virus (the virus that causes common cold sores). Imlygic is used to treat a type of cancer called melanoma...Imlygic is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Melanoma. Imlygic may be used alone or with other medications.NAIMLYGIC (talimogene laherparepvec) is a sterile suspension for intralesional injection. IMLYGIC is a live, attenuated HSV-1 that has been genetically modified to express huGM-CSF. The parental virus for IMLYGIC was a primary isolate, which was subsequently altered using recombinant methods to result in gene deletions and insertions.LinkLinkNA
15303Th1585Talimogene laherparepvec>Th1585_Talimogene_laherparepvec MFSGGGGPLSPGGKSAARAASGFFAPAGPRGASRGPPPCLRQNFYNPYLAPVGTQQKPTGPTQRHTYYSECDEFRFIAPRVLDEDAPPEKRAGVHDGHLKRAPKVYCGGDERDVLRVGSGGFWPRRSRLWGGVDHAPAGFNPTVTVFHVYDILENVEHAYGMRAAQFHARFMDAITPTGTVITLLGLTPEGHRVAVHVYGTRQYFYMNKEEVDRHLQCRAPRDLCERMAAALRESPGASFRGISADHFEAEVVERTDVYYYETRPALFYRVYVRSGRVLSYLCDNFCPAIKKYEGGVDATTRFILDNPGFVTFGWYRLKPGRNNTLAQPAAPMAFGTSSDVEFNCTADNLAIEGGMSDLPAYKLMCFDIECKAGGEDELAFPVAGHPEDLVIQISCLLYDLSTTALEHVLLFSLGSCDLPESHLNELAARGLPTPVVLEFDSEFEMLLAFMTLVKQYGPEFVTGYNIINFDWPFLLAKLTDIYKVPLDGYGRMNGRGVFRVWDIGQSHFQKRSKIKVNGMVNIDMYGIITDKIKLSSYKLNAVAEAVLKDKKKDLSYRDIPAYYAAGPAQRGVIGEYCIQDSLLVGQLFFKFLPHLELSAVARLAGINITRTIYDGQQIRVFTCLLRLADQKGFILPDTQGRFRGAGGEAPKRPAAAREDEERPEEEGEDEDEREEGGGEREPEGARETAGRHVGYQGARVLDPTSGFHVNPVVVFDFASLYPSIIQAHNLCFSTLSLRADAVAHLEAGKDYLEIEVGGRRLFFVKAHVRESLLSILLRDWLAMRKQIRSRIPQSSPEEAVLLDKQQAAIKVVCNSVYGFTGVQHGLLPCLHVAATVTTIGREMLLATREYVHARWAAFEQLLADFPEAADMRAPGPYSMRIIYGDTDSIFVLCRGLTAAGLTAVGDKMASHISRALFLPPIKLECEKTFTKLLLIAKKKYIGVIYGGKMLIKGVDLVRKNNCAFINRTSRALVDLLFYDDTVSGAAAALAERPAEEWLARPLPEGLQAFGAVLVDAHRRITDPERDIQDFVLTAELSRHPRAYTNKRLAHLTVYYKLMARRAQVPSIKDRIPYVIVAQTREVEETVARLAALRELDAAAPGDEPAPPAALPSPAKRPRETPSPADPPGGASKPRKLLVSELAEDPAYAIAHGVALNTDYYFSHLLGAACVTFKALFGNNAKITESLLKRFIPEVWHPPDDVAARLRTAGFGAVGAGATAEETRRMLHRAFDTLA NANANANANAReadily accessible data regarding the half-life of talimogene laherparepvec is not available, although talimogene laherparepvec DNA has been found in patient subjects' injected tumor through 84 days [FDA Label] and the half-lives of antibody-based therapeutics are often times generally long, on the order of days versus hours with small molecule drugs [T165].Talimogene laherparepvec is an oncolytic treatment used in local treatment of unresectable cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with recurrent melanoma. It is a genetically administered herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) that expresses human cytokine granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) with antitumor and immune-stimulating activities. It specifically replicates within tumor cells and causes lysis. It was approved by the FDA in 2015 under the market name Imlygic. In general, talimogene laherparepvec has been modified so that it can infect and multiply inside melanoma cells [L2221]. The drug subsequently uses the melanoma cells' own machinery to multiply, eventually overwhelming the melanoma cells and killing them [L2221]. Alternatively, although talimogene laherparepvec also enters healthy cells, it is not designed to multiply inside them [L2221].This medication is a genetically modified oncolytic viral therapy indicated for the local treatment of unresectable, cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with melanoma recurrent after initial surgery [FDA Label]. Elsewhere, the EMA notes that the agent is indicated for the treatment of adults with unresectable melanoma that is regionally or distantly metastatic (Stage IIIB, IIIC, and IVM1a) with no bone, brain, lung, or other visceral diseases [L2209].Talimogene laherparepvec has been genetically modified to replicate within tumors and to produce the immune stimulatory protein GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) [FDA Label]. The medication causes lysis of tumors, followed by the release of tumor-derived antigens, which together with virally derived GM-CSF may promote an anti-tumor immune response in the body [FDA Label].Talimogene laherparepvec is an oncolytic immunotherapy that is derived from Herpes Simplex Virus type-1 (HSV-1) [L2212]. It has been modified to replicate within tumor cells and to produce the immune response stimulatory protein, human GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) [L2212]. The medication causes the death of tumor cells and the release of tumor-derived antigens [L2212]. It is believed that together with GM-CSF, talimogene laherparepvec can promote a systemic anti-tumor immune response and an effector T-cell response [L2212]. Mice subjects involved in talimogene laherparepvec treatment studies that had complete regression of their primary tumors following therapy were resistant to subsequent tumor rechallenge [L2212]. The genetic modifications to talimogene laherparepvec from HSV-1 include deletion of the ICP34.5 and ICP47 genes [L2212]. Whereas anti-viral immune responses defend normal cells following infection by talimogene laherparepvec, tumors have been shown to be susceptible to injury and cell death from ICP34.5-deficient HSV-1 derived viruses, including talimogene laherparepvec [L2212]. Moreover, deletion of ICP47 prevents the down-regulation of antigen presentation molecules in the targeted tumor cells and increases the expression of the HSV US11 gene, thereby enhancing the talimogene laherparepvec viral replication in tumor cells and increases chances of tumor cell injury and death [L2212]. Although the talimogene laherparepvec virus is specifically modified to infect and multiply inside melanoma cells and uses melanoma cells' own machinery to multiply, the medication is not designed to multiply inside healthy cells, which it is also capable of entering [L2221].There is no clinical experience with overdose with talimogene laherparepvec [FDA Label, L2209]. Doses up to 4 mL at a concentration of 10^8 PFU/mL every 2 weeks have been administered in clinical trials with no evidence of dose-limiting toxicity [FDA Label, L2209]. The maximum dose of talimogene laherparepvec that can be safely administered has not been determined [FDA Label, L2209]. Nevertheless, some adverse reactions that are possible from taking talimogene laherparepvec range from fatigue, chills, pyrexia, nausea, influenza-like illness, injection site pain, to even injection site complications (including cellulitis, systemic bacterial infection, and others), herpetic infection, or plasmacytoma at or near the injection site [FDA Label, L2209]. As a result, healthcare providers and caregivers must observe the necessary safety precautions when administering talimogene laherparepvec to patients as accidental exposure to the agent can lead to exposure to and transmission of talimogene laherparepvec and herpetic infection in individuals who do not need the medication or in whom the medication is not indicated [FDA Label, L2209]. Moreover, in the event of a suspected overdose or inadvertent intravenous administration, the patient should be treated symptomatically, ie. with acyclovir or other anti-viral agents and supportive measures instituted as needed [FDA Label, L2209].Talimogene laherparepvec is cleared through general host defense mechanisms like autophagy and adaptive immune responses [L2212]. The agent is ultimately degraded by common endogenous protein and DNA catabolic pathways [L2212]. As with other wild-type HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus type-1) infections, a latent pool of talimogene laherparepvec DNA may persist in neuronal cell bodies innervating the injection sites [L2212]. Consequently, the occurrence of latent infection with talimogene laherparepvec cannot be excluded [L2212].Cellular uptake of talimogene laherparepvec occurs through HSV-1 receptors on both tumor and non-tumor cells following local injection into physical tumors [L2212]. After injection, the talimogene laherparepvec subsequently replicates intratumorally, where bioavailability and systemic concentration of the agent are not largely predictive of drug substance activity and therefore such data has not been evaluated to any particular degree [L2212].Talimogene laherparepvec is a genetically modified and replication-competent HSV-1 virus [L2212]. Therefore, its pharmacokinetics and biodistribution are driven by the specific site of intralesional injection, tumor-selective replication, and release from tumor tissue [L2212]. As a result, the specific pharmacokinetics of the agent, including distribution may vary depending on particular parameters of each unique administration.Although readily accessible data regarding the clearance of talimogene laherparepvec is not available, in an ongoing melanoma study, it was determined that the proportion of patients with detectable talimogene laherparepvec DNA in blood and urine was highest during the second cycle of therapy [L2212]. Additionally, even though talimogene laherparepvec DNA was detected in samples from injected lesions in about 90% of patients, only 14% of patients tested positive for infective virus by 50% Tissue Culture Infectious Dose (TCID50) assay, all within 8 days of treatment administration [L2212]. 17% of samples from the exterior occlusive dressing tested positive for talimogene laherparepvec DNA but none tested positive for the presence of infective virus [L2212]. Moreover, only 1 sample had detectable talimogene laherparepvec DNA located on the oral mucosa - but the sample did not test positive for the presence of infective virus [L2212].Antineoplastic AgentsNANANANAHeparan sulfate,DNA polymerase catalytic subunit,DNA polymerase catalytic subunitImlygicAMGEN INCAMGEN INCIntralesional100000000 [PFU]/1mLImmunocompromised Patients IMLYGIC is a live, attenuated herpes simplex virus and may cause life-threatening disseminated herpetic infection in patients who are immunocompromised. Do not administer IMLYGIC to immunocompromised patients, including those with a history of primary or acquired immunodeficient states, leukemia, lymphoma, AIDS or other clinical manifestations of infection with human immunodeficiency viruses, and those on immunosuppressive therapy [see Nonclinical Toxicology]. Pregnant Patients Do not administer IMLYGIC to pregnant patients.fatigue, chills, fever, nausea, influenza-like illness, injection site pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, joint pain muscle pain, pain in extremities, headache, dizziness, mouth and throat pain, and weight lossImlygic is a cancer medicine that affects the actions of the body's immune system, helping the body produce an "antitumor" response. Imlygic is a genetically modified weak form of type 1 herpes simplex virus (the virus that causes common cold sores). Imlygic is used to treat a type of cancer called melanoma...Imlygic is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Melanoma. Imlygic may be used alone or with other medications.NAIMLYGIC (talimogene laherparepvec) is a sterile suspension for intralesional injection. IMLYGIC is a live, attenuated HSV-1 that has been genetically modified to express huGM-CSF. The parental virus for IMLYGIC was a primary isolate, which was subsequently altered using recombinant methods to result in gene deletions and insertions.LinkLinkNA
15304Th1585Talimogene laherparepvec>Th1585_Talimogene_laherparepvec MFSGGGGPLSPGGKSAARAASGFFAPAGPRGASRGPPPCLRQNFYNPYLAPVGTQQKPTGPTQRHTYYSECDEFRFIAPRVLDEDAPPEKRAGVHDGHLKRAPKVYCGGDERDVLRVGSGGFWPRRSRLWGGVDHAPAGFNPTVTVFHVYDILENVEHAYGMRAAQFHARFMDAITPTGTVITLLGLTPEGHRVAVHVYGTRQYFYMNKEEVDRHLQCRAPRDLCERMAAALRESPGASFRGISADHFEAEVVERTDVYYYETRPALFYRVYVRSGRVLSYLCDNFCPAIKKYEGGVDATTRFILDNPGFVTFGWYRLKPGRNNTLAQPAAPMAFGTSSDVEFNCTADNLAIEGGMSDLPAYKLMCFDIECKAGGEDELAFPVAGHPEDLVIQISCLLYDLSTTALEHVLLFSLGSCDLPESHLNELAARGLPTPVVLEFDSEFEMLLAFMTLVKQYGPEFVTGYNIINFDWPFLLAKLTDIYKVPLDGYGRMNGRGVFRVWDIGQSHFQKRSKIKVNGMVNIDMYGIITDKIKLSSYKLNAVAEAVLKDKKKDLSYRDIPAYYAAGPAQRGVIGEYCIQDSLLVGQLFFKFLPHLELSAVARLAGINITRTIYDGQQIRVFTCLLRLADQKGFILPDTQGRFRGAGGEAPKRPAAAREDEERPEEEGEDEDEREEGGGEREPEGARETAGRHVGYQGARVLDPTSGFHVNPVVVFDFASLYPSIIQAHNLCFSTLSLRADAVAHLEAGKDYLEIEVGGRRLFFVKAHVRESLLSILLRDWLAMRKQIRSRIPQSSPEEAVLLDKQQAAIKVVCNSVYGFTGVQHGLLPCLHVAATVTTIGREMLLATREYVHARWAAFEQLLADFPEAADMRAPGPYSMRIIYGDTDSIFVLCRGLTAAGLTAVGDKMASHISRALFLPPIKLECEKTFTKLLLIAKKKYIGVIYGGKMLIKGVDLVRKNNCAFINRTSRALVDLLFYDDTVSGAAAALAERPAEEWLARPLPEGLQAFGAVLVDAHRRITDPERDIQDFVLTAELSRHPRAYTNKRLAHLTVYYKLMARRAQVPSIKDRIPYVIVAQTREVEETVARLAALRELDAAAPGDEPAPPAALPSPAKRPRETPSPADPPGGASKPRKLLVSELAEDPAYAIAHGVALNTDYYFSHLLGAACVTFKALFGNNAKITESLLKRFIPEVWHPPDDVAARLRTAGFGAVGAGATAEETRRMLHRAFDTLA NANANANANAReadily accessible data regarding the half-life of talimogene laherparepvec is not available, although talimogene laherparepvec DNA has been found in patient subjects' injected tumor through 84 days [FDA Label] and the half-lives of antibody-based therapeutics are often times generally long, on the order of days versus hours with small molecule drugs [T165].Talimogene laherparepvec is an oncolytic treatment used in local treatment of unresectable cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with recurrent melanoma. It is a genetically administered herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) that expresses human cytokine granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) with antitumor and immune-stimulating activities. It specifically replicates within tumor cells and causes lysis. It was approved by the FDA in 2015 under the market name Imlygic. In general, talimogene laherparepvec has been modified so that it can infect and multiply inside melanoma cells [L2221]. The drug subsequently uses the melanoma cells' own machinery to multiply, eventually overwhelming the melanoma cells and killing them [L2221]. Alternatively, although talimogene laherparepvec also enters healthy cells, it is not designed to multiply inside them [L2221].This medication is a genetically modified oncolytic viral therapy indicated for the local treatment of unresectable, cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with melanoma recurrent after initial surgery [FDA Label]. Elsewhere, the EMA notes that the agent is indicated for the treatment of adults with unresectable melanoma that is regionally or distantly metastatic (Stage IIIB, IIIC, and IVM1a) with no bone, brain, lung, or other visceral diseases [L2209].Talimogene laherparepvec has been genetically modified to replicate within tumors and to produce the immune stimulatory protein GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) [FDA Label]. The medication causes lysis of tumors, followed by the release of tumor-derived antigens, which together with virally derived GM-CSF may promote an anti-tumor immune response in the body [FDA Label].Talimogene laherparepvec is an oncolytic immunotherapy that is derived from Herpes Simplex Virus type-1 (HSV-1) [L2212]. It has been modified to replicate within tumor cells and to produce the immune response stimulatory protein, human GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) [L2212]. The medication causes the death of tumor cells and the release of tumor-derived antigens [L2212]. It is believed that together with GM-CSF, talimogene laherparepvec can promote a systemic anti-tumor immune response and an effector T-cell response [L2212]. Mice subjects involved in talimogene laherparepvec treatment studies that had complete regression of their primary tumors following therapy were resistant to subsequent tumor rechallenge [L2212]. The genetic modifications to talimogene laherparepvec from HSV-1 include deletion of the ICP34.5 and ICP47 genes [L2212]. Whereas anti-viral immune responses defend normal cells following infection by talimogene laherparepvec, tumors have been shown to be susceptible to injury and cell death from ICP34.5-deficient HSV-1 derived viruses, including talimogene laherparepvec [L2212]. Moreover, deletion of ICP47 prevents the down-regulation of antigen presentation molecules in the targeted tumor cells and increases the expression of the HSV US11 gene, thereby enhancing the talimogene laherparepvec viral replication in tumor cells and increases chances of tumor cell injury and death [L2212]. Although the talimogene laherparepvec virus is specifically modified to infect and multiply inside melanoma cells and uses melanoma cells' own machinery to multiply, the medication is not designed to multiply inside healthy cells, which it is also capable of entering [L2221].There is no clinical experience with overdose with talimogene laherparepvec [FDA Label, L2209]. Doses up to 4 mL at a concentration of 10^8 PFU/mL every 2 weeks have been administered in clinical trials with no evidence of dose-limiting toxicity [FDA Label, L2209]. The maximum dose of talimogene laherparepvec that can be safely administered has not been determined [FDA Label, L2209]. Nevertheless, some adverse reactions that are possible from taking talimogene laherparepvec range from fatigue, chills, pyrexia, nausea, influenza-like illness, injection site pain, to even injection site complications (including cellulitis, systemic bacterial infection, and others), herpetic infection, or plasmacytoma at or near the injection site [FDA Label, L2209]. As a result, healthcare providers and caregivers must observe the necessary safety precautions when administering talimogene laherparepvec to patients as accidental exposure to the agent can lead to exposure to and transmission of talimogene laherparepvec and herpetic infection in individuals who do not need the medication or in whom the medication is not indicated [FDA Label, L2209]. Moreover, in the event of a suspected overdose or inadvertent intravenous administration, the patient should be treated symptomatically, ie. with acyclovir or other anti-viral agents and supportive measures instituted as needed [FDA Label, L2209].Talimogene laherparepvec is cleared through general host defense mechanisms like autophagy and adaptive immune responses [L2212]. The agent is ultimately degraded by common endogenous protein and DNA catabolic pathways [L2212]. As with other wild-type HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus type-1) infections, a latent pool of talimogene laherparepvec DNA may persist in neuronal cell bodies innervating the injection sites [L2212]. Consequently, the occurrence of latent infection with talimogene laherparepvec cannot be excluded [L2212].Cellular uptake of talimogene laherparepvec occurs through HSV-1 receptors on both tumor and non-tumor cells following local injection into physical tumors [L2212]. After injection, the talimogene laherparepvec subsequently replicates intratumorally, where bioavailability and systemic concentration of the agent are not largely predictive of drug substance activity and therefore such data has not been evaluated to any particular degree [L2212].Talimogene laherparepvec is a genetically modified and replication-competent HSV-1 virus [L2212]. Therefore, its pharmacokinetics and biodistribution are driven by the specific site of intralesional injection, tumor-selective replication, and release from tumor tissue [L2212]. As a result, the specific pharmacokinetics of the agent, including distribution may vary depending on particular parameters of each unique administration.Although readily accessible data regarding the clearance of talimogene laherparepvec is not available, in an ongoing melanoma study, it was determined that the proportion of patients with detectable talimogene laherparepvec DNA in blood and urine was highest during the second cycle of therapy [L2212]. Additionally, even though talimogene laherparepvec DNA was detected in samples from injected lesions in about 90% of patients, only 14% of patients tested positive for infective virus by 50% Tissue Culture Infectious Dose (TCID50) assay, all within 8 days of treatment administration [L2212]. 17% of samples from the exterior occlusive dressing tested positive for talimogene laherparepvec DNA but none tested positive for the presence of infective virus [L2212]. Moreover, only 1 sample had detectable talimogene laherparepvec DNA located on the oral mucosa - but the sample did not test positive for the presence of infective virus [L2212].Antineoplastic Agents, ImmunologicalNANANANAHeparan sulfate,DNA polymerase catalytic subunit,DNA polymerase catalytic subunitImylgicAmgen Europe B.V.Amgen Europe B.V.Intralesional1000000 PFU/mlNANANANANANALinkNANA
15305Th1585Talimogene laherparepvec>Th1585_Talimogene_laherparepvec MFSGGGGPLSPGGKSAARAASGFFAPAGPRGASRGPPPCLRQNFYNPYLAPVGTQQKPTGPTQRHTYYSECDEFRFIAPRVLDEDAPPEKRAGVHDGHLKRAPKVYCGGDERDVLRVGSGGFWPRRSRLWGGVDHAPAGFNPTVTVFHVYDILENVEHAYGMRAAQFHARFMDAITPTGTVITLLGLTPEGHRVAVHVYGTRQYFYMNKEEVDRHLQCRAPRDLCERMAAALRESPGASFRGISADHFEAEVVERTDVYYYETRPALFYRVYVRSGRVLSYLCDNFCPAIKKYEGGVDATTRFILDNPGFVTFGWYRLKPGRNNTLAQPAAPMAFGTSSDVEFNCTADNLAIEGGMSDLPAYKLMCFDIECKAGGEDELAFPVAGHPEDLVIQISCLLYDLSTTALEHVLLFSLGSCDLPESHLNELAARGLPTPVVLEFDSEFEMLLAFMTLVKQYGPEFVTGYNIINFDWPFLLAKLTDIYKVPLDGYGRMNGRGVFRVWDIGQSHFQKRSKIKVNGMVNIDMYGIITDKIKLSSYKLNAVAEAVLKDKKKDLSYRDIPAYYAAGPAQRGVIGEYCIQDSLLVGQLFFKFLPHLELSAVARLAGINITRTIYDGQQIRVFTCLLRLADQKGFILPDTQGRFRGAGGEAPKRPAAAREDEERPEEEGEDEDEREEGGGEREPEGARETAGRHVGYQGARVLDPTSGFHVNPVVVFDFASLYPSIIQAHNLCFSTLSLRADAVAHLEAGKDYLEIEVGGRRLFFVKAHVRESLLSILLRDWLAMRKQIRSRIPQSSPEEAVLLDKQQAAIKVVCNSVYGFTGVQHGLLPCLHVAATVTTIGREMLLATREYVHARWAAFEQLLADFPEAADMRAPGPYSMRIIYGDTDSIFVLCRGLTAAGLTAVGDKMASHISRALFLPPIKLECEKTFTKLLLIAKKKYIGVIYGGKMLIKGVDLVRKNNCAFINRTSRALVDLLFYDDTVSGAAAALAERPAEEWLARPLPEGLQAFGAVLVDAHRRITDPERDIQDFVLTAELSRHPRAYTNKRLAHLTVYYKLMARRAQVPSIKDRIPYVIVAQTREVEETVARLAALRELDAAAPGDEPAPPAALPSPAKRPRETPSPADPPGGASKPRKLLVSELAEDPAYAIAHGVALNTDYYFSHLLGAACVTFKALFGNNAKITESLLKRFIPEVWHPPDDVAARLRTAGFGAVGAGATAEETRRMLHRAFDTLA NANANANANAReadily accessible data regarding the half-life of talimogene laherparepvec is not available, although talimogene laherparepvec DNA has been found in patient subjects' injected tumor through 84 days [FDA Label] and the half-lives of antibody-based therapeutics are often times generally long, on the order of days versus hours with small molecule drugs [T165].Talimogene laherparepvec is an oncolytic treatment used in local treatment of unresectable cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with recurrent melanoma. It is a genetically administered herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) that expresses human cytokine granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) with antitumor and immune-stimulating activities. It specifically replicates within tumor cells and causes lysis. It was approved by the FDA in 2015 under the market name Imlygic. In general, talimogene laherparepvec has been modified so that it can infect and multiply inside melanoma cells [L2221]. The drug subsequently uses the melanoma cells' own machinery to multiply, eventually overwhelming the melanoma cells and killing them [L2221]. Alternatively, although talimogene laherparepvec also enters healthy cells, it is not designed to multiply inside them [L2221].This medication is a genetically modified oncolytic viral therapy indicated for the local treatment of unresectable, cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with melanoma recurrent after initial surgery [FDA Label]. Elsewhere, the EMA notes that the agent is indicated for the treatment of adults with unresectable melanoma that is regionally or distantly metastatic (Stage IIIB, IIIC, and IVM1a) with no bone, brain, lung, or other visceral diseases [L2209].Talimogene laherparepvec has been genetically modified to replicate within tumors and to produce the immune stimulatory protein GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) [FDA Label]. The medication causes lysis of tumors, followed by the release of tumor-derived antigens, which together with virally derived GM-CSF may promote an anti-tumor immune response in the body [FDA Label].Talimogene laherparepvec is an oncolytic immunotherapy that is derived from Herpes Simplex Virus type-1 (HSV-1) [L2212]. It has been modified to replicate within tumor cells and to produce the immune response stimulatory protein, human GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) [L2212]. The medication causes the death of tumor cells and the release of tumor-derived antigens [L2212]. It is believed that together with GM-CSF, talimogene laherparepvec can promote a systemic anti-tumor immune response and an effector T-cell response [L2212]. Mice subjects involved in talimogene laherparepvec treatment studies that had complete regression of their primary tumors following therapy were resistant to subsequent tumor rechallenge [L2212]. The genetic modifications to talimogene laherparepvec from HSV-1 include deletion of the ICP34.5 and ICP47 genes [L2212]. Whereas anti-viral immune responses defend normal cells following infection by talimogene laherparepvec, tumors have been shown to be susceptible to injury and cell death from ICP34.5-deficient HSV-1 derived viruses, including talimogene laherparepvec [L2212]. Moreover, deletion of ICP47 prevents the down-regulation of antigen presentation molecules in the targeted tumor cells and increases the expression of the HSV US11 gene, thereby enhancing the talimogene laherparepvec viral replication in tumor cells and increases chances of tumor cell injury and death [L2212]. Although the talimogene laherparepvec virus is specifically modified to infect and multiply inside melanoma cells and uses melanoma cells' own machinery to multiply, the medication is not designed to multiply inside healthy cells, which it is also capable of entering [L2221].There is no clinical experience with overdose with talimogene laherparepvec [FDA Label, L2209]. Doses up to 4 mL at a concentration of 10^8 PFU/mL every 2 weeks have been administered in clinical trials with no evidence of dose-limiting toxicity [FDA Label, L2209]. The maximum dose of talimogene laherparepvec that can be safely administered has not been determined [FDA Label, L2209]. Nevertheless, some adverse reactions that are possible from taking talimogene laherparepvec range from fatigue, chills, pyrexia, nausea, influenza-like illness, injection site pain, to even injection site complications (including cellulitis, systemic bacterial infection, and others), herpetic infection, or plasmacytoma at or near the injection site [FDA Label, L2209]. As a result, healthcare providers and caregivers must observe the necessary safety precautions when administering talimogene laherparepvec to patients as accidental exposure to the agent can lead to exposure to and transmission of talimogene laherparepvec and herpetic infection in individuals who do not need the medication or in whom the medication is not indicated [FDA Label, L2209]. Moreover, in the event of a suspected overdose or inadvertent intravenous administration, the patient should be treated symptomatically, ie. with acyclovir or other anti-viral agents and supportive measures instituted as needed [FDA Label, L2209].Talimogene laherparepvec is cleared through general host defense mechanisms like autophagy and adaptive immune responses [L2212]. The agent is ultimately degraded by common endogenous protein and DNA catabolic pathways [L2212]. As with other wild-type HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus type-1) infections, a latent pool of talimogene laherparepvec DNA may persist in neuronal cell bodies innervating the injection sites [L2212]. Consequently, the occurrence of latent infection with talimogene laherparepvec cannot be excluded [L2212].Cellular uptake of talimogene laherparepvec occurs through HSV-1 receptors on both tumor and non-tumor cells following local injection into physical tumors [L2212]. After injection, the talimogene laherparepvec subsequently replicates intratumorally, where bioavailability and systemic concentration of the agent are not largely predictive of drug substance activity and therefore such data has not been evaluated to any particular degree [L2212].Talimogene laherparepvec is a genetically modified and replication-competent HSV-1 virus [L2212]. Therefore, its pharmacokinetics and biodistribution are driven by the specific site of intralesional injection, tumor-selective replication, and release from tumor tissue [L2212]. As a result, the specific pharmacokinetics of the agent, including distribution may vary depending on particular parameters of each unique administration.Although readily accessible data regarding the clearance of talimogene laherparepvec is not available, in an ongoing melanoma study, it was determined that the proportion of patients with detectable talimogene laherparepvec DNA in blood and urine was highest during the second cycle of therapy [L2212]. Additionally, even though talimogene laherparepvec DNA was detected in samples from injected lesions in about 90% of patients, only 14% of patients tested positive for infective virus by 50% Tissue Culture Infectious Dose (TCID50) assay, all within 8 days of treatment administration [L2212]. 17% of samples from the exterior occlusive dressing tested positive for talimogene laherparepvec DNA but none tested positive for the presence of infective virus [L2212]. Moreover, only 1 sample had detectable talimogene laherparepvec DNA located on the oral mucosa - but the sample did not test positive for the presence of infective virus [L2212].Antineoplastic and Immunomodulating AgentsNANANANAHeparan sulfate,DNA polymerase catalytic subunit,DNA polymerase catalytic subunitImylgicAmgen Europe B.V.Amgen Europe B.V.Intralesional100000000 PFU/mlNANANANANANALinkNANA
15306Th1585Talimogene laherparepvec>Th1585_Talimogene_laherparepvec MFSGGGGPLSPGGKSAARAASGFFAPAGPRGASRGPPPCLRQNFYNPYLAPVGTQQKPTGPTQRHTYYSECDEFRFIAPRVLDEDAPPEKRAGVHDGHLKRAPKVYCGGDERDVLRVGSGGFWPRRSRLWGGVDHAPAGFNPTVTVFHVYDILENVEHAYGMRAAQFHARFMDAITPTGTVITLLGLTPEGHRVAVHVYGTRQYFYMNKEEVDRHLQCRAPRDLCERMAAALRESPGASFRGISADHFEAEVVERTDVYYYETRPALFYRVYVRSGRVLSYLCDNFCPAIKKYEGGVDATTRFILDNPGFVTFGWYRLKPGRNNTLAQPAAPMAFGTSSDVEFNCTADNLAIEGGMSDLPAYKLMCFDIECKAGGEDELAFPVAGHPEDLVIQISCLLYDLSTTALEHVLLFSLGSCDLPESHLNELAARGLPTPVVLEFDSEFEMLLAFMTLVKQYGPEFVTGYNIINFDWPFLLAKLTDIYKVPLDGYGRMNGRGVFRVWDIGQSHFQKRSKIKVNGMVNIDMYGIITDKIKLSSYKLNAVAEAVLKDKKKDLSYRDIPAYYAAGPAQRGVIGEYCIQDSLLVGQLFFKFLPHLELSAVARLAGINITRTIYDGQQIRVFTCLLRLADQKGFILPDTQGRFRGAGGEAPKRPAAAREDEERPEEEGEDEDEREEGGGEREPEGARETAGRHVGYQGARVLDPTSGFHVNPVVVFDFASLYPSIIQAHNLCFSTLSLRADAVAHLEAGKDYLEIEVGGRRLFFVKAHVRESLLSILLRDWLAMRKQIRSRIPQSSPEEAVLLDKQQAAIKVVCNSVYGFTGVQHGLLPCLHVAATVTTIGREMLLATREYVHARWAAFEQLLADFPEAADMRAPGPYSMRIIYGDTDSIFVLCRGLTAAGLTAVGDKMASHISRALFLPPIKLECEKTFTKLLLIAKKKYIGVIYGGKMLIKGVDLVRKNNCAFINRTSRALVDLLFYDDTVSGAAAALAERPAEEWLARPLPEGLQAFGAVLVDAHRRITDPERDIQDFVLTAELSRHPRAYTNKRLAHLTVYYKLMARRAQVPSIKDRIPYVIVAQTREVEETVARLAALRELDAAAPGDEPAPPAALPSPAKRPRETPSPADPPGGASKPRKLLVSELAEDPAYAIAHGVALNTDYYFSHLLGAACVTFKALFGNNAKITESLLKRFIPEVWHPPDDVAARLRTAGFGAVGAGATAEETRRMLHRAFDTLA NANANANANAReadily accessible data regarding the half-life of talimogene laherparepvec is not available, although talimogene laherparepvec DNA has been found in patient subjects' injected tumor through 84 days [FDA Label] and the half-lives of antibody-based therapeutics are often times generally long, on the order of days versus hours with small molecule drugs [T165].Talimogene laherparepvec is an oncolytic treatment used in local treatment of unresectable cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with recurrent melanoma. It is a genetically administered herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) that expresses human cytokine granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) with antitumor and immune-stimulating activities. It specifically replicates within tumor cells and causes lysis. It was approved by the FDA in 2015 under the market name Imlygic. In general, talimogene laherparepvec has been modified so that it can infect and multiply inside melanoma cells [L2221]. The drug subsequently uses the melanoma cells' own machinery to multiply, eventually overwhelming the melanoma cells and killing them [L2221]. Alternatively, although talimogene laherparepvec also enters healthy cells, it is not designed to multiply inside them [L2221].This medication is a genetically modified oncolytic viral therapy indicated for the local treatment of unresectable, cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with melanoma recurrent after initial surgery [FDA Label]. Elsewhere, the EMA notes that the agent is indicated for the treatment of adults with unresectable melanoma that is regionally or distantly metastatic (Stage IIIB, IIIC, and IVM1a) with no bone, brain, lung, or other visceral diseases [L2209].Talimogene laherparepvec has been genetically modified to replicate within tumors and to produce the immune stimulatory protein GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) [FDA Label]. The medication causes lysis of tumors, followed by the release of tumor-derived antigens, which together with virally derived GM-CSF may promote an anti-tumor immune response in the body [FDA Label].Talimogene laherparepvec is an oncolytic immunotherapy that is derived from Herpes Simplex Virus type-1 (HSV-1) [L2212]. It has been modified to replicate within tumor cells and to produce the immune response stimulatory protein, human GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) [L2212]. The medication causes the death of tumor cells and the release of tumor-derived antigens [L2212]. It is believed that together with GM-CSF, talimogene laherparepvec can promote a systemic anti-tumor immune response and an effector T-cell response [L2212]. Mice subjects involved in talimogene laherparepvec treatment studies that had complete regression of their primary tumors following therapy were resistant to subsequent tumor rechallenge [L2212]. The genetic modifications to talimogene laherparepvec from HSV-1 include deletion of the ICP34.5 and ICP47 genes [L2212]. Whereas anti-viral immune responses defend normal cells following infection by talimogene laherparepvec, tumors have been shown to be susceptible to injury and cell death from ICP34.5-deficient HSV-1 derived viruses, including talimogene laherparepvec [L2212]. Moreover, deletion of ICP47 prevents the down-regulation of antigen presentation molecules in the targeted tumor cells and increases the expression of the HSV US11 gene, thereby enhancing the talimogene laherparepvec viral replication in tumor cells and increases chances of tumor cell injury and death [L2212]. Although the talimogene laherparepvec virus is specifically modified to infect and multiply inside melanoma cells and uses melanoma cells' own machinery to multiply, the medication is not designed to multiply inside healthy cells, which it is also capable of entering [L2221].There is no clinical experience with overdose with talimogene laherparepvec [FDA Label, L2209]. Doses up to 4 mL at a concentration of 10^8 PFU/mL every 2 weeks have been administered in clinical trials with no evidence of dose-limiting toxicity [FDA Label, L2209]. The maximum dose of talimogene laherparepvec that can be safely administered has not been determined [FDA Label, L2209]. Nevertheless, some adverse reactions that are possible from taking talimogene laherparepvec range from fatigue, chills, pyrexia, nausea, influenza-like illness, injection site pain, to even injection site complications (including cellulitis, systemic bacterial infection, and others), herpetic infection, or plasmacytoma at or near the injection site [FDA Label, L2209]. As a result, healthcare providers and caregivers must observe the necessary safety precautions when administering talimogene laherparepvec to patients as accidental exposure to the agent can lead to exposure to and transmission of talimogene laherparepvec and herpetic infection in individuals who do not need the medication or in whom the medication is not indicated [FDA Label, L2209]. Moreover, in the event of a suspected overdose or inadvertent intravenous administration, the patient should be treated symptomatically, ie. with acyclovir or other anti-viral agents and supportive measures instituted as needed [FDA Label, L2209].Talimogene laherparepvec is cleared through general host defense mechanisms like autophagy and adaptive immune responses [L2212]. The agent is ultimately degraded by common endogenous protein and DNA catabolic pathways [L2212]. As with other wild-type HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus type-1) infections, a latent pool of talimogene laherparepvec DNA may persist in neuronal cell bodies innervating the injection sites [L2212]. Consequently, the occurrence of latent infection with talimogene laherparepvec cannot be excluded [L2212].Cellular uptake of talimogene laherparepvec occurs through HSV-1 receptors on both tumor and non-tumor cells following local injection into physical tumors [L2212]. After injection, the talimogene laherparepvec subsequently replicates intratumorally, where bioavailability and systemic concentration of the agent are not largely predictive of drug substance activity and therefore such data has not been evaluated to any particular degree [L2212].Talimogene laherparepvec is a genetically modified and replication-competent HSV-1 virus [L2212]. Therefore, its pharmacokinetics and biodistribution are driven by the specific site of intralesional injection, tumor-selective replication, and release from tumor tissue [L2212]. As a result, the specific pharmacokinetics of the agent, including distribution may vary depending on particular parameters of each unique administration.Although readily accessible data regarding the clearance of talimogene laherparepvec is not available, in an ongoing melanoma study, it was determined that the proportion of patients with detectable talimogene laherparepvec DNA in blood and urine was highest during the second cycle of therapy [L2212]. Additionally, even though talimogene laherparepvec DNA was detected in samples from injected lesions in about 90% of patients, only 14% of patients tested positive for infective virus by 50% Tissue Culture Infectious Dose (TCID50) assay, all within 8 days of treatment administration [L2212]. 17% of samples from the exterior occlusive dressing tested positive for talimogene laherparepvec DNA but none tested positive for the presence of infective virus [L2212]. Moreover, only 1 sample had detectable talimogene laherparepvec DNA located on the oral mucosa - but the sample did not test positive for the presence of infective virus [L2212].Cancer immunotherapyNANANANAHeparan sulfate,DNA polymerase catalytic subunit,DNA polymerase catalytic subunitNANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
15307Th1585Talimogene laherparepvec>Th1585_Talimogene_laherparepvec MFSGGGGPLSPGGKSAARAASGFFAPAGPRGASRGPPPCLRQNFYNPYLAPVGTQQKPTGPTQRHTYYSECDEFRFIAPRVLDEDAPPEKRAGVHDGHLKRAPKVYCGGDERDVLRVGSGGFWPRRSRLWGGVDHAPAGFNPTVTVFHVYDILENVEHAYGMRAAQFHARFMDAITPTGTVITLLGLTPEGHRVAVHVYGTRQYFYMNKEEVDRHLQCRAPRDLCERMAAALRESPGASFRGISADHFEAEVVERTDVYYYETRPALFYRVYVRSGRVLSYLCDNFCPAIKKYEGGVDATTRFILDNPGFVTFGWYRLKPGRNNTLAQPAAPMAFGTSSDVEFNCTADNLAIEGGMSDLPAYKLMCFDIECKAGGEDELAFPVAGHPEDLVIQISCLLYDLSTTALEHVLLFSLGSCDLPESHLNELAARGLPTPVVLEFDSEFEMLLAFMTLVKQYGPEFVTGYNIINFDWPFLLAKLTDIYKVPLDGYGRMNGRGVFRVWDIGQSHFQKRSKIKVNGMVNIDMYGIITDKIKLSSYKLNAVAEAVLKDKKKDLSYRDIPAYYAAGPAQRGVIGEYCIQDSLLVGQLFFKFLPHLELSAVARLAGINITRTIYDGQQIRVFTCLLRLADQKGFILPDTQGRFRGAGGEAPKRPAAAREDEERPEEEGEDEDEREEGGGEREPEGARETAGRHVGYQGARVLDPTSGFHVNPVVVFDFASLYPSIIQAHNLCFSTLSLRADAVAHLEAGKDYLEIEVGGRRLFFVKAHVRESLLSILLRDWLAMRKQIRSRIPQSSPEEAVLLDKQQAAIKVVCNSVYGFTGVQHGLLPCLHVAATVTTIGREMLLATREYVHARWAAFEQLLADFPEAADMRAPGPYSMRIIYGDTDSIFVLCRGLTAAGLTAVGDKMASHISRALFLPPIKLECEKTFTKLLLIAKKKYIGVIYGGKMLIKGVDLVRKNNCAFINRTSRALVDLLFYDDTVSGAAAALAERPAEEWLARPLPEGLQAFGAVLVDAHRRITDPERDIQDFVLTAELSRHPRAYTNKRLAHLTVYYKLMARRAQVPSIKDRIPYVIVAQTREVEETVARLAALRELDAAAPGDEPAPPAALPSPAKRPRETPSPADPPGGASKPRKLLVSELAEDPAYAIAHGVALNTDYYFSHLLGAACVTFKALFGNNAKITESLLKRFIPEVWHPPDDVAARLRTAGFGAVGAGATAEETRRMLHRAFDTLA NANANANANAReadily accessible data regarding the half-life of talimogene laherparepvec is not available, although talimogene laherparepvec DNA has been found in patient subjects' injected tumor through 84 days [FDA Label] and the half-lives of antibody-based therapeutics are often times generally long, on the order of days versus hours with small molecule drugs [T165].Talimogene laherparepvec is an oncolytic treatment used in local treatment of unresectable cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with recurrent melanoma. It is a genetically administered herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) that expresses human cytokine granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) with antitumor and immune-stimulating activities. It specifically replicates within tumor cells and causes lysis. It was approved by the FDA in 2015 under the market name Imlygic. In general, talimogene laherparepvec has been modified so that it can infect and multiply inside melanoma cells [L2221]. The drug subsequently uses the melanoma cells' own machinery to multiply, eventually overwhelming the melanoma cells and killing them [L2221]. Alternatively, although talimogene laherparepvec also enters healthy cells, it is not designed to multiply inside them [L2221].This medication is a genetically modified oncolytic viral therapy indicated for the local treatment of unresectable, cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with melanoma recurrent after initial surgery [FDA Label]. Elsewhere, the EMA notes that the agent is indicated for the treatment of adults with unresectable melanoma that is regionally or distantly metastatic (Stage IIIB, IIIC, and IVM1a) with no bone, brain, lung, or other visceral diseases [L2209].Talimogene laherparepvec has been genetically modified to replicate within tumors and to produce the immune stimulatory protein GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) [FDA Label]. The medication causes lysis of tumors, followed by the release of tumor-derived antigens, which together with virally derived GM-CSF may promote an anti-tumor immune response in the body [FDA Label].Talimogene laherparepvec is an oncolytic immunotherapy that is derived from Herpes Simplex Virus type-1 (HSV-1) [L2212]. It has been modified to replicate within tumor cells and to produce the immune response stimulatory protein, human GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) [L2212]. The medication causes the death of tumor cells and the release of tumor-derived antigens [L2212]. It is believed that together with GM-CSF, talimogene laherparepvec can promote a systemic anti-tumor immune response and an effector T-cell response [L2212]. Mice subjects involved in talimogene laherparepvec treatment studies that had complete regression of their primary tumors following therapy were resistant to subsequent tumor rechallenge [L2212]. The genetic modifications to talimogene laherparepvec from HSV-1 include deletion of the ICP34.5 and ICP47 genes [L2212]. Whereas anti-viral immune responses defend normal cells following infection by talimogene laherparepvec, tumors have been shown to be susceptible to injury and cell death from ICP34.5-deficient HSV-1 derived viruses, including talimogene laherparepvec [L2212]. Moreover, deletion of ICP47 prevents the down-regulation of antigen presentation molecules in the targeted tumor cells and increases the expression of the HSV US11 gene, thereby enhancing the talimogene laherparepvec viral replication in tumor cells and increases chances of tumor cell injury and death [L2212]. Although the talimogene laherparepvec virus is specifically modified to infect and multiply inside melanoma cells and uses melanoma cells' own machinery to multiply, the medication is not designed to multiply inside healthy cells, which it is also capable of entering [L2221].There is no clinical experience with overdose with talimogene laherparepvec [FDA Label, L2209]. Doses up to 4 mL at a concentration of 10^8 PFU/mL every 2 weeks have been administered in clinical trials with no evidence of dose-limiting toxicity [FDA Label, L2209]. The maximum dose of talimogene laherparepvec that can be safely administered has not been determined [FDA Label, L2209]. Nevertheless, some adverse reactions that are possible from taking talimogene laherparepvec range from fatigue, chills, pyrexia, nausea, influenza-like illness, injection site pain, to even injection site complications (including cellulitis, systemic bacterial infection, and others), herpetic infection, or plasmacytoma at or near the injection site [FDA Label, L2209]. As a result, healthcare providers and caregivers must observe the necessary safety precautions when administering talimogene laherparepvec to patients as accidental exposure to the agent can lead to exposure to and transmission of talimogene laherparepvec and herpetic infection in individuals who do not need the medication or in whom the medication is not indicated [FDA Label, L2209]. Moreover, in the event of a suspected overdose or inadvertent intravenous administration, the patient should be treated symptomatically, ie. with acyclovir or other anti-viral agents and supportive measures instituted as needed [FDA Label, L2209].Talimogene laherparepvec is cleared through general host defense mechanisms like autophagy and adaptive immune responses [L2212]. The agent is ultimately degraded by common endogenous protein and DNA catabolic pathways [L2212]. As with other wild-type HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus type-1) infections, a latent pool of talimogene laherparepvec DNA may persist in neuronal cell bodies innervating the injection sites [L2212]. Consequently, the occurrence of latent infection with talimogene laherparepvec cannot be excluded [L2212].Cellular uptake of talimogene laherparepvec occurs through HSV-1 receptors on both tumor and non-tumor cells following local injection into physical tumors [L2212]. After injection, the talimogene laherparepvec subsequently replicates intratumorally, where bioavailability and systemic concentration of the agent are not largely predictive of drug substance activity and therefore such data has not been evaluated to any particular degree [L2212].Talimogene laherparepvec is a genetically modified and replication-competent HSV-1 virus [L2212]. Therefore, its pharmacokinetics and biodistribution are driven by the specific site of intralesional injection, tumor-selective replication, and release from tumor tissue [L2212]. As a result, the specific pharmacokinetics of the agent, including distribution may vary depending on particular parameters of each unique administration.Although readily accessible data regarding the clearance of talimogene laherparepvec is not available, in an ongoing melanoma study, it was determined that the proportion of patients with detectable talimogene laherparepvec DNA in blood and urine was highest during the second cycle of therapy [L2212]. Additionally, even though talimogene laherparepvec DNA was detected in samples from injected lesions in about 90% of patients, only 14% of patients tested positive for infective virus by 50% Tissue Culture Infectious Dose (TCID50) assay, all within 8 days of treatment administration [L2212]. 17% of samples from the exterior occlusive dressing tested positive for talimogene laherparepvec DNA but none tested positive for the presence of infective virus [L2212]. Moreover, only 1 sample had detectable talimogene laherparepvec DNA located on the oral mucosa - but the sample did not test positive for the presence of infective virus [L2212].Complex MixturesNANANANAHeparan sulfate,DNA polymerase catalytic subunit,DNA polymerase catalytic subunitNANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
15308Th1585Talimogene laherparepvec>Th1585_Talimogene_laherparepvec MFSGGGGPLSPGGKSAARAASGFFAPAGPRGASRGPPPCLRQNFYNPYLAPVGTQQKPTGPTQRHTYYSECDEFRFIAPRVLDEDAPPEKRAGVHDGHLKRAPKVYCGGDERDVLRVGSGGFWPRRSRLWGGVDHAPAGFNPTVTVFHVYDILENVEHAYGMRAAQFHARFMDAITPTGTVITLLGLTPEGHRVAVHVYGTRQYFYMNKEEVDRHLQCRAPRDLCERMAAALRESPGASFRGISADHFEAEVVERTDVYYYETRPALFYRVYVRSGRVLSYLCDNFCPAIKKYEGGVDATTRFILDNPGFVTFGWYRLKPGRNNTLAQPAAPMAFGTSSDVEFNCTADNLAIEGGMSDLPAYKLMCFDIECKAGGEDELAFPVAGHPEDLVIQISCLLYDLSTTALEHVLLFSLGSCDLPESHLNELAARGLPTPVVLEFDSEFEMLLAFMTLVKQYGPEFVTGYNIINFDWPFLLAKLTDIYKVPLDGYGRMNGRGVFRVWDIGQSHFQKRSKIKVNGMVNIDMYGIITDKIKLSSYKLNAVAEAVLKDKKKDLSYRDIPAYYAAGPAQRGVIGEYCIQDSLLVGQLFFKFLPHLELSAVARLAGINITRTIYDGQQIRVFTCLLRLADQKGFILPDTQGRFRGAGGEAPKRPAAAREDEERPEEEGEDEDEREEGGGEREPEGARETAGRHVGYQGARVLDPTSGFHVNPVVVFDFASLYPSIIQAHNLCFSTLSLRADAVAHLEAGKDYLEIEVGGRRLFFVKAHVRESLLSILLRDWLAMRKQIRSRIPQSSPEEAVLLDKQQAAIKVVCNSVYGFTGVQHGLLPCLHVAATVTTIGREMLLATREYVHARWAAFEQLLADFPEAADMRAPGPYSMRIIYGDTDSIFVLCRGLTAAGLTAVGDKMASHISRALFLPPIKLECEKTFTKLLLIAKKKYIGVIYGGKMLIKGVDLVRKNNCAFINRTSRALVDLLFYDDTVSGAAAALAERPAEEWLARPLPEGLQAFGAVLVDAHRRITDPERDIQDFVLTAELSRHPRAYTNKRLAHLTVYYKLMARRAQVPSIKDRIPYVIVAQTREVEETVARLAALRELDAAAPGDEPAPPAALPSPAKRPRETPSPADPPGGASKPRKLLVSELAEDPAYAIAHGVALNTDYYFSHLLGAACVTFKALFGNNAKITESLLKRFIPEVWHPPDDVAARLRTAGFGAVGAGATAEETRRMLHRAFDTLA NANANANANAReadily accessible data regarding the half-life of talimogene laherparepvec is not available, although talimogene laherparepvec DNA has been found in patient subjects' injected tumor through 84 days [FDA Label] and the half-lives of antibody-based therapeutics are often times generally long, on the order of days versus hours with small molecule drugs [T165].Talimogene laherparepvec is an oncolytic treatment used in local treatment of unresectable cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with recurrent melanoma. It is a genetically administered herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) that expresses human cytokine granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) with antitumor and immune-stimulating activities. It specifically replicates within tumor cells and causes lysis. It was approved by the FDA in 2015 under the market name Imlygic. In general, talimogene laherparepvec has been modified so that it can infect and multiply inside melanoma cells [L2221]. The drug subsequently uses the melanoma cells' own machinery to multiply, eventually overwhelming the melanoma cells and killing them [L2221]. Alternatively, although talimogene laherparepvec also enters healthy cells, it is not designed to multiply inside them [L2221].This medication is a genetically modified oncolytic viral therapy indicated for the local treatment of unresectable, cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with melanoma recurrent after initial surgery [FDA Label]. Elsewhere, the EMA notes that the agent is indicated for the treatment of adults with unresectable melanoma that is regionally or distantly metastatic (Stage IIIB, IIIC, and IVM1a) with no bone, brain, lung, or other visceral diseases [L2209].Talimogene laherparepvec has been genetically modified to replicate within tumors and to produce the immune stimulatory protein GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) [FDA Label]. The medication causes lysis of tumors, followed by the release of tumor-derived antigens, which together with virally derived GM-CSF may promote an anti-tumor immune response in the body [FDA Label].Talimogene laherparepvec is an oncolytic immunotherapy that is derived from Herpes Simplex Virus type-1 (HSV-1) [L2212]. It has been modified to replicate within tumor cells and to produce the immune response stimulatory protein, human GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) [L2212]. The medication causes the death of tumor cells and the release of tumor-derived antigens [L2212]. It is believed that together with GM-CSF, talimogene laherparepvec can promote a systemic anti-tumor immune response and an effector T-cell response [L2212]. Mice subjects involved in talimogene laherparepvec treatment studies that had complete regression of their primary tumors following therapy were resistant to subsequent tumor rechallenge [L2212]. The genetic modifications to talimogene laherparepvec from HSV-1 include deletion of the ICP34.5 and ICP47 genes [L2212]. Whereas anti-viral immune responses defend normal cells following infection by talimogene laherparepvec, tumors have been shown to be susceptible to injury and cell death from ICP34.5-deficient HSV-1 derived viruses, including talimogene laherparepvec [L2212]. Moreover, deletion of ICP47 prevents the down-regulation of antigen presentation molecules in the targeted tumor cells and increases the expression of the HSV US11 gene, thereby enhancing the talimogene laherparepvec viral replication in tumor cells and increases chances of tumor cell injury and death [L2212]. Although the talimogene laherparepvec virus is specifically modified to infect and multiply inside melanoma cells and uses melanoma cells' own machinery to multiply, the medication is not designed to multiply inside healthy cells, which it is also capable of entering [L2221].There is no clinical experience with overdose with talimogene laherparepvec [FDA Label, L2209]. Doses up to 4 mL at a concentration of 10^8 PFU/mL every 2 weeks have been administered in clinical trials with no evidence of dose-limiting toxicity [FDA Label, L2209]. The maximum dose of talimogene laherparepvec that can be safely administered has not been determined [FDA Label, L2209]. Nevertheless, some adverse reactions that are possible from taking talimogene laherparepvec range from fatigue, chills, pyrexia, nausea, influenza-like illness, injection site pain, to even injection site complications (including cellulitis, systemic bacterial infection, and others), herpetic infection, or plasmacytoma at or near the injection site [FDA Label, L2209]. As a result, healthcare providers and caregivers must observe the necessary safety precautions when administering talimogene laherparepvec to patients as accidental exposure to the agent can lead to exposure to and transmission of talimogene laherparepvec and herpetic infection in individuals who do not need the medication or in whom the medication is not indicated [FDA Label, L2209]. Moreover, in the event of a suspected overdose or inadvertent intravenous administration, the patient should be treated symptomatically, ie. with acyclovir or other anti-viral agents and supportive measures instituted as needed [FDA Label, L2209].Talimogene laherparepvec is cleared through general host defense mechanisms like autophagy and adaptive immune responses [L2212]. The agent is ultimately degraded by common endogenous protein and DNA catabolic pathways [L2212]. As with other wild-type HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus type-1) infections, a latent pool of talimogene laherparepvec DNA may persist in neuronal cell bodies innervating the injection sites [L2212]. Consequently, the occurrence of latent infection with talimogene laherparepvec cannot be excluded [L2212].Cellular uptake of talimogene laherparepvec occurs through HSV-1 receptors on both tumor and non-tumor cells following local injection into physical tumors [L2212]. After injection, the talimogene laherparepvec subsequently replicates intratumorally, where bioavailability and systemic concentration of the agent are not largely predictive of drug substance activity and therefore such data has not been evaluated to any particular degree [L2212].Talimogene laherparepvec is a genetically modified and replication-competent HSV-1 virus [L2212]. Therefore, its pharmacokinetics and biodistribution are driven by the specific site of intralesional injection, tumor-selective replication, and release from tumor tissue [L2212]. As a result, the specific pharmacokinetics of the agent, including distribution may vary depending on particular parameters of each unique administration.Although readily accessible data regarding the clearance of talimogene laherparepvec is not available, in an ongoing melanoma study, it was determined that the proportion of patients with detectable talimogene laherparepvec DNA in blood and urine was highest during the second cycle of therapy [L2212]. Additionally, even though talimogene laherparepvec DNA was detected in samples from injected lesions in about 90% of patients, only 14% of patients tested positive for infective virus by 50% Tissue Culture Infectious Dose (TCID50) assay, all within 8 days of treatment administration [L2212]. 17% of samples from the exterior occlusive dressing tested positive for talimogene laherparepvec DNA but none tested positive for the presence of infective virus [L2212]. Moreover, only 1 sample had detectable talimogene laherparepvec DNA located on the oral mucosa - but the sample did not test positive for the presence of infective virus [L2212].DNA VirusesNANANANAHeparan sulfate,DNA polymerase catalytic subunit,DNA polymerase catalytic subunitNANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
15309Th1585Talimogene laherparepvec>Th1585_Talimogene_laherparepvec MFSGGGGPLSPGGKSAARAASGFFAPAGPRGASRGPPPCLRQNFYNPYLAPVGTQQKPTGPTQRHTYYSECDEFRFIAPRVLDEDAPPEKRAGVHDGHLKRAPKVYCGGDERDVLRVGSGGFWPRRSRLWGGVDHAPAGFNPTVTVFHVYDILENVEHAYGMRAAQFHARFMDAITPTGTVITLLGLTPEGHRVAVHVYGTRQYFYMNKEEVDRHLQCRAPRDLCERMAAALRESPGASFRGISADHFEAEVVERTDVYYYETRPALFYRVYVRSGRVLSYLCDNFCPAIKKYEGGVDATTRFILDNPGFVTFGWYRLKPGRNNTLAQPAAPMAFGTSSDVEFNCTADNLAIEGGMSDLPAYKLMCFDIECKAGGEDELAFPVAGHPEDLVIQISCLLYDLSTTALEHVLLFSLGSCDLPESHLNELAARGLPTPVVLEFDSEFEMLLAFMTLVKQYGPEFVTGYNIINFDWPFLLAKLTDIYKVPLDGYGRMNGRGVFRVWDIGQSHFQKRSKIKVNGMVNIDMYGIITDKIKLSSYKLNAVAEAVLKDKKKDLSYRDIPAYYAAGPAQRGVIGEYCIQDSLLVGQLFFKFLPHLELSAVARLAGINITRTIYDGQQIRVFTCLLRLADQKGFILPDTQGRFRGAGGEAPKRPAAAREDEERPEEEGEDEDEREEGGGEREPEGARETAGRHVGYQGARVLDPTSGFHVNPVVVFDFASLYPSIIQAHNLCFSTLSLRADAVAHLEAGKDYLEIEVGGRRLFFVKAHVRESLLSILLRDWLAMRKQIRSRIPQSSPEEAVLLDKQQAAIKVVCNSVYGFTGVQHGLLPCLHVAATVTTIGREMLLATREYVHARWAAFEQLLADFPEAADMRAPGPYSMRIIYGDTDSIFVLCRGLTAAGLTAVGDKMASHISRALFLPPIKLECEKTFTKLLLIAKKKYIGVIYGGKMLIKGVDLVRKNNCAFINRTSRALVDLLFYDDTVSGAAAALAERPAEEWLARPLPEGLQAFGAVLVDAHRRITDPERDIQDFVLTAELSRHPRAYTNKRLAHLTVYYKLMARRAQVPSIKDRIPYVIVAQTREVEETVARLAALRELDAAAPGDEPAPPAALPSPAKRPRETPSPADPPGGASKPRKLLVSELAEDPAYAIAHGVALNTDYYFSHLLGAACVTFKALFGNNAKITESLLKRFIPEVWHPPDDVAARLRTAGFGAVGAGATAEETRRMLHRAFDTLA NANANANANAReadily accessible data regarding the half-life of talimogene laherparepvec is not available, although talimogene laherparepvec DNA has been found in patient subjects' injected tumor through 84 days [FDA Label] and the half-lives of antibody-based therapeutics are often times generally long, on the order of days versus hours with small molecule drugs [T165].Talimogene laherparepvec is an oncolytic treatment used in local treatment of unresectable cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with recurrent melanoma. It is a genetically administered herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) that expresses human cytokine granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) with antitumor and immune-stimulating activities. It specifically replicates within tumor cells and causes lysis. It was approved by the FDA in 2015 under the market name Imlygic. In general, talimogene laherparepvec has been modified so that it can infect and multiply inside melanoma cells [L2221]. The drug subsequently uses the melanoma cells' own machinery to multiply, eventually overwhelming the melanoma cells and killing them [L2221]. Alternatively, although talimogene laherparepvec also enters healthy cells, it is not designed to multiply inside them [L2221].This medication is a genetically modified oncolytic viral therapy indicated for the local treatment of unresectable, cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with melanoma recurrent after initial surgery [FDA Label]. Elsewhere, the EMA notes that the agent is indicated for the treatment of adults with unresectable melanoma that is regionally or distantly metastatic (Stage IIIB, IIIC, and IVM1a) with no bone, brain, lung, or other visceral diseases [L2209].Talimogene laherparepvec has been genetically modified to replicate within tumors and to produce the immune stimulatory protein GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) [FDA Label]. The medication causes lysis of tumors, followed by the release of tumor-derived antigens, which together with virally derived GM-CSF may promote an anti-tumor immune response in the body [FDA Label].Talimogene laherparepvec is an oncolytic immunotherapy that is derived from Herpes Simplex Virus type-1 (HSV-1) [L2212]. It has been modified to replicate within tumor cells and to produce the immune response stimulatory protein, human GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) [L2212]. The medication causes the death of tumor cells and the release of tumor-derived antigens [L2212]. It is believed that together with GM-CSF, talimogene laherparepvec can promote a systemic anti-tumor immune response and an effector T-cell response [L2212]. Mice subjects involved in talimogene laherparepvec treatment studies that had complete regression of their primary tumors following therapy were resistant to subsequent tumor rechallenge [L2212]. The genetic modifications to talimogene laherparepvec from HSV-1 include deletion of the ICP34.5 and ICP47 genes [L2212]. Whereas anti-viral immune responses defend normal cells following infection by talimogene laherparepvec, tumors have been shown to be susceptible to injury and cell death from ICP34.5-deficient HSV-1 derived viruses, including talimogene laherparepvec [L2212]. Moreover, deletion of ICP47 prevents the down-regulation of antigen presentation molecules in the targeted tumor cells and increases the expression of the HSV US11 gene, thereby enhancing the talimogene laherparepvec viral replication in tumor cells and increases chances of tumor cell injury and death [L2212]. Although the talimogene laherparepvec virus is specifically modified to infect and multiply inside melanoma cells and uses melanoma cells' own machinery to multiply, the medication is not designed to multiply inside healthy cells, which it is also capable of entering [L2221].There is no clinical experience with overdose with talimogene laherparepvec [FDA Label, L2209]. Doses up to 4 mL at a concentration of 10^8 PFU/mL every 2 weeks have been administered in clinical trials with no evidence of dose-limiting toxicity [FDA Label, L2209]. The maximum dose of talimogene laherparepvec that can be safely administered has not been determined [FDA Label, L2209]. Nevertheless, some adverse reactions that are possible from taking talimogene laherparepvec range from fatigue, chills, pyrexia, nausea, influenza-like illness, injection site pain, to even injection site complications (including cellulitis, systemic bacterial infection, and others), herpetic infection, or plasmacytoma at or near the injection site [FDA Label, L2209]. As a result, healthcare providers and caregivers must observe the necessary safety precautions when administering talimogene laherparepvec to patients as accidental exposure to the agent can lead to exposure to and transmission of talimogene laherparepvec and herpetic infection in individuals who do not need the medication or in whom the medication is not indicated [FDA Label, L2209]. Moreover, in the event of a suspected overdose or inadvertent intravenous administration, the patient should be treated symptomatically, ie. with acyclovir or other anti-viral agents and supportive measures instituted as needed [FDA Label, L2209].Talimogene laherparepvec is cleared through general host defense mechanisms like autophagy and adaptive immune responses [L2212]. The agent is ultimately degraded by common endogenous protein and DNA catabolic pathways [L2212]. As with other wild-type HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus type-1) infections, a latent pool of talimogene laherparepvec DNA may persist in neuronal cell bodies innervating the injection sites [L2212]. Consequently, the occurrence of latent infection with talimogene laherparepvec cannot be excluded [L2212].Cellular uptake of talimogene laherparepvec occurs through HSV-1 receptors on both tumor and non-tumor cells following local injection into physical tumors [L2212]. After injection, the talimogene laherparepvec subsequently replicates intratumorally, where bioavailability and systemic concentration of the agent are not largely predictive of drug substance activity and therefore such data has not been evaluated to any particular degree [L2212].Talimogene laherparepvec is a genetically modified and replication-competent HSV-1 virus [L2212]. Therefore, its pharmacokinetics and biodistribution are driven by the specific site of intralesional injection, tumor-selective replication, and release from tumor tissue [L2212]. As a result, the specific pharmacokinetics of the agent, including distribution may vary depending on particular parameters of each unique administration.Although readily accessible data regarding the clearance of talimogene laherparepvec is not available, in an ongoing melanoma study, it was determined that the proportion of patients with detectable talimogene laherparepvec DNA in blood and urine was highest during the second cycle of therapy [L2212]. Additionally, even though talimogene laherparepvec DNA was detected in samples from injected lesions in about 90% of patients, only 14% of patients tested positive for infective virus by 50% Tissue Culture Infectious Dose (TCID50) assay, all within 8 days of treatment administration [L2212]. 17% of samples from the exterior occlusive dressing tested positive for talimogene laherparepvec DNA but none tested positive for the presence of infective virus [L2212]. Moreover, only 1 sample had detectable talimogene laherparepvec DNA located on the oral mucosa - but the sample did not test positive for the presence of infective virus [L2212].HerpesviridaeNANANANAHeparan sulfate,DNA polymerase catalytic subunit,DNA polymerase catalytic subunitNANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
15310Th1585Talimogene laherparepvec>Th1585_Talimogene_laherparepvec MFSGGGGPLSPGGKSAARAASGFFAPAGPRGASRGPPPCLRQNFYNPYLAPVGTQQKPTGPTQRHTYYSECDEFRFIAPRVLDEDAPPEKRAGVHDGHLKRAPKVYCGGDERDVLRVGSGGFWPRRSRLWGGVDHAPAGFNPTVTVFHVYDILENVEHAYGMRAAQFHARFMDAITPTGTVITLLGLTPEGHRVAVHVYGTRQYFYMNKEEVDRHLQCRAPRDLCERMAAALRESPGASFRGISADHFEAEVVERTDVYYYETRPALFYRVYVRSGRVLSYLCDNFCPAIKKYEGGVDATTRFILDNPGFVTFGWYRLKPGRNNTLAQPAAPMAFGTSSDVEFNCTADNLAIEGGMSDLPAYKLMCFDIECKAGGEDELAFPVAGHPEDLVIQISCLLYDLSTTALEHVLLFSLGSCDLPESHLNELAARGLPTPVVLEFDSEFEMLLAFMTLVKQYGPEFVTGYNIINFDWPFLLAKLTDIYKVPLDGYGRMNGRGVFRVWDIGQSHFQKRSKIKVNGMVNIDMYGIITDKIKLSSYKLNAVAEAVLKDKKKDLSYRDIPAYYAAGPAQRGVIGEYCIQDSLLVGQLFFKFLPHLELSAVARLAGINITRTIYDGQQIRVFTCLLRLADQKGFILPDTQGRFRGAGGEAPKRPAAAREDEERPEEEGEDEDEREEGGGEREPEGARETAGRHVGYQGARVLDPTSGFHVNPVVVFDFASLYPSIIQAHNLCFSTLSLRADAVAHLEAGKDYLEIEVGGRRLFFVKAHVRESLLSILLRDWLAMRKQIRSRIPQSSPEEAVLLDKQQAAIKVVCNSVYGFTGVQHGLLPCLHVAATVTTIGREMLLATREYVHARWAAFEQLLADFPEAADMRAPGPYSMRIIYGDTDSIFVLCRGLTAAGLTAVGDKMASHISRALFLPPIKLECEKTFTKLLLIAKKKYIGVIYGGKMLIKGVDLVRKNNCAFINRTSRALVDLLFYDDTVSGAAAALAERPAEEWLARPLPEGLQAFGAVLVDAHRRITDPERDIQDFVLTAELSRHPRAYTNKRLAHLTVYYKLMARRAQVPSIKDRIPYVIVAQTREVEETVARLAALRELDAAAPGDEPAPPAALPSPAKRPRETPSPADPPGGASKPRKLLVSELAEDPAYAIAHGVALNTDYYFSHLLGAACVTFKALFGNNAKITESLLKRFIPEVWHPPDDVAARLRTAGFGAVGAGATAEETRRMLHRAFDTLA NANANANANAReadily accessible data regarding the half-life of talimogene laherparepvec is not available, although talimogene laherparepvec DNA has been found in patient subjects' injected tumor through 84 days [FDA Label] and the half-lives of antibody-based therapeutics are often times generally long, on the order of days versus hours with small molecule drugs [T165].Talimogene laherparepvec is an oncolytic treatment used in local treatment of unresectable cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with recurrent melanoma. It is a genetically administered herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) that expresses human cytokine granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) with antitumor and immune-stimulating activities. It specifically replicates within tumor cells and causes lysis. It was approved by the FDA in 2015 under the market name Imlygic. In general, talimogene laherparepvec has been modified so that it can infect and multiply inside melanoma cells [L2221]. The drug subsequently uses the melanoma cells' own machinery to multiply, eventually overwhelming the melanoma cells and killing them [L2221]. Alternatively, although talimogene laherparepvec also enters healthy cells, it is not designed to multiply inside them [L2221].This medication is a genetically modified oncolytic viral therapy indicated for the local treatment of unresectable, cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with melanoma recurrent after initial surgery [FDA Label]. Elsewhere, the EMA notes that the agent is indicated for the treatment of adults with unresectable melanoma that is regionally or distantly metastatic (Stage IIIB, IIIC, and IVM1a) with no bone, brain, lung, or other visceral diseases [L2209].Talimogene laherparepvec has been genetically modified to replicate within tumors and to produce the immune stimulatory protein GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) [FDA Label]. The medication causes lysis of tumors, followed by the release of tumor-derived antigens, which together with virally derived GM-CSF may promote an anti-tumor immune response in the body [FDA Label].Talimogene laherparepvec is an oncolytic immunotherapy that is derived from Herpes Simplex Virus type-1 (HSV-1) [L2212]. It has been modified to replicate within tumor cells and to produce the immune response stimulatory protein, human GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) [L2212]. The medication causes the death of tumor cells and the release of tumor-derived antigens [L2212]. It is believed that together with GM-CSF, talimogene laherparepvec can promote a systemic anti-tumor immune response and an effector T-cell response [L2212]. Mice subjects involved in talimogene laherparepvec treatment studies that had complete regression of their primary tumors following therapy were resistant to subsequent tumor rechallenge [L2212]. The genetic modifications to talimogene laherparepvec from HSV-1 include deletion of the ICP34.5 and ICP47 genes [L2212]. Whereas anti-viral immune responses defend normal cells following infection by talimogene laherparepvec, tumors have been shown to be susceptible to injury and cell death from ICP34.5-deficient HSV-1 derived viruses, including talimogene laherparepvec [L2212]. Moreover, deletion of ICP47 prevents the down-regulation of antigen presentation molecules in the targeted tumor cells and increases the expression of the HSV US11 gene, thereby enhancing the talimogene laherparepvec viral replication in tumor cells and increases chances of tumor cell injury and death [L2212]. Although the talimogene laherparepvec virus is specifically modified to infect and multiply inside melanoma cells and uses melanoma cells' own machinery to multiply, the medication is not designed to multiply inside healthy cells, which it is also capable of entering [L2221].There is no clinical experience with overdose with talimogene laherparepvec [FDA Label, L2209]. Doses up to 4 mL at a concentration of 10^8 PFU/mL every 2 weeks have been administered in clinical trials with no evidence of dose-limiting toxicity [FDA Label, L2209]. The maximum dose of talimogene laherparepvec that can be safely administered has not been determined [FDA Label, L2209]. Nevertheless, some adverse reactions that are possible from taking talimogene laherparepvec range from fatigue, chills, pyrexia, nausea, influenza-like illness, injection site pain, to even injection site complications (including cellulitis, systemic bacterial infection, and others), herpetic infection, or plasmacytoma at or near the injection site [FDA Label, L2209]. As a result, healthcare providers and caregivers must observe the necessary safety precautions when administering talimogene laherparepvec to patients as accidental exposure to the agent can lead to exposure to and transmission of talimogene laherparepvec and herpetic infection in individuals who do not need the medication or in whom the medication is not indicated [FDA Label, L2209]. Moreover, in the event of a suspected overdose or inadvertent intravenous administration, the patient should be treated symptomatically, ie. with acyclovir or other anti-viral agents and supportive measures instituted as needed [FDA Label, L2209].Talimogene laherparepvec is cleared through general host defense mechanisms like autophagy and adaptive immune responses [L2212]. The agent is ultimately degraded by common endogenous protein and DNA catabolic pathways [L2212]. As with other wild-type HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus type-1) infections, a latent pool of talimogene laherparepvec DNA may persist in neuronal cell bodies innervating the injection sites [L2212]. Consequently, the occurrence of latent infection with talimogene laherparepvec cannot be excluded [L2212].Cellular uptake of talimogene laherparepvec occurs through HSV-1 receptors on both tumor and non-tumor cells following local injection into physical tumors [L2212]. After injection, the talimogene laherparepvec subsequently replicates intratumorally, where bioavailability and systemic concentration of the agent are not largely predictive of drug substance activity and therefore such data has not been evaluated to any particular degree [L2212].Talimogene laherparepvec is a genetically modified and replication-competent HSV-1 virus [L2212]. Therefore, its pharmacokinetics and biodistribution are driven by the specific site of intralesional injection, tumor-selective replication, and release from tumor tissue [L2212]. As a result, the specific pharmacokinetics of the agent, including distribution may vary depending on particular parameters of each unique administration.Although readily accessible data regarding the clearance of talimogene laherparepvec is not available, in an ongoing melanoma study, it was determined that the proportion of patients with detectable talimogene laherparepvec DNA in blood and urine was highest during the second cycle of therapy [L2212]. Additionally, even though talimogene laherparepvec DNA was detected in samples from injected lesions in about 90% of patients, only 14% of patients tested positive for infective virus by 50% Tissue Culture Infectious Dose (TCID50) assay, all within 8 days of treatment administration [L2212]. 17% of samples from the exterior occlusive dressing tested positive for talimogene laherparepvec DNA but none tested positive for the presence of infective virus [L2212]. Moreover, only 1 sample had detectable talimogene laherparepvec DNA located on the oral mucosa - but the sample did not test positive for the presence of infective virus [L2212].ImmunotherapyNANANANAHeparan sulfate,DNA polymerase catalytic subunit,DNA polymerase catalytic subunitNANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
15311Th1585Talimogene laherparepvec>Th1585_Talimogene_laherparepvec MFSGGGGPLSPGGKSAARAASGFFAPAGPRGASRGPPPCLRQNFYNPYLAPVGTQQKPTGPTQRHTYYSECDEFRFIAPRVLDEDAPPEKRAGVHDGHLKRAPKVYCGGDERDVLRVGSGGFWPRRSRLWGGVDHAPAGFNPTVTVFHVYDILENVEHAYGMRAAQFHARFMDAITPTGTVITLLGLTPEGHRVAVHVYGTRQYFYMNKEEVDRHLQCRAPRDLCERMAAALRESPGASFRGISADHFEAEVVERTDVYYYETRPALFYRVYVRSGRVLSYLCDNFCPAIKKYEGGVDATTRFILDNPGFVTFGWYRLKPGRNNTLAQPAAPMAFGTSSDVEFNCTADNLAIEGGMSDLPAYKLMCFDIECKAGGEDELAFPVAGHPEDLVIQISCLLYDLSTTALEHVLLFSLGSCDLPESHLNELAARGLPTPVVLEFDSEFEMLLAFMTLVKQYGPEFVTGYNIINFDWPFLLAKLTDIYKVPLDGYGRMNGRGVFRVWDIGQSHFQKRSKIKVNGMVNIDMYGIITDKIKLSSYKLNAVAEAVLKDKKKDLSYRDIPAYYAAGPAQRGVIGEYCIQDSLLVGQLFFKFLPHLELSAVARLAGINITRTIYDGQQIRVFTCLLRLADQKGFILPDTQGRFRGAGGEAPKRPAAAREDEERPEEEGEDEDEREEGGGEREPEGARETAGRHVGYQGARVLDPTSGFHVNPVVVFDFASLYPSIIQAHNLCFSTLSLRADAVAHLEAGKDYLEIEVGGRRLFFVKAHVRESLLSILLRDWLAMRKQIRSRIPQSSPEEAVLLDKQQAAIKVVCNSVYGFTGVQHGLLPCLHVAATVTTIGREMLLATREYVHARWAAFEQLLADFPEAADMRAPGPYSMRIIYGDTDSIFVLCRGLTAAGLTAVGDKMASHISRALFLPPIKLECEKTFTKLLLIAKKKYIGVIYGGKMLIKGVDLVRKNNCAFINRTSRALVDLLFYDDTVSGAAAALAERPAEEWLARPLPEGLQAFGAVLVDAHRRITDPERDIQDFVLTAELSRHPRAYTNKRLAHLTVYYKLMARRAQVPSIKDRIPYVIVAQTREVEETVARLAALRELDAAAPGDEPAPPAALPSPAKRPRETPSPADPPGGASKPRKLLVSELAEDPAYAIAHGVALNTDYYFSHLLGAACVTFKALFGNNAKITESLLKRFIPEVWHPPDDVAARLRTAGFGAVGAGATAEETRRMLHRAFDTLA NANANANANAReadily accessible data regarding the half-life of talimogene laherparepvec is not available, although talimogene laherparepvec DNA has been found in patient subjects' injected tumor through 84 days [FDA Label] and the half-lives of antibody-based therapeutics are often times generally long, on the order of days versus hours with small molecule drugs [T165].Talimogene laherparepvec is an oncolytic treatment used in local treatment of unresectable cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with recurrent melanoma. It is a genetically administered herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) that expresses human cytokine granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) with antitumor and immune-stimulating activities. It specifically replicates within tumor cells and causes lysis. It was approved by the FDA in 2015 under the market name Imlygic. In general, talimogene laherparepvec has been modified so that it can infect and multiply inside melanoma cells [L2221]. The drug subsequently uses the melanoma cells' own machinery to multiply, eventually overwhelming the melanoma cells and killing them [L2221]. Alternatively, although talimogene laherparepvec also enters healthy cells, it is not designed to multiply inside them [L2221].This medication is a genetically modified oncolytic viral therapy indicated for the local treatment of unresectable, cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with melanoma recurrent after initial surgery [FDA Label]. Elsewhere, the EMA notes that the agent is indicated for the treatment of adults with unresectable melanoma that is regionally or distantly metastatic (Stage IIIB, IIIC, and IVM1a) with no bone, brain, lung, or other visceral diseases [L2209].Talimogene laherparepvec has been genetically modified to replicate within tumors and to produce the immune stimulatory protein GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) [FDA Label]. The medication causes lysis of tumors, followed by the release of tumor-derived antigens, which together with virally derived GM-CSF may promote an anti-tumor immune response in the body [FDA Label].Talimogene laherparepvec is an oncolytic immunotherapy that is derived from Herpes Simplex Virus type-1 (HSV-1) [L2212]. It has been modified to replicate within tumor cells and to produce the immune response stimulatory protein, human GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) [L2212]. The medication causes the death of tumor cells and the release of tumor-derived antigens [L2212]. It is believed that together with GM-CSF, talimogene laherparepvec can promote a systemic anti-tumor immune response and an effector T-cell response [L2212]. Mice subjects involved in talimogene laherparepvec treatment studies that had complete regression of their primary tumors following therapy were resistant to subsequent tumor rechallenge [L2212]. The genetic modifications to talimogene laherparepvec from HSV-1 include deletion of the ICP34.5 and ICP47 genes [L2212]. Whereas anti-viral immune responses defend normal cells following infection by talimogene laherparepvec, tumors have been shown to be susceptible to injury and cell death from ICP34.5-deficient HSV-1 derived viruses, including talimogene laherparepvec [L2212]. Moreover, deletion of ICP47 prevents the down-regulation of antigen presentation molecules in the targeted tumor cells and increases the expression of the HSV US11 gene, thereby enhancing the talimogene laherparepvec viral replication in tumor cells and increases chances of tumor cell injury and death [L2212]. Although the talimogene laherparepvec virus is specifically modified to infect and multiply inside melanoma cells and uses melanoma cells' own machinery to multiply, the medication is not designed to multiply inside healthy cells, which it is also capable of entering [L2221].There is no clinical experience with overdose with talimogene laherparepvec [FDA Label, L2209]. Doses up to 4 mL at a concentration of 10^8 PFU/mL every 2 weeks have been administered in clinical trials with no evidence of dose-limiting toxicity [FDA Label, L2209]. The maximum dose of talimogene laherparepvec that can be safely administered has not been determined [FDA Label, L2209]. Nevertheless, some adverse reactions that are possible from taking talimogene laherparepvec range from fatigue, chills, pyrexia, nausea, influenza-like illness, injection site pain, to even injection site complications (including cellulitis, systemic bacterial infection, and others), herpetic infection, or plasmacytoma at or near the injection site [FDA Label, L2209]. As a result, healthcare providers and caregivers must observe the necessary safety precautions when administering talimogene laherparepvec to patients as accidental exposure to the agent can lead to exposure to and transmission of talimogene laherparepvec and herpetic infection in individuals who do not need the medication or in whom the medication is not indicated [FDA Label, L2209]. Moreover, in the event of a suspected overdose or inadvertent intravenous administration, the patient should be treated symptomatically, ie. with acyclovir or other anti-viral agents and supportive measures instituted as needed [FDA Label, L2209].Talimogene laherparepvec is cleared through general host defense mechanisms like autophagy and adaptive immune responses [L2212]. The agent is ultimately degraded by common endogenous protein and DNA catabolic pathways [L2212]. As with other wild-type HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus type-1) infections, a latent pool of talimogene laherparepvec DNA may persist in neuronal cell bodies innervating the injection sites [L2212]. Consequently, the occurrence of latent infection with talimogene laherparepvec cannot be excluded [L2212].Cellular uptake of talimogene laherparepvec occurs through HSV-1 receptors on both tumor and non-tumor cells following local injection into physical tumors [L2212]. After injection, the talimogene laherparepvec subsequently replicates intratumorally, where bioavailability and systemic concentration of the agent are not largely predictive of drug substance activity and therefore such data has not been evaluated to any particular degree [L2212].Talimogene laherparepvec is a genetically modified and replication-competent HSV-1 virus [L2212]. Therefore, its pharmacokinetics and biodistribution are driven by the specific site of intralesional injection, tumor-selective replication, and release from tumor tissue [L2212]. As a result, the specific pharmacokinetics of the agent, including distribution may vary depending on particular parameters of each unique administration.Although readily accessible data regarding the clearance of talimogene laherparepvec is not available, in an ongoing melanoma study, it was determined that the proportion of patients with detectable talimogene laherparepvec DNA in blood and urine was highest during the second cycle of therapy [L2212]. Additionally, even though talimogene laherparepvec DNA was detected in samples from injected lesions in about 90% of patients, only 14% of patients tested positive for infective virus by 50% Tissue Culture Infectious Dose (TCID50) assay, all within 8 days of treatment administration [L2212]. 17% of samples from the exterior occlusive dressing tested positive for talimogene laherparepvec DNA but none tested positive for the presence of infective virus [L2212]. Moreover, only 1 sample had detectable talimogene laherparepvec DNA located on the oral mucosa - but the sample did not test positive for the presence of infective virus [L2212].SimplexvirusNANANANAHeparan sulfate,DNA polymerase catalytic subunit,DNA polymerase catalytic subunitNANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
15312Th1585Talimogene laherparepvec>Th1585_Talimogene_laherparepvec MFSGGGGPLSPGGKSAARAASGFFAPAGPRGASRGPPPCLRQNFYNPYLAPVGTQQKPTGPTQRHTYYSECDEFRFIAPRVLDEDAPPEKRAGVHDGHLKRAPKVYCGGDERDVLRVGSGGFWPRRSRLWGGVDHAPAGFNPTVTVFHVYDILENVEHAYGMRAAQFHARFMDAITPTGTVITLLGLTPEGHRVAVHVYGTRQYFYMNKEEVDRHLQCRAPRDLCERMAAALRESPGASFRGISADHFEAEVVERTDVYYYETRPALFYRVYVRSGRVLSYLCDNFCPAIKKYEGGVDATTRFILDNPGFVTFGWYRLKPGRNNTLAQPAAPMAFGTSSDVEFNCTADNLAIEGGMSDLPAYKLMCFDIECKAGGEDELAFPVAGHPEDLVIQISCLLYDLSTTALEHVLLFSLGSCDLPESHLNELAARGLPTPVVLEFDSEFEMLLAFMTLVKQYGPEFVTGYNIINFDWPFLLAKLTDIYKVPLDGYGRMNGRGVFRVWDIGQSHFQKRSKIKVNGMVNIDMYGIITDKIKLSSYKLNAVAEAVLKDKKKDLSYRDIPAYYAAGPAQRGVIGEYCIQDSLLVGQLFFKFLPHLELSAVARLAGINITRTIYDGQQIRVFTCLLRLADQKGFILPDTQGRFRGAGGEAPKRPAAAREDEERPEEEGEDEDEREEGGGEREPEGARETAGRHVGYQGARVLDPTSGFHVNPVVVFDFASLYPSIIQAHNLCFSTLSLRADAVAHLEAGKDYLEIEVGGRRLFFVKAHVRESLLSILLRDWLAMRKQIRSRIPQSSPEEAVLLDKQQAAIKVVCNSVYGFTGVQHGLLPCLHVAATVTTIGREMLLATREYVHARWAAFEQLLADFPEAADMRAPGPYSMRIIYGDTDSIFVLCRGLTAAGLTAVGDKMASHISRALFLPPIKLECEKTFTKLLLIAKKKYIGVIYGGKMLIKGVDLVRKNNCAFINRTSRALVDLLFYDDTVSGAAAALAERPAEEWLARPLPEGLQAFGAVLVDAHRRITDPERDIQDFVLTAELSRHPRAYTNKRLAHLTVYYKLMARRAQVPSIKDRIPYVIVAQTREVEETVARLAALRELDAAAPGDEPAPPAALPSPAKRPRETPSPADPPGGASKPRKLLVSELAEDPAYAIAHGVALNTDYYFSHLLGAACVTFKALFGNNAKITESLLKRFIPEVWHPPDDVAARLRTAGFGAVGAGATAEETRRMLHRAFDTLA NANANANANAReadily accessible data regarding the half-life of talimogene laherparepvec is not available, although talimogene laherparepvec DNA has been found in patient subjects' injected tumor through 84 days [FDA Label] and the half-lives of antibody-based therapeutics are often times generally long, on the order of days versus hours with small molecule drugs [T165].Talimogene laherparepvec is an oncolytic treatment used in local treatment of unresectable cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with recurrent melanoma. It is a genetically administered herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) that expresses human cytokine granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) with antitumor and immune-stimulating activities. It specifically replicates within tumor cells and causes lysis. It was approved by the FDA in 2015 under the market name Imlygic. In general, talimogene laherparepvec has been modified so that it can infect and multiply inside melanoma cells [L2221]. The drug subsequently uses the melanoma cells' own machinery to multiply, eventually overwhelming the melanoma cells and killing them [L2221]. Alternatively, although talimogene laherparepvec also enters healthy cells, it is not designed to multiply inside them [L2221].This medication is a genetically modified oncolytic viral therapy indicated for the local treatment of unresectable, cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with melanoma recurrent after initial surgery [FDA Label]. Elsewhere, the EMA notes that the agent is indicated for the treatment of adults with unresectable melanoma that is regionally or distantly metastatic (Stage IIIB, IIIC, and IVM1a) with no bone, brain, lung, or other visceral diseases [L2209].Talimogene laherparepvec has been genetically modified to replicate within tumors and to produce the immune stimulatory protein GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) [FDA Label]. The medication causes lysis of tumors, followed by the release of tumor-derived antigens, which together with virally derived GM-CSF may promote an anti-tumor immune response in the body [FDA Label].Talimogene laherparepvec is an oncolytic immunotherapy that is derived from Herpes Simplex Virus type-1 (HSV-1) [L2212]. It has been modified to replicate within tumor cells and to produce the immune response stimulatory protein, human GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) [L2212]. The medication causes the death of tumor cells and the release of tumor-derived antigens [L2212]. It is believed that together with GM-CSF, talimogene laherparepvec can promote a systemic anti-tumor immune response and an effector T-cell response [L2212]. Mice subjects involved in talimogene laherparepvec treatment studies that had complete regression of their primary tumors following therapy were resistant to subsequent tumor rechallenge [L2212]. The genetic modifications to talimogene laherparepvec from HSV-1 include deletion of the ICP34.5 and ICP47 genes [L2212]. Whereas anti-viral immune responses defend normal cells following infection by talimogene laherparepvec, tumors have been shown to be susceptible to injury and cell death from ICP34.5-deficient HSV-1 derived viruses, including talimogene laherparepvec [L2212]. Moreover, deletion of ICP47 prevents the down-regulation of antigen presentation molecules in the targeted tumor cells and increases the expression of the HSV US11 gene, thereby enhancing the talimogene laherparepvec viral replication in tumor cells and increases chances of tumor cell injury and death [L2212]. Although the talimogene laherparepvec virus is specifically modified to infect and multiply inside melanoma cells and uses melanoma cells' own machinery to multiply, the medication is not designed to multiply inside healthy cells, which it is also capable of entering [L2221].There is no clinical experience with overdose with talimogene laherparepvec [FDA Label, L2209]. Doses up to 4 mL at a concentration of 10^8 PFU/mL every 2 weeks have been administered in clinical trials with no evidence of dose-limiting toxicity [FDA Label, L2209]. The maximum dose of talimogene laherparepvec that can be safely administered has not been determined [FDA Label, L2209]. Nevertheless, some adverse reactions that are possible from taking talimogene laherparepvec range from fatigue, chills, pyrexia, nausea, influenza-like illness, injection site pain, to even injection site complications (including cellulitis, systemic bacterial infection, and others), herpetic infection, or plasmacytoma at or near the injection site [FDA Label, L2209]. As a result, healthcare providers and caregivers must observe the necessary safety precautions when administering talimogene laherparepvec to patients as accidental exposure to the agent can lead to exposure to and transmission of talimogene laherparepvec and herpetic infection in individuals who do not need the medication or in whom the medication is not indicated [FDA Label, L2209]. Moreover, in the event of a suspected overdose or inadvertent intravenous administration, the patient should be treated symptomatically, ie. with acyclovir or other anti-viral agents and supportive measures instituted as needed [FDA Label, L2209].Talimogene laherparepvec is cleared through general host defense mechanisms like autophagy and adaptive immune responses [L2212]. The agent is ultimately degraded by common endogenous protein and DNA catabolic pathways [L2212]. As with other wild-type HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus type-1) infections, a latent pool of talimogene laherparepvec DNA may persist in neuronal cell bodies innervating the injection sites [L2212]. Consequently, the occurrence of latent infection with talimogene laherparepvec cannot be excluded [L2212].Cellular uptake of talimogene laherparepvec occurs through HSV-1 receptors on both tumor and non-tumor cells following local injection into physical tumors [L2212]. After injection, the talimogene laherparepvec subsequently replicates intratumorally, where bioavailability and systemic concentration of the agent are not largely predictive of drug substance activity and therefore such data has not been evaluated to any particular degree [L2212].Talimogene laherparepvec is a genetically modified and replication-competent HSV-1 virus [L2212]. Therefore, its pharmacokinetics and biodistribution are driven by the specific site of intralesional injection, tumor-selective replication, and release from tumor tissue [L2212]. As a result, the specific pharmacokinetics of the agent, including distribution may vary depending on particular parameters of each unique administration.Although readily accessible data regarding the clearance of talimogene laherparepvec is not available, in an ongoing melanoma study, it was determined that the proportion of patients with detectable talimogene laherparepvec DNA in blood and urine was highest during the second cycle of therapy [L2212]. Additionally, even though talimogene laherparepvec DNA was detected in samples from injected lesions in about 90% of patients, only 14% of patients tested positive for infective virus by 50% Tissue Culture Infectious Dose (TCID50) assay, all within 8 days of treatment administration [L2212]. 17% of samples from the exterior occlusive dressing tested positive for talimogene laherparepvec DNA but none tested positive for the presence of infective virus [L2212]. Moreover, only 1 sample had detectable talimogene laherparepvec DNA located on the oral mucosa - but the sample did not test positive for the presence of infective virus [L2212].VirusesNANANANAHeparan sulfate,DNA polymerase catalytic subunit,DNA polymerase catalytic subunitNANANANANANANANANANANALinkNANA
15576Th1609Elapegademase>Th1609_Elapegademase AQTPAFNKPKVELHVHLDGAIKPETILYYGRKRGIALPADTPEELQNIIGMDKPLSLPEFLAKFDYYMPAIAGSREAVKRIAYEFVEMKAKDGVVYVEVRYSPHLLANSKVEPIPWNQAEGDLTPDEVVSLVNQGLQEGERDFGVKVRSILCCMRHQPSWSSEVVELCKKYREQTVVAIDLAGDETIEGSSLFPGHVKAYAEAVKSGVHRTVHAGEVGSANVVKEAVDTLKTERLGHGYHTLEDTTLYNRLRQENMHFEVCPWSSYLTGAWKPDTEHPVVRFKNDQVNYSLNTDDPLIFKSTLDTDYQMTKNEMGFTEEEFKRLNINAAKSSFLPEDEKKELLDLLYKAYGMPSPA 115000C1797H2795N477O544S12NANANAThis pharmacokinetic property has not been fully studied.Elapegademase is a PEGylated recombinant adenosine deaminase. It can be defined molecularly as a genetically modified bovine adenosine deaminase with a modification in cysteine 74 for serine and with about 13 methoxy polyethylene glycol chains bound via carbonyl group in alanine and lysine residues.[F1937] Elapegademase is generated in _E. coli_, developed by Leadiant Biosciences and FDA approved on October 5, 2018.[L4654,F1939]Elapegademase is approved for the treatment of adenosine deaminase severe combined immune deficiency (ADA-SCID) in pediatric and adult patients.[L4654] This condition was previously treated by the use of bovine pegamedase as part of an enzyme replacement therapy.[L4655] ADA-SCID is a genetically inherited disorder that is very rare and characterized by a deficiency in the adenosine deaminase enzyme. The patients suffering from this disease often present with a compromised immune system. This condition is characterized by very low levels of white blood cells and immunoglobulin levels which results in severe and recurring infections.[L4656]In clinical trials, elapegademase was shown to increase adenosine deaminase activity while reducing the concentrations of toxic metabolites which are the hallmark of ADA-SCID. As well, it was shown to improve the total lymphocyte count.[F1940]The ADA-SCID is caused by the presence of mutations in the ADA gene which is responsible for the synthesis of adenosine deaminase. This enzyme is found throughout the body but it is mainly active in lymphocytes. The normal function of adenosine deaminase is to eliminate deoxyadenosine, created when DNA is degraded, by converting it into deoxyinosine. This degradation process is very important as deoxyadenosine is cytotoxic, especially for lymphocytes. Immature lymphocytes are particularly vulnerable as deoxyadenosine kills them before maturation making them unable to produce their immune function.[L4656] Therefore, based on the causes of ADA-SCID, elapegademase works by supplementing the levels of adenosine deaminase. Being a recombinant and an _E. coli_-produced molecule, the use of this drug eliminates the need to source the enzyme from animals, as it was previously.[L4654]As elapegademase is a therapeutic protein, there is a potential risk of immunogenicity. There are no studies related to overdose but the highest weekly prescribed dose in clinical trials was 0.4 mg/kg. In nonclinical studies, a dosage of 1.8 fold of the clinical dose produced a slight increase in the activated partial thromboplastin time.[FDA label]Metabolism studies have not been performed but it is thought to be degraded by proteases to small peptides and individual amino acids.Elapegademase is administered intramuscularly and the reported Tmax, Cmax and AUC are approximately 60 hours, 240 mmol.h/L and 33000 hr.mmol/L as reported during a week.[FDA label]This pharmacokinetic property has not been fully studied.This pharmacokinetic property has not been fully studied.Adjuvants, ImmunologicNANANANAAdenosineRevcoviLeadiant Biosciences, Inc.Leadiant Biosciences, Inc.Intramuscular1.6 mg/1mLNone.cough and vomitingRevcovi is a man-made form of an enzyme called adenosine deaminase (ADA). ADA is important in the body for preventing the buildup of certain proteins harmful to the white blood cells that help your body fight infections. Revcovi is used to replace ADA in adults and children with adenosine deaminase severe...Revcovi (elapegademase-lvlr) is a recombinant adenosine deaminase indicated for the treatment of adenosine deaminase severe combined immune deficiency (ADA-SCID) in pediatric and adult patients.(2S)-2-amino-6-(2-methoxyethoxycarbonylamino)hexanoic acidNALinkLinkNA
15577Th1609Elapegademase>Th1609_Elapegademase AQTPAFNKPKVELHVHLDGAIKPETILYYGRKRGIALPADTPEELQNIIGMDKPLSLPEFLAKFDYYMPAIAGSREAVKRIAYEFVEMKAKDGVVYVEVRYSPHLLANSKVEPIPWNQAEGDLTPDEVVSLVNQGLQEGERDFGVKVRSILCCMRHQPSWSSEVVELCKKYREQTVVAIDLAGDETIEGSSLFPGHVKAYAEAVKSGVHRTVHAGEVGSANVVKEAVDTLKTERLGHGYHTLEDTTLYNRLRQENMHFEVCPWSSYLTGAWKPDTEHPVVRFKNDQVNYSLNTDDPLIFKSTLDTDYQMTKNEMGFTEEEFKRLNINAAKSSFLPEDEKKELLDLLYKAYGMPSPA 115000C1797H2795N477O544S12NANANAThis pharmacokinetic property has not been fully studied.Elapegademase is a PEGylated recombinant adenosine deaminase. It can be defined molecularly as a genetically modified bovine adenosine deaminase with a modification in cysteine 74 for serine and with about 13 methoxy polyethylene glycol chains bound via carbonyl group in alanine and lysine residues.[F1937] Elapegademase is generated in _E. coli_, developed by Leadiant Biosciences and FDA approved on October 5, 2018.[L4654,F1939]Elapegademase is approved for the treatment of adenosine deaminase severe combined immune deficiency (ADA-SCID) in pediatric and adult patients.[L4654] This condition was previously treated by the use of bovine pegamedase as part of an enzyme replacement therapy.[L4655] ADA-SCID is a genetically inherited disorder that is very rare and characterized by a deficiency in the adenosine deaminase enzyme. The patients suffering from this disease often present with a compromised immune system. This condition is characterized by very low levels of white blood cells and immunoglobulin levels which results in severe and recurring infections.[L4656]In clinical trials, elapegademase was shown to increase adenosine deaminase activity while reducing the concentrations of toxic metabolites which are the hallmark of ADA-SCID. As well, it was shown to improve the total lymphocyte count.[F1940]The ADA-SCID is caused by the presence of mutations in the ADA gene which is responsible for the synthesis of adenosine deaminase. This enzyme is found throughout the body but it is mainly active in lymphocytes. The normal function of adenosine deaminase is to eliminate deoxyadenosine, created when DNA is degraded, by converting it into deoxyinosine. This degradation process is very important as deoxyadenosine is cytotoxic, especially for lymphocytes. Immature lymphocytes are particularly vulnerable as deoxyadenosine kills them before maturation making them unable to produce their immune function.[L4656] Therefore, based on the causes of ADA-SCID, elapegademase works by supplementing the levels of adenosine deaminase. Being a recombinant and an _E. coli_-produced molecule, the use of this drug eliminates the need to source the enzyme from animals, as it was previously.[L4654]As elapegademase is a therapeutic protein, there is a potential risk of immunogenicity. There are no studies related to overdose but the highest weekly prescribed dose in clinical trials was 0.4 mg/kg. In nonclinical studies, a dosage of 1.8 fold of the clinical dose produced a slight increase in the activated partial thromboplastin time.[FDA label]Metabolism studies have not been performed but it is thought to be degraded by proteases to small peptides and individual amino acids.Elapegademase is administered intramuscularly and the reported Tmax, Cmax and AUC are approximately 60 hours, 240 mmol.h/L and 33000 hr.mmol/L as reported during a week.[FDA label]This pharmacokinetic property has not been fully studied.This pharmacokinetic property has not been fully studied.Amino Acids, Peptides, and ProteinsNANANANAAdenosineRevcoviChiesi USA, Inc.Chiesi USA, Inc.Intramuscular1.6 mg/1mLNone.cough and vomitingRevcovi is a man-made form of an enzyme called adenosine deaminase (ADA). ADA is important in the body for preventing the buildup of certain proteins harmful to the white blood cells that help your body fight infections. Revcovi is used to replace ADA in adults and children with adenosine deaminase severe...Revcovi (elapegademase-lvlr) is a recombinant adenosine deaminase indicated for the treatment of adenosine deaminase severe combined immune deficiency (ADA-SCID) in pediatric and adult patients.(2S)-2-amino-6-(2-methoxyethoxycarbonylamino)hexanoic acidNALinkLinkNA
15578Th1609Elapegademase>Th1609_Elapegademase AQTPAFNKPKVELHVHLDGAIKPETILYYGRKRGIALPADTPEELQNIIGMDKPLSLPEFLAKFDYYMPAIAGSREAVKRIAYEFVEMKAKDGVVYVEVRYSPHLLANSKVEPIPWNQAEGDLTPDEVVSLVNQGLQEGERDFGVKVRSILCCMRHQPSWSSEVVELCKKYREQTVVAIDLAGDETIEGSSLFPGHVKAYAEAVKSGVHRTVHAGEVGSANVVKEAVDTLKTERLGHGYHTLEDTTLYNRLRQENMHFEVCPWSSYLTGAWKPDTEHPVVRFKNDQVNYSLNTDDPLIFKSTLDTDYQMTKNEMGFTEEEFKRLNINAAKSSFLPEDEKKELLDLLYKAYGMPSPA 115000C1797H2795N477O544S12NANANAThis pharmacokinetic property has not been fully studied.Elapegademase is a PEGylated recombinant adenosine deaminase. It can be defined molecularly as a genetically modified bovine adenosine deaminase with a modification in cysteine 74 for serine and with about 13 methoxy polyethylene glycol chains bound via carbonyl group in alanine and lysine residues.[F1937] Elapegademase is generated in _E. coli_, developed by Leadiant Biosciences and FDA approved on October 5, 2018.[L4654,F1939]Elapegademase is approved for the treatment of adenosine deaminase severe combined immune deficiency (ADA-SCID) in pediatric and adult patients.[L4654] This condition was previously treated by the use of bovine pegamedase as part of an enzyme replacement therapy.[L4655] ADA-SCID is a genetically inherited disorder that is very rare and characterized by a deficiency in the adenosine deaminase enzyme. The patients suffering from this disease often present with a compromised immune system. This condition is characterized by very low levels of white blood cells and immunoglobulin levels which results in severe and recurring infections.[L4656]In clinical trials, elapegademase was shown to increase adenosine deaminase activity while reducing the concentrations of toxic metabolites which are the hallmark of ADA-SCID. As well, it was shown to improve the total lymphocyte count.[F1940]The ADA-SCID is caused by the presence of mutations in the ADA gene which is responsible for the synthesis of adenosine deaminase. This enzyme is found throughout the body but it is mainly active in lymphocytes. The normal function of adenosine deaminase is to eliminate deoxyadenosine, created when DNA is degraded, by converting it into deoxyinosine. This degradation process is very important as deoxyadenosine is cytotoxic, especially for lymphocytes. Immature lymphocytes are particularly vulnerable as deoxyadenosine kills them before maturation making them unable to produce their immune function.[L4656] Therefore, based on the causes of ADA-SCID, elapegademase works by supplementing the levels of adenosine deaminase. Being a recombinant and an _E. coli_-produced molecule, the use of this drug eliminates the need to source the enzyme from animals, as it was previously.[L4654]As elapegademase is a therapeutic protein, there is a potential risk of immunogenicity. There are no studies related to overdose but the highest weekly prescribed dose in clinical trials was 0.4 mg/kg. In nonclinical studies, a dosage of 1.8 fold of the clinical dose produced a slight increase in the activated partial thromboplastin time.[FDA label]Metabolism studies have not been performed but it is thought to be degraded by proteases to small peptides and individual amino acids.Elapegademase is administered intramuscularly and the reported Tmax, Cmax and AUC are approximately 60 hours, 240 mmol.h/L and 33000 hr.mmol/L as reported during a week.[FDA label]This pharmacokinetic property has not been fully studied.This pharmacokinetic property has not been fully studied.Antineoplastic and Immunomodulating AgentsNANANANAAdenosineNANANANANANANANANA(2S)-2-amino-6-(2-methoxyethoxycarbonylamino)hexanoic acidNALinkNANA
15579Th1609Elapegademase>Th1609_Elapegademase AQTPAFNKPKVELHVHLDGAIKPETILYYGRKRGIALPADTPEELQNIIGMDKPLSLPEFLAKFDYYMPAIAGSREAVKRIAYEFVEMKAKDGVVYVEVRYSPHLLANSKVEPIPWNQAEGDLTPDEVVSLVNQGLQEGERDFGVKVRSILCCMRHQPSWSSEVVELCKKYREQTVVAIDLAGDETIEGSSLFPGHVKAYAEAVKSGVHRTVHAGEVGSANVVKEAVDTLKTERLGHGYHTLEDTTLYNRLRQENMHFEVCPWSSYLTGAWKPDTEHPVVRFKNDQVNYSLNTDDPLIFKSTLDTDYQMTKNEMGFTEEEFKRLNINAAKSSFLPEDEKKELLDLLYKAYGMPSPA 115000C1797H2795N477O544S12NANANAThis pharmacokinetic property has not been fully studied.Elapegademase is a PEGylated recombinant adenosine deaminase. It can be defined molecularly as a genetically modified bovine adenosine deaminase with a modification in cysteine 74 for serine and with about 13 methoxy polyethylene glycol chains bound via carbonyl group in alanine and lysine residues.[F1937] Elapegademase is generated in _E. coli_, developed by Leadiant Biosciences and FDA approved on October 5, 2018.[L4654,F1939]Elapegademase is approved for the treatment of adenosine deaminase severe combined immune deficiency (ADA-SCID) in pediatric and adult patients.[L4654] This condition was previously treated by the use of bovine pegamedase as part of an enzyme replacement therapy.[L4655] ADA-SCID is a genetically inherited disorder that is very rare and characterized by a deficiency in the adenosine deaminase enzyme. The patients suffering from this disease often present with a compromised immune system. This condition is characterized by very low levels of white blood cells and immunoglobulin levels which results in severe and recurring infections.[L4656]In clinical trials, elapegademase was shown to increase adenosine deaminase activity while reducing the concentrations of toxic metabolites which are the hallmark of ADA-SCID. As well, it was shown to improve the total lymphocyte count.[F1940]The ADA-SCID is caused by the presence of mutations in the ADA gene which is responsible for the synthesis of adenosine deaminase. This enzyme is found throughout the body but it is mainly active in lymphocytes. The normal function of adenosine deaminase is to eliminate deoxyadenosine, created when DNA is degraded, by converting it into deoxyinosine. This degradation process is very important as deoxyadenosine is cytotoxic, especially for lymphocytes. Immature lymphocytes are particularly vulnerable as deoxyadenosine kills them before maturation making them unable to produce their immune function.[L4656] Therefore, based on the causes of ADA-SCID, elapegademase works by supplementing the levels of adenosine deaminase. Being a recombinant and an _E. coli_-produced molecule, the use of this drug eliminates the need to source the enzyme from animals, as it was previously.[L4654]As elapegademase is a therapeutic protein, there is a potential risk of immunogenicity. There are no studies related to overdose but the highest weekly prescribed dose in clinical trials was 0.4 mg/kg. In nonclinical studies, a dosage of 1.8 fold of the clinical dose produced a slight increase in the activated partial thromboplastin time.[FDA label]Metabolism studies have not been performed but it is thought to be degraded by proteases to small peptides and individual amino acids.Elapegademase is administered intramuscularly and the reported Tmax, Cmax and AUC are approximately 60 hours, 240 mmol.h/L and 33000 hr.mmol/L as reported during a week.[FDA label]This pharmacokinetic property has not been fully studied.This pharmacokinetic property has not been fully studied.Enzyme Replacement TherapyNANANANAAdenosineNANANANANANANANANA(2S)-2-amino-6-(2-methoxyethoxycarbonylamino)hexanoic acidNALinkNANA
15580Th1609Elapegademase>Th1609_Elapegademase AQTPAFNKPKVELHVHLDGAIKPETILYYGRKRGIALPADTPEELQNIIGMDKPLSLPEFLAKFDYYMPAIAGSREAVKRIAYEFVEMKAKDGVVYVEVRYSPHLLANSKVEPIPWNQAEGDLTPDEVVSLVNQGLQEGERDFGVKVRSILCCMRHQPSWSSEVVELCKKYREQTVVAIDLAGDETIEGSSLFPGHVKAYAEAVKSGVHRTVHAGEVGSANVVKEAVDTLKTERLGHGYHTLEDTTLYNRLRQENMHFEVCPWSSYLTGAWKPDTEHPVVRFKNDQVNYSLNTDDPLIFKSTLDTDYQMTKNEMGFTEEEFKRLNINAAKSSFLPEDEKKELLDLLYKAYGMPSPA 115000C1797H2795N477O544S12NANANAThis pharmacokinetic property has not been fully studied.Elapegademase is a PEGylated recombinant adenosine deaminase. It can be defined molecularly as a genetically modified bovine adenosine deaminase with a modification in cysteine 74 for serine and with about 13 methoxy polyethylene glycol chains bound via carbonyl group in alanine and lysine residues.[F1937] Elapegademase is generated in _E. coli_, developed by Leadiant Biosciences and FDA approved on October 5, 2018.[L4654,F1939]Elapegademase is approved for the treatment of adenosine deaminase severe combined immune deficiency (ADA-SCID) in pediatric and adult patients.[L4654] This condition was previously treated by the use of bovine pegamedase as part of an enzyme replacement therapy.[L4655] ADA-SCID is a genetically inherited disorder that is very rare and characterized by a deficiency in the adenosine deaminase enzyme. The patients suffering from this disease often present with a compromised immune system. This condition is characterized by very low levels of white blood cells and immunoglobulin levels which results in severe and recurring infections.[L4656]In clinical trials, elapegademase was shown to increase adenosine deaminase activity while reducing the concentrations of toxic metabolites which are the hallmark of ADA-SCID. As well, it was shown to improve the total lymphocyte count.[F1940]The ADA-SCID is caused by the presence of mutations in the ADA gene which is responsible for the synthesis of adenosine deaminase. This enzyme is found throughout the body but it is mainly active in lymphocytes. The normal function of adenosine deaminase is to eliminate deoxyadenosine, created when DNA is degraded, by converting it into deoxyinosine. This degradation process is very important as deoxyadenosine is cytotoxic, especially for lymphocytes. Immature lymphocytes are particularly vulnerable as deoxyadenosine kills them before maturation making them unable to produce their immune function.[L4656] Therefore, based on the causes of ADA-SCID, elapegademase works by supplementing the levels of adenosine deaminase. Being a recombinant and an _E. coli_-produced molecule, the use of this drug eliminates the need to source the enzyme from animals, as it was previously.[L4654]As elapegademase is a therapeutic protein, there is a potential risk of immunogenicity. There are no studies related to overdose but the highest weekly prescribed dose in clinical trials was 0.4 mg/kg. In nonclinical studies, a dosage of 1.8 fold of the clinical dose produced a slight increase in the activated partial thromboplastin time.[FDA label]Metabolism studies have not been performed but it is thought to be degraded by proteases to small peptides and individual amino acids.Elapegademase is administered intramuscularly and the reported Tmax, Cmax and AUC are approximately 60 hours, 240 mmol.h/L and 33000 hr.mmol/L as reported during a week.[FDA label]This pharmacokinetic property has not been fully studied.This pharmacokinetic property has not been fully studied.Pegylated agentsNANANANAAdenosineNANANANANANANANANA(2S)-2-amino-6-(2-methoxyethoxycarbonylamino)hexanoic acidNALinkNANA
15581Th1609Elapegademase>Th1609_Elapegademase AQTPAFNKPKVELHVHLDGAIKPETILYYGRKRGIALPADTPEELQNIIGMDKPLSLPEFLAKFDYYMPAIAGSREAVKRIAYEFVEMKAKDGVVYVEVRYSPHLLANSKVEPIPWNQAEGDLTPDEVVSLVNQGLQEGERDFGVKVRSILCCMRHQPSWSSEVVELCKKYREQTVVAIDLAGDETIEGSSLFPGHVKAYAEAVKSGVHRTVHAGEVGSANVVKEAVDTLKTERLGHGYHTLEDTTLYNRLRQENMHFEVCPWSSYLTGAWKPDTEHPVVRFKNDQVNYSLNTDDPLIFKSTLDTDYQMTKNEMGFTEEEFKRLNINAAKSSFLPEDEKKELLDLLYKAYGMPSPA 115000C1797H2795N477O544S12NANANAThis pharmacokinetic property has not been fully studied.Elapegademase is a PEGylated recombinant adenosine deaminase. It can be defined molecularly as a genetically modified bovine adenosine deaminase with a modification in cysteine 74 for serine and with about 13 methoxy polyethylene glycol chains bound via carbonyl group in alanine and lysine residues.[F1937] Elapegademase is generated in _E. coli_, developed by Leadiant Biosciences and FDA approved on October 5, 2018.[L4654,F1939]Elapegademase is approved for the treatment of adenosine deaminase severe combined immune deficiency (ADA-SCID) in pediatric and adult patients.[L4654] This condition was previously treated by the use of bovine pegamedase as part of an enzyme replacement therapy.[L4655] ADA-SCID is a genetically inherited disorder that is very rare and characterized by a deficiency in the adenosine deaminase enzyme. The patients suffering from this disease often present with a compromised immune system. This condition is characterized by very low levels of white blood cells and immunoglobulin levels which results in severe and recurring infections.[L4656]In clinical trials, elapegademase was shown to increase adenosine deaminase activity while reducing the concentrations of toxic metabolites which are the hallmark of ADA-SCID. As well, it was shown to improve the total lymphocyte count.[F1940]The ADA-SCID is caused by the presence of mutations in the ADA gene which is responsible for the synthesis of adenosine deaminase. This enzyme is found throughout the body but it is mainly active in lymphocytes. The normal function of adenosine deaminase is to eliminate deoxyadenosine, created when DNA is degraded, by converting it into deoxyinosine. This degradation process is very important as deoxyadenosine is cytotoxic, especially for lymphocytes. Immature lymphocytes are particularly vulnerable as deoxyadenosine kills them before maturation making them unable to produce their immune function.[L4656] Therefore, based on the causes of ADA-SCID, elapegademase works by supplementing the levels of adenosine deaminase. Being a recombinant and an _E. coli_-produced molecule, the use of this drug eliminates the need to source the enzyme from animals, as it was previously.[L4654]As elapegademase is a therapeutic protein, there is a potential risk of immunogenicity. There are no studies related to overdose but the highest weekly prescribed dose in clinical trials was 0.4 mg/kg. In nonclinical studies, a dosage of 1.8 fold of the clinical dose produced a slight increase in the activated partial thromboplastin time.[FDA label]Metabolism studies have not been performed but it is thought to be degraded by proteases to small peptides and individual amino acids.Elapegademase is administered intramuscularly and the reported Tmax, Cmax and AUC are approximately 60 hours, 240 mmol.h/L and 33000 hr.mmol/L as reported during a week.[FDA label]This pharmacokinetic property has not been fully studied.This pharmacokinetic property has not been fully studied.ProteinsNANANANAAdenosineNANANANANANANANANA(2S)-2-amino-6-(2-methoxyethoxycarbonylamino)hexanoic acidNALinkNANA
15582Th1609Elapegademase>Th1609_Elapegademase AQTPAFNKPKVELHVHLDGAIKPETILYYGRKRGIALPADTPEELQNIIGMDKPLSLPEFLAKFDYYMPAIAGSREAVKRIAYEFVEMKAKDGVVYVEVRYSPHLLANSKVEPIPWNQAEGDLTPDEVVSLVNQGLQEGERDFGVKVRSILCCMRHQPSWSSEVVELCKKYREQTVVAIDLAGDETIEGSSLFPGHVKAYAEAVKSGVHRTVHAGEVGSANVVKEAVDTLKTERLGHGYHTLEDTTLYNRLRQENMHFEVCPWSSYLTGAWKPDTEHPVVRFKNDQVNYSLNTDDPLIFKSTLDTDYQMTKNEMGFTEEEFKRLNINAAKSSFLPEDEKKELLDLLYKAYGMPSPA 115000C1797H2795N477O544S12NANANAThis pharmacokinetic property has not been fully studied.Elapegademase is a PEGylated recombinant adenosine deaminase. It can be defined molecularly as a genetically modified bovine adenosine deaminase with a modification in cysteine 74 for serine and with about 13 methoxy polyethylene glycol chains bound via carbonyl group in alanine and lysine residues.[F1937] Elapegademase is generated in _E. coli_, developed by Leadiant Biosciences and FDA approved on October 5, 2018.[L4654,F1939]Elapegademase is approved for the treatment of adenosine deaminase severe combined immune deficiency (ADA-SCID) in pediatric and adult patients.[L4654] This condition was previously treated by the use of bovine pegamedase as part of an enzyme replacement therapy.[L4655] ADA-SCID is a genetically inherited disorder that is very rare and characterized by a deficiency in the adenosine deaminase enzyme. The patients suffering from this disease often present with a compromised immune system. This condition is characterized by very low levels of white blood cells and immunoglobulin levels which results in severe and recurring infections.[L4656]In clinical trials, elapegademase was shown to increase adenosine deaminase activity while reducing the concentrations of toxic metabolites which are the hallmark of ADA-SCID. As well, it was shown to improve the total lymphocyte count.[F1940]The ADA-SCID is caused by the presence of mutations in the ADA gene which is responsible for the synthesis of adenosine deaminase. This enzyme is found throughout the body but it is mainly active in lymphocytes. The normal function of adenosine deaminase is to eliminate deoxyadenosine, created when DNA is degraded, by converting it into deoxyinosine. This degradation process is very important as deoxyadenosine is cytotoxic, especially for lymphocytes. Immature lymphocytes are particularly vulnerable as deoxyadenosine kills them before maturation making them unable to produce their immune function.[L4656] Therefore, based on the causes of ADA-SCID, elapegademase works by supplementing the levels of adenosine deaminase. Being a recombinant and an _E. coli_-produced molecule, the use of this drug eliminates the need to source the enzyme from animals, as it was previously.[L4654]As elapegademase is a therapeutic protein, there is a potential risk of immunogenicity. There are no studies related to overdose but the highest weekly prescribed dose in clinical trials was 0.4 mg/kg. In nonclinical studies, a dosage of 1.8 fold of the clinical dose produced a slight increase in the activated partial thromboplastin time.[FDA label]Metabolism studies have not been performed but it is thought to be degraded by proteases to small peptides and individual amino acids.Elapegademase is administered intramuscularly and the reported Tmax, Cmax and AUC are approximately 60 hours, 240 mmol.h/L and 33000 hr.mmol/L as reported during a week.[FDA label]This pharmacokinetic property has not been fully studied.This pharmacokinetic property has not been fully studied.Recombinant ProteinsNANANANAAdenosineNANANANANANANANANA(2S)-2-amino-6-(2-methoxyethoxycarbonylamino)hexanoic acidNALinkNANA